Welcome to the NKVD club how tankie are you ?

welcome to the NKVD club how tankie are you ?

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I unironically support the DPRK.

I think Stalin did more good than bad.

I'm going down the cellar steps.

At least I'm wearing clean underwear.

I will support anything that is anti-U.S.

What matter is it to me if a few idiots are killed for the sake of the rest of us?

I know the lyrics of the ussr anthem from memory

I've played 900 hours of World of Tanks.

I requisitioned all of my Ukrainian roommates oatmeal.

Get on my level.

I ate a bowl of revisionists for breakfast.
Without any milk

So Tankie, that I want to go back in time and kill Stalin before he ruined everything.


So tank that I make Stalin looks like an anarchist.

Get on my level, I make Pol Pot look like a liberal.

the board need to be purged of revisionist tbh

fuck the DPRK tho

i don't read books, surpass me if you can

Stalin was a victim of Stalinism. RIP, comrade.


ISIS are modern day Bolsheviks


purge all Muslims

I believe in a minimum wage and voted for Obama : D

Holy shit

go away, ultra-leftist provocator.

Third worldism taken to its logical conclusion

i'm so tankie that Pingu has read my works and said it's too hardcore for him.

I think Lenin was a good dude and Stalin's crimes are often discussed disingenuously by liberal historians!

Because I am not a moral relativist, I believe force is an acceptable means of bringing revolution to non-revolutionary peoples!


I literally live in a bunker

Stalin was doing good more than bad and that if he was still alive for 10-20 years then the workers might actually own the means of production.

I enjoy gratuitous violence and pretending to represent poor people's interests while using this shallow front as a means of cementing my authoritarian grasp on the political and economic power of nations. Am I in?

Apart from the "hurr durr Stalin le great man of history" I actually agree, without revision Socialism could have won the class war in the 20th century.

"Tankie" is SJW-Slang
fuck right back off to reddit, faggot

Ya'll niggers didn't even read through all ML literature or even one single text by comrade Hoxha

that's literally just core-anarkiddy values

Ayy being this butt mad.

I unironically want ainsley to seize my means of production

On the weekends I like to sneak into unsuspecting Ukrainian villages and set fire to their grain supplies.

jeez user, any estimates on how many victims' lives you've claimed?

I'm Jewish and I want to passive-aggressively harass the goyim by sending anyone I can to the gulags

But that's literally hat they did in Kekalonia

Pol Pot was right, he just sucked at logistics.

I like Vladimir Putin and wholeheartedly support him in his endeavors against U.S. imperialism.

Just because a few old communists like Putin doesn't make him a champion of the worker. True, he locks up oligarchs by the dozen, but he then hands over their property to his friends to look after.

1. Pol Pot was a genuine communist revolutionary that deserves our praise.

2. Democratic Kampuchea was a successful attempt at socialism that we should learn from.

3. Every anti-US regime deserves our unconditional support regardless of how "nationalist", "reactionary", or "genocidal" it is. Caring about these things makes you a liberal.

4. Russia and China deserve our strongest support because they are the only ones with the power to smash US imperialism once and for all.

5. Virtually everything "evil" that communist regimes or anti-US/anti-imperialist regimes did was nonexistent bourgeois propaganda to demonize imperialism's enemies. Even if those "evil" things happened, you changing your views on the matter means you're a liberal.

I actually believe in socialism and want the average person to live a better life.


hi jason

This much.