Across 10 European countries, 55% polled say 'all further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped'

Across 10 European countries, 55% polled say 'all further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped'

A plurality of 18-29 year-olds, people with a university education, and a majority of city-dwellers also agree with the statement

How many years has it been since Muslims have been flooding into Europe? About time they pushed back and said enough is enough.

Baba Vagna said Europe would be "completely lost" to Muslims by now. Trump has … changed things. I'm starting to legitimately believe that he changed fate somehow


that's pretty yuge for those demographics.

factor in the "silent" types that won't admit their true beliefs to the polls and it gets even better; living in countries where 'wrongthink' is criminalized certainly affected candidness on their anti-refugee sentiment.

Ouch. Spain and UK seem too far gone. I guess all those feminist in Spain rotted the brain of the populace and the muslim taking over London did the same in UK.



B-but think about the diversity goy!
strikes again


This isn't even a new development. The vast majority of Europeans (except for Swedes) never wanted a ton of foreigners in their countries, especially not muslims or blacks. But they are all afraid of voting for a far right party so they won't make that sentiment known at the ballot box. They are also afraid to be labeled racist for speaking up publicly, which can cost you your job, your children and even land you in prison.

Nazi LARPers, social issue autism and war mongering is also a problem with far right parties. Immigration should be a referendum and not tied to party programs. Lots of people want no far right culture revolution whatsoever but would be happy to kick out most foreigners. Ironically, the moderate rightwing parties also go soft on the immigration issue, which is the one thing they should remain hardline on.

Nobody seems to be able to get it right, there's always a lot of baggage to vote for when it's actually a pure single issue. This is a problem with party politics in general, all the fucking wedge issues that get bundled together into shit sandwiches. What has gay marriage to do with immigration or tax reform? FUCKING NOTHING. So these issues should be campaigned and voted on separately as referendums. Fuck having to buy not only the cow with the milk but the whole village also. Party politics are pure cancer.

All the big parties agree on something and just like that the voter can't do shit about it. Some fucking democracy.

Fuck off, the same age groups fit the bill here.

Wew lads, REX and VNV revival when?

The only good kebab is a pork kebab.

Best goyim confirmed.

If you factor out the Scots and London it's probably a lot better though.

Germany intended to halt the Guest Worker programme as early as the late 60s but nothing ever came of it.

They knew what would happen eventually. The writing was on the wall even back then.

Same in the Netherlands with (((guest workers))). We had some Italians and Spanjards most of which went back after a few years.
Then came the Maroccans and after about 22000 of those the programme was stopped in the mid 70's. But they just keep coming and they just keep breeding.

We need DOTR

European here.
It's been this way for years, we never wanted sandniggers, it was the EU doing that.
Why do you think so many nationalist parties are forming everywhere?
Ireland, Germany, the UK, France, Belgium, etc. These parties are forming and gaining ground quickly, the EU is very likely to not exist in its current form (if at all) by the end of the decade. The only way I can realistically see it still existing is if it goes back to being an economic union and removes all political control the EU has.

That's not how polls work, you dumb fuck.

Thought it would be higher in Greece considering pic related. But the pro rapefugee propaganda under the commie government and the entire establishment media and press over the past 2 years is relentless. The commies are also attacking the education system forcing tranny faggot and pro multiculti propaganda and courses at schools.

I'd be surprised if Scotland actually supported immigration. Maybe some faggoty students, but not much

found a flaw in their methodology

>European here.
You dense motherfucker, i bet you didnt even realise you typed that as your identity.

There should be no non White immigration and the existing non Whites should all be expelled.

Well the European answer to this is going to be to increase moslem immigration to remove this racist sentiment. It's the jews and eurocucks that are in charge. So it's not going to be pretty.

The Scottish are apparently more leftist than the English (outside London). So yeah they definitely want shitskins.

No gender fluid?
Fuck these misogynists/racists.

We are not cucks okay

Then stop acting like it.

you are cucked in heavy concentrations

Liam Neeson isn't Scottish. Neither were Mel Gibson or Christopher Lambert, but that's beside the point.


Not many people are rabidly anti-gay, but men are still supposed to be masculine. Feminine gays could expect some hostility, especially if they're being faggots in public

but will they do anything.

Hasn't Spain actually been enforcing their border though? It's possible Spaniards haven't felt Allah's blessed squeezing fingers.