Poll for reformism

Want to see leftypol's opinion on reformism:


I voted neutral because I think supporting reformism should really depend on the current political, social and material climate of a country. For example I support reformism in the US because the US is so classcucked and full of id pol that if the economy completely collapses then it would probably turn into White Nationalist vs Black Nationalist or something stupid like that. However in a country that is more class conscious and has a very large active leftist scene then I would lean more towards accelerationism because there would be a much bigger chance of accelerationism achieving the goals of the working class than hurting it.

The legalisation of trade unionism alongside the extension of the vote and the inclusion of the working class in democracy via the LabourParty was an important factor in the domestication of a proletariatthat once terrorised the rich and middle class society. The fact that themove from rural feudalism and a more primitive mercantilism toindustrial capitalism was brought about without a wholesale bloodyrevolution, such as happened in France, means that the UK ruling classand state system has a continuity and stability unlike many other partsof the world. The sickly cross-class social contract based on the spoilsof imperialist empire poison the minds and spirits of the people of theUK. The disgusting herd instincts of obedience to the law, fear of the‘anti-social’ and the unpopular, hatred of ‘the other’, institutionalmediation and social dialogue between the oppressed and theoppressors have been deeply rooted in large parts of the populationthrough the democratic/social-democratic system and the all-powerfulness of the Law, its cops, courts and prisons. We now findourselves in a bleak and desolate landscape of law-abiding citizenism,spirit-impoverishing democratic protest, populist demagoguery thatsoothes the petty egos of the sold-out masses, and cowardly socialcannibalism. So much for the old working class.
Anarchy - Civil or Subversive by 325

Dont mind my horrible editing with forgetting to add spaces.

Kill yourself you fat fuck


Social Fascism

Yeah! Fuck the law! Let's let criminals run amock! Surely that will bring about Utopia!
It isn't fear. It's "This guys kind of a sperg. I want nothing to do with him." Sane people don't want to mingle with the insane.
Defending and honoring your groups ways and values and norms does not mean you hate other groups. Hate comes from negative experience, and one thing that makes one group hate another group is forcing them to live together. Diversity breeds hate because it forces different groups into conflict.

fuck off, you hipster. there is literally people dying in the street of Hunger, if the fastest way to help 'em is reformism, go to reformism. The point of leftism isn't "ZE ACHIEVEMENT OF MY SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE COMMEMENISM" but the happiness of the prole.

Ohyeah i forgot, i am on lefty/pol/.

Why so butthurt?

Voted Neutral.
Reformism isnt bad in itself, it should definitely play at least a small part in any communist tactic, but it should never be the goal itself.

that's kinda reductionist.

Hopefully they'll leave after election season is over

Perfectly said. This is the repugnant psychological filth that has castrated the left. Is there any way to rid the working class of this disgusting cancer or are we fucked?

Yes, fuck the law. And all acts of workers liberation are by definition "criminal". If we are not criminal to the bourgeois system, we are not communists.
The way sane is defined in our society is whatever doesn't threaten the ruling class. Everything that does is insane and anti social.

Think outside the bourgeois cultural paradigm for once nigger.

Sometimes the most radical thing you can do is make a reasonable demand.


Nice quote, d'you get it off a bumper sticker?

Zizek said it

he would, too

Make radical demands, and vote for politicians that serve those demands. If there are none, then take to the streets, riot, march, occupy, strike, boycott, sabotage, etc. until they give in. There's no need to actually topple the government and invite chaos and a power vacuum.

Tired of hipster here waiting for revolution to happen by itself.

is this cointel

cointel is supposed to discredit the left not make them seem more reasonable


reddit get out