Vehicular Safety


For those of you that don't want to read it, the tl;dr is that a guy in Venezuela was kidnapped by a gang as he was driving down a highway. They pulled ahead of him and slammed on the brakes, he stopped after crashing into them, they ran out of the car carrying guns, and they forced him into their car so he could be ransomed.

Considering the increasing potential for both targeted and non-targeted violence to occur due to both Antifa groups sperging out and a general increase in crime that may occur as our current society either radically changes or collapses entirely (either is possible in my opinion, and either would lead to a period of increased crime rates), what are some good methods of "defensive driving" to prevent someone from being able to put you in the situation of the Venezuelan guy in the article?

Assuming you were driving down the highway in some Mad Max like scenario and the local gang decides to try to run you off the road/crash into you or otherwise put you in a situation where they can either kill you, kidnap you, or take your shit, what are some methods of preventing them from being able to do so?

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Static defenses never add to anything.
Your defense must be reactive, offensive some times.

That ransomed guy lost long time before he reached that highway. They probably tailed him for weeks, and he didn´t noticed.

Keep a gun in the car and shoot at their wheels

While that might be possible with two people, it's dangerous with a single driver. Obviously, if my choice is between leaning at the car to shoot someone and getting my organs extracted I'll take the "dangerous" option of shooting at the pursuing vehicle, but I'd prefer an alternative that isn't as dangerous.

Also there's the concern about getting arrested. Obviously if someone is pursuing you with an intent to kidnap you, lethal force should be justified, but there's nothing to stop some shitlib judge from concluding that you had no reason to believe the five cars trying to run you off the road meant you any harm – they were just engaging in a culturally diverse greeting method :^) – and charging you with anything from assault with a deadly weapon to murder.

That's the problem with semi-collapse societies. In societies that have completely collapsed you don't have to give a shit about rules and regulations, because there are none being enforced. But in a moribund society which is semi-Mad Max but still kind of crawling along on its last legs, there'll still be some semblance of a legal system remaining, and you can bet your ass that (((they))) will do anything they can to make sure that a white man trying to defend himself is punished as severely as possible.

Obviously not being some ugly nigger nosed Mexican spic from Venezuela you autistic bloated, flat footed beaner.

South Africa has a few neat ideas on this topic.

woops, wrong embed.

The only safety is being fit, alert and armed.

shoot at the ground underneath the front end of the car so that it ricochets through the underside of the car. that'll scare em'.

30 ahkmeds surround your house and place you under seize. What do you do now?

Also according to the article not all the kidnappings are premeditated. Some of them are the equivalent of "smash and grab" robberies – they just find someone that looks like he might not be destitute and grab them, without any planning that can be noticed.

You really doubt the same thing could happen here? We've had antifa riots in major cities for over a week now, deranged leftists are calling for mass killings of anyone who doesn't support their beliefs, and Mexico is threatening to use cartel violence to attack America.

Add to that the fact that despite Trump's victory Western civilization is already in an advanced state of decline, to the point that it may or may not be recoverable, the fact that (((they))) still have control over the Fed and the media and could use that power to topple society as we know it (think hyperinflation) should they determine that they have no chance of regaining control, the fact that shitskins are still streaming into the country at massive rates and will continue to do so until Trump gets the wall up and reforms immigration, which even for him will take a nonzero amount of time, the fact that Europe still hasn't uncucked itself with regard to immigration, the fact that even if we cut off all illegal immigration a combination of legal immigration and birth rate discrepancies between whites and shitskins still puts us at a long term disadvantage, and the fact that the economy is still in the shitter and may or may not recover, and I wouldn't be so sure of victory as to assume that America couldn't become Venezuela 2.0

Have as much confidence in Trump as you want, but if you honestly think there's zero chance that we will fail and that the restoration of a white America/Europe is completely certain, you're delusional. If you honestly think people shouldn't prepare for the possibility of a SHTF situation, you're no different from the leftists who think no one needs to own guns because they themselves have never been mugged.

The ability to plan ahead and prepare for negative consequences is a very important white trait. Don't engage in nigger-tier inability to plan ahead.

Shoot one of them and watch the rest disperse because shitskins are massive pussies?

To start with: don't get out of the fucking car.

While effective against people standing outside the car, I'm more interested in preventing someone from forcing you off the road, crashing into you, or otherwise forcing you to stop.

Also there's the possibility of Judge Shekelstein finding you guilty of resisting enrichment if you try something like that. While obviously better than getting enriched, the best solution would be one that doesn't get you arrested.

I have access to guns, dumb beaners who willingly allow their nation to step on their throats do not.

Beaners are weak mentally and physically, who's to say the guy wasn't being stalked for fucking months before they deciced to jump him? Albeit the fact beaners are fucking stupid so I'm sure it's more inclined to be a random act of violence.

This shit will only happen in the real world if disgusting shitskins start flooding even more than they are already. The world is only decaying because of ethnically non-Europeans/non-whites walking this earth. The quicker they die off, the better this world will be.

So that includes you, being some autistic beaner dying off, the only one here being a nigger here is you, since you're incapable of referring to the Europoid race properly and rambling off making it clear you're not one of us.

also, even if you miss you'll probably end up hitting the engine or tires. aiming solely at the tires in poor visibility/while driving or during high speeds is just not a safe bet.

If society has collapsed to the point where you could actually get arrested for defending yourself this blatantly, then you already have nothing to lose

Exactly, starting to think this guy is just fucking stupid.

Thanks, I laughed at this.

Hate to say it, but this guy is right. My first redpill for this was reading Vox Day's book on immigration and realizing that over 80% of immigrants from Latin America have socialist political leanings. Even though their governments always end up massively corrupt. That's the idiotic and frustrating thing about spics. They assume that the government is riddled with corruption (way beyond our own – I'm talking Mexico or Columbia level of shit) and that the only thing they're good for is free handouts. They're not used to seeing a government that actually works, so they come to America, see we don't give out free handouts all the time, and think we're asshole elitist gringos who hoard everything for ourselves, when really they're just lazy.

I'm a clap whose family originally came from Scotland.

Defending yourself this blatantly.
I see you've never tried to discuss self-defense with a shitlib. They don't think it's "self-defense" unless the person you shot is currently stabbing you to death. They literally have no sense of self-preservation or an ability to determine when someone is indirectly threatening their safety without currently attacking them. It's this lack of basic survival skills that makes the leftist the way he is. As far as he's concerned, those cars trying to run you off the road were just "having fun" and racing.

Now imagine that someone like that is your judge or on the jury. Try justifying any self-defense situation to them; they just won't understand it.

These people exist in red states too. Cities are shitlib-central even in the midwest, and even the most redpilled region has its share of cucks, and you can be sure that Prosecuting Attorney Moshe will be sure to get as many of them on the jury as possible.

You call yourself a "clap" you seem to have not one bloody clue of how the legal system in America actually works. Unless you are in the most pozzed county of an already pozzed state, chances are you'll walk if you can remotely prove you acted in self-defense.
This "jailed for self-defense" rubbish is something that happens in Canada and Euro poz nations

The simplest fix is to increase your following distance behind any car. Gives you more time to react and more room to escape. At red lights give yourself a carlength or two. Not sexy but it negates a lot of this. Then you could take a defensive driving course. A lot of places that offer tactical firearms training also offer driving courses.

Yea that worked great for saigamarine

you can also take defensive driving course at a regular drivers school, they give a enclosed course after you take a test because some companies require an defensive driving course

mythbusters did this one, it was an incredibly difficult shot but they did manage to do it. tbh you're better off trying to pit maneuver them or aim for their heads through the windshield, also you can shoot the radiator if you're expecting a long chase


You're welcome buddy.

Wasn't that the retard that filmed himself talking about dindus and waving guns like a fucking idiot before shooting negros up? Geez I do fucking wonder if this COINCIDENCE might have swayed any goddamn court anywhere against the retard filmed on it

Grab a spare magazine.

It works how the kikes in charge want it to work. Laws and rules can be changed as necessary to make sure that the white man who resisted enrichment gets put behind bars.

That's good for when the people who want to grab you start out ahead of you, but what do you do if, like in the article, they start off behind you, pull ahead, move to the lane you're in with their rear bumper about a foot ahead of your front, and slam on the brakes?

And what do you do if there's a group of cars and they box you in at, say, a red light? Just get one car ahead and behind you, one car on either side, wait for everyone to stop at the light, jump out and grab you/pull you out of your car/shoot you, and drive away? If the cars they're using aren't visually similar (i.e. all the same make and model or all have some sort of logo on them), which is going to be the case in 99% of situations, you won't know they're working together to box you in until they get out of the car. And because you're on a relatively crowded city street and not the open highway, it might not seem suspicious to have cars somewhat close to you (they don't need to be on your ass until you actually stop, just close enough to ensure you will be boxed when you do stop). Leaving space between you and the car in front of you won't be particularly effective, since you still won't be able to reverse to get out of the box they've got you in.

This kind of thing has happened several times around where I live. People get boxed in at a red light, niggers get out of the cars in front and to the sides of them with guns, they get pulled out of the car and shot/stabbed/beaten, and the niggers drive away with a new car.

I don't think the people suggesting that realize what kind of situation you're in. You're sitting in a car where your gun might be in a position where it's difficult to grab. In addition, you're in a reactive spot – you can't start shooting until they start getting out of their cars, by which point they've already got their guns drawn and are ready to fire. In addition, unless you're driving with a RWDS group, they'll probably outnumber you heavily. To make matters worse, you're surrounded and cars aren't bulletproof. So the likely end result of trying to shoot your way out of the situation is that you get filled with lead and the niggers still get a new (if somewhat damaged) car.

If I had to kill for self defense in a shitlib state, I'd just keep going.

It shouldnt matter what he said, the evidence proves self defence, fucking being racist isnt premeditation, and our court system is pozzed.

If you arent in Florida, you'll be in prison for self defense, guaranteed

It proves intent you retard

Intent to fucking what? Exercise constitutional rights?

Of what? Being a badthinker? He didn't say he was going to shoot someone, he made ungood jokes. And none of that matters, since the situation he was in was completely unrelated to anything he said in those jokes. He didn't lure them into a trap he had talked about. He retreated until he could run no further and then shot someone after they started attacking him.

Wake up from your dream world. You are not living in Whiteopia. Trump getting elected has thus far not caused the justice system to be unpozzed. If you are white and you defend yourself, youwill be made an example of.

Haha, those socialists really did it this time.
Their paradise now has highway bandits, on top of the cannibalism, dog eating and forced male roadblocks.

Well, if they are against highway bandits that use nigger logic to ambush moving targets, then the rational Mad Max person route would be to hide already loaded guns inside the seats (or under, because adversary (past corrupt) cops), add glued ceramic tiles layered inside the doors, adding some 1 inch plates under the seats, building sand filled tires, adding a hidden ram surface on the front chassis zone filled with concrete and adding a welded cage inside for bumps, because the rational man in that situation would never dare to stop and surrender his meat. Also, add some grenades for destroying the car when they eventually catch him, and surrender with style.

Of course, all this car modding should be done in a near wasteland secure location, hidden in a mine of sorts.

Pit maneuver is a good tactic but probably difficult to pull off without any training. Certainly more reliable than trying to shoot out somebody's tires.

OP if you're serious take some stunt driving courses and they'll teach you all sorts of cool shit. Or make friends with a cop and have him take you out driving.

I'm not particularly good at making friends. Although I am interested in learning from cops. I figure if you can find someone that's a like the stereotypical grizzled street veteran they'd have some useful tips. But where exactly do you find those kinds of people, and how do you get them to tell you what they know?

If that happens you got fucked in a previous movement, you fucked it in a previous move, always, and that capture is their finishing move. Checkmate, same as in all muggings. You should had been conscious of their plan to box you at their 'check' moves, behind in the road.

Again, in muggings, rape, murder, and the like, you must have certain traits to become a target, or position yourself on the path for that outcome (like borrowing money from sharks). But it does not matter how easy you could seem to those predators, you must always have a escape plan (outrun, or kill most of them and brace for the following torture if you lose).

You must remember that it is open season everyday, and it does not matter if you "see" we live in a modern world. Animals surround us, and a lot are predators waiting to eat your guts. In those scenarios you are not dealing with rational human beings, but with retarded people that act on impulse. Some are awake, but most are drugged and scared shitless when they do it, to fail and not loot you, so they usually they drug themselves more to placate the adrenaline rush that will hurt their performance. There are also a very few smart ones that actively hunt for targets, looking for hard stunts, but it is really uncommon. But if you have to deal with trained bandits, then you really fucked it beforehand to allow yourself in that territory.

Take a car to rural roads, or buy flat land in drought zones, and practice. You shoud be allowed to shoot targets inside your own rural piece of land, while driving between posts and cardboard enemies.

Go to the stereotypical shit that liberal media vilifies. Gun shows, any sort of veteran-supporting event or restaurant. Cops tend to hang out with the same crowd as military types.

Obviously I don't recommend violence, it should be only used as a life-or-death self defense last resort. That being said:

The best way to disable a car is to disable the driver. Do cops shoot out tires or gas tanks or engine blocks like in the movies? No, they empty the magazine into the driver. Note that bullets going through a slanted (american safety glass) windshield will be deflected at somewhat of an angle and the shooter might need to compensate. I don't recall if they deflect up or down; some user posted an infographic some time back. If it's a side or back window (or windshield in a shit country / no safety glass) then the first shot will completely remove the tempered glass in its path. Also most cars are made with rather thin plastic / metal and bullets punch right through. Unless they're in a 50 year old car and you have only a .22 revolver, hiding behind the doors won't help them.

I should add that if you go in with this attitude, the cop would see you for the kind of tool that you are if he was expecting a friendship and you were expecting driving lessons. But I'm sure you could ask around at the kind of events I mentioned and someone would know about a driving course you could take. Folks like this always think about worst case scenarios and bad things that could happen to their loved ones.

While I'm on this subject let me also address the issue of getting stopped in the first place. If it's nigger tier, they will stand in the road or throw an appliance in the road. Keep up speed, or accelerate, and go around if possible and through if necessary. Appliances are made of nothing compared to a half-decent car. Yes you may be patching a dent tomorrow, but you'll be alive. Also, don't drive a shit car to begin with. I can't take 90% of the cars on road seriously, feels like I'm playing fucking mario cart. Full sized truck is the way to go unless you delve into the past like me and drive full sized sedans.

They can take me, but I'm taking them all with me.

-t. Several hundred pounds of mek, propane, gas, acetylene, etc.

The first step in safety and defense is to always be aware of your surroundings, I see too many drivers not occasionally looking on the mirror or just checking to right or left of the windshield unless change most people just blindly stare at the car in front as if they are zombies

Take a defensive driving course, they're common for people who by necessity must travel to third world shitholes.

Quick tip: do everything possible to not come to a complete stop. If you're pulling up to a stop light slow down far advance to avoid coming to a complete halt.

But how could you be unless the people boxing you in are idiots? If they're not driving the same car, not overtly communicating (i.e. not yelling instructions at each other out the window), and not driving right on your ass, how would you know they're boxing you in? How would you know they're even working together, and not just four random cars? It's perfectly possible for them to pull this maneuver off without staying on your ass – they could just make sure that each car on each side of you is the closest car to you and thus will be the one that stops next to you. They don't need to be particularly close to you (depending on how crowded the road is they could maintain a fifty foot gap so long as there isn't a car closer than theirs to you), and they don't need to be in some easily visible symmetrical box until you actually stop – it doesn't matter that the car on your left is a bit behind you and the car on the right is a bit ahead, as long as they both stop next to you they've got you trapped. If something happens, like you change lanes at the last minute or someone pulls into the lane next to you ahead of the car that's supposed to pull up beside you, they can just wait for the next stoplight, which won't be too far away. As long as they don't have nigger-tier intelligence, planning skills, or patience, I don't see how you could avoid the situation. Do you have any ideas on how you'd figure out what was going on assuming the people boxing you in were smart?

I've always imagined something like one of those police model pursuit Dodge Chargers would be great. Big engine, heavy car, etc. What are some features to look for when sizing up a car for how well it can do in a chase or how well it can ram?

Besides coming up to a stoplight, are there any other situations you can think of where you should do something different to avoid stopping completely?


As a driver you should always be driving in a staggered formation when there's any traffic around.

Transition spaces are the difference between life and death. First stepping into your vehicle, exiting your vehicle upon reaching your destination, being forced outside in the event of a breakdown etc. Those are when you are most vulnerable and require the highest degree of awareness. You need to balance assessing the situation outside with exiting reasonably quickly to avoid affording an adversary the time to form a plan and act upon it.

If you're heading somewhere unsafe or believe your present location will become unsafe, it's worth seeking training as part of a general skillset.

Realistically, cost effectively, and street legal - a full size SUV with no body or suspension lift would be ideal. Something like a square body 3/4 ton Suburban with good, heavy gauge bumpers front and rear with a heavy grille guard up front, 4wd, E range a/t or m/t tires on beadlocks, Detroit truetrac aussie or selectable lockers front and rear, heavily trimmed wheel wells with plastic flares so an impact won't stuff bodywork into your tires. I'd run braided lines everywhere so you have more give in an impact. On the defense side, carry a firearm and keep your eyes peeled.

If a car is trying to box you in most likely what will happen is the front car will have it's emergency blinkers on because it gives the first car less suspicious with surrounding cars that the car stopped because practice on other targets all day long with nigger-tier intelligence thugs

I haven't really been following the whole conversation but it seems like you're not very experienced with shifty areas or individuals. There are a lot of subtle signs that should tip you off. You develop an instinct for it. For example, you might notice that after walking a block, people on the street have different body language. That change might be enough to set you on guard immediately and you look all around you. You immediately become suspicious of anyone who might be close to you, or approaching you.
To use the car thing as an example, first of all, you're overestimating criminals. Almost all of them, especially the nonwhite ones, are less intelligent than the average individual. Gang members become overconfident in their perceived safety in numbers. Their relationship with the gang is actually also a weakness because they desire to have status in the gang, and to do this, they impress their peers. To impress their peers, they try to do some stupid, insane shit without getting caught and/or killed. Some gang members might also only drive specific types of cars, or all wear a similar marking or sports memorabilia on their car. I would say the most intelligent run-of-the-mill criminal is probably a thief, at least the ones who have actually made a career out of it. Being able to steal things consistently enough to make a living actually requires a modicum of skill, unlike waving guns around in groups of 5 or more to scare random civilians. But anyway, I digress.
We humans are the most advanced form of animal that we know of, but we're still animals. Animals are in a contest to adapt to their environment the best. Humans win because they can adapt to any environment well enough to thrive. So it's silly to pretend that you wouldn't notice a change in environment if you were in a part of town where four cars full of thugs can just box you in and kidnap you at an intersection. That change in environment would cause you to be on your guard and notice any cars that suddenly start following you. It would be fairly obvious to you if there was enough space on an empty street for FOUR CARS to box you in. Not only that but criminals don't congregate in groups that large for a common purpose unless they're organized by another criminal, and they would have to have some reason to hate you or want to use you as some sort of bargaining chip.

And even then they don't, look at Zimmerman.

However, if it comes to that, best thing to do is defend yourself and let them screech at you for not letting an aspiring rapper kill you. Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.

that trick only works a few times before people get wise, particularly if they're targeting a specific group of people

I get that an SUV would be better for urban transport, but if you were driving on a freeway in a rural area, wouldn't something like a large-body muscle car be the best choice? It would seem to me to offer the best combination of high speed and heft for getting through barriers. An SUV might be more bulky, but it also can't drive as quickly, so if you see someone coming up behind you you can't just accelerate away from them.

As far as cost it seems like they're not too expensive, though you can definitely get a cheap SUV for less money.

I was thinking more of a situation where the front car is just driving a normal distance in front of you (i.e. not right on your nose in a visible fashion), but maintains its position as the first car in front of you so that it ends up directly in front of you when you stop. It doesn't need to sit at a light and wait for you to come to it.

Unless you mean turning on its hazard lights after everyone has stopped – in which case I'm not sure how that helps, since you're already boxed in at that point and can't get out.

I know how to catch shifty body language or people that seem to be approaching me when they shouldn't. I'm just not sure how to apply that to cars.

I know that I'm probably overestimating 90% of criminals, but there's always that 10% that really knows what they're doing, and I wouldn't want to underestimate them and pay a steep price for it. It's better to overestimate your adversaries than underestimate them.

I wasn't saying it would be empty, just not so packed that they can't get into positions around you.

How did the zim-zam keep from getting flim-flammed? I never thought of Florida as being particularly based, and with the hype the media generated I would have thought that he'd be condemned. Obviously it was self-defense, but how did he manage to not get a jury that was swayed by emotion? Luck?

I know, but the ideal solution would be one where I don't end up in either situation, if at all possible.

they turn off the blinkers when they really want you to be stopped a few blocks down when you are boxed nogs test out the waters so to speak

Good post.

remember thugs want to attack the weakest opponent and will brake check to see your reaction before attacking sage for double post

What I'm trying to tell you is if you have people tailing you who are so skilled they can just cruise up and have you boxed in without you noticing at all, you have some serious fucking problems and certainly made some mistakes further up the line which you should have thought about. They would have to be extremely patient and subtle for this to work on a street that has a fair amount of other traffic on it. On top of that, they would have to have not done anything to intimidate you before you could get away, such as honk their horns, shout insults from the windows, etc. You are describing a professional job with single-minded assailants that want to do a good a job as possible. Not a thug or gang member who wants to look cool in front of his stupid fucking friends, maybe stroke his own ego or appease his own sadism a bit, and then get a payoff. This mystical group of four niggers who all have cares and who are also rockstar kidnap artists simply doesn't exist. It may well in the future as some kind of bizarre kidnapping group, maybe four brothers, but that would be a historical case that probably every law professional would know about in the future.

Cars, not cares.

dash cams are pretty valuable if you ever get out of a situation like that and need to cover your ass from speeding fines or whatever else you did while getting away.
get something that records front and rear with at least 170 degrees of view, some can track speed through GPS and G forces as well.

check local laws about keeping a loaded firearm in your vehicle.


Well I know on the subject of vehicles and violence:
If I made a wrong turn into some sort of spontaneous protest/riot and they surround my car with some in front, you bet your ass I'm flooring it and running them over.
I know exactly what happens when you just sit still, they bust your car up and yank you out of it, where you are injured or possibly murdered.
You're not convincing me otherwise.
It's a self defense situation the moment they box your car in.

an SUV isn't as fast a musle car but SUV's are faster than you think they are basically a truck with a car engine inside

I was just thinking as if I was the criminal. If I was short on cash and saw kidnapping/car theft as the best way to get money, I'd do whatever I could to make the whole event so stealthy that no one would be able to see what was going on until it was too late. I'd do that even if I knew that 90% of people don't have enough situational awareness to require that kind of preparation, because I wouldn't want to tip off that 10% that can figure out what's going on.

I know that such groups might not be very common now, but in a hypothetical future situation where the shit has hit the fan, they could be out there, since by then things could get so bad that even rather intelligent people with non-nigger tier planning skills may end up stealing cars, since they'd just be that desperate. Perhaps the stoplight situation wouldn't be applicable then (since I don't think people would be driving in orderly traffic and stopping at lights in that situation), but other "highway robbery" situations would be common, and even the stoplight example could apply if you're in the "transition state" between a normal functioning society and Mad Max where things are still together enough that you have to go to work and try to act normal but have deteriorated to the point where crime is exploding.

I get that, but I figured that being the fastest car would have an advantage, since you could just accelerate to 150+ and get twenty miles ahead of the people behind you.

The sort of kidnapping/theft you described is very resource intensive and is not the best way to get money. You need five skilled drivers – four for the cars, and one for your car – and at least one of them needs to know how to hotwire your car. I mean YOUR car specifically, because they're not all the same. Criminals who have all of these skills are in short supply and would be hired to do contracted, professional jobs against specific targets. The criminals who get these skills are almost always smart enough to know they can make more money selling their services to someone.

Scratch the hotwiring part, I had a brainfart. You get the idea though.

most SUV's are rugged like a truck expect trucks are better rugged have low and high 4WD it can go places where most cars can't go

I've been through an EVOC course, driven on the job for several years, been in countless pursuits however never done a pit maneuver (our version of SWAT operates 24/7 and handles that). I may be of some assistance.

One thing you want to learn is shuffle steering. To this day I've never seen anyone I'm in the car with steer properly and it bothers me knowing they're going to smack themselves in the face of the airbag goes off and possibly lose an eye. You either do this or you've seen it in your rearview, when people drive with one hand at 12 o'clock. Anyway learn shuffle steering, this is about the only thing I can't teach you with words.

You should also have a viable version of one handed driving, in case one arm goes down or you need it to shoot (in reality you're going to drive one armed because it's comfy or you're on the phone). For this I keep whichever hand at either 10 or 2. This gives me adequate radius to do a quick maneuver without having to raise another hand, and also won't smack me in the face or break my wrists if I get in a wreck and the airbag is deployed. For lane changes or focused driving (lots of cars around, during pursuit, rolling code 3) hands are at 9 and 3.

I know that's a word salad so I'll recap, bear with me this is difficult to explain without showing it to you. The other maneuvers are much easier to describe though.

Normal driving, lane changes, common swerve maneuvers

Turning (90° or greater)

Turn out of the turn, don't just release the wheel. At higher speeds your wheel may not return to zero automatically. You take out what you put in.

Constant steer into the turn. DONT JERK THE WHEEL. This is also hard to explain, basically if you're going into a 180° turn (U-turn at speed), for the first 2 seconds you input 100℅ of the turn at a constant speed, third second you input 0℅ turning (hold the wheel in place), and the final 2 seconds you output 100℅ of the turn. That sounds like a long ass turn but I'm making the math easy, your turn shouldn't be a quick jerking motion. Think "slow steering" but not necessarily slow, but as slow as the situation dictates.

Keep your thumbs along the wheel, airbags can break them.

Look at where you want to turn before and during turning.

Always clear and pedestrian check your intersections.

Don't death grip the wheel. Don't listen to any instructor that tells you to use "fingertip control" that shit is retarded, just don't white knuckle it and keep calm. Know your car and what it's capable of.

Turning complete. Keep in mind you can still use your noob turning methods in parking lots or otherwise during very low speeds. For example palming the wheel and turning 180° one handed is great for backing up slowly, but try that at speed and you're going to lose grip.

Okay, so I suppose the probability of that stoplight scenario occurring without it being at least somewhat visible is near nil.

Any other advice for other situations/in general?

Which models are the most toughly built? A lot of the "family cars" I see today look like they're made out of the same stuff as those fisher-price toy cars. They're just plastic with a light aluminum frame.

In general, how important would off-road handling be in a hypothetical Mad Max scenario? I suppose you could just drive off the road if someone was chasing you, but wouldn't it be easier to shoot at you then since you'd have to slow down to go over rough terrain? And if the terrain wasn't rough enough that you had to slow down, wouldn't a standard car be able to drive over it?

don't stick out
situational awareness
carry guns

But it's hardly worthy of its own thread

Fuck me that's incoherent, sorry steering is probably the most difficult portion to learn. Just start driving like that and you'll eventually get it. Remember your old noob habits are only for parking lots, you don't want to get into a pursuit/escape situation and have to relearn good technique.

Onto gassing:
Push that shit as much as you need to. Most drivers have the gassing/braking thing down. Just apply the same concept of slow steering to gassing when gassing on turns (slow steering, slow gassing, any quick input of the wheel or pedals during steering fucks up everything). Also don't freak out if your ABS activates, it means your car is slowing itself as efficiently as possible, it will sound like the car is breaking but don't release.

Onto backing:
Use the "hook and look" method. Use your non-driving leg, press it against the pillar (the flat part of the floor), lift yourself as high up in the seat as you can, turn your body and head around, all while hooking your right (or left for euros) hand behind the passenger seat. This is to give you as good of a view behind you as possible. DONT use your rearview camera, you can't see potential hazards coming from your sides. If your steering input is zero, you can floor it and you'd be surprised how fast your car goes in reverse.

Quick backing was taught as a tactic during a drive-up ambush, say we're driving down a cul-de-sac or alley and there's a threat, we'll gun it in reverse fast as fuck down a straight path (keep steering input at 0 ideally, or input very, very, very slightly) until we can get behind cover. This is the best thing to do when facing a threat from the front, it's harder to hit a target that's getting smaller and smaller, you can also incorporate a 180° reverse to forward turn, we'll get to that).

This is highly important, you can ONLY input like 5℅ turns in either direction during quick backing. Cars don't like to turn when reversing, don't jerk the wheel either. Again know your car, practice some backing in an empty lot, you'll see how tiny inputs can make a huge difference when turning.

Brb piss, fun stuff incoming next post.

Don't run away in fear unless you believe that an attack is imminent. Never show fear. It decreases your likelihood of being targeted immensely. Stand up straight, don't linger eye contact with anyone if you think they're suspicious but don't avert your eyes or look at the ground either. Carry a weapon of last resort, even just mace or pepper spray if you must.

Pit maneuver:
Put your front fender to his rear one (your front wheel to his rear) and turn into him. Don't stop accelerating, you're going to have to fight against the urge to. There's probably more lessons of this on jewtube. It's actually a simple maneuver.

Reverse 180° turn:
when you're about to reach a spot with enough room to complete the maneuver,
quickly turn the wheel 180° (one hand from 12 all the way to 6),

This sounds easy but it's one of the most difficult things to do successfully. Not only do you really have to know your car, you have to have enough room to do it and how many cul-de-sacs are wide enough to do it? I wouldn't recommend it unless you have 3 open lanes worth of room, that's why the quick backing & getting behind cover method is taught for ambushes now.

Road blocks:
Ram at the point of least resistance.

That's about all I can tell you that isn't "don't be a cuck, carry a gun and shoot the bastards." If you want shooting tips/tactics I can help with that too.

Realistically, how sturdy of a barrier can an SUV smash through? I'd assume any kind of furniture would be easy to get through, but what about something more well put together?

It depends on how much distance you have, how much speed you can get from that distance, and how well put together your vehicle is.

I'd suggest backing out if you can back out, because any barrier is likely to slow you down long enough for them to shoot you, if not shoot you/your tires as you're driving off after you've gone through it. I wouldn't risk disabling the vehicle, even if they roll up behind me I'd probably bail out and start the gunfight outside rather than staying in a steel death trap.

Let's say there's 1-2 cars behind you blocking you in and 4 in front. I'd pull a left turn as much as possible and hop out, try my damnedest to take out the 2 cars behind, hop in one of those and gtfo. That's only if I know a fight/capture is imminent and there seems to be no point I can ram through quickly enough.


WHATS A PIT MANEUVER? is that fishtailing some oneand forcefully knocking off the road

It's getting a car to stop by pushing it and making it do a 180. It can spin out of control and wreck at highway speeds. Road speeds it's just an ugly way of getting it to stop, and you'd better be ready to shoot them or peel off because it puts you in a bad position afterwards.