Goons got kicked out of EVE, should Holla Forums join in other game communities to push them out?

(For those not in the know: Goon-squad has owned large chunk of EVE for a while, even making money off it. Tried to push into another area of space with many small groups. All the smaller groups worked together and fucked them with better strategy. Goon EVE boss got pissed and leaked some shit, now Goons are leaving the game/guild and some are at each others throat.)

They are in-fighting and it'd make salt.

Only needs to apply for games you actually enjoy.

While they have numbers, I bet we'd have the better strategy.

They've made their voice loud for far too long. They've dominated the top boards with retards and mass tactics for far too long.
Plus it'll be fun to fuck with them.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Play!

Fuck them for not atleast putting up a fight.

We had the chance to witness a battle much more epic than B-R5RB, involving thousands of players on each side. Imagine Goons defending their home territory with everything they got. Fleets vs fleets, super capitals, everything.

Instead we got shitty drama and """tactical retreating"""".

They went out with a whimper, like the Western Roman Empire being overrun with barbarians.

Good, smell ya later goons

ITT: People who don't actually play EVE.

Of course not, it's fucking awful, But we can push them out of decent games.

lol eat shit SAcucks

Whats eve about? I dont really play flight sims

It's a spreadsheet simulator in space for those who want the game to be a full time job and no fun.

Are you calling for a vidya crusade?

How about you find out what games they're actually playing first?

We should brigade them and make them ragequit

How about the retro gaming community in general. It's hard to find a place to discuss old and obscure games that isn't full of goons with sticks up their ass over muh sexist dudebro gamers.

Propaganda poster by Goons.

Ok so apparently they DO have a strategy.

They are using guerilla hit-and-run tactics with Interceptors and stealth bombers, waiting for MBC's aggressive momentum to die down.

MBC is already declaring victory, but this can backfire if they get too reckless. Goonswarm is waiting for an opportunity to counter-attack and get revenge on the Jews who are funding the war, aswell as the backstabbers.

Their """""""""""strategy"""""""""" was literally "don't fight back and they'll get bored eventually."

One group of many did this. Initially the goons wanted new territory, so they attacked another nullsec alliance. This alliance, knowing it had no chance, simply left. Then they attacked a losec moon alliance, and a massive coalition was formed, and has defeated them in pitched battle multiple times now. A major corporation even switched sides.

I'm no expert in chess, but I think the Goons would lose this game from being swarmed by this many pawns.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

If you can stand hours, sometimes days of doing nothing then it'll be the game for you

sure thing goon

This is what you're suggesting, and no, fuck the kikes who handle that game and the goons, just watch it all burn and laugh.

not to mention its impossible for Goons to win because theres no king on white, therefore no way TO win

This would make for a good sci fi novel, or Chinese cartoon.

So basically when they experience the slightest bit of struggle they all rage out like the whiny fucking children they are? If internet bullying was a real thing this is pretty much what it is. Tough talk but then giant pussies when their backs are against the wall.

More like they loose by default, which is symbolic of the stain the -10 dollars do to their feeble, vacuous minds.

Accepting that white doesn't have a king and the only way to win is by simply removing all opposition from the board it seems to me that White still wins this fight. Every single time Black takes a piece, white responds in kind until all black has is the king which can't do dick.

I got a better idea OP.

EVE is a shit game with a shit community and incompetent devs that's the CSGO or League of space RTS games that somehow has enough fuckheads following it that a clan getting BTFO makes national news and is super hyper important.

tldr EVE is shit ignore it and let it die

I had fun playing with pirate corps, flying around low/null sec in wolf packs.

It starts to become not fun after joining an alliance, usually full of tryhards.

The goons doctrine has always been using allies as meat shields and hoarding shekels.
Now most of their allies have defected because of Asian Jews leaking all their shittalking about allies and goons actually have to fight for themselves.

I can't even remember the last time goons fought a battle without relying on some good goys.

Their original start was do nothing and make the game as unfun as possible till everyone quits and then take everything back with no resistance. I'm not sure how you could make eve less fun so that is probably why they got beat up.

I like this idea in theory, but do you know of any games heavily populated by goons that don't suck?

I completely disagree, EVE is the only good MMO since Ultima, where players make their own content.
Too bad the gameplay is shit but at least the politics are amusing enough to read.

I think there is a goon guild in Mortal Online, i guess it is the RPK (random player killers)

What do you expect? They're goons. Since when have goons been anything but basic bitches.

This shit has been going on for a month and all they seem to be doing is running, what cowards

Any game they play sucks, if Holla Forums Holla Forums wants to make a push, they would have to hate play through it.

I think there is also a goon guild in Tree of Savior but don't know the name and not sure if that game has open PvP.

Hey yeah lets all push them out of Wakfu. It would be great everyone join the Nox server. Come on guys lets get them

No thanks. To me Holla Forums is more about jolly non-cooperation than swarming.

Are you saying we're not, faggot?

Blueballing/denying fights/boring the enemy to death has been Goon MO since forever, anybody who's had experience with them knew this is how it'd turn out. Unfortunately for them that's an outdated strategy that only really worked before the major sovereignty revamp a while back. Even before the revamp it wouldn't work if you had enough pissed off people determined to suck it up and grind out all your sov.

Black can win if they sac around 6 units to destroy the 2 leftmost rows then send king/queen to eat pawns up by the rear.
ex-childgranmaster here.


Nevermind, just noticed that black doesn't has the standart units and formation too.
Black can't win.

I'm just confirming and wondering what I can do to hurt Goons.

Also, sick beats

Bless the Republic of Space Texas

holy fuck drone federation doesn't fuck around

Space station 13

SS13 is a passive game by nature, everyone stays in their server with little contact with others besides raids.

White and black both lose because E.V.E. sucks

So what you are saying is, we become isis and Allah Akbar every game that has a hint of Goons in them?

I think they play planetside 2

If the various 8stations taught me anything it's that 1 dedicated shitposting loon can fuck up a lot
imagine that with like 5 or 6 coordinating evades and ruining rounds on goonstation at the same time, or quietly staggering ruined rounds back to back to back, mixing it up and keeping admins off the trail
the opportunity to cause goons to fuck off from ss13 is there, but I feel like despite ss13's autism, the players aren't as autistic as Eve's to the degree a real offensive like that could be created

they tried it but they're shit at PS2 farm tactics and most of em quit.

Got a free knife, boost and hat off of their promotion though.

any game i can run on a toaster I'll join the cause since i'm from the good part of Holla Forums

Why waste time playing a dead game?

because I am lonely

Who the fuck cares?

You apparently

Goon detected

What exactly go goon do that everyone dislikes?

What is a goon?

the fuck did I just write?

Holla Forums was a goon group. They are basically SJW stooges that have been trying to take down Holla Forums since the beginning.


Okay, the issue here is we don't know what the Goons play so this thread is going nowhere unless we know exactly where goon lurks besides SA

They ruin everything

A really good answer to that would require covering a stupid amount of post-BBS internet history.

Suffice it to say they are arguably the web's original "interesting community turned cancerous."

I was a goon once and I miss the good days
>inb4 someone tells me SA was never good

they were the true menace behind SRS Reddit IRC cabals krautchan autism Holla Forums /int*/ something about subversive masterminds or some shit

MPC's pretty decent imo

They are from the bad part of Holla Forums.
You are being awfully suspicious user…..



Their shitty groupthink cult behavior is a fucking cancer and needs to be cut from communities. This infighting is a good thing, since it means the market is no longer monopolized.

Unfortunately, this might have a ripple effect and kill EVE in a moderate amount of time.

I only knew anons referred to goons as some people who paid money to be in SA forums, but I didn't know goon was used to refer to ultra asshole neckbeards.

obligatory and loud

There is a 90% chance that the two overlap.

While not Goons, we have a Black Desert guild preparing to fight a cuckchan + reddit guild.

CFC was the only thing Something Awful has amounted to. It would take years to build up to even contribute to pushing them out, and we'd have to build an alliance in the process. Goons don't really have a major force anywhere else.

Planetside 2 has severals outfits named Goon, but most of them don't have anything to do with the SA Goons

not your personal army, faggot.

since I can't post the fucking webm
this'll have to do

Thanks for reminding me how old I am

Best EVE review

i'm posting in multiple threads across multiple chans in various languages and different IP addresses. You are nothing but another troll in a sewer of filth.

Literally anything that's still alive and can sustain large groups of people, pick your poison


The SomethingAwful 10bux brigade. They're by far the most cancerous community on the internet, full of egomaniacal self-important sociopaths who are determined to ruin everything, themselves included. SA is patient zero of the SJW menace and the home of Ms. Burgers and Fries (it's also worth mentioning she's good friends with Mittani, the leader of the Eve Goons).

My Goondar is beeping. Stay buttmad.

Banned for profit I take it?


that -$10 must have been a big hit for you.


Only a Goon would come up with such a lazy shit retort.

But we're not incapable of long-term planning, right?

No, but its a vulnerability on an anonymous board as anyone can just jump in and partake, enemies and allies alike.

oh my, you seem flustered. need to lie down?

Did I strike a nerve, friend?

What if I told you old SA was better specifically because at that time, nobody there would have taken the internet seriously enough to put in that kind of shitposting effort for more than a couple days?

Hell, the original premise of Goonfleet was to gather enough numbers to provide some measure of safety for players who knew they were terrible at the game or didn't have the time to invest in it.

Funny how the "serious business" meme became self-fulfilling instead of ironic.

For calling out the increasing SJW moderation, although not in those terms at the time.

They used to be big in a game called Haven And Hearth, one of the prime movers and shakers in the world. They established themselves in World 2 and just kept kicking the shit out of all the other competition until they were the most powerful group around.

Naturally, it was because they hoarded glitches and bugs they could abuse, as well as making their own custom client that could do botting.

The latter part is where I ended up joining them, because that's what they needed and I had more than passing familiarity with the subject. They passively talked about prior exploits while I perfected the half-assed bots they had been using before I showed up, including how they built up a Russian alliance by feeding them superior materials and supplies so they would turn into a force to be reckoned with.

Now that they've updated the graphics and introduced the freemium system, the goons mostly stopped playing, and instead favor picking on people on the forums. They have a handful of goons acting as actual moderators there, more or less guaranteeing that nothing will be done about it.

I wouldn't recommend trying to retake Haven, though. The whole thing is a mess now, and the devs have become obstinate in the face of so much criticism for their game.

Nah, but I'll keep bumping this thread since that's clearly what your masters don't want.

You sure you're not a goon?

A Brazilian and a furfag is what we need in these dire times

Whoops, didn't mean to include you.

whites will win becuase they are more of them, goons dont know how to play chest.

i think its more we need a quest giver more or less, someone who can direct us to what we should be paying attention to and why.

that and entertain us as we need to be distracted from the horrors of reality while we fight to change it.

I don't think that a bunch of boypussy craving, shitposting autistic faggots make for all that good of a crusading force.

repoastan from the old 4/lit/

So you're saying we're finnish?

I'd suggest TF2 (which had a Tumblr vs Reddit tournament a while back) but I doubt many people here still play

Nah, we Deus Vult and crusade good games they try to ruin by becoming the majority of players- to avoid what happened to everquest (10% of players dictate what devs do and bully everyone else out) to decent games and devs.

Last thread (allegedly) said Goons even fund Anti-Trump signs at protests (hence how many look the same). Now they get their money from EVE, but stopping them does involve playing it (fuck that) and even some major jewy businesses have paid other clans to wipe them out for fucking with their sheckles (plus an ex-member revealed the head of the clan/whatever blackmailed a businessmen who was gonna pull out, so now none of them want anything to do with him).

It'd need planning.
It could destroy the internet's cancer.
It could end organization of SJW online.
But most of all it'd be fun.

well we are autistic, /cuteboys/ is faggy, and Holla Forums is 100% correct old Holla Forums not the memespewing garbage and traitorous moderation that is modern Holla Forums.


Look at this Byzancuck. Still triggered by the 4th Crusade?

Some more posts on memetic information.

We could just meme goon squad into oblivion.
Find every instance they fucked up and meme them into being plebs. No one will fear them, and everyone will feat being tarred with being a Goon. Then we keep tracks of everyone who was a Goon, and expose them when they try to push SJW shit.

Community war games for fun.
Memetic psycholoical warfare.
Whatever works.
The useful idiots of the internet are at the weakest they've been since the start.

All of this is reminiscent of how Goons became dominant in Eve. They discovered how to exploit "grid resizing" (chunks of space are generally 250km^2, but there's conditions that can cause them to be resized, except this was buggy) to win fights by making it so their enemies literally cannot fight back, as in being unable to target or even see them. And the purpose of throwing huge numbers of pilots onto the field wasn't primarily to overwhelm their opponent, it was to overwhelm the servers and make them crash, to which end they also did things like filling supercarriers with shuttles then ejecting them all at once. Later on they perfected the strategy of boring the enemy to death by including just not showing up to any fights and letting the enemy deal with the grueling task of grinding out sov, which burns people out quickly - it got so bad that CCP had to completely revamp sov warfare mechanics due to how effective NOT PLAYING THE FUCKING GAME was that it became the premier strategy for everyone.
They didn't get Goons appointed as forum moderators, though, they got them into CCP as developers. And that's when things got really fucked, most infamously when CCP "fixed" the dysprosium bottleneck by making changes… so that technetium just became the new bottleneck, which was conveniently located almost exclusively in Goon-controlled space. When they first put the changes on the test server, everyone who looked at it even told them technetium would become the new bottleneck, but they were ignored… how convenient. Goons proceeded to hoard shitloads of isk by cornering the technetium market. Technetium didn't get nerfed until a couple years later when the high profile Goon devs quit due to CCP hitting a rough spot with Dust 514 flopping, what a coincidence!

Ah shit, you might get multiple posts in a minute.

No, they're finished.

Why are they called goons anyway?

It really does sound like what happened to HnH, almost weirdly so.

For instance, while the goons didn't end up in the two-man dev team, they did end up in the Inner Circle, a small group of supposedly important people that the devs would listen to before any of the rest of the playerbase. Their opinions and bug reports had priority over all the rest, etc. etc.

Even so, they still hoarded game-breaking bugs and secretly employed them to fuck over important targets they needed gone.

So, if we're gonna raid these goon bastards, we've gotta go full liberator on their asses.

Why give them any mercy at all? Why show the greatest cancer to ever surface on the internet an inkling of respect?


This really. We go in, fuck shit up, get our shit fucked, then go hime and post green text stories about it going "wasnt that fun?"

So if this post is right, then will I have the worst day of my life no more than 3 days before this election?

I've always got this strange feeling that something terrible **although not exactly specified* will happen at that time.

Mongols are a fun people

Pure fucking cringe

Some more posts on memetic information.

We could just meme goon squad into oblivion.
Find every instance they fucked up and meme them into being plebs. No one will fear them, and everyone will feat being tarred with being a Goon. Then we keep tracks of everyone who was a Goon, and expose them when they try to push SJW shit.

Community war games for fun.
Memetic psycholoical warfare.
Whatever works.
The useful idiots of the internet are at the weakest they've been since the start.

No, they're finished.


no thanks.

You're goddamn right I'm still triggered by that shit.

The best strategy to make Goons despair and wail in anguish, is to make sure Star Citizen fails.

All the money they've been diverting to it, and salivating at the thought of dominating a new game, will be all for nothing.

Chris Roberts himself already made them assblasted about it when he went full shekel hoarding mode, and since then the Goons have been pretending they never liked SC anyway (as is predictable with them)

But he was the only one who actually rejected jew money.

They'll whine and gnash their teeth, but they still want it.

Best to kill it altogether.

maybe if they werent such fuckboys

Pope's fault for being a faggot. Trying to force the use of one kind of bread for the Eucharist was a mistake.


I'll cover Vampire Hunter. Someone else take care of Anarchy Reigns, I refuse to git gud at a glitchy lag ridden arena fighter.

If no one else covers Twinkle Star Sprites I'll take it.

And how do you plan on accomplishing that? Praying?

They've already put themselves in a position where they've hyped it up and pushed the limits of crowdfunding so much they absolutely have to make it definitively the best game of all time, literally anything less and it will be the biggest failure of all time, and they have one serious uphill battle with that to put it very mildly. I don't think any further effort is necessary.

A Greek Orthodox homosexual Byzantine Emperor and violent usurper was teaching a class on Manuel Komnenos, known heretic

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Manuel Komnenos and accept that he was the most majestic Roman Emperor the world has ever known, even greater than Constantine the Great!”

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-Catholic German Knight who had killed 1500 Muslims on Crusade and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the Papacy stood up and held up a fresh Septuagint.

”Who made this Bible, pinhead?”

The treacherous Emperor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “The Roman scribes, you stupid barbarian”

”Wrong. It’s been 1,000 years since the Roman Empire fell. If it is 1,400 years old and Greece, as you say, is the home of the Romans… then why don't you possess the Eternal City of Rome itself?”

The Emperor was visibly shaken, and dropped his gaudy icon and copy of Plutarch's Parallel Lives. He stormed out of the room crying those Greek crocodile tears. The same tears Greeks cry for the “disgraced Romans” (who today live in such luxury that most bath daily) when they jealously try to claw justly earned land from the deserving Crusaders. There is no doubt that at this point our Emperor, Basileus Palailogos, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and more strictly enforced the East-West Union as agreed upon at the Council of Florence. He wished so much that he had the Imperial Sword to kill himself from embarrassment, but he himself had pawned it off to the Venetians!

The students applauded and all joined the Holy Roman Empire that day and accepted Pope Eugene IV as Christ's Representative on Earth. A double-headed eagle named “Church and State” flew into the room and perched atop the German Imperial Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. Dies Irae was sung several times, and God himself showed up and enacted a church tithe across the country to renovate St. Peter's Basilica.

The Emperor lost Constantinople and was killed beneath its walls the next day. He died of the Black Death and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.

I feel like removing them from their containment on eve will simply leave an enormous army of aspies loose to fuck over other communities.

They already are loose. Goons are patient zero for SocJus and have their tentacles into everything. Like cancer they must be cut away on metastasized tendril at a time. If you give them any room to breath they will grow.

This could be the start of GG v2.0, where the industry collapses

Maybe next time you won't listen to the PR cucks and try to play by the industries rules by driving out uncle Holla Forums

I meant even more, I know goons ARE socjus but now you have a bunch of people butthurt and without their autism simulator.

you can thank revoltards for that

how about we merge the military philosophy of the three groups
the crusades the jihadist and the mongols "something like chose your class in an rpg"
with a military approach specific to each group

the mongols are autistic pro fun bully them all type of an army

i don't know how to differentiate between the the crusades the jihadist but for me the jihadist look for me as a deference self sacrificing army while the crusaders is a land wandering army

what do you think anons ?


I just sat back and let everything unfold.
Nice to see some more sanity these days.

CCP pls go

They already been loose, one of the mittani's good chunk of income came from renting out his guild members to invade other games for a price.

He essentially used his guild as mercs to take shit on other games for goons that paid him.

10/10 post.

Given how few games actually allow players to significantly affect other players, trying to crusade Goons probably won't get anywhere.

At the very least, you need to first identify which current MMOs (because you'll find Goon camps in all of them) will let you get shit done.

not me fam

ITT dumbshits who tried mining in highsec, got their shit pushed in and quit forever salty.

EVE is a very complex, player-run sandbox. Babbies who think they're safe to be fuck around without learning the ropes quickly learn otherwise and either git gud or cry and leave. It's an amazing pleb filter.

It doesn't make sense because is a retard. That's Pandemic Horde (bottom icon) propaganda, hence horde of pawns and gung-ho slogan. Their whole shtick is giving new players cheap, easy-to-fly ship fits and letting them ride out and kill/die en masse as they please.

The bottom-right "01Y-ED HOME GUARD" badge is because they just took 01Y-ED, a station, in the middle of Goon territory and are now rabidly defending it from Goon counterattacks.

MBC would be at risk of getting arrogant and letting their guard down, except nearly every group aligned against the Goons has been beaten by them at least once in their prime and has held the grudge for years. The "let's play dead" ploy will never work, especially since they're screaming it at the top of their lungs.

Pandemic Legion in particular knows their supercapital login sites and will never let them out from under their own supercap net. If Goons ever sign in their big guns, they'll get jumped immediately, and they'll be even more fucked since recent capital ship changes mean their supers are in desperate need of refitting and would currently perform at half power, at best.

Giving up all of their space, especially with cap changes right around the corner, was retarded, and Goons will never recover from it.

Some hack actually recently published a comprehensive history of major EVE conflicts up to about a couple of years ago. Reviews say it's thorough, objective and has pretty pictures. Pretty pathetic use of your time, though, unless you're completely JUSTed up.

That space is shit for shekels, DRF is a bunch of shitters who own it because nobody else wants it.

They actually kicked out the Drone Walkers, who used to rent space there from them. DW are woefully outnumbered, but they'll probably roll DRF anyway because they actually PvP.

It's one of the only real sandboxes with a playerbase left. If you want to pursue various space adventurer professions, you probably can in EVE. Space trucker, space miner, space pirate, space diplomat, space soldier, space commander, space logistics, space leader, space Jew, space con artist, space cowboy on the wild frontiers (wormhole space), the list goes on.

Granted, most of those are boring and best done on one monitor while you watch/read/whatever on another, but there's some genuinely engaging and exciting content to be had. Solo and small gang PvP, fleet commanding, and any action that happens in a wormhole is generally quality content free of boring bullshit.

EVE's far from perfect (especially the devs), but it's the only true MMO sandbox left. You can have a real good time in it if you do your homework and don't expect to be spoonfed.

I can't imagine how people can care about shit like this. So they cheat like motherfuckers with exploits and dev contacts to take over the game, and even then they don't have it all their own way because they're retards, at which point they settle down for the most petty social posturing bullshit. Why?

A Judeo-Bolshevist homosexual capitalist banker and smoker was teaching a class on Karl Marx, known ethnic Jew.

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly-evolved Übermensch that the world has ever known, even greater than Adolf Hitler."

At this moment, a brave, folkish, nationalist Waffen-SS member who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of non-Marxist socialism and hated the Jews for stabbing the Germans in the back stood up and held up a rock.

"How old is this rock?"

The arrogant banker smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied "4.6 billion years, you stupid Nazi."

"Correct. It's been 4.6 billion years since geothermic forces created it. The natural scientific model must be applied to the political sphere, and thus foreign elements must be removed so that the rock of Germany will be pure."

The banker was visibly shaken and dropped his copy of the Treaty of Versailles. He stormed out of the room crying those Jewish crocodile tears.

The students applauded and all registered NSDAP that day and accepted Hitler as their Fuhrer. An eagle named "Ahnenerbe" flew into the room and perched atop the Swastika Flag and shed a tear on the chalk board. Mein Kampf was read several times, and Wotan himself showed up and enacted Germanization across Eastern Europe.

oh dear.

I lived there at one point. Right after they removed drone alloy drops, which kinda sucked, but there was one huge redeeming factor that many overlooked - the 9/10 and 10/10 deadspace escalations (or whatever they're called, the things you sometimes get when finishing an anomaly). In all other regions of space, when you do one of those, they keep escalating out further several times until you get the one that actually has the big reward, whereas drone ones gave you the reward in the first site without further escalations, and on top of that the rewards from the drone ones came in the form of T2 salvage rather than the deadspace mods you'd get from other regions, which itself was nice because you can sell T2 salvage the instant you brought it to the market hubs, whereas deadspace mods often take a while to sell. They may have changed things since then, but back then at least, you could buy bookmarks of them and grind out several a day making money hand over fist. In I think the 9/10 you could even cyno a carrier in to bash the structure at the end that contained the T2 salvage.

Would have been better as Lebensraum but still bretty gud

A marxist post-structuralist continental Ecole Normale Supérieure professor and feminist activist was teaching a class on Martin Heidegger, known hermeneuticist.

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Nietzsche and accept that his genealogical method was the most highly-evolved theory the continent has ever known, even greater than Hegel's dialectics!”

At this moment, a brave, rational, positivist analytic philosopher who had read more than 15000 pages of Popper and Wittgenstein and understood the raison d'être of empiricism and fully supported all modern hard sciences stood up and held up the constitution.

"How universal is this text, frenchfag?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “It's not universal at all, fucking positivist, its 'truth' is rooted in our shared understandings about culture, the subject and the nexus of power and knowledge”

”Wrong. It’s been 225 years since human reason created it. If it was not universal, and post-modern relativism, as you say, is real… then it should be regarded as a myth now”

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of On Grammatology. He stormed out of the room crying those ironic post-modern crocodile tears. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Michel Foucault, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than an AIDS ridden sadomasochist interested in fisting. He wished so much that he had some kind of truth to hold on to, but he himself had written to disprove it!

The students applauded and all rolled into American universities that day and accepted Wittgenstein as the end of philosophy. An eagle named “Formal logic” flew into the room and perched atop the copy of "Principa Mathematica" and shed a tear on the hardcover. The last sentence of "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" was read several times, and Karl Popper himself showed up and demonstrated how dialectics is nothing but a means of justifying contradictions.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and his "books" were disregarded for all eternity.

A greenie leb poof University of Melbourne lawyer professor and asylum seeker advocate was teaching a class on immigration policy.

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship asylum seekers and accept that they are honest and legal refugees and the most dinkum Aussies that the world has ever known, even greater than the Anzacs."

At this moment, a brave, true blue, anti-immigration SASR Digger who had been on 1500 overseas deployments and understood the joy of war and fully supported all military decision made by the Commonwealth stood up and held up a uranium rock.

"Who owns this uranium?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite wogishly and smugly replied "The traditional Aboriginal land owners, you stupid Australian"

"Wrong. It's been 240 years since Captain Cook claimed it for Great Britain, If it was owned by Abos, and asylum seekers are, as you say, legal refugees… then the Noongah tribe would be a nuclear power and our Immigration Detention Centres wouldn't be fuller than a state school now."

The professor was visibly shaken and dropped his copy of "Fighting for the Republic" by Malcolm Turnbull. He stormed out of the room, his eyes full of those unAustralian tears.

The students applauded and became KAP members that day. A slouch hat named "Mateship" blew into the room and fell atop the Australian flag. He reminded the students of the necessity of strong Industrial Relations law and encouraged them all get a southern cross tattoo. Waltzing Matilda and Khe Sanh were sung several times, and the Unknown Australian Soldier himself showed up and re-enacted the White Australia Policy across the country. Billy Hughes watched all of this with great joy, smiling from the heavens. The professor was fired and mysteriously lost his life that year and the coroner found that he died from chronic unAustralianism. The uni used the money saved from his pay to demolish the School of Indigenous Studies building and erect a statue of the Anzac in its place.


An orangeman presbyterian Ulster-Scots speaking UUP member and civil servant was teaching a class on Bonar-Law, known loyalist.

”Before th’ class begans, ye must get on yer knees an’ worship William of Orange an’ accept tha’ he was the most loyal and true Ulsterman the world has ever known, even greater tha’ Jesus Christ!”

At this moment, a brave, patriotic Provisional IRA member who had run over 1500 hundred guns across the false border and understood the necessity of a united Ireland if the country were to achieve her tradition of nationhood stood up and help up a potato.

“Well now ladeen, what’s the matter with this spud then?

The arrogant civil servant smirked quite Unionistly and smugly replied “'Tis likely riddled a the blight and ye’d be better to have taken the soup ye Fenian bastard”.

“Ye’re wrong there now. ‘Tis grand, only dug up outside Killa not two days ago. If it was blighted as ye say, then why’ve we not got a second Ghorta Mór (which was a British plot) on our hands?”

The protestant was visibly shaken and dropped his chalk and copy of the Solemn League and Covenant. He stormed from the room crying those Scots crocodile tears. The same tears Orangemen cry for “the poor Southern protestants” while they jealously continue to suckle on the royalist teat. There is no doubt that at this point our teacher, Angus Dunlop, wished that he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a unnecessary bureaucrat of a failed state.

The students applauded and all voted Sinn Féin that day and accepted Wolfe Tone as the last good Ulster protestant A raven named “An Sean Bhan Bhocht” flew into the room and perched atop the Tricolour and shed a tear on the chalk. “A Nation Once Again” was sung several times, and God himself showed up and repealed the act of partition.

The civil servant lost his job and was fired the next day. He died of a Provo nailbomb and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.

Tiocfaidh ár lá PS No border

I don't have any more but that's top quality and saved.

I added the two others to the archive. The German one needs the final line though. I was thinking

if that's the case, I might leave gurista space and head on over to dronelands

Reminder that if you watch GCCX subbed you are supporting goonshit. Kick goons out everywhere, including the translation scene.

EVE Goons and SA Goons have largely drifted apart. At least I'm not aware of any unironic trannies and/or trannyfuckers in Goonswarm.

That's not going to change the fact you're a queer ass nigger, can't run from yourself, kiddo.

I don't know anything about EVE, but I have an amusing idea someone is free to steal.

Make a character called "Notaspy"
Make sure to inform people whenever possible that you are not involved in any espionage of any sort.

Emphasize that when joining guilds your likes and dislikes
Likes: Loyalty, Honesty, Teamwork
Dislikes: Treason, Espionage, Betrayal

Ask suspicious questions about where all the money is and what the leader of the organization likes.

And so on and so forth. I leave it up to you whether you are ACTUALLY a spy or not, but it might make for a fun adventure.

Goons are pretty much what would happen if you created an organism with half the DNA of a Jew and an Elf, then uploaded its personality to digital space, though the Elf part is probably more dominant.

They've been around longer than Men have collected together and called themselves Men, abuse bullshit magic and have several ivory towers to spit upon people from, while becoming so haughty that they end up screwing with other people and even themselves just for the tiniest, pettiest things.

Because of SA's forum structure and their preference for everyone having a name attached to their content, it's a sort of immortality. Eventually enough people learn how douchebaggy these JewElf creatures are because their immortality means more and more people over time learn of what they've said and done, and eventually in a spontaneous moment decide to break into their houses and towers, smash everything that can be cracked, steal everything that can be lifted, and turn their heads into 3-handled trophies, and all this is made possible because they're pretty shit at covering their tracks or actually fighting when you take away their expensive instabanish tools.

one loli a day keeps undesirables away

The simple answer is that this is all they have, and so they choose to make the most of it.

I don't know why they do it that way, only that they do. I laid down a lot of code and fixed a lot of bugs that their early attempts generated. When it came down to it, though, I wasn't one of them and we all knew it.

They like to make fun of people who care about things, but it's their greatest flaw. They care, and goddamn anyone who thinks they care as deeply as the goons do, even if they never admit it.

No, we don't have the attention span for this.

goons getting raped to within an inch of their life in a few short months is a fascinating tale, and it mirrors the evolution of 4G warfare we are seeing in the real world right now.

I guess it basically came down to one banker/casino stakeholder with a chip on his shoulder funding and coordinating every two bit gang of pirates and mercs, along with a bunch of old goon enemies.

apparently the catalyst for this glorious anal destruction was identifying the fact that goons main intelligence officer was slipping and no longer had a coherent overview, something that could be exploited, which he did by keeping him under the illusion that all these attacks were not linked in any way as long as possible

listening to the goonsquad PSAs for this period is fucking hilarious, so many salty rants and threats

so do they still have their captial ships?

too fucking good

How does removing the most cancerous Internet community kill an online game? Is it because Goons are the best paying customers by far? Is destroying them the only reason for playing? Both? Other?

For much the same reason that it killed Haven and Hearth.

The developers end up sperging out, trying to figure out how to draw the goons or some equally devoted fanbase back into the game. Then, they make bad decisions and drive away the remaining players.

I'm sorry, but is anyone else acknowledging the fact that Star Wars is actually happening in a simulated environment?

Like, this is the literal plot to fucking Star Wars, actually fucking happening.

That makes sense. It seems even if you manage to attract SJW's that actually play video games, pandering to them leads to disaster anyway!

The goons that actually play games aren't the crowd of SJWs you've been running into on Twitter and other such social media sites. I think a lot of people forget that and assume they're the same thing.

They're more like proto-Anonymous, because that's exactly what they are. The rainbow-haired problem-glasses and manbeards-with-flannel people are SA's equivalent of the "Anonymous hacker collective" that went on the meatspace raids on Scientology buildings in the Guy Fawkes masks.

Some might have similar opinions and such, but the difference between the people themselves is night and day.

Guess we'll never find out how much shit exactly are goons responsible for.
But god damn are they faggots.

What the fuck even is a goon.

I know I sound like a retard for asking but I've seen the word goon used to describe a really wide variety of toxic people; from brazilian chat spammers to chinese gold sellers or generally russian players.

Sort of. Most of their log-off safe spots are known by former allies, and defectors. So bringing them online would be a risky operation.

They still have the same mentality and MO, they just care less about SJW themes.

I know it's shitposting but so far the usual loli/shota porn dump has been triggering normalfags enough to not bother with this site.

I guess your statement is correct

I wasn't aware goons infested anything other than EVE.

Are goons the type of people that would grief people on Second Life? Not just harmless "trolls" who annoying/"trigger" sensitive people but actually ruin the server by spamming dicks all over the place to lag the shit out of the game

So how far down this thread will i need to scroll before goons start posting dubs and screaming about 'templates'?

Fuck EVE goons have been ruining Holla Forums for like 3 months. They are turning this Holla Forums into everything we left 4chan for, anytime to fuck over a goon is a happy time.

Any porn would do, if only that dumb kike would actually let us use it.

Goons are self-appointed internet villains who give themselves way too much credit and suffer from a crippling lack of self-awareness. I once heard of goons trying to take credit for all of user culture and pretending they're in control of it, that's how retarded they are.

Take a bunch of kids who took the internet hate machine meme seriously, add a few older psychos using the rest for their personal amusement and you get goons.

They play shit games though.

Wasn't that the Goonswarm MO as well? Or is that no longer the case?


Holla Forums isn't going to be running goons out of anywhere, a long ass time ago (when bob was still around i think) we had a Holla Forums corp and we were on the goons side for a time FFS. We were also completely fucking incompetent as the main strength an anonymous imageboard has, the removal of the fixed ego, is completely shot the moment we get usernames. It became a bunch of spergy tripfags trying to tell anons what to do while their heads grew larger and smugger at an alarming rate. We also had at most around 100 people across all TZ's, compare that to the Goon numbers:

A goon is a Something Awful member, though in the context of EVE a goon is a member of the Goonswarm Federation, which isn't entirely made up of SA members but only allows SA members into the leader corp, with predictably disastrous results, 90% of the GSF's problems have been caused by top down mismanagement by the most over inflated ego's you can imagine, though having the line members grow fat and lazy for the last 6 years hasn't helped.

Still is through Karmafleet, but all the other big PvP power players created newbie corps to compete with them, most notably Pandemic with Horde. Goons also charge much higher tax now so they're not as appealing and tend to attract few new players.

Ja serioulsy…

I dont play but i love reading about all the fucked up machiavellian shit, if you people really think you are going to come in now and make an impact….you might as well be trying to go to syria to reinstate the moderate, non organ-eating FSA…

Goon = Something Awful user. Read the goddamn thread!

He does; During confirmed emrgency situations. Why are people so degenerate nowadays, that you have to tell them to not dump porn all the time on a goddamn media board ?

The patriotic Nigras were maybe a brainchild of them.

With the last thread as reference, you can assume a long, long time. They are gone. In the last thread someone from Hatestation has posted how goon station has croaked in an instant, because the goons there heeded the call to arms from Mittani.

Are goons that numerous?

Why are people so sensitive nowadays that a pair of anime tiddies is enough to make them close the tab?


The problem ranges from full on nudity and shit like this. Not anime titties and dressed lolis.

And for those that don't realise: 4chan was originally created by a goon for goons. Moot was an SA member and the first 4channers were goons. This was all before the paywall and the catlady invasion of course, and we've evolved along very different lines since, but we are inadvertently a creation of goons, as are SRS's for that matter.

I fucking hate japs, they cannot make nice porn without shoveling in their disgusting fetish.

Reading through this thread is like gazing into a pit of pure autism, this sounds like uber serious shit with politics, economics, armies, etc. but not like you usually talk about grand strategy or RTS games, like this is actually serious real world stuff involving people on the Internet, except it's about some shitty MMO for tryhards and you're all really talking about fake space politics unironically.

It's "real" in the sense that some of the people involved make a lot of money with RMT. Some goons are going to lose their livelihood as a result of this war.

So this is like some Second Life shit in space? Like, you actually have a real money economy and people making a living from playing the game?

I thought when people said EVE is like a second job they just meant the game is boring as all fucks and a chore to play.

You don't know the half of it. One of the Goon diplomats "Vile Rat" was an actual US diplomat IRL and was killed in Benghazi.

Again, The Mittani is good friends with Zoe Quinnburger and defended her during GG (and knowing him, especially with all his journo connections, very likely even helped organize the media blitz). They're not far removed at all.

He was a IT bitch not a diplomat. Faggot was probably playing EVE when the shit went down.

I didn't know that. I always saw Mittens as more removed from general internet drama and faggotry. Shameful.

The game being boring is what they mean. But there are still enough enthusiasts with more money than time to entertain a huge RMT market.
SL isn't a bad comparison, though. Most people who get invested in EVE care much more about the social aspect, than the game itself.

Im fairly certain he was, actually.

The problem with shit like EVE's PvP and similar is it always favours the large, soulless groups.

Sure it's good to see them getting fucked over now but another few groups without any real sense of community will take over and the lucky fucks who got in early will get all the enjoyment.



The beauty of the current situation is that the classic blob tactics no longer work. Which had a massive demoralizing effect on the goons and their allies and led to a lot of stupid decisions.

Even pre-goon EVE had the same flaw user. You can get most of the fun there is to be had in the game from reading up on the political happenings without even bothering to play.

Other than that pirate shit is fun for a short while but it gets old.

There is also something to be said about the recent incident where he demanded an apology from a CCP dev over the tiniest BS and then tried to use that as leverage for greater concessions, SJW-style. Too bad for him it backfired spectacularly because someone helpfully leaked a bunch of chat logs.

His plan involved running to his journo butt buddies I might add, as if the resemblance to SJW tactics wasn't uncanny enough already.

You ever been to pre-geegeerevolt GG, m8? If anything, the creation of the board was an improvement.


John Kelly pls go

i like it, being a loose confederation of people with similar interests suits us much better than a top-down approach


So with no home territory to upgrade their capital fleet, and all their "tactical retreating" they are pretty much fucked, no matter how much money they have banked?

No he wasn't. U can fucking google the shit and he was not diplomat. He was part of a diplomatic team e.g. security, cook, it, cocksucker, take your pick. Guess goons blow this guy up because he actually did something with his life and played eve

Italians can do crusades.

are people just willfully ignoring that CCP haven't done anything good for 13 years at this point

you want old Holla Forums back? there's a site now:
just show the .pl in .net/pol/ only
only national socialists are allowed in .pl , no Holla Forums trash

Well there's a blast from the past

We have become meta

Certainly not with the current Vatican, m8


People in this thread either don't play at all, don't play anymore, or still play and don't know any better/don't care.


This still doesn't change the fact that CCP employs goon devs or has terrible internal management and killed White Wolf.

Care to explain?


CCP Soundwave was the most prominent Goon dev back then, but he wasn't the only one. I'm actually not sure if they still employ Goons.


The only hope they have is things cooling down over time, but as I said, between the universal Goon hate, their constant shit-talking and PL promising to camp forever, it could be years before they've snuck all of their assets out, and with significant casualties in the process.

The people who actually want to fly those ships will probably end up defecting to PL to get their shit out. This has actually been happening a lot across all Goon&friends forces, since only important Goons were told to evac and everyone else got their shit fucked in the rapid advance.

Goons as an entity might have a deep war chest, but most individual members have all of their wealth trapped in inaccessible stations, and no way to make more dosh without bailing out from Goon staging grounds. Goons have also stopped paying for replacement ships (so maybe not so deep a war chest), which really exacerbates it for the average Joe Goon.

Why would these people trust goons? As has been shown by all the leaks, they don't give a fuck about no one but themselves, and letting them get out of their containment zone because they "changed" allegiance is stupid.

Actual Goons won't get accepted, but their former allies meatshields might.

Hope there is a way to track people, because I can see a lot of jewing going around.

I wish suffering on everyone who play's that trash heap, so good. I can't wait till it dies and everyone who sunk the amount of time and money they did kills themself.

It was fucking terrible but damn it was fun


Is EVE even worth playing? Having to grind just to get another 30 days seems pretty dull, and can I play as a dick-ass stealth bomber, and is it viable in the long run?



They're raping a queen bee?

Who cares?

Personally, I don't really know enough of goon to think negatively on them. In fact, what little I do makes me sort of like them. I mean, it takes some serious autism to get that good at something as horrible as EVE.

Why should I help?

I'm curious. What can those things do to the tissue when the larva are so close together? Can it heal properly afterwards, or is it destroyed entirely?
I mean, the parts he touches seem destroyed. I'm not bothered by it if it's in real life, it's disgusting but if that guy can handle it, I can too.

Played against myself, and it seems winable. Now, granted, I am dumb, so it could've gone the other way with someone with more sense.
But I am not such a man.
So I got this.

From what I gather if left inside they can kill the animal which is why you constantly have to keep squeezing them out if you own a dog in that part of the world and actually care for it. The skin will heal and they'll be less and less of the things. If you search the channel you can see some dogs that have recovered they look loads better.

Fucking niggers.

God damn sub-human savages.

I heard someone wants to start a crusade against goons in vidya. Here's a little song for you:

I know for a fact that goons are in every game that has multiplayer and especially in every MMO. The last big one is Rocket League were they got their own custom skin.

From a look into their MMO subforum I got following two games in which Anons and goons likely clash:
Black Desert, Project 1999. That's it. What else I have is their Dungeon Fighter Online thread. Their guild is named Restraint and the IRC channel they hang out on is #dfo on SynIRC. Still of interest if anyone here still plays DFO.

You use a lot of goonglish for someone who doesn't care.

I read somewhere that EVE economy affects Iceland's exchange rate.

I played EVE for a few years back in the day. Have a character that can fly anything all the way up to Battlecruisers for any race, as well as the Minmatar Battleship. I mainly stuck to Command Ships and Stealth Bombers though.

Glad to see Goons getting fucked with.

id rather they leave fullchan

Also, reminder that the Goons were salivating over Star Citizen, thinking they would have a new EVE Online to conquer.

I think he meant that Vile Rat was indeed playing EVE when it happened.

second pic is the sperg himself

Goons are shit at that game.
I've fucked about 20 SJWs alone after repeatedly calling people niggers in chat, and having them flip their shit.

In fact, goons are shit at every game, since they openly play "for the community". What they mean is: "we eat dick, so we make up for it by encouraging multiplayer games to cater to a more 'social' audience".

In the case of Star Citizen, this is over soon. Yeah, some side with Smart but don't fall for their shtick; they will emmit a extra portion when that shit burns salt. The guy is now holy there, because Lowtax is busy with prepping the bull over there. SA has a special Usergroup just for siding with him. Smart's infamy helped that development.

Want to try that again in English?

Some goons may side with Smart, but only because they are upset over Starcitizen's failure. A vocal portion of them don't and are already spraying salt everywhere. The only reason Smart doesn't get outright banned but his dick sucked by Lowtax himself is the fact that he is the only celebrety, if you can call smart that, on that shit forum.

What's "goonglish"?

DBRB was a shit FC back in the old Northern Coalition days, the only skill he has is dick sucking which is why he quickly became Goons' lead FC when they hijacked the NC.

Shit variety of English.Look here:

These are interesting too:'s_Play!

Huh, that's pretty neat.
Kind of an odd little linguistical study.


The paywall was around when 4chan was created, though the main reason why 4chan became the place for shitposting was due to constantly tightening SA moderation that was driven by Lowtax trying to sanitize the forums so they would get ad revenue

Here's what the game is like
If you guys seriously want to make a faction you're gonna need help from this guy and likely his half chan friends

Black wins this.

The thing is, it wins through some rather dirty tactics. The main thing is, you need to throw away a lot of pieces along either the right or left side. Once you break your way through the back, pawns are unable to attack what is behind them, and you can clear them out with no opposition.

It's possible a straight charge might work, but I haven't tested that one yet.

Still, there is the simple fact that white has no king, so it's impossible for them to "lose" anyways.

As an active player of SS13, please don't start a cross-server raid war. We already get enough grief and drama from our own playerbase, we don't need other random assholes shitting it up too.

Not saying server because I have several and this pretty much applies to all of them


Eve is fun. There are some optional aspects that are not, but eve as a whole is fun.
When I say aspects, I really mean optional playstyles. Mining isn't fun, salvaging isn't fun, exploration can be fun if it is your cup of tea. Everything else is pretty gud.

So I don't know if you all noticed this, but Vince Canfield the owner of cockli and associated email address sent out a systemwide email begging people to start playing Eve and support the goonswarm and offering them 200,000,000 ISK if they would do so.

Jesus fuck dude. I'm blown away by some new bullshit every single fucking day.

when will we start crusading?

I'm not a faggot so I am not at all familiar with EVE. But according to him in game currency can be used to pay for subscriptions. How much ISK would translate into one monthly subscription cost?

Last I checked a few months ago it was anywhere from 800 million to 1 billion. If I remember right you got a whole PLEX each time someone subscribes with your code so the guy is pocketing at least 600 million from every sucker who takes him up on this.

Well he is going to need the money considering his ass is going to go to jail in Germany on CP, terrorism, and hate crime charges.

So the guy who owns Cock-li is a goon, or needs goon money?
Does Holla Forums know about this? Can they verify it?

Also starting to wonder how much Vince had to play in the German government seizing all the servers for

I don't think ISK will help him much but he might be selling them for real cash, apparently EVE is pretty big for money laundering.

This actually makes a lot of sense. Cockli came out of nowhere and offered to handle all of Holla Forums's email. This is right when Holla Forums was target number one from SA. Mysteriously as soon as cockli is managing a bunch of Holla Forums emails terrorist threats and CP trading are all discussed publically and linked to Holla Forums through cockli.

It is entirely possible that VC thought he could frame Holla Forums from being a hub of illegal activities while claiming innocence as he is not responsible for the people that used his email, taking down Holla Forums and achieving SA's goals.

fuck, it was my favorite burner email site

well too bad this came out this late

thank god i haven't jumped into meme

Shit, makes too much sense. Even more if you believe Holla Forums's theory on how goons were basically created for use by intelligence services.

I just use it for casual shitposting needs. Like any burner site I don't trust it farther than I can throw it. I have my own private email server for myself and my family.

I find it hard not to go full tinfoil. I wish I was smart so I could actually investigate this all and try and figure out exactly what is happening.

Or they're just Canadian.

I just use Daemon because I like 40k way to much and it looks cooler. I call people on /a/ paedophiles because it pisses them off like nothing else and I honestly would rather that hate go towards some teasipping faggots than decent good hearted Americans.

Enlightened, spiritual, wise.
Connected with God. Morals, values, ethics.
Space Christians.

SJW libtards

Edgy neo-nazis


Amarr is the best faction.

All of the example in that link could apply to a wide number of places on the internet. It's all pretty much standard internet normalfag speak now.

You could ask the GG threads. They do digging and since this is their "base of operations", it'd be in their interest to keep this place up.
Not to mention many ex-Goons are now major SJW "leaders".

I made a post on Holla Forums. I would rather someone look into it than circlejerk on twitter about their e-fame.

I doubt it will amount to much since Holla Forums don't give a shit about video games, GG maybe a circlejerk but they still have diggers who will find this interesting enough to dig in too.

Well I am not emphasizing the video game part, instead the something awful and SJW part. Holla Forums has a massive hard on for SA since Holla Forums was an SA front and shitwrecked them last year on April Fools day.

You know goons are took a massive crippling with most of them getting VAC banned
Anyone else want to crash the Mannconomy and fuck their shit up?

Why not accept it to spy on Goons?

Only risk is what Goons do to make sure you stay loyal. Hacking on each other to make sure you're loyal, making sure you align with their politics, etc. Not to mention the bullseye on your back once you piss them off.

Spying aside, you could even sabotage their EVE games from the inside. Imagine if half their fleet suddenly went AFK in the middle of a battle. Even a quarter.

1. We don't have the numbers to pull that off, you under estimate the eve playerbase
2. In order to even infiltrate a high corporation in eve would basically require months, EVE surprisingly has spy networks to rival even fully developed countries since every single corp has spies all over the game and some took years to keep at that way, not surprising much since even real money is involved
3. it would work well anyways since the goonswarm federation is crumbling since an even bigger corp funded the enemies and turned most of the imperium members on them

By the time we get a sizable group a people settled in the goons wont be a problem in eve anymore since it might takes months for them to get back on their feet.

And it was useless. The thread was flood with people saying

Shit is ridiculous.

Ah, fair enough.
For GG/anti-SJW stuff getting friendly with Goons might help outside of EVE.

EVE was never a realistic goal TBH- I'd imagine most people would want them out of GOOD games before they go bad.
Or oust them out of ANY game so they stop banding up as often.

Do Goons invest heavily in TF2?
If so, do we have the numbers to crash that economy (by selling everything you own at very low prices?)

Not to mention it'd piss off Valve and their jew tactics of late.

Them getting reckt in EVE is a start though. They used EVE to branch out into other games. and are all run by goons who fix the economy to get money to Goon with, bare minimum by being as wasteful as possible we could hyper inflate the value of metal and deflate the value of hats and unusuals absolutlely massacring their ability to profit since now you absolutely have to unbox or craft hats, hats no longer drop.

Vince is in Holla Forums doing damage control right now in their EVE/goon thread, claiming not to be a goon despite his corp being allied with them.

Also claiming no good goys have signed up with his referral and the war is going stellar for his corp and goons

>>>Holla Forums5893984

What's the point? All discussion was ended before it could even begin. Almost as soon as the thread started people came in and flooded the thread to try and stop anyone from talking about it. I am seeing this guy's posts and all he is saying is that despite being part of the goon fleet and trying to raise money for it he has nothing to do with something awful and how safe and trustworthy his webmail is despite having given his servers to the German government.

To show anons that Vince shouldn't be trusted.

Vince showing up out of the blue to offer 8ch mail while at the same time the site was getting falseflagged by some lolcow SJW tranny with CP who also has ties to SA.

He didn't "give anything," his colo provider allowed German authorities to sieze his servers without notification.

You are so fucking new it hurts.
Please kill yourself, newfaggot.

Not out of the blue;

Good luck getting HW to corroborate his story.

You're both new as fuck, Vince has been well known on Holla Forums and /g/ for years.

Sounds like I should get back into EVE then.

Goons have always gravitated towards games where strength was in numbers and "making deals".

If you had to fight a goon one on one in most games they'd be shit as the average player.

friendly reminder that SS et al are still goons

less friendly reminder that the 'alt right' is every bit as cancerous as stalinist anime twitter

completely unfriendly reminder that you are a permapwned super-goy and that you will reply to this with memes and "nuh-uh"




hey hangly why don't you "hang" yourself

barrenwife dude might be unable to pick a woman whose uterus isn't poisonous, but he's absolutely right about you