Why do you guys hate liberals so much when they're more on your side than the conservatives who are inbred?

Why do you guys hate liberals so much when they're more on your side than the conservatives who are inbred?

No they don't. They're the enemy. They're on the right stop defending them.

Cool bait

Nothing wrong with beer, guns, blue jeans and wife beaters. I'm all about that.

Anyway, it sounds like you're conflating the American political labels with the general usage of the terms. Both American Democrats and Republicans are liberals, in the way we use the word.


You'd not catch a starving crab with this bait

How much more? Like 20%?



I hate everybody the same.

This board likes being edgy and contrarian

Because how else are we going to gain the approval of the pol/fj/reddit/imgur audience if they think were like those other leftists??

Probably for the same reason Muslims hate terrorists more than Islamophobes - it lends credibility to the worse party.

"Narcissism of small differences?"

they're both the same kill yourself


Because we can turn Libertarians into LibSocs but liberals think they are right already.

Conservatives can go fuck their cousin tho.

Both liberals and conservatives in America are liberals. Just with different flavors of idpol and one larps as socdem and the other as libertarians.

i've seen multiple times have people said that american conseratives are liberals, as well as american liberals are liberals as well, i would ask an explanation if it does not trouble you

Reps are national liberals, Democrats are social liberals.

fuck off nazbol you don't belong here. Fucking rightist

someone is butthurt ;)


"Liberals" in a Marxist sense don't just mean people with liberal social beliefs, but liberal capitalists as a whole.

Hillary Clinton and George W. Bush are both liberals.

Lotta confusion in this thread.