So when will sessions officially be the attorney general?

so when will sessions officially be the attorney general?
how long can the democrats stonewall him for by not attending the confirmation or whatever? how does the thing wherein he officially becomes the attorney general work?
I don't quite know how this stuff works myself, and I'm worried that if something isn't done, then jeff sessions might not ever be the attorney general at any time in the next four years

if there anything that Holla Forums can do to prevent the democrats from stonewalling jeff sessions and force them to show up, or even bypass that altogether?

if sessions doesn't ever become AG, will those involved in pizzagate(which is likely much if not most of the reason why hes getting stonewalled) never get indicted for their crimes?
I'm worried Holla Forums, what can I do about it?

You? Can't really do much at all and neither can anyone here. This is a sad loophole the kikes set up so there really is nothing to do but wait until the kikes stop stonewalling.
Good news is that Trump is a master negotiator and I'm counting he's going to end up cracking this poor little barrier and coming through as he always does

is there anything the democrats have to do other than show up and vote?
like if someone forced them to show up against their will and they were obliged to vote in the first place, would it not be enough?

like what if a "third-party" showed up at their houses and kidnapped them, then forced them at gunpoint to go inside of the place where they're supposed to get sessions in, but also told them that they don't care which way they vote, as long as they vote in the first place

would such a thing not be enough?


like what if a "third-party" secretly controlled by the FBI or something did that

He should get confirmed in the next few days. They've got a quorum with just the republicans.

If it keeps going, eventually Pence or the Senate will order the Sargent-at-Arms to force their attendance.

You only need 51 senators for a quorum. The dems don't need to show up at all. What's taking so long is that Session's vote is still needed for a couple of cabinet positions that are getting held up

well when does that forcing begin?

how does that work?

He's still a senator until he becomes Attorney General. They need his vote as senator to confirm Trump's other picks, because the Democrats are cunts

I'm not sure what you mean.
If you're talking about a quorum, the constitution states that a simple majority is all that's needed.
If you're talking about still needing Sessions' vote, he is currently a senator. He will have to resign his seat after he is confirmed.

well i guess ill stop worrying about it then

Hadn't even thought of that, but it's not like the Governor of Alabama won't appoint a Republican.

Yes, but that will take time.

Non burger here.

Couldn't Trump just executive order?

No, executive orders aren't the same a King's Proclamations. He can only order the executive branch to do something.

Trump's hammer is in the form of the mass arrests of pizzagate that are forthcoming.

Congress can just arbitrarily decide to change the rules such that the dems don't even need to be there. Congressional rules aren't set in stone. The dems will bitch.

Democrats really didn't think this one through.

Strategy. They need sessions vote for other nominees. Old AG got shitcanned and there is a trump replacement in place, so there is no real hurry.

King Nigger proved you wrong.

Does Sessions get confirmed today?

Typical lazy leftist behavior.


This is true, and unfortunatly the executive branch has been overstepping it's power since Andrew Jackson. Really that's when the Presidency went from being the overseer to the avatar of the people. As much as I love Jackson, and as much as it is and was necessary, it's technically unconstitutional even if for the good of the Union. Obongo and the rest of the traitorous presidents also crossed the constitution but they had the establishment on their side. If Trump does that too soon then it could be bad. That said, such things as the history of foreign owned central banks really illustrates how American needs to be an Empire and not just a republic AND needs to keep the eternal vigil, not just legally but also culturally lest we forget our own laws (as we have.)

>tfw invoking George Washington spirit to to MAGA

I wish a nigga would