Mocking the working class

Should we criticize the very common parodies of the American Working Class?

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Let's start, the term redneck is both racist and classist. You don't get a red neck from the sun trading stocks do you.

no fuck liberals

No, it's not in anyone's interest to do so. Certain individuals like to believe that anyone who is suffering under the bootheel of capitalism becomes supernaturally endowed with wisdom, virtue and nobility. This is not the case at all. We need to openly admit the ugliness of mankind and show it off as often as possible. Not in an exaggerated, demonized fashion, mind you. Just enough that the flawed humanity comes through.

When we do the opposite, and build an artificially ennobled platonic ideal of humanity that exists only in our minds, we create a false consciousness that leads people to mistake our little material project for some kind of moral crusade.


Also, sage this obvious bait thread

Resentment of these parodies is a large part of the reason people are flocking to the right.

They don't like "political correctness" because they see it as mocking them.

In large part because arrogant liberals like jon Stewart do often openly mock them.

No, making fun of the working class is not

1) going to get them on your side
2) make the world more ready for revolution.

oh and by the way, you ARE on a moral crusade. There is no objective set of criteria you can give me that doesn't ultimately come down to your subjective feels. Therefore, it is a moral crusade. Even if it is one based in materialism, why choose that one? Because you have a set of morals that tell you it is the best one. Plenty of people don't believe in materialism, that is their moral system.

Don't try and pretend you are objective and transcendent. I.e a special snowflake, you aren't, nobody is. When will you fags get this into your head.

I swear half the people who post here are just narcissists jerking off to themselves

and certain individuals believe that people are poor because they are stupid and lazy. Those individuals are very common.

It's almost an American article of faith.

Read some Napoleon Hill, in one his books, he actually claims that a family of sharecroppers was poor for generations because none of them imagined anything else.

No it isnt, merely saying it is doesnt make it so. It's classist but certainly not racist

Black people don't get red necks do they you fucking mug

Or because the right has their values??

They make fun of poor and dumb racist people that say things like 'that nigger barack HUSSEIN obama is NOT my president, unless you're going to say that dumb, poor, and racist people is pretty much the working class then your statement is inaccurate

Tbh working class people is Larry's audience

Treating people with kid gloves is not going to get them on your side. Political correctness of any stripe is retarded.

You sound spooked as fuck, as it happens. Don't impose your own idealism on others just because you lack the will to confront it.

I simply want to avoid suffering. This is not a moral stance.

The capitalist myth of meritocracy is the real culprit here. But the way we should defeat it imo is to reveal porky's laziness and stupidity. Once we are all made out to be equally stupid and lazy, the way forward will become immediately clear.

That doesnt mean the termbis racist you fucking moron. Holy shit why is leftypol FULL of unread idiots like you that just love to talk out of their ass constantly and then act like a jackass when they're called out.

Redneck was made into a derogatory term by white people to degrade other white people not based on their race, but their class!

*and location

But it's also used as a racist slur by the black folk who hate whiteys.

"Larry" is neither southern nor working class.

He is from Nebraska and has a Master's degree in English Lit.

for real?

holy shit lol

I am wrong.. He has Doctorate in anthropology.

Don't make stereotypes
But do mock idiocy regardless of class

Yea, i know. I just dont think Larry belongs in the 'mocks and parody the working class' category. He makes working class jokes for working class people through his character 'larry the cable guy'. While he may parody them, i dont think he does it maliciously.

I've only seen black people use it for poor whites and racist white southerners, not whites in general.

who gives a shit about that, we want to abolish class
go beyond bourgeois and proletarian!

The only thing that will make the world ready for revolution will be mass unemployment and/or starvation. You can't start a revolution just by talking people into it, and once the conditions are there you can't talk people out of it either.

Of course it isn't just the working class who are thick as shit. All humans are a few orders of magnitude short of anything which could be described as intelligence.

Oh I'm 'spooked as fuck'

That's a great non response. How about you actually refute the point I made. Are you really going to pretend your personal criteria somehow amount to objectivity?

Quite hilarious that you use the stirner meme in that context actually. Stirner the kind of subjective morality, who knew this better than anyone maybe.

The problem with modern day political correctness isn't that it tries to stop behaviours which marginalise people, it's that it does so arbitrarily.

The marginalisation, or perceived marginalisation of the white male
is probably the single biggest cause altrightism. As I said, the failings of arrogant liberalism have created this situation.

Just like black people call each other nigga/nigger all the time

I don't need to refute anything because you don't even have an argument. You are just saying that jokes about poor whites are bad with no justification or evidence in support of that claim whatsoever. It's on you to prove your own point, not on me to disprove it.

Treating white rednecks with fellatory deference is not going to make them like you or turn over to the left. More probably they'll think you're a pussy, and they probably wouldn't be wrong.

Bull shit.

This situation was created by capitalism and those who benefit from it. There's a lot of people with a vested interest in keeping the white working class spooked and subservient.

People don't flock to the right because some comedians said some mean jokes at their expense. They do it because they've been economically marginalized and fearful of gays, minorities and atheism, but most importantly because they have no money, and the only reason they can think up to explain their economic position, given the lack of education and deliberate misdirection is the one pushed by porkies and demagogues about welfare leeches, too much regulations, immigrants, Jewish tricks and so on. The way to overcome this is with outreach and education, not censoring jokes.

The problem with modern day political correctness is that it's completely retarded and doesn't help anyone. You're channeling liberal idpol like it's going out of style right now, the way you think that jokes marginalize people. Considering the degree of idealism you've shewn so far I'm not really surprised.

By the way, your argument for what is based in morality is retarded. I could use it to say that 'well you can't give me a reason you brush your teeth or eat food that doesn't come down to subjective feels' and then turn around and say eating food is an action motivated by morality.

Redneck is a culture, I believe hillbilly would be the classist term.

Hillbilly means mountain scots irish ethnic group people in Appalachia and Ozarks regions. Those people were unionist in the secession war of 1861-65t

Larry doesn't mock the whole of the American working class, but the boorish reactionary faction of it, ie - rednecks.

What's hilarious is that rednecks are so consummately stupid, they don't realize they're being made fun of. Rednecks themselves make up probably the majority portion of Larry's fanbase. Completely unironically.

Light skinned black people DO.

Blacks in Dixie use the term "peckerwood" more for poor white southerners. Its a hit of an older term….

can you hate ivory tower leftistm and the reactionary workers at the same time?

Yes. The working class are fucking retards who don't know what's best for them and we need to constantly remind them that we're superior to them so that they will listen to our wisdom.

That is how "the left" functions right now at the moment.
The "masses" are completly ignorant of theory and critical thinking.

Read rules for radicals. Ideological contradictions don't matter if they promote our interests.

You know how we got this far down dumbfuckery road? Because capitalism has been catering to the lowest common denominator of intellect rather than putting forth the highest of our learned individuals out on the waves.

The stupid in the world
should endlessly be reminded of their ignorance and shamed for it.
They often are too old to correct it, but man does shame kick them in the ego and really push them to pressure their kids to not be as dumb as they are.

You''re talking on a board that idolizes Enver Hoxha. It's a common practice for any group to have a quasi-ironic admiration for the most extreme or negative examples of their beliefs or lifestyle, hence a small industry of red neck and proud mercy.

Larry the Cable guy has "written" full books (that is had them ghostwritten) and they really are sincere reactionary screed. The insertion of some southern twang here and there doesn't turn it into a parody of those beliefs, but a self-humoring affirmation of them. He is a perpetuator of actual right wing views and is intentionally doing so. Colbert this ain't.

well it obviously doesn't mean that anymore you dumb cunt

the english language changes

Except, I have given you several reasons.

Maybe we should start by setting up some definitions, what, in your view, is racism?

Yeh you're right healthy respect never got anybody anywhere

Well you've answered with one ad hominem, so I'll fire one back. If you are the type of person who thinks having tact and not being a snobby cunt makes you a 'pussy' you are likely no older than 18. Also probably don't actually spend that much time around the working class, likely because you are a coddled little shit.

>This situation was created by capitalism and those who benefit from it.

Capitalism is liberalism, so we are saying the same thing here buddy old pal.

which all forms part of an identity, the white male, which is being marginalised. Are you forgetting the right is Idpol?

Sure, we know that its because of cash flow, but in their heads its an identity thing, you only have to take a cursory glance at their ideology to see this.

So, 'single greatest reason' was wrong, the fact that they are broke is obviously the reason, but they've been broke for a very long time, our age isn't unique in its poverty, so why the rise of the right NOW. Which is why i say the rise of the altright, which is different from the general rise of the right.

Also, your point does not explain, why they do not choose the left, merely why they SHOULD be revolutionary. There is no necessary causal between being poor and being reactionary, as history shows us, the poor have often been revolutionary, so there are other factors at play here.

The one I suggest is the whole Fukuyaman 'end of history' narrative that Liberalism has won, hence its blinding arrogance and the mocking of the working class.

>The way to overcome this is with outreach and education, not censoring jokes.

I didn't say shit about censoring jokes, just that we should critique them, like the post asks.

This isn't actually a point you're just saying its bad because its bad.

double buzzword combo, nice. So I'm spooked, liberal and idpol. What next? I'm a reactionary revisionist? You might as well just go all out on the memeing.

Yes I could and I wouldn't be wrong.

Nigger is a culture but nigger is still a racist term.

He's not making fun of rednecks. His act is as bigoted as they come. Only Dunham (the guy with the puppets) is as blatantly racist.

Cross does an excellent take down of him

I would have to disagree. They're called hillbillies for a reason. It's a sort of derogatory term for hill folk ie - the native residents of Appalachia and the Ozarks.

Instead of making of fun of them we could, you know, talk to them? Tell them about worker coops along the lines of "helping them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps" and showing them how coops are "muh Freedumb"? I heard Richard Wolff say that he got southerners who absolutely hate the word "socialism" to get into coops and then he dropped the bomb on them.
The problem with rednecks is that they're one of the most spooked groups in the country, we have to unspook them.
How do you think Lenin got the support of the peasants? He sent party members to live with them and promised them TANGIBLE things.
You have to speak their language, and not just scream at them about how they're stupid and ignorant.

but then I'd have to actually put some effort in and change my behaviour instead of just munching doritos and waiting for the revolution while making cheap jokes about people less fortunate than myself :(

I'm struggling with that as well.
Not like I'm some kind of paragon.


How about you stop being an autist and go outside?

"i fight for duhh working class haahahaha fug u bourgeosi"

"hey lets make fun of the proles"

You seem to think that respect and mockery are mutually exclusive. I grant you that maybe we're not talking about the same thing here, so let me clarify - what I am against is the notion that people shouldn't be mocked or belittled when they're being stupid, vain, cruel, etc. just because they belong to a class that we are taught is beyond reproach - ie, women, Blacks, the poor, rednecks, gays, etc. Respect is not mutually exclusive with this, especially when there's plenty of stupidity and cruelty to mock specific to the poor whites.

Calling me coddled and snobby is a load, because avoiding jokes out of fear of offense is exactly what a coddled snob would do. Offensive jokes are how you establish a rapport and show that you're a genuine, vulnerable human being and not putting up a front. You do know that the biggest audience for jokes about rednecks are fucking rednecks, right?

The problem isn't jokes - if there's anything related to this that is, it's people who view poor whites as the enemy and demonize them without even considering the idea that they might share the same fundamental interests. This is usually spooked American Democrats, not leftists. I don't think the case that Jon Stewart pushed even a single person to the right has any merit whatsoever, because if a fucking redneck is watching Jon Stewart odds are he's already overcome immense pressure at the local societal level to express a deviant political belief. Even if Jon Stewart didn't make jokes at poor whites' expense, the demagogues that rednecks listen to would still find some other material justification for why the left are moral degenerates who want to destroy their values and enslave their children.

You are saying that people flock to the right wing because of liberals' jokes. I am saying that other influences are to blame - specifically churches and business owners who wield immense influence over communities by virtue of everybody listening to them or working for them. Prosperity gospel alone probably set the cause of the left back 200 years in the South alone. You're not going to get their demagogues to stop by being nice and friendly, they are literally going to call you a disingenuous pussy. What you need to do is push a materialistic counter-narrative that rejects their idealistic identity-based conception of the world and urges them to embrace their self-interest as working people who are being exploited.

You are saying political correctness is good and will get poor whiteys on your side. I am saying you are full of shit and you have no evidence, QED.

When you make the exact same idpol arguments as the progressive liberal segment and wholeheartedly embrace liberal idealism, I think all of those things can be safely assumed. Hell, you're even conflating American Liberals with the left wing. What more evidence could I need?

If everything is morality, then morality loses any sort of meaning as a concept.

Look i know that you dont read history books because doing so is le spooky idpol but blackface was done to dehumanize blacks for the amusement of a white audience. It's not comparable

jon stewart did a great service to this country exposing our politicians for the morally bankrupt, hypocritical clowns they are. mocking dumb assholes isn't arrogant, it's cathartic. that show was therapy.

Those are called Mulattoes, not blacks.

They have a high percentage of caucasian DNA in their blood.

jon stewart is a neoliberal fascist spreading state propaganda.

Fuck off, the White working class NEEDS to be ridiculed and fucking deconstructed for being the prime source of racism, bigotry and ignorance in modern day America.

Sucking up to them will just empower demagogic populists like Trump or Rush Limbaugh

he's a good guy he just doesn't see beyond the mainstream so called "left"

imo he would agree with most of what we are saying too

That would be black people.

hi Holla Forums

While I agree with you I think it's important to remember the role the white oligarchy played


Theyre called blacks and identity as blacks. Dont try to take them away.

Yes it does, you bitch made nigga. Lowlands whites dont call themselves hillbillies. Theyre more likely to say theyre rednecks.


Black people arent supportive of fucking up other peoples countries for the lulz and whatnor.

Those are not the same thing

Yes they are, much more so than white people. They just don't have as easy of means or motivation to actually go to foreign lands. And whites don't usually do it for the lulz like Negroes do. It's more of a finance and territorial thing.

Looks like you're the star of today's episode, son.


Pls point us to the thousands of black people screaming 'bomb those stupid sandniggers that hate us because we have mcdonalds!'

They aren't saying that though. They're saying "lets go rape and kill all of the white people because fuck it."

Whatever is imperative to your view man.

You should learn a lesson from this encounter yourself, child.

okay, now i know this isn't a serious conversation. have a good night, lover!

Given the blacks had the HIGHEST rate of opposition to the Iraq War, I believe a majority actually according to that poll War Nerd cited….. uh youre flat out wrong

Not to mention blacks basically considered US involvement in WWII bullshit and a lot of them were pro Japanese as Japan was fighting white imperialists in Asia so they saw Japan as a kindred spirit having the same struggle. (Malcolm X a life of reinvention says so, and howard Zinn's peoples history as well).

Thats not fucking up *other* peoples countries.

fuck off I'm the same guy I AM NOT A FUCKING POLTARD with my head up my asshole

The White working class is literally obedient to its fascist overlords in everything they support

They go in for racist, sexist, homophobic and pro-taxcuts for the rich policies because they're literally brainwashed into fascism

Stop defending them


We don't need to do it maliciously, but we shouldn't walk on egg shells either.

The other problem is that way too many leftist have zero patience and the listening skills of a toddler.

If you have really challenged yourself and your beliefs then it shouldn't bruise your ego to have someone way more ignorant that you give you shade.

So many leftists seem to think if they can't rebuke every argument against socialism then they've lost. Socialism has flaws and opportunity costs relative to capitalism. It just way better over all but so many leftist fly off the handle when an ignorant prole parrots some common criticisms of it.

The butthurt this comment has caused is a sign you're right.


Just be blunt and real, they are FUCKING BIGOTS so we don't need to fucking give them unearned respect

Neck yourself

You too

You scream idpol at groups that are against violent anti them ideology that's barely veiled because, say it with me, you IDENITFY with white people or whiteness.

Then you fucking wonder liberals walk all over you in the political arena.

Love you panther man but imperial japan was absolute shit. Langston Hughes was forcibly deported for having communist ties. They brutally imperialized other (brown) asians more than they fought off white imperialism. And any cases of fighting off white imperialism was because they wanted to do the same thing the europeans were doing.

I heard they reclaimed it or that in some places it isn't pejorative. Literally just means your neck's red from working outdoors all day.

No, fuck dumb racist white trash. We don't need them, we don't want them.

WWII japan isnt perfect, but it was seen as a non white power fighting off whites so blacks had a high opinion of it. Even assuming Japan was just as bad as Europeans were (questionable given Japan mainly wanted allied countries, not to absorb them a la Korea) the fact was they *weren't* Europeans.

Larry the Cable Guy's audience ain't East Coast Liberal Academia, champ.

But they are you clueless idiot.

Not an argument. You basically just proved me right. Stay negroid.