If trum is unfucking america-Why this shit still happen?

Chemtrail isn't even remotly a "conspiracy" now so why GodEmperor Trump Le First didn't stop that shit?


Isn't that fucking alarming?

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump 4 justice

Choke on a dick.


bumping harder

Chemtrails are a complete conspiracy theory. You make it seem like jet propulsion has no exhaust, and super-sonic flight doesn't create a strong enough vacuum to condense water into vapor.


Oy vey a shill telling me that fucking chess line in my skyline is for sure natural and good for health


You need a nosejob and alot more whiskey to pretend to be one of us buddy.

enjoy your ban, samefag

Holy shat jet engine are around for 40 years u dumb fuck
Now we even have bypass jet engine

Are you fucking born yesterday?
In the 80/90 the sky wasn't a fucking chessboard

Only so many things to work on at once. Come back to geoengineering another day.

yes jet engines dump tons of exhaust. you're seeing a combination of exhaust gas and water vapor. welcome to the era of jet propelled flight. it must have been hell living in your cave.

I don't need any veting from a newfag like U
I was on Holla Forums and /y/ surgency when u sucked ur momas tits and when Holla Forums the original Holla Forums was still in it's infancy

When we are so crippled by heavy metal dump that we can just count the day until we die?

Sounds like a plan

This site is +18. Next time construct an argument.

Sure and then aluminum dust just fall down the sky from the engine wearing?

Nugga please

I've lived under flight paths my entire life and there was never any chemtrails in the 90s. You get out of your cave.

How many shill are there?

Is this shill central?

see if you can find a gentile psychiatrist

Thank you good sir

The news borns and shill don't even know what is a fucking blue sky

Obvious derive attempt is obvious

Citations needed.

I was born in the 70s and have been seeing your gay faggot "chemtrails" since I was a small child. You're a NEET faggot conspiracy theorist retard. Good luck with that.

Anecdotal evidence is not sufficient on its own.

Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.
Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

Without laughing.
I think I can fuck up a chemtrail with bare hands
I practice MMA for 7 years now, boxing in parallel for 6 years, I could.
Not to count strength training at the gym for 4 years, 6 ft 1 1/2 for 189 lbs.
I have an insane speed, reflexes similar to my speed. I just have to wait for him to charge me, dodge his attacks, and throw good punches to his head. I won't stop, and at the smallest mistake he does, the chemtrail is finished. You'll always have virgins from here thinking that it's impossible. First, nothing is impossible with will, my friends, and 2) that's not with your weak ass bodies that you'll do anything.
Any man with a minimum of training can beat a chemtrail with a knife anyway. With bare hands, that is not necessarily more complicated, it just requires technical skills.

Call me a kike all you want but it's not "chemtrails", they're water vapor contrals

Ponder carefully how much it would cost to do that, how much infrastructure would be required, how many individuals would need to be involved to do such a thing

It's logistically unfeasible that they would be able to do "chemtrails" and cover it up so well

Shill tactics 101

If all fail play the racist card

I didn't called u name good sir but I would rather have a fucking discussion about why the fuck do we have chessboard in the sky and why GodEmperor Trump Le first didn't stop the spraying?

I mean come on there is ton of data showing aluminum, barium due to entropogenic deposit aka spraying

Nah check

Dude is either fuck as drunk or trolling his ass off. Either that or he's legit insane and the caretaker let him on the internet.

Just ask anyone that isn't a child.

Contrails dissipate shortly after, not shit up the sky all day.

I never actually see any of these chemtrail fanatics inquire about what's being sprayed before they freak out about conspiracy. Yes, things can be sprayed on us and have been before for research. Compile evidence and construct an argument that it's something sinister rather than jump on the "WE'RE BEING POISONED" bandwagon of 80iq subhuman retards that conflate contrails and cloud seeding with 'chemtrails' as evidence for conspiracy. If there were widespread campaigns of chemical spraying on us it would be common knowledge due to all of the people seeing its contamination in their other work and figuring out what it is.

inb4 shill accusation for not accepting crazies on faith

wat dies saentience maen?

because things that burn make smoke

Learn to lurk its a premade troll u newfaggot pajama wearing low IQ piece of flurided shit

If serious about informing yourself I can point you to a french only speaking video shot in a university where one of the top french geoengineer do admitt spraying us.
Furthermore he acknowledge the fact that scientist like him fucked up big time when they tried to feed iron powder to the plankton in the mediteranean sea

Kill yourself

By staying silent when a crime happen in the sky everyday?



you are morons

jesus fuck. they must be spraying you guys hard.

come on guys its a shit thread but still i thought i was reddits conspiracy boards for a second here

Yes, the earth is flat, space don't real, and mesas are old stumps cut down by Jews, please go on.

let's elevate the debate with scientist data

No you weren't.

I already described the difference between the two.

nice dubs thread bro

33 get

if dubs OP dies from chemtrails

Yep and ballistic missile travel on flying poney

But that doesn't explain why the sky is fucked up and why aluminum contamination is off the chart every where those line are

And aluminum doesn't come naturally in that form



No way
U woudln't be a redpilled oldfag like me?

if yes brofist through screen

nigger op dies choking on dick


Why are you using a dirty toothless spic on our white nationalist board? This is pathetic, shouldn't you be in bed for work in the morning?

shill be shillin

How good is the pay?

memetus kek wills it

How come clouds last all day too?
They're made of the same stuff (water vapor).
Clearly it's chemclouds.

This is the worst thread I've seen all week.
You stand out very badly, learn to blend in better before you waste your time again.

To any cucks who think this is still a theory.

A contrail shouldn't last hours u dumbfuck

Check thoose chemweb falling everywhere in the world


The scientist analysing shit falling from the sky don't think it's funny



Monsanto does have a motive, though.

U dumb shill don't understand Nothing

I'm just here to witness the level of shilling there is here

It's even worst than Holla Forums after the first shill invasion