Teenage Disney star advocating abortions to young followers


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Makes sense, she's probably had several already as she climbed the ladder of jew cocks to stardom.

shoo shoo Schlomo

The post in question:


shoo shoo

Schlomo pls

The video is from 2015, kike. Now get in the oven.


You have no power here

Nice touch with the anime girl, Whinestein. Almost made us believe you were one of us.
Getting really tired of the "you're a shill" shills.

Exactly how long is it going to take feminism to simply die out? It can't be that much longer, generationally speaking. As they get fat and die childless at 40 from heart disease, they have no one to replace them. The supply of stupid bitches has to run out sooner or later!

what the shit is "intersectional feminism"?

It spreads like a virus that kills its host. Women are biologically predisposed to moral relativism, which is why traditionally men have been responsible for setting their rules of conduct. If you allow women to make decisions for themselves they will act in their own self-interest with zero compassion or sense of universal right and wrong. Killing their children is natural and right to them if having a child would be a nuisanceā€“no thought beyond that, no sense that "murder is wrong." Mental gymnastics to justify it publicly: its not murder if I don't want the baby, but if a pregnant woman is involved in a car accident and loses the child, the other person driving should be charged with murder. Its a life if she wants it, and its a clump of cells if she doesn't want it.

I believe when they adopt other pet causes like fighting for nigger and tranny rights, simply because they need to bleed over something now that they're in an egalitarian society. Also see the definition for fracture point, Jews like to d&c everything, it's their primary nature.

When a bus full of Tumblrina landwhales T-bones a hippie van full of antifa at 90 miles an hour

Considering that conservative families are having children more than twice as much as liberal ones, immunity to the virus has to be developing over time.

Abortions are never safe though.

Their whole argument is essentially the one that justifies gun ownership. The problem is that women are more destructive than guns.

Fair enough.

Not necessarily. You're assuming that there are profound genetic differences between liberals and conservatives, which may not be true. Its probably epigenetic and developmental; raise the child of a liberal Mom with hardcore conservative parents and she'll probably be better off than the child of a conservative raised by baby-killing reprobates.

But having conservative parents isn't really helpful if the young women are raised on social media and television. For example, its known that children tend to adopt the language/accent of their peers, rather than that of their parents. Its entirely possible that political orientation works this way too

Remember ladies, you're not a real woman until you get pregnant and abort the fetus!

It's a right of passage for a young hip modern woman of today!

Nevermind the fact that it kills the child in 100% of cases. The actual abortion procedures are brutal. Very profitable method is to actually deliver the child alive, let it die from exposure, and then harvest its organs

Selection pressure is a powerful thing. With a culture as open as this one, and assuming that 100% of women are exposed to feminism at one point, the average woman who even can be victimized by the brain hijack is guaranteed to have far fewer children than the woman who fundamentally can't.

Epigenetic and developmental concerns may come into play, but there's definitely a long-term genetic effect. There can't not be, with a demographic re-aligning this large.

I dont give a fuck about it tbh.

You have a point. I could see there being a genetic predisposition; but it could potentially be offset if, for example, male siblings of abortive women have more sex. Christian conservative men probably aren't hitting it raw as often as libtards

My point is that it could potentially be a very subtle and complex issue. There was a huge cultural shift between the 1950s and the 1960s; genetics probably doesn't explain that.

Why are posting in this thread then? You cared enough about it to post how much you don't care.

fug, *why are you

It's just like one of my japanese animes.

Funny thing about the rape excuse. In a survey, very few women use it for rape (1%). The majority of them use abortion because "it wasn't the right time".


The video has nothing to do with the person this thread is about moron.

The fundamentals of the brain hijack and the birth control pill only became available during the 60s. "Women's sexual liberation" is the linchpin here.

I agree that there are a lot of subtleties here, but masculinity and libtardedness go together like oil and water.

Besides, modern medical science has changed all the rules regarding reproduction (at least in the First World). The idea that if you go around and bang a lot of easy women, you'll have a lot of children, is only true in a few rare cases- cases that won't be rare in a few short generations, as long as there's no genetic engineering and a large welfare state that doesn't conduct involuntary sterilizations.

Because there are easy women who won't get abortions. They aren't feminists in any traditional sense; some of them they see the welfare state as their meal ticket, and they fully intend to have as many children as possible to take advantage of it. Others are simply driven by the urge to reproduce (yes, they do exist). Right now, any woman committed to popping out children at the expense of everything else is the most successful in an evolutionary sense, simply because kids don't die in the street in the First World anymore.

Of course this situation will collapse on a lot of what-ifs- what if Western civilization finally finds its balls (paradoxically enough, forcing the feminists to reproduce is literally the worst thing to do with them in the long run), what if somebody develops some real reproductive technology that allows anyone with an arbitrary number of exo-wombs to have an arbitrary number of children, what if some of the real future tech like AGI or fundamental genetic engineering gets here- but as things stand, we're really looking forward to the gradual death of pro-abortion feminism as we know it. It's a maladaptive trait.

I'll admit that epigenetics, culture, and other confounding factors are why feminism hasn't collapsed already, though.

By proportion, whites abort very little compared to minorities. A full fifty percent of black babies are aborted. While we're being forced to live in a multicultural society, free, legal abortion is actually a good thing for our people.

White girls prevent pregnancy the way whites do everything: forethought. They use birth control, and have less sex than blacks and indios. The teevee may give you the impression every white girl under 25 is fucking ten niggers a night, but the reality is they're far less sexually active.

The Pill and IUDs are what we need to outlaw. Not abortions.

That's a misunderstanding of statistics, if you're going off the first picture. 500 abortions to 1000 births is 500/1500, not 500/1000.

Fortunately, the rate is actually higher than 50 percent in the inner cities.


Yeah, it's roughly 60% in NYC

Yeah, about. Meant to post this one.

Both are good. Thanks for the better stats.