Racial Cycles/Root Race Theory

Hey Holla Forums,

I recently came across a compelling theory based on the doctrine of cycles which I felt like sharing.

In the history of the Earth, there are seven "root" races which reach the height of their power in a linear succession. Throughout its history, each root race goes through four cycles; a Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga. (For the sake of this thread, I will assume that most of you already know about the doctrine of cycles). Each root race has seven "subraces", also in linear succession which likewise each go through their own four "mini" Yugas.

There is a period in time when each race and subrace is at the height of its power. Each race diminishes in significance until another takes its place as the "leaders" but continues to linger afterwards for a while, in an increasingly degenerated state, until it disappears into obscurity. The current root race is the Aryan race, and the current most powerful subrace is the Teutonic race.

The root races and subraces, in order are:

The First Root Race (Polarian)

The first root race was "ethereal", i.e. they were composed of etheric matter. They reproduced by dividing like an amoeba. Earth was still cooling at that time. The first mountain to arise out of the stormy primeval ocean was Mount Meru.

The Second Root Race (Hyperborean)

The second root race lived in Hyperborea. The second root race was colored golden yellow. Hyperborea included what is now Northern Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Scandinavia, Northern Asia and Kamchatka. The climate was tropical because Earth had not yet developed an axial tilt. The esoteric name of their continent is Plaksha;[8] they called themselves the Kimpurshas. They reproduced by budding.[9] The second root race has no present-day descendents.

The Third Root Race (Lemurian)

The third root race, the Lemurian, was black and lived in Lemuria. The esoteric name of Lemuria is Shalmali. The descendants of the once-great Lemurians (we wuz Kangz n shieet) according to traditional Theosophy include the Capoid race, the Congoid race, the Dravidians, and the Australoid race, who have now degenerated to a bestial, semi-human form.

The fourth root race (Atlantean)

The Atlantean root race had Mongolian features; they began with bronze skin and gradually evolved into the red American Indian, brown Malayan, and yellow Mongolian races, because some Atlanteans eventually migrated to the Americas and Asia. The seven subraces of the Atlantean root race were

the Rmoahal
the Tlavati (Cro-Magnons)
the American Indian
the Turanian
the (original) Semites (e.g., the Phoenicians)
the Akkadians, and
the Mongolian, which migrated to and colonized East Asia.

The descendants of the Atlanteans according to traditional Theosophy include those of the Mongolian race, the Malayan race, and the American Indian race as well as some people of what in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was called the "olive-skinned" Mediterranean race.

The fifth root race (Aryan)

The subraces of the Aryan Fifth Root Race include the first subrace, the Hindu, which migrated from the "City of the Bridge" on the white island in the middle of the Gobi inland sea to India in 60,000 BC; the second subrace, the Arabian, which migrated from the "City of the Bridge" to Arabia in 40,000 BC; the third subrace, the Persian, which migrated from the "City of the Bridge" to Persia in 30,000 BC; the fourth subrace, the Celts, which migrated from the "City of the Bridge" to Western Europe beginning in 20,000 BC (the Mycenaean Greeks are regarded as an offshoot of the Celtic subrace that colonized Southeast Europe); and the fifth subrace, the Teutonic, which also migrated from the "City of the Bridge" to what is now Germany beginning in 20,000 BC (the Slavs are regarded as an offshoot of the Teutonic subrace that colonized Russia and surrounding areas).

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Much could be ascertained about the future of our current root race, the Aryan race by looking at the history of the preceding, Atlantian root race.

The Atlanteans, who had bodies which were three meters in stature, created a very powerful civilization. The Atlantean continent was immense; it extended from the south to the north, from the Austral region to the Septentrional. This Atlantean Root Race had its four seasons, or ages. During their spring or Golden Age, borders and passports were unnecessary. Frontiers did not exist, and everywhere there was love among humanity. Innocence reigned upon the face of the earth. One who knew how to play the lyre could shake the universe with its melodies. At that time, the lyre had yet to be smashed into pieces by falling upon the floor of the temple. This was because the Solar Dynasties were still governing. As the Age of Silver arrived, everything from the Golden Age diminished. However, human beings were still in communication with the ineffable beings who are known in Christianity as Angels, Archangels, Principates, Thrones, etc. When the Age of Copper arrived, the radiant splendors of the Golden and Silver Ages became dark.

The same splendors of the past did not exist. People started to establish frontiers, wars were begun, hatred was born, as well as selfishness, envy, greed, etc. Finally the Age of Iron, the Black Age, arrived. Obviously, the Age of Copper was the autumn, and the Age of Iron was the winter of the Atlantean Root Race. During the Age of Iron, the Atlanteans developed a very powerful, materialistic science. The Atlanteans had degenerated a great deal and had now started using their awesome powers for evil and anthropophagi. Their magical science became black and with these changes came horrible devices. The Atlanteans could now create a mental monster that could crystallize into existence through their willpower. This monster needed blood as food to stay alive. The last days of Atlantis were both frightening and apocalyptic. Their beautiful cities were destroyed by their atomic wars, and finally the solar system had completed its voyage around the zodiacal belt. When this happened, there was a great disturbance in the axis of the earth. The oceans were completely displaced through the changing of their beds. The cold points of the Earth that we refer to as the poles were converted into the Equator, and the Equator into the poles. Millions of people perished and all of the powerful cities of Atlantis submerged within the ocean that now bears its name. - Samael Aun Weor, The Aquarian Message

http:// gnosticteachings.org/faqs/anthropology/563-root-races-and-subraces.html

then why is germany so cucked

Learn the difference between race and ethnicity before you start making autsitic posts like this, any bullshit that starts whining about subraces rather than understanding what a sub ethnic group is needs to go, on top of you using 'Aryan' which refers to disgusting ugly paki/indian niggers, and 'Teutonic' race which isn't a fucking race.

Keep your Indian esoteric cuck shit to yourself, you're sliding the board so that real important threads get beaned and meme'd.

Hey Holla Forums

I enjoy reddit spacing like a faggot

I also enjoy sucking baby cocks often

I mainly enjoy shekels in my jew bank

I often enjoy all of this faggotry combined

I don't enjoy lurking because I'm a schlomo kike faggot nigger lover

I copied that from wiki. In the context in which it was used, it included off-shoots such as the slavs and anglo-saxons, who colonized other lands. I suppose "Germanic" might be a better descriptor. Currently, the broader Aryan root-race has entered its Kali Yuga or twilight period, which (according to Hindu sources) began on 17/18 February 3102 BCE. The Kali Yuga is characterized by discord, suffering, and conflict and is said to last for 432,000 years.

I'm not sure why you guys are so angry. If you don't like this thread, why did you post?


This is yet another example of a thread created by 4cucks, you would think that after what happened to TRS they would tread here lightly.

I think you missed the part where Bigfeet were the first race.

Oh fuck I remember this guy.
Claims to be some angel, Gabriel I think.
These fags also talk about the mixing of all races that is now happening as something good because it'll create the 6th root race or something.
Fags in my book.


No. The whole seven thing is based on the seven planets. And Atlantean, Aryan, Hyperborean, Transpolar people, and possible Cro-Magnon are different names for the same race/culture.

4cuck's ancestors?

Robust, blue eyed, blond, white people who practiced civilization, religion, astronomy and navigation.

The Cro-Magnon skeletons which have been found are basically just European skeletons with a robust phenotype and large cranium. Cro-Magnons still exist, and they aren't ugly or look like cavemen. It's just that many European populations have lost their robustness, but you still find Cro-Magnon types in nearly every European nation. I would describe my own mother as having Cro-Magnon throwback features.


They got occupied, disarmed, and then brainwashed. A life time of brutal brainwashing does that.

Gas your self.

There is actually scientific research that something akin to the akin to what the Polarians are described as is possible.
Video related.
Also the general Vedic view of history is distorted and forgotten. Most of their literature were oral traditions before they were written down at some point and suffered from loss of memory and reinterpretation. And suffered from that even further through the passing ages being rewritten from true Vedic Sanskrit and into the Sanskrit that Indians use today. As a consequence no one truly knows if their interpretation through the translation process is correct.
Don't get me wrong the Vedas have some great insight on life in certain contexts but those usually concern things that wouldn't be too difficult for anyone passing down the knowledge to understand properly.
It's even believed among themselves and stated by most Sages that the Vedic texts are extremely incomplete and are usually reliant on interpretation.

Shoulda proofread.

Don't get too obsessed with this. Theosophy is as corrupted as Freemansonry and Christianity. Helena Blavatsky was jewish, her real name was Hahn, and she sold the Kabbalah as an occult key.

helenablavatsky. org/2014/07/a-jewish-esoteric-school.html

you need to "www." before the link, don't know why it doesn't work without it

Go in epicycles. Evolian involutionary cycle contains Spenglarian civilizational cycle contain Glubb's generational cycle.

Update your disrupting shill tactics JIDF retard

because they are JIDF trying to disrupt any coherent discussion

Teuton isn't colloquial with German. The Teutons were Germans who settled Prussia and the Baltic regions. Their society functioned with a Germanic nobility and Baltic/native peasants really. The bulk of their land now lies in Poland and Lithuania, and Latvia. Estonia might be pushing it, but you could include them too. America, now to a little degree, but mostly during its prime had lots of this Teutonic element. So much so that Hitler commented on it. He said something about how America preserved its Teutonic stock.

The only thing I don't get is this.

Hate to break it to you, but he was a freemason.
and not just that

This gets just better and better

This guy started the shit that modern SJWs spout.

copy pasta

Its science fiction and nonsense, you can read Spengler and other historians instead, they deal with actual historical records and archeology instead of fantasy.

Theosophism is garbage made up by some bored Russian housewife.

so mouch avalie added to the thread there

Typical esotheric bullshit story to make simple people think: Awww, everything is about love and happyness, I feel enlightened now. You guys know these disgusting 'lightworkers'? Same scheme, prototype cucks