What are some robot kinos to watch while westworld is on break?

what are some robot kinos to watch while westworld is on break?

From its body motions it appears to be mouthing "Kill Me!"

What's this from? New Blade Runner?

here's hoping that robots will replace the worthless humans of the world as the successor's to our flawed race

real life

I don't want robots, they'll always be flawed. What I want it's quantum anime girls jumping into our world, the beginning of the golden age.

It reminds me of the guy who had his face and hands cut off. If anybody here has it upload it pls.

Seconding this.

oh good, they made a stalker

It was pretty good

This broken Latin hurts.


what do you mean?

these fags are just wasting somebody money

Real women are animal girls though you autistic fuckwit.

Literally, the sentence is "From the Machine" or "In the Machine". However, this is grammatically incorrect in Latin.

They went to the effort of modelling rubber skin for the thing but couldn't manage to plug an oil leak or stop it from throwing it's leg off the table.
This isn't even a robot; it's just a bunch of remotely signaled pistons throwing limbs around. Notice how every action is seemingly random and how it's right leg remains stuck. This is just a bunch of randomised movements as a real robot with any basic level of AI programming wouldn't just throw it's limbs around without purpose.

I can't find it right now, but there was an interesting segment on the Australian Leftist Propaganda network that looked at a robot that could do rudimentary self learning after being given basic direction on what it can do, like moving limbs and whatnot.
Can't find it upon searching for it, but it was on a show called Catalyst on the ABC in the past few days.

This tbh


She is a real life anime girl. Here's another.


so you're saying is if I want to marry a robot I have to marry a guy robot?

Her jaw is so manly.

this shit remind me of that rat-brain-robot webm… disturbing

It's a guy

The other user said animal girls though.

Humans are also animals.

post robot porn

user demands

watch the original movie, then futureworld and the short-lived tv show beyond westworld.