What are some good "first person shooter" video games?

what are some good "first person shooter" video games?




I always felt that this game was a little underrated.

Anyways the real MVPs are:
Unreal Tournament
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

and more

Killzone 2

Jedi Knight
Terminator: SkyNet
Postal 2
Delta Force: Land Warrior

They're all overrated, except Tribes and EYE.


And Lo Wang.

He meant Haze
And i agree, it's not the Halo killer it wanted or anything but it has decent moments and a good plot that started horribly (good intention performed wrong)
It still has trash performance and lack of polish, but that's more of a publisher thing than anything
A solid average game

Why nobody ever mentions Unreal Gold?

No, I mean Doom and HL, they get boring quick tbh. Never played Haze.

Is there any FPS game with realistic body physics like in GTA IV?

Doom was one of the first of its kind with amazing graphics to boot
Its overrating is no shallow thing, the game is the founder of half the bloated industry we are sunk now, and Half Life its cinematic copy-cat which i never liked but i can see its innovations, none which i like but they are there regardless
Now Half-Life is one overrated piece of entertainment, i can get 1 got mods like Counter Strike and Team Fortress, but 2 got nothing for it, its physics are trash, TF2 was very addictive but shallow, L4D was trash.
Butcher Bay in 2005 blew it out of the water except in multiplayer because it had no budget going for it

And for your question i can't think of one, Euphoria was not that used, only The Force Unleashed (aka SW retcon galore) and Rockstar Games emply it

c'mon now niggas

also deus ex

old school one's like Wolfenstein 3d, hexen and Nam that fall under the build engine but aren't doom.

also marathon

Doom was also one of those boring early 90's shooters with stiff 2D enemies and bland confusing corridors that I can't really understand the fun. But yeah, it was innovative back in the day, extremely polished and well optimized, and had a great design, so props for them.

Wow shit, I loved these games, now I will never play them again. Even though PC has better shooters, I still miss them.

Great series, but too fast for me. I enjoy slower paced strategic shooters like Delta Force more.

I really didn't enjoy this game. Too stiff and not grindy enough to be a good RPG.

More boring than Doom, and I think Doom is boring.

It's duke nukem engine ya fool.

Everyone also forgot Outlaws.

Powerslave EX
Call of Juarez Gunslinger is pretty neat too.

I'll never understand how Serious Sam is fast. If anything while playing it I expected a much faster movement speed from Sam.

Those are mutually exclusive.

It's a jack of all trades, but FPS i don't know

PC Mustard Rice am i right

those are mutually inclusive

Sam isn't that fast, but it you CONSTANTLY get overwhelmed by enemies that all require fast thinking and lightning reflexes to dodge. Also, there are some speed bonuses in Second Encounter.

BTW First Call of Juarez, except for the beaner boy's levels, was better.

Well, all games were developed in PC, so you can't deny it's mastery.



oh you have very specific tastes.

So I'm guessing you've tried like those sniper elite games?

pic related is a fun half-life mod which you may or may not like.

gonna double post for an embed

Dev machine is a PC in its broad term, but not a Windows machine
And it's better to have a PC and a bunch of consoles, you know, if you can cope with having more than one machine in your room
Good games are good almost everywhere
Not denying the mastery of the machine like you said, but back then consoles still had a pragmatic use, unlike today

These games are scraping the bottom

It's a shooter with a lot of other stuff in there. It's first person and you have a weapon and weapons menu clogging up 30 percent of your hud.

Tempted to throw thief in there as well cause why not.

not a shooter but I think you'd like it.

time men 2

Modern ones?

Shadow Warrior (The new 2011 one) is excellent. It's basically what Duke 4 should have been. Humorous, gory, and really tight combat. Levels could have used work since they were confusing at times.


Painkiller. One of the best you'll find. I used to play it online. Great level design, long campaign, high replayability, AMAZING soundtrack. If you don't have it, you are a disgrace.


Silent Debuggers. Old TG-16 game I had as a kid. Brutal. Invisible aliens that required you listen to sound cues or use radar to track movement. Highly underrated. Came out before DOOM 1 even.


I can't tell if it's rich evans or one of the fat giant bomb people

Thanks op this made me remember I need to make a week of Rich telling people to pirate games.

It's Rich Evans from a scene in space cop.

I thought Enemy Zero was the first sound-based FPS until now. Interesting.

I tried playing Painkiller, but as I remember, I got real tired of the "walk into room, doors lock, enemies warp in everywhere, kill and repeat until doors open" routine. So much so I never even finished it, monster closets bug me.

At least Serious Sam games have the courtesy to usually only pull the enemy warp trick in really big areas where they could appear at a good distance. Painkiller enemies warped in too close for my tastes.

Shadow Warrior was fairly fun, but it never had the right difficulty. At default, I only died in combat once ever. But turn up the difficulty at all and everything becomes tedious bullet sponges. Still, it was fun for the first run.

Where the fuck do i find a copy of darkness now? It's not available digitally as far as i know.

I never liked Serious Sam. I've only ever played the first two games, but the repetitive environments, only 3 enemy types and the "Just use whatever weapon is the strongest you have ammo for at the time" just never appealed to me.

I can understand your thoughts about Painkiller though. I don't mind monster spawn fests. It's what I loved about DOOM and that's what I grew up on.

As for Shadow Warrior, that's due to the sword being overpowered as fuck. and that you can heal yourself. It's still really fun though, if you just want to kill stuff.

thanks phone

My undead negro

stop making these threads they are shit and your shit you stupid nigger every dam day I come on here expecting actual discussion yet I get
it's fucking old and not funny so fucking stop Jesus Christ for once in your damned irredeemable life just stop fucking posting shit threads I am so fucking sick and tired of your ass and others who fucking destroy all viable discussion here because there newfaggotry from Reddit causes them to shitpost all day long kill your self you worthless fucking nigger

I understand your frustration.

i dont. whats the matter with him?





Good lord you casuals, step it up.

i-it was first person in my mind

You're mind is mistaken. Please call it a faggot and inform it that it should end its life immediately.
