I see Trump sending signals of war towards Iran.
He's even meting with Netanyahu to counter "Iranian nuclear threat".
Netanyahu has another meeting with Theresa May on Monday.

Trump has posted two anti Iran status updates on his Facebook account in one day.

The important thing to note in these statuses is that Trump considers Iran responsible for Houthis… Which is unproven. The only thing they have in common is that they are shia.
Secondly, the houthis are actual Yemenis and have ancestry and are a tribe of Yemen. After years and years of Al Qaeda rule in the capital, the Houthis overthrew them.

Why is this bad? They kicked out Al Qaeda! They killed terrorists! The same day Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, and allies started bombing the citizens of Yemen.. and claimed that the Houthis overthrew the legitimate ruler of Yemen.

The fact is that Saudis were okay having Al Qaeda controlling Yemen than to have Shia population of Yemen running things.

So they've been bombing Yemen for a year now.. And Yemenis are winning. And now the Trump administration is cucking for the Sauds/Israelis again.

Other urls found in this thread:


There is no reason whatsoever to fuck with Iran.
Their only crime is that they call out Israel for their genocide of Palestinians and every other country averts its gaze and pretends that thousands of people aren't being killed.

Iran is ballsy in my opinion. In the late 70s, they had a revolution to free themselves from Global Jewry… Their leader at the time was a British/US puppet and he had fucked the nation into being an immoral cesspit similar to how Germany was or how Hollywood is.

Lavish parties and short dresses and alcohol and gambling and having fun with his western friends, the Shah was a partying playboy degenerate.

He was also selling Iranian oil and resources to the west like the Saudis and UAE, and others do.

So the citizens of the country had a revolution… And the pendulum swung in the direction opposite of the current situation at the time, which was debauchery and degeneracy.

Hence Shia Islam came to rule over Iran.. And the people were asked to dress modestly. There is no other problem with Iran. They don't allow their women to dress like whores.

Since the 80s, Iran has been under sanctions constantly. They wanted to destroy the economy and weaken the population and their inter community ties.

But under these hardships, the government encouraged education and jobs and people studied. They graduated and made Iran great again.
They struggled under sanctions that lasted decades and they made something of themselves.

Iran was forbidden from Trading with anyone and no one could buy/sell to/from them. So Iran made everything from lightbulbs to ceramic tiles and even Nuclear power…

Iran is a decent country and the original Land of the Ayrans and its folk are very well mannered (except westernized Iranians who act like middle eastern Guidos).

Currently they are the world leader in stem cell research, they are building a space program, have done research into alternative energy and electric cars and grow their own food.

Iran is only a threat to Israel because Iran calls out Israel and other countries of the world are owned by them or destroyed by them.
It is also a threat to Saudi Arabia and their radical wahhabi sunni Ideology and the influence it holds. Shia Islam makes their interpretation of Islam look barbaric and they hate us for that.

Please don't destroy this country because of a decades old grudge because your puppet got removed and we didn't sell our souls and oil to you like the Saudis did.

Iranians are not Semitic or Sandniggers.. There might be a mixing of blood over the centuries.. But that happened in Spain and Italy and Greece and the Levant region as well. Its just history.. When has it not happened?

Having a little mix of Arab blood over centuries does not make us Arabs.
Compare Iran's economy and industry and culture and history with other Middle Eastern nations and you will see that we aren't monkeys that sell oil just to drive gold Lamborghinis.

Iran isn't a desert like some would think.

pls no invade :(

I hope he's just playing along until he does the 9/11 commission again. Firing warnings is not saying that he wants war. I want Trump to maintain defensive positions of what USA currently has. No more encroaching.

Or he's telling the Iranians:
The missile launch was a stupid fucking move on their part. President Trump has no choice, but to act on it. Get your leaders to stop saber rattling, and to play along with the US.

Hey Iranian, it appears to me that Shia Islam is generally reserved for h'white(er) Islamic populace. Is there something to it?

RIP Ivanka.

Iran is an enemy of America. America is an enemy of Iran. This goes beyond kikes and jizzrael.

I know this board gulps persian cum because they name the jew. if that's your standard, then why not convert to islam and start raping children and farm animals then?

No, it really doesn't. burgers and persians are "enemies" because of Israel.

Nice try though, Shlomo.

Did you forget that he "forgot" to mention kikes on holohoax day?

President Trump banned all Iranian citizens from entering the country for 90 days… For no reason.
He also banned Yemenis.. Who Saudis are indiscriminately slaughtering.
Other than this, Trump is sending armored vehicles to Kurds.. So he's not helping Syria and the good guys. He's helping Kurds and Sauds.. It worries me.

The missile launch was a show of power. The message went across I think.

Generally more fair skinned. See Iran, Lebanon, Bahrain, and even in Shia majority pockets within Sunni countries. They are more decent and well mannered and soft spoken and logical. The others are austistic screechers.

Why? Why are they enemies? I would understand a decade ago while America wanted to rely on foreign oil.. But isn't Trump unleashing American energy? Why does he have to invade us if he doesn't need our resources?

Do you want Yemen to be controlled by its rightful owners, or do you want to stop the refugee crisis and its contribution to white genocide? Trump got the Saudi King to organize a green zone in the middle east, no doubt in return for help with Yemen, and not putting them on the muslim ban list.

that 3rd pic

Yemen's rightful owners would be its citizens I would think. They all are dying in the Saudi led intervention, whether they are houthis or not. And they all overwhelmingly support the houthis over the previous government which was in bed with Al Qaeda

Also, Iran needs to chill the fuck out on the whole promising retaliation for being included in the muslim ban, thats not going to help anything… but yes, more countries should be on that ban too. A lot more. Something like 14 muslim countries ban US entry under any circumstances. They should be treated the same, or even more harshly.

There is no country this beautiful in the Middle East.. Arguably even Europe but let's not argue.

Please preserve beauty instead of turning it to rubble.

I know, Im saying its a choice. Saudi Arabia has unjustified goals, Trump is helping them attain those goals because he gets things in return. Yemen will turn out the opposite of how it should, it will be controlled by the shithead Saudis.. but we will get our green zone.

The ancient world doesn't exist anymore (Egypt, Hellas, Sumeria, Persia, etc.). The people were mostly replaced.

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For good reason. Your country does not cooperate with US vetting process. You have no right to come into the US.
Fuck you people are dumb.

None of us want to see Iran turned to rubble.

The ends don't justify those means. Thousands have died.
Can we please just #GlassRiyadh

Let's say it doesn't exist anymore… Shall we destroy all remnants of this history or should we preserve it?

The missile that was launched had a range of 600 miles. Just enough to reach Israel, not the US.

We weren't threatening the US, and the missile test was done AFTER entry was denied, not before. Also, there is literally no reason to have Iran on that no entry list.

Saudis, Emaratis, Qataris and other ISIS sympathizers should be.

They are playing with fire, but they know the only reason North Korea still exists is because they have nukes, and an advanced missile program. They are the defender, even if they are assholes most of the time… They are like our asshole cousin we dont like being around, who we get into physical fights with.. but who we would unite with if our family was ever under attack, or at least we should.

Thats what I argue, anyways.

I absolutely would be for the glassing of a lot more than Riyadh, but there are many forces behind the scenes which we are not aware of, Im sure. The Saudis and obviously moreso, the jews.. hold many cards to play. There are a lot of ways to look at what happened, and interpret it.. but we dont know enough information to objectively know what is going on. It could be Trump just baited out their most important card, the flow of refugees.. in his first month. Maybe the jews said "In the end, if you dont play ball, nukes start going off and you die, and America dies"

I'm on to you satan.

Bullshit. Aside from the removal of a ZOG puppet and the ensuing hostage crisis, Iran has never been an enemy of the United States. Aside from politically opposing "our greatest ally", that is.

No Iranian has been part of a terrorist attack against the United States in decades. They are not interested in flooding Europe with millions of refugees. They are simply trying to become a strong, autonomous state that has the ability to create a mutually assured destruction scenario with Israel, which the kikes are terrified of since they don't want equal playing grounds with them, as that would destroy their long term plan for Greater Israel.

For gods sake how far has this board devolved since I've been away? Everyone who has studied Middle Eastern politics with eyes open knows that the Iranians are branded as a "threat" simply because of their opposition to Israeli interests.

Meanwhile the Saudis, who finance, produce, and maintain the great majority of terrorist cells, leaders, and agents, is a trading partner. How wonderfully convenient.

If Trump actually goes through with this it is a huge red flag and anyone truly interested in the goals of nationalism. Or anyone who simply has enough self respect in themselves and their nation to be disgusted at the idea of once again being used as a cudgel to bludgeon the enemies of Israel.

One of Trumps campaign platforms is that we would no longer engage in pointless wars in the Middle East with no benefit for the United States. Hopefully he stays on target with that, not only for our sake and Irans, but for his own political strength.

It would heavily divide Trumps base if he were to take such action. Many would feel betrayed and it would lead to infighting amongst the Trump base which could fracture what has been an incredibly powerful, cohesive movement up to this point.

This is a real testing point for Trump. How he proceeds will greatly determine the tone and strength of the rest of his Presidency on many fronts.

They may try to game this, of course. Trump will play around with it and say "well they are a problem but we can't go TOO far" maybe throw them sanctions or harsh rhetoric at them.

After this, of course, the false flag happens, and it's claimed that they OBVIOUSLY did this in response to the sanctions, or whatever was done and said, and now we have "no choice" but to deal with them harshly. And once more the golem will be animated back to life to crush the enemies of its cruel master. Sometimes I wonder if the golem really is ever going to turn on its master, before it's too late.

That won't happen until Iran becomes more transparent.
But we have to be transparent likewise.

Does no one in this thread actually "get it?" Iran is a problem for the Jews because they are afraid of Iran-Hezbollah-russian-backed Assad alliance. The Irans and Hezbollah can actually fight, the Sunnis are pushovers. It all goes back to Israel and having a field army beaten by Hezbollah in 2006 and to the extent Iran fucks about a bit with arming the Sunnis in Palestine who the gulf states have sold down the river.
the US has no strategic issue with Iran other than free passage in Hormuz. It's Israel 100%.

Again. You shitskins are retarded.
You can't politics at all. Nigger if you have the equipment to fuck Israel YOU DON'T SHOW THEM. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!?

You know what: Fuck Iran. You're more trouble than you're worth. You don't even give the US a reason to be friends with you.

Who is running your country? They're retarded.

Also, not sure what you mean with thousands of died and the ends dont justify the means, because Im talking about hundreds of millions of white people, and how the current predictions are 1% of white people will be left in italy in 300 years.

So Yemen is inconsequential, I really couldnt give any less fucks for Yemen, if it means we get a green zone and stop the refugee flow.

Kill every muslim

I don't understand why Israel and its 400+ Nukes no one complains about. Maybe we need to make some memes viral or something.
Meanwhile, Iran was forced to burn tons of coal to create energy from hydrothermal powerplants to be able to have electricity. So they got nuclear technology instead to save cash.

Now everyone claims without proof that they made weapons with them. But let's assume that they did. SO FUCKING WHAT!? They did what they had to to survive. They've never threatened anyone nor have they carried out ethnic cleansing of populations like Israel does.
I hope we start to have this talk more often this year. Tucker Carlson made some people uncomfortable a few days ago by calling out Israel.. Don't remember exact context.

Hopefully /ourguys/ in the media will support us.

There's no reason to be such a kike about it.
This user and this user
are right.
Plus the entry ban on Iran was pointless and literally done to provoke a reaction. Its starting to increasingly look like Trump might be controlled. Or that someone in his staff feeds him wrong info.

Iran didn't fire Missile at Israel you retard. They just fired a missile in their own territory. Its a test, not target practice.

The green zone won't contain the refugees. It will be an autonomous zone run by foreigners (non Syrians), and then used to expand the borders of the zone and try to take over Syria in a different way than before. It'll be a no fly zone so Russia and other Syrian allies can't even help kill the terrorists there.

There has to be a better way. The better way was "let Russia handle it". They were doing a good job.

The problem is international jewry.
Not any one of the myriad of 3rd world filth pawns that the infernal kike sent to our homelands to displace us.

You pulled that out of your ass and your only going to get yourself banned by speaking against a greenzone, and showing you couldnt give a fuck about white people. This board cares about stopping white genocide, altruistic concern for Iran is beyond secondary.


Well, we eventually will invade Iran to purge the Arab and Turkish scum and reestablish the zoroastrians as the true rulers of Persia, but I agree that attacking them for Israel would be a big fuckup.

But Irans turkish and arab populations are a minority of the population and aren't expanding.

Everyone can be refused and borders can be enforced for all of Europe because there exists a greenzone for refugees, now all the other fake refugees from all over Africa and the middle east cant claim they are coming from Syria, because they should be in the greenzone. The idea that they would expand the greenzone and take over Syria seems pretty ridiculous, considering it would quickly trigger a war with Assad and Russia when it came into conflict with their territory, or when they perceived it to be a threat. Chances are Trump will push ISIS out of Iraq, which will put pressure on Syria, and then from Iraq they will push into eastern Syria or alternately, assist the Assad government with saturation bombing. Whatever happens, the greenzone would have been a valid solution this entire time.. and you will have a hard time finding more people around here that are opposed to one.

Let's not turn this beautiful place into another Libya ffs.

Are all Jews this idiotic?
I didn't pull it out of my ass, moron.
In a green zone, who would be allowed to rule? Assad and the legitimate Syrian government? Russia and allies? Turkey the neighbor and Saudi friends? America?

Who would rule and maintain the region?
You can see Saudi and UAE jump at the opportunity to help. This means they have an end goal in sight.. Which we all know is the removal of Assad and replacing with a puppet who wants to promote Saudi's interestes and Wahhabi values.
There's no reason for these countries to otherwise accept this idea.

So, if its a green zone in Syria and Saudi controls it, Its a bad outcome.
If UAE, Turks, America, anyone other than Syria's legitimate government controls it, its a bad outcome.
I think the new plan is to let the "Syrian opposition" control the area. But this will only give them legitimacy and a way forward to challenge the government and demand a change.

I'm just going to wait and see.

did you know the US has been running a joint program with Israel to assassinate Iranian scientists along with infecting their computers at their reactor sites? Look up "olympic games."
If you don't understand the context, don't speak didactically. Everyone speaks but has no information that is easily available if you put down the electric jew even a few hours.

So Im a jew because you dont want a greenzone for refugees in the middle east. Reported. Youre a shill.

You're saying, that someone pointing out Iran isn't our enemy but isreals enemy, should get banned?

In true hasbara fashion you fall into the boilerplate response, "oy vey if they identify with the anti-jew Iranians then I must insist fall onto plan Z and state that all semites are our enemies".

Not true.
jews are our enemies, Iran are currently some of the best semites fighting against the Satanic kikes, and actually killing them.
Meanwhile the false jewish false flag ISIS only targets Christians and muslims, the jews cite this as a reason to attack Iran?

Fuck off schlomo

user you are having a legitimate disagreement with someone else. Stop crying like a fucking baby to the mods and learn to discuss things. This isn't fucking reddit where the mods are expected to swoop in and save you from wrongthink before it poisons your fragile little mind, fucking act like it.

This is Jewish policy in the mideast user. They call it the "Lebanonization" of the entire ME. Just sunnis and shias and Christian militias killing each other with the Jews getting in a shot when they can get away with it.
Who has benefited the most from all the ISIS chaos? The Jews. Have you noticed Hamas has been very quiet since summer of 2015? How many Jews have they managed to get in past few years?
As all this is happening, Israel is importing more Jews and taking over East Jerusalem and building settlements to creat a fait accompli.

Iran is paranoid as fuck ever since they overthrew the US imposed dictator that used to rule their country.

Again. You're too stupid to listen. Fuck Iran. Fuck Islam.

Oh you mean ZOG? Yeah I'm aware of that. New team. Iran still playing the old game. This was their chance to change the game and they fucking blew it. FUCKING BLEW IT.


I'm reported for not wanting a division of the middle east that would benefit Saudi Arabia?

I want a better solution is all. Stop kvetching.

Iran is incompetent as fuck.

Im saying if you oppose a greenzone at the same time as youre shilling Irans interests, and boo hoo muh Yemen, you obviously are not here for white people. With no green zone, the refugee flow continues. Thats what youre arguing for, because muh Yemen. This isnt a joke, were not hobbyists around here, its not part time concern. We dont tolerate people saying that WE are jews because YOU are against a greenzone. Get out.

Not really. There are less than a million "true" persians in the world at the moment, including the ones in India.
Almost all Iranians nowadays are offspring of Arab invaders and wandering Turkish and kurdish tribes that settled there.
You need to remember that ever since the last Persian empire in the 700, Iran has been almost de populated not only once (Arab conquest, 75% of its population perished then.) but twice (mongolian invasion and occupation by the illkhanate/timurids/aq qoyunly, some historian claim that 90 to 95% of its population died then).
Modern Iran's population has absolutely nothing to do with the ancient Persians, they only happen to live in the same geographical region, really.

Dumbass, "the game" is still raging right now. Who do you think is really fitting in Yemen right now? It's the Iranian Quds giving the Saudis a beating, not the Houthis in their sandals.

Waving your cock around deserves a response.

Asserting domence does not mean you're looking to trade blows.

Shill against white interests, get banned. Advocate for working with nationalist jews, get banned. Advocate faggotry, get banned. Undermine the board by D&Cing, accuse someone who is clearly only here for white interests of being a jew because muh YEMEN… get banned.

Holy fuck user wat

Probably because the original people of large parts of the Middle East were not Arabs. Some of them converted to Shia Islam or remained Christian or Druze and since different religions generally don't intebreed in the Middle East, they remained pure while the others got arabified. Thus the shias and christians and druze are the original people of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran etc while the rest are Arabified sandniggers.

Atleast this is what I've heard.

I don't blame them. And "paranoid" is reserved for those who make up their fears, not for fearing ZOG and American retaliation.

You're a real Aryan warrior user, able to articulate your ideology by crying to the mods to ban the people who you don't like. There is a pretty distinct difference between blatant shilling and a legitimate retard who can be brought to reason through debate. Screaming to the mods every time you see the latter is going to do nothing but work counter to our goals.

This was their chance for a positive move with the US. Instead they fucked it up. Get out of here you mudshit, and from reading this thread I no longer give two shits about Iran because it seems like nothing of value would be lost if that placed ended up as a fireball.

He's president now, he no longer cares about his base. He will not need 8 years to achieve his goals.

Trump the businessman has always acted fast and by the time people realize what he's doing, he's already fucked them up the ass and is screwing over the next group of suckers.

Trump played the republicans, the right, the white nationalists, the media, and the liberals.

He's not a fool. He's a smart con man who plays the long con. He knows how to successfully make money on bullshittery alone. he applied that to politics.

I'll probably be called a shill or whatever. But I've been aware of his bullshit longer than some of the people here have been alive.

People need to wake up and realize that the world is not black and white. There are multiple interests running the show in the US.

China is taking over real estate and hollywood.
The Sauds own our energy.
The Russians influence politics and society
Israel influences our military.

America stopped being its own entity long ago, our politicians are bought, sold, and even traded by these interests.

We have the best military in the world, a strong economy, and these countries own what makes us great.

They plan on doing us dirty in the end.

Trump is proving to be another money motivated puppet. China seems to be the only one who didnt buy into his campaign.

this tbh, Iran is R1b clay.

Did I say that? No. But there's a new administration in play and new chances to make additional moves against ZOG. Instead Iran goes:

How else am I supposed to interpret this? I'm not saying shit about Iran by the way just your stupid wording.

You're trying to act smart and informed and you are in well over your head. you don't understand the first about Sunni-shia relations, the proxy wars in iraq, Yemen, the threat to oil supplies if Iran blocks transit in the Strait of Hormuz. You're looking really stupid and talking with someone who knows a lot more than you do. I'm happy to go on and continue making you look stupid because you're fucking arrogant. Arrogant with nothing to back it up.

Surprised you never posted one of the jews other alt-right false heroes Anders (((Behring)))Brevik the crypto jew who with state assistance killed kids protesting against isreal, while claiming he's a white nationalist hero.

Iran might well be your enemy but Iran aren't our enemy, and Hezbollah are proven best semites because they actually kill you wriggling maggot kikes.

You're supposed to interpret it as the US has a new administration that's only 2 weeks in and not fulled confirmed yet and Iran is shooting off fucking missiles. Way to keep the status quo going. What is President Trump supposed to do? Ignore it?

You're either a nigger or literal White Trash. You have no idea what's being done in Iran right now covertly as far as Israeli assassinations, sabotage, etc..
Israel has killed at least 3 scientists by having Mossad on scooters place sticky bombs on their cars in traffic. The Iranians are basically Aryan and are inherently reasonable. If they did a show of force, they have a reason. I repeat, the only Us interest in Iran is safe passage through the Strait of Hormuz. Everything else should be Israel/Golf state's issue.

I bet his daughter cried her eyes out on Kikeshner's shoulders.

You haven't made one fucking argument in this thread. Kill yourself you piece of shit.

Yes. Why not? They pose exactly zero (0) threat to the US.

Sir, you sound very learned on the Iranian issue. Please keep dishing out your wisdom. Who is the specialist you most rely on or your studies of Persia?

Kill yourself.
You fucking wish.

Are you a US citizen? Do you understand how US politics is right now? If you really want an answer go read my comments. After you read them ask me if you want something clarified and I will answer.

Still no argument? That's why I'm done with you sandnigger.



God Bless Iran and Hezbollah, at least they know how to deal with the kike vermin properly.

Persians may claim to be Aryans but since the Islamic invasion they seem to have lost the touch with their Aryan roots.

Iran should be Christianized or given to the Zoroastrians. Forcefully.

Yes I am a US citizen. Do you really feel the need to dodge my question so hard you question my citizenship? Just answer it plain and simply. What threat does Iran pose to the United States of America and it's citizens? All you did so far was put words in the mouth of the American people up here with some made up greentext conversation you had with yourself and sperg out at people calling you out. I don't feel very convinced user.

Why don't isreali jews and neo-con kikes like iran?

Cos they are just about the only legitimate resistance to international jewry at this present time and moment in the world.

Every american president has been at war,Don will do it with Iran and the cycle continues

I didn't dodge your question. I asked you to go read all of my posts and ask what you want clarified.

The media has Iran framed as an enemy of the West and will continue to be allowed to do so as long as Iran continues doing stupid shit. We're not 2 weeks into a new presidential administration that has said they want stronger relations with Russia (who has ties to Iran) and Iran goes and shoots off fucking missiles at a US ally (like it as an ally or not). What did Russia do when Obama kicked out Russian diplomats? Putin invited American diplomats to a Christmas part. Obama stations military units at their border? Russia shrugs and says we'll wait for Trump. Trump gets into power and Iran starts shooting off god damn missiles the day after a travel ban so Trump can look into possible thread. NICE FUCKING JOB.

Jesus Christ.


Oy vey, how dare iran defend themselves against Saudi and Emirate [US/isreali proxies] aggression against them.

So essentially you're saying that America is kiked, your President is owned by jewry and cannot and will not act independently from his zionist masters instructions given to him?

I wish you CIA kikes would've come out and admitted this fact a year and a half ago before you astroturfed this board to fuckery with all your pro-ZoG tool campaigning.
Trouble is it's still going on after about 6,000,000 zionist neo-con kikes brought into the administration .

Iran held about 4 Americans hostage. This is apparently enough to justify sanctions and aggression; most neo-cons who've been around since Reagan remember a similar hostage crisis. Otherwise I see very little threat besides Iran's disobediance to the ZOG agenda

a) Iran was noted as a dangerous country by (dethroned) King Nigger
b) I personally think he left Iran on there more to keep the stupid jew meme up

I lived in Iran and even when observing from the outside I do not see them as an aggressor.

Calling out the jews should be admired.

also I think it's cool that yall hang gays

This has what to do with reality, exactly? If you want to live your life under the rock that is the MSM go ahead. But you really shouldn't go about regurgitating their talking points and act like you are actually having some sort of discussion with people, it simply isn't the case. They spout lies and that will not change until we make them change, the bigger enemy here is them, not Iran. That you do not recognize this shows how effective their methods of brainwashing have been on you.

But when Iran exercises it's national sovereignty Trump should bomb them, right? Goodwill and patience should only ever be extended in our direction and we should never feel obliged to do the same in return to others right?

I don't need to list off the reason of why they aren't our ally, so here is a fun idea, how about instead of wasting our time with Iran we dedicate our time and energies on destroying the myth that is our alliance with Israel?

To whom exactly? Those missiles are not even close to capable of reaching the US.

You did exactly that, don't try and downplay it. I've never met a single person who wasn't a brainwashed news watching drone who thought Iran was a threat. You are using the very same tactics the MSM uses. That exact little greentext story wouldn't be out of place on Fox.

You're an idiot.

5 star post user, you're really painting a good image for yourself and your arguments.

Shill against this and I think its safe to say, youre not one of us.


I'll shill only for the perspective that who ever drew that image doesn't know how geography works. Buy a map faggot kek. Meme Magic is real. I can't believe he actually posted that.

As soon as he's elected refuses to pursue jailing Clinton, doesn't ban muslims from any known jewhadist recruiting/training/financing countries [i.e. Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Qatar, bahrain etc] as promised but merely extends Obamas pre-existing bill targeting Middle Eastern countries that isreal doesn't like, or should I say actually showing resistance to ZoG.
Brings into his personal team every single foul and objectionable Satanic evil neo-con zionist kike and pursues their agenda internationally and domestically, while CIA-kikes shills applaud his every ZoG directed move and try to legitimise him serving jewry's interests above that of Americans.

Do you understand what shilling means?

If Trump gets us into an armed conflict with Iran that kills any chance of peace with Russia. Hopefully this is just him talking big to bring them to the table.

Oh yea I can tell how much you care about white people.
Its obvious as fuck that you're trying to subvert us and our thoughts.

Not true. I can't say pure Aryans but we are full of blonde hair blue and green eyed people who are tall and have prominent jaws and noses. When I say full of them I mean every second/third person on the street.

But yes I don't think they are as pure blooded as they could be. Reddish brown hair is more common than blonde. Black/dark brown is also common, especially in the Eastern region.

I promise you that on the day of Judgement, you jews will hide behind olive trees and the trees will shout "There is a jew behind me".
You will get what you deserve for destroying all the world's civilization with your debauchery and degeneracy and your lust for wealth and greed for destruction.
No one's D&Cing here except you.

To be honest, I've supported Trump since the day he announced his candidacy. I honestly think that some of his staff are misguiding him on purpose. He's giving armored vehicles and weapons to the Kurds instead of Syrians. I don't think he's a bad guy. I really don't want our two countries to go to war. I hope he isn't a puppet. He radiates strength. But Jews can fool the smartest people. I hope for the best.

This user is much more patient than me. Keep it up fam.
God Bless Iran and Hezbollah.

Fuck off shill it wasn't fired at any ally. It was launched in Iranian borders and it exploded in Iranian borders.

Not so incompetent they can't overthrow a US installed dictator and then defy the USA openly for decades.

You truly are an idiot.

Yeah they're called voters. I just explained how Iran could make themselves look good on the world stage. You decided to nitpick about Israel not being an ally. You're an idiot. You've totally missed the entire point of my post so completely I have to think it was intentional.

Israel is a US ally whether you like it or not as I stated in my other post. That is how it is right now. Iran could help destroy the myth of Israel being an ally, but instead they fired missiles at it. Can you explain why that was a good move considering the state of the US and the moves Trump is making? Do you think Iran failed to read the situation and again took the bait from Israel and made themselves look like crazy fanatics? I'm only left to conclude that Persians are mouth breathing subhumans deserving whatever they get because they bring it on themselves by being so utterly incompetent.

You're too fucking stupid to know when someone is trying to help you. That's why Iran and Persian are garbage. Seriously man. I had some sympathy for Iran before this thread, I thought it was bullshit the way the US and Kikeistan have been pulling hits in your country, but you helped me to stop caring really fucking fast. Nice job.

Oh yeah, we has some grade A politicians running things didn't we? What a feat on Iran's part. Now they're so fucking scared they've hired shills to come on Holla Forums.

America does not profit from a war with Iran.
Whites do not profit from war with Iran.
Iran obviously does not profit.

But the Jews and the Saudis do.


Reported, get gassed schlomo.

Currently, if Iran does something utterly stupid like attack Israel, Trump's entire plans might actually be thrown in chaos, it might be one of the only things that could cause a derail of the Trump train. The Iranians forcefully have to be let known that they can't fuck with the Emperor's plans.

I used to be about 100% Pro-Iran, until they started shilling for 'muh refugees' to invade, flood, conquer and destroy Europe with. PressTV being the biggest offender. Now, I can't consider them friends. In fact, this should put them squarely in the 'enemy' category. After all, for all that the old Persians and Parthians have done, in the end their loyalty is likewise to Islam rather than Christianity/Hellenism.

Anyone that kills kikes is by default indeed very much based, and worthy of Holla Forums and the entire free world's admiration.

Siding with kikes like you are doing should earn you our condemnation and whatever gas we can spare for you and your kin.

Get gassed Moishe


That you call everyone else in the thread stupid while making a post like this is the definition of irony. You are arguing that Iran wage a PR war against Israel for the affection of the American people but conveniently don't include the little detail the America's government is almost wholly owned by Israel, never mind our alphabet soups, and that Iran has already been losing that exact war for decades. Clearly the appropriate response to a bunch of misinformed people on the other side of the globe is to surrender your national sovereignty. The part of your posts that stands out the most for me is how readily you accept Israel is joined at the hip with us and don't even consider it an option to remove them, instead opting to play by their rules.

Sure you were, Shlomo.


Hello Ahmed. You mudslimes seem to have the impression that the only reason Holla Forums hates jews is israel or zionism. Israel is just a facet of the greater jewish problem. We will not ally with muh based mudslimes or muh based "anti zionist" jews.

Let me give you a few book recommendations. Or rather, refresh your memory since surely you know them. "Confront and Conceal" by David Sanger of the Times and "Relentless Strike: The History of Joint Special Operations Command" by Sean Naylor.
You're a ranting idiot and you don't have the information or know a thing about the cover proxy wars that have been going on since 2003. since Obama took office, the Us ran over 20 Red Teams on an Israeli Strike on Iran. All ended with the US drawn in and taking a minimum of a few thousand casualties. Israel look only 10-15.
The Red Teams end with the Strait of Hormuz clogged with mines, gunboats, a Us carrier goes down or Iran sinks a ship purposefully and with no oil tankers leaving the mideast. The US right now has ~3 months of strategic reserves, which would go very quickly with open war in Iran, naval war in the gulf, and Quds, League of Righteous, etc.. carrying out attacks in the US mainland.
Now, Chicago keeps about 13-14 days worth of Chlorine on hand at any given time to keep their water supply going. Maybe a month, no water in Chicago. Maybe in summer. Now you have niggers rioting in Chicago, Atlanta, and throughout the country. Nothing can move.
Why Iran fired the missile won't be known for a few years. Maybe the Jews killed another scientist, maybe they blew up another plant at a university as they did in 2010. Maybe another cyberattack on their infrastructure like "olympic Games."
your a ranting fucking idiot. Why I'm taking the time to even explain this, I don't know. I can at least have respect for people who know what they don't know. You lack this quality.


When it comes to making decisions over who is or is not based.
Killing kikes has to be up there near the number one spot in defining who indeed is.

Calling for warZ that serve no interest other than international jewry makes you my direct enemy.

Its like the practice that some Christians do when they get themselves crucified in order to feel the pain that Jesus went through.

In the same way, a revered personality of Shia Islam was tortured and martyred and some people go overboard in their mourning and bleed.. But the majority of Shias don't do that.

PressTV is liberal BS. The help the refugee thing would make sense if you only let in refugees form nations that you fucked up.. Like Syria, Iraq, Libya, until the country got it shit together or was helped or compensated for the bombings… instead the refugee crisis became a tearjerk story with a picture of a drowned Syrian kid which led to open borders without vetting and then led to millions of African entering Europe… And the blame being given to Syrians.

I don't think Iran was the architech of this sob story though… And for the millions of people that were killed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, some compensation should've been given had we lived in a fair world. Instead all I want is that the west stop invading and fucking the middle east, in return, their citizens won't come to your nations because you destroyed theirs.

National Socialists had not intentions to take over the world like you have tried to teach the public Moishe.

The idea is to kill the kikes and return all the non-whites back home, any resistance to that can be dealt with ad-hoc without the gefilte stinkin' shackles around our limbs working to deny us that option.


What part of kill all non whites is too difficult to understand?

That's what I've been trying to get across this whole thread and they still don't get it. My dog has better reasoning skills.

Iranians are shit. This thread is proof.

Persians are stupid. See above. You're included as well.
Because they are joined at the hip and this shows why you are stupid. If the US suddenly cut ties with Israel the cucked voters would know something was up, Israel would know something was up, and the tools Israel has in the House and Senate would be used to stop President Trump from doing anything productive for the next 4 years. Why are you people so bad at figuring this stuff out? I'm holding your hand and you still can't fucking follow it.

We're not that dumb Shlomo.

Typical muslim blame White people and Christians. Let me guess ISIS has nothing to do with Islam (which is really a religion of peace™) and is entirely a creation of Mossad and America right?

That's a cool fictional scenario and all, but were not invading Iran for you Schlomo.

Fuck off shills.

They should just range-ban shitskin IPs. This is a White board.

Nigger what the fuck are you doing?

What fictional scenario did I propose in the post you're replying to? Israel has US Congressmen and Senators working for them who block moves that Trump would make, and the left would fully support them because they're going against Trump. Do you agree or disagree? Israel are indeed joined at the hip because our House and Senate are subverted by these people. Do you agree or disagree? If Trump suddenly cut ties with Israel they would know something was up? Do you agree or disagree?

This why you're a moron.

You're memes are bad and you should feel bad….also kill yourself.

It's fucking embarrassing how stupid people have become here since a few weeks before election. However you feel about Iran, basic geopolitics is that they own the Strait of Hormuz. It's the most important strategic choke point in the world. If it's clogged, no oil moves. no oil, no gas. No gas, you can't feed your fat face, your infrastructure doesn't run, you have chaos.
Iran is not Iraq. They have a naval capability, and there's a reason they wanted to show the Jews they can fire a ballistic missile missile if need be. the message being communicated is "you bomb our cities, the next one goes for Haifa, maybe even with a nuke and takes out the the whole rat's nest."

That was my point Moishe.
That line of jewish cartoon 'nazi' talk might work in the wibbly wobbly distorted mirrored world of Anglin and his buddy Weev.

National Socialism is nothing to do with killing/hating non-whites.
Even if we do dislike them.

Fighting international jewry is a common cause every nation on Earth can ally with.

Killing kikes is to be applauded, the rest can go back, or sink on boats on their return trip back to bongo Bongoland


President Trump is simply sending a message to Iran to cool it.
We don't have the time or need to war with them, they are not a threat to the U.S., and we'll have our hands full wiping out ISIS, even with Russian help.
If you want to talk to anybody, talk to Iran and get them to stop their needling, and talk to Russia and get them to cooperate.
Now is not the time to give the MSM ammunition. They'd like nothing more than to see us at war in Iran & the Crimea, because they could then blame it all on Trump.

Oyy veyy

Iranians are not and never have been white, shitskin.
And even if modern Iranians are not that bad, their ancestors, the Persians, tried to destroy and enslave Europe and destroy the white race, only Greece defeated them and saved western civilization and the white race, so for that alone, all Persians deserve to die.

t. Terrified shitskin

Very well put.

Iran definitely wasn't the architect but it did go along with the narrative through PressTV (Not sure how Al-Masdar and other sources looked at it at the time) While Iran did block some Afghans at their borders, a great many of them still managed to get to Europe.

While there's a Shia-Sunni 'civil' war I understand Iran can't take in Sunnis. Their IRGC definitely did do good work in Syria but, like with any state actor it was for their own benefit.

I'll always root more for the Shia side (being non-Arabs and all) but in the end when it comes to it, as long as they remain Islamic they cannot be trusted - Traded with, keep neutral, make deals, certainly, but not trust nor friendship. My hopes are that they will start to return more to the old Hellenic ways to form common ground with them again.

Iranians in this thread are too inbred to figure this out.

There won't be a war with Iran. The only problematic thing about the more aggressive tone against Iran is that America is getting involved in the intermudslime sectarian conflict and this will not be beneficial to White people.

But at the end of the day all that shit is inconsequential. Who cares if Iranian proxy rebels in Yemen get annihilated by the Saudis? Why should I care?

I never said anything bad about whites or Christians, you need to learn to shill better.

ISIS is a follower of the Saudi interpretation of Islam called Wahhabism, which has taken over most nations due to billions of dollars in oil wealth and funding and mosques that Saudi has built in the world's countries.

ISIS are not Shia Muslims and they are mortal enemies.

Most of ISIS's and Wahhabi's role models were the same cruel people who committed beheadings and burned people alive 1400 years ago.

Except that those people are revered in Sunnism/Wahhabism and not the Quran or the prophet's actions or the actions or teachings of his family.. which are the only things that the Shia follow.

The Sunnis follow the so called "best friends of Muhammad" who always would disobey him and were alcoholic gambler wife swappers before they converted to Islam.. After the prophet's death they seized power by force and that's where you get Sunnis from.

Meanwhile, the prophet and his family members were pious decent people, and they took the path of non violence and patience. There you get the Shias.

Self flagellation is done by SOME shia during mourning the death of the prophet's grandson who was starved and denied water for 3 days, then shot with hundreds of arrows, then his corpse was beheaded. So yeah.. like some Christians go overboard mourning for the sacrifice of Jesus, some Shia do too. Big whoop.

I hope so. The last line of his status said "We have put Iran on notice".. So it doesn't seem like its going to escalate.. But if the case it does, I want all of you guys here at Holla Forums to know that Iranians mean no harm to Americans or other people. We have no fight with you. We want to be left alone, if not have good trade and economic and cultural ties.

In the past 10 years, the Jews have launched raids on Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon all at different times and for their own Talmudic reasons. It's amazing that people are fucking stupid enough not to understand that Iran needs to communicate to the Jews they will take a pound of flesh if Israel (itself or through ZOG) decides to randomly attack a city or base in Iran because "muh holocaust."

I know the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but if a bunch of mudslimes want to cut in line for The Day of the Rope, I say we let them

The only 'folk' terrified here are those kikes like you rather concerned that your shilling for the past few years still hasn't completely eradicated all logic here.

Iran, of all the Middle eastern nations are our greatest ally in fighting back against the enemy jew.

If there ever was one single non-European derived nation that deserves our affection and support it is Iran and Hezbollah.

Now go suck on a VW Golf's diesel injection exhaust.


Feel free to eat a bullet at any time.

What has the Iranian press been saying about Trump and Israel since the elections? I'm curious if the Jews did or bombed something that Iran felt the need to show force or if it was just a warning.

You expect the people you yourself call "cucked voters" to actually have any say in the US government? They haven't for the last couple decades, why would that change now? Especially if Trump were to exert his will and actually put some truthful information our there. You also acknowledge the extents of Israels influence but still think Iran should wage a PR war against them. Intredasting.

You think Israel can just shut our entire government down scot free? You think that, even if they could, it would actually benefit them in any way? They would do nothing but de-mask themselves, I'd pray for them to make such a grievous mistake.

I agree there's no point in going to war or fucking around with the middle east outside of cutting off relations with all of them
I also see why the Trump adminstration has to do this
They are not putting up a weak front in terms of military and if you look at it from that perspective it at least makes some sense

If something does happen Trump won't be the one making the first move although I hope nothing does
Not because I give a shit about Iran (I don't those monkeys could get glassed by fucking isreal and I wouldn't care) I just don't want to waste resources and American lives on that bullshit
Going to war with Iran alone makes Trump just another president

Waste of those dubs, fuck your (((Reddit spacing))) and gas yourself immediately, Chaim

Nigger tier logic.

Try harder kike

You do realise that Iran and Hezbollah are actively killing kikes.
They legitimately make the IDF coward kikes shit and piss themselves in fear even though they have all the money and latest US taxpayer paid for tech.

That makes them our ally, not (((your))) ally that I can understand, but indeed a very real true ally to all anti-juden movements across the known world.

Feel free to argue at any time. Considering you have low end double digits iq we are going to be waiting a while.

Iran user, how is your media covering the China visit if you are still reading? I'm wondering since they visited the Saudis first but also put up money for the Palestinians, which was interesting. I realize they aren't Shia but Iran are only ones to take an interest in them since Egypt and Gulf States are cucked.

now you have wasted quads, too. What flavor of shitskin are you that you're this terrified?

White people have no interest getting involved in your sectarian bullshit and competition to gain influence in the region. Unfortunately America has been in the camp of the Saudis/Israelis since forever but stop with your fearmongering and your D&C bullshit. Who the fuck cares fuck off you are not even White. Nothing will happen other than some bumfuck rebels in Yemen getting blown up.

Lol no very few Christians practice self mutilation basically some brown people in the Phillipines afaik. In the meantime there are asura celebrations in nearly every European capital. I know it cause I have seen it with my own eyes. It's very widespread.



Look at all the buttblasted kikes ITT defending AIPAC's foreign policy.

Nigger what are mid-terms? You're a fucking moron. Are your parents related? Seriously. Are they cousins or something?

If the US suddenly cut ties with Israel the cucked voters would know something was up, Israel would know something was up, and the tools Israel has in the House and Senate would be used to stop President Trump from doing anything productive for the next 4 years.

Those tools are called Congressmen and Senators and there's more than enough Israel pawns to stop Trump. Israel wouldn't have to "de-mask" anything. These pawns would come out and boo-hoo about how mean President Trump was turning his back on our greatest ally and how they won't work with the President until he says sowwy. This is why you're a moron. This is why I'm done with you.

Just because you hate zog doesn't make you white.

Yeah because people crying have stumped Trump in the past. You want to invade Iran so badly you go right ahead and do it. Just don't expect any of us behind you.

Jewed Too fast this time kike

It's interesting to learn about how a Shia/Persian looks at it but the problem is that ISIS is not merely Wahhabism, they are True Islamists who (literally) follow the example of their prophet to the letter.

Christian sources that discuss this are David Wood (Acts17Apologetics) and Political Islam (Bill Warner) who explain a great deal about this for the Christian audience.

Persians should or in fact must free themselves of Islam if they want to be friends with the West in any long-term arrangement. Even if it's great to see them make gains against the Saudis in Yemen and gassing kikes in Syria they do not do it to make the West happy or earn our friendship.

It doesn't help that Asura basically is a painful indoctrination for people to be loyal to a man and his followers that is responsible for destroying much of Persian culture and development.

This. Take a careful note of what Trump has actually said regarding Iran, he was talking about being tough with them all throughout the election cycle, he never said otherwise. But there was one comment in particular that sticks out, I believe at one of the debates where he was asked point blank what he would do if Iran attacked Israel and his response was

He said it with no hesitation, and the tone he took was that this was an entirely separate ball game from the negotiations he was just being asked about. He stated it as a fact, the way he said it it was clear to me that the issue is already settled and done in Trump's head. If Iran attacks Israel then for whatever reasons Trump would become unable to take any action except destroy Iran, he would be left with no choice. Iran very much is playing with fire here, both for them and for Trump.

Again not expecting much logic to come from shitskins.

Don't even try to argue with Muslims who say ISIS isn't real Islam. That shit is grade-A taqiyya . ISIS are simply going full Mohammed too early so the rest of the Islamic world is afraid of being found out.

Good luck to you.

I have no problem with kikes getting what they deserve, but I don't want to be next. Mudslimes having ICBM is not good for the white race

I think they went with the pro refugee thing at the beginning because like I said, some compensation would be owed to the millions of people displaced by American/NATO bombs and bullets..
But after the attacks, PressTV didn't shill for them.
It makes sense to provide refuge to victims of wars that your countries caused.. But letting in millions of Africans fucked the whole thing up.

The real shilling for refugees was done by CNN, BBC, BuzzFeed, Al Jazeera, Sky etc.

Nice triple dubs. Iran and the west can get along very well in terms of economic ties and technology but Israel starts autistically screeching everytime.
Its fun seeing everyone kvetch at your bluntness.


The Iranian press has been cautious about his policies. The passport ban especially made some waves in the media. But the people are used to being mistreated by the US so its no shock to them..
Before the entry ban, for the first time in decades, the Iranians were actually looking forward and starting to hope that they will have good ties with the US again.

Last I heard of China delivering help/money to Palestinians was last year. Could you link me?

Nice job moving the goalposts around. I just gave you an explanation for the ritual which I have told you is done by a minority even within the already small minority of Shias. I didn't tell you to get involved in my sectarian anything.

If they followed the prophet to the letter, they would be Shia.

Tell me, how is it me watching and laughing at you kikes squirming and wriggling as your agenda to push warZ for israel makes me either a) a kike
or b) scared?

Honestly, the only thing you're doing by promoting ZoG warZ for isreal is showing others here just how astroturfed this board is for discussing anything honestly.

Hope you got your double sealed training pants on Moishe, you're gonna need them cos once Hezbollah are done with you and your kin, I only hope they leave a couple over for us to play with.


This really proves Burgers can't break out of their golem/patriotard mindset

I thought it was a New Team user, what happened to that rhetoric?

gas yourself, filtered

Kill yourself

Last one. See:

Red-Pill 101
ISIS = isreal
ISIS/Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood/DAESH/Boko Haram/ISIL et al have spent the last 17 years killing Christians and muslims and not harming a hair on the Satanic heads of the isreali kikes that finance, trained and treat their wounded.

Sadly there will be war against Iran and sadly they are asking for it, even if it's being pushed by Jews and Saudis, Iran is openly threatening Trump and growing more hostile by the minute, at this point they are doing exactly what the Jews hoped for, they can just point fingers and say "SEE? THEY WANT TO KILL YOU ALL!" and Trump would not be able to deny it. I just hope Russia don't fall to those Jew tricks too.

No it proves that there are plenty of muslims on Holla Forums pushing the narrative of "muh based shia mudslimes" and trying to drag White people into their own sectarian conflicts.

You've said you were done with this conversation for about half of it user. Fuck off and mean it already.

I'm a white European Christian, not American so no love or affection for republican vs democrat jewish confusion..

I was calling those isreali kikes who had shit and pissed themselves in fear from Hezbollah "kikes", yet you somehow accidentally ascribed the term Aryan for the isreali kikes pictured in that photo.

Why is that>?



Taqiyya is only practiced by Shia Muslims.
Let me explain Taqiyya to you.

Taqiyya is the practice of "concealment". That is what it means. Literally.
Over all of history, Shia have been a minority in every nation and were oppressed, tortured, force converted, killed by sunnis.
So Shias would practice Taqqiya, and hide their true faith, and pretend to be Sunnis, pray like them, etc.

The conditions for taqiyya are:

1) Your life or the lives/dignity of your women must be in danger because and only because of your religion.

So imagine if Shia live in Saudi Arabia, they get executed on a daily basis.
In this case, a Shia can conceal his Shiism and pretend to be a Sunni.. so as to not die.

Let's take another example:
If a shia lives in… a radicalized place where they are killing Muslims.
You can act like a Christian/Jew/Hindu/etc.. Pray like them and observe their practices..

but in your heart, you must believe in Allah and no one else.

Taqqiya is not a free pass to lie to a non Muslim. Only Shia Muslims can use Taqqiya, and only if their life is in danger..

And only if its in danger because of their religion. If a Shia commits a crime and is a wanted man (his life is in danger) but he can't do taqqiya.

Hope that clears it.

I'm tired of the Muh Taqqiya meme.

Iranians are actually more white than europeans.

They are proto-white

Iranians are part of the aryan race, which includes, afghanistan, india, Iran, Kurds

Are you a moron? History is not the movie 300 you dumbass mother fucker.

The reason the persians and greeks got into war was because of a misunderstanding.

some of the generals burned down a city in athens and the persian king sent his men to rebuilt the city for them. but the greeks didnt forgive them. after alexander went to persia he burned down one of the most beautiful buildings in persia as retaliation even though it was uncalled for.

Persians didnt have slaves you dumbass, the greeks had slavery

Not true.
The only (((Americans))) ITT cheering on ZoG warZ for isreal are the blatant kikes themselves.

The key trigger to ruffling the feathers of a brass-necked kiken-vermin is to point out how the IDF literally shit and piss themselves in fear from hezbollah and all others who legitimately fight back against isreal.

That's why they can never stay hidden, because they do not carry any similar genes to Europeans, they just think they can infiltrate and disrupt and not give themselves away even when stating how "we all want to kill all others" like the jews/Weev/Anglinbots do.

See jew-kike here

You are aware, or are you not, that stating the fact that hezbollah kills kikes, doesn't actually mean a word of what you said.

If that is true, then the Shia are just as bad as the Wahhabi and "Takfiri". Mohammad has done a lot of terrible things, using the sword to forcefully convert rather than logic, reason and love that Jesus Christ used to try to convince people.
However, the Shia at least respect Jesus Christ to some extent, calling him an important Prophet (rather than the Son/Sun of God), so that would already deeply offend Mohammad and his followers.

In short, your short comment is a case of Taqiyya. This does not help increase your trustworthiness.

A more natural solution would be to do what Trump wants to do now, safe zones in the actual countries where the wars are happening, not bring Afghans and Syrians to the other side of the entire world, to our capitals in Europe or even the USA. Compensations could be divvied out through stable neutral governments or local organizations rather than NGOs.

Of course it wasn't politically expedient to shill for the invaders after the many attacks in Europe, however I wager that the reason was more to do with PR than actual concern, though this is hard to say. They provided part of the original push necessary and are thus also responsible.

Isn't that the sandwog equivalent of your Kol Nidre to lie and cheat the goyim at all times?

I don't want iran invaded, at the same time i want them invaded so they can get rid of islam and their leaders.

Fuck off semite scum

So much fucking revisionism Persians were oppressing the Greeks of Minor Asian and organised a massive campaign to annihilate Greece.

Mods pls

This is taqiyya, ironically.

There is also tawriya.

Let me find it. They visited Saudi yesterday and I think your nation today:

"Tel Aviv (REPORT) —Following the first statement by the new White House press secretary that the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem was “coming soon,” Chinese President Xi Jinping has declared that East Jerusalem should be the official capital of a Palestinian state."

China gave the pals..about $8 million dollars I think? Trying to find a better link but the Western sources in English suck and are limited:


We tried to warn you.

You mean over 80 percent of the Republican party?

This. The reality is that, racially, the Greeks and Persians at this time were probably almost identical. According to Herodotus, they did consider themselves separate races but the Greeks would sometimes carry off Persian women.

Well there were no real altetnatives

I thought it was you jews that had trained the gullible goyim into calling you semites and forgetting that arabs are semites too for the purposes of your antisemitism laws?

The trouble with you kike hasbarats is that in your desire to railroad the dumb goy into fighting your warZ, you forget how incorrigible and obnoxious you are to us.
Which is why you can;t ever properly assimilate, you can act and fake it in short stage arranged bursts, but never ever truly become human.

The whole argument here is about the Zionist plan to have Americans fight isreali warZ.
Americans don;t want to fight anyone resistant to ZoG only the jew controlled slave drones want to, not those who are red pilled.

It is literally the first step to re-pill 101, and this simple point, not wanting to be servants to jewry is beyond your genocidal kike-like grasp

On this board.
See keyword ITT

Yes indeed normies voting republican are quite happy to send the West to Hell while serving the Zionist agenda.

However Holla Forums is supposed to be above all that shit.

Makes sense the source of the anti Trump spam on Holla Forums is iranian diaspora shitskins from California. I thought it was redditors and lefty/pol/ concern trolling.

You have to go back

this is called history you cuck.

The achaemenid army burned down Athens, the king xerxes regretted his decision so he rebuilt athens.
Alexander the great burned down Persepolis in retaliation.

the reason the greeks were so against becoming part of the achaemenid empire was because they would have to give up slavery which was outlawed in persia.

greek energy was purely on slavery, today it our energy is called Oil and gasoline engines.

it was basically the American South and the American North.
in this case the south won, then the north came back but they tired eachother out long enough for the mexicans (arabs) to come and take over.

Hello fellow hWhite people isn't Iran great!!! Based mudslime Hezbollah soldiers removing merchant n shit. Take a look at those Aryan qts from Tehran!!!! How can White women even compete? Islam is based and keeps women in check!!!

We have a serious non White problem

Who do you think makes up this board? Anons brag about voting straight Republican these days just look at this thread.

I'm white and not from California.

essentially those (((Iranians))) on MSM news programmes stating how America needs to bomb iran for their greatest ally isreal.

So any criticism of Trump serving jewry's interests is done by antifa and or iranian diaspora.

Cos that's been a real issue on Holla Forums for all these years, damn iranian diaspora Californians, not jews though.

Jews haven;t done anything to astroturf this board…

Don't forget CTR, crew and JIDF. They have plenty of boogie men to keep shifting between every time he does something jewy.

Based Persian shitskins trying to spread enlightened ideas to barbaric backwards Greeks. We just didn't listen and rejected the superior culture we should have turned into a persian protectorate.

No one is advocating to interbreed with or give up countries to them you dumb ass shill.

Nobody is dying for your kike war.

I appreciate the high volume of jewish hasbarat posting all kinds of interference noise on this thread… but.

In what way does a picture showing satanic jews and donmeh arab kikes have anything whatsoever with pointing out that Hezbollah and Iran are genuine resistance to ZoG.

No matter how many pointless pictures you post, no matter how you try and steer the conversation towards "taqqiya" and other such irrelevance, it won;t ever change the fact that Iran, of all nations, is fighting the good fight against international jewry.

We do have a non-white problem, indeed, all due to the alien jewish tribes last 70 years of deactivating white European nations and their interests after last tricking the gullible goyim into fighting their warZ against isreal's enemies.

Jews shills don't attack Trump based on his ties with Kushner or AIPAC. They attack him because he banned "based mudslimes" from entering the US or because he plans to deport millions of brown people and build the wall.

The "Trump is a jew pawn" shilling is clearly done by non Whites who for some weird reason think they are welcome here.


you mean greek shitskins?

too bad for you, western culture was shaped by middle eastern culture.


Trump hasn't banned muslims from entering America.
The infamous Bill that the jewish media is lying about was an extension of a pre-existing Bill Obama introduced in 2015 against the only countries actively fighting back against US/isreali created ISIL/ISIS/DAESH/Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood etc.

Saudis, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar and all the terrorist funding nations (including isreal) are not on the banned list, just the countries fighting back against ZoG.

Even so, all those nations on the list, they simply have to apply to the US consulate to get a visa pass, like before.

You do realise that makes no sense.
Every whiteman who has been red-pilled is against Trump serving isreals interests, only the jews that pollute these boards have been astroturfing every website to shill for isreal, while it has convinced some of the weaker willed goys on this board, almost all other dissent against friend of ZoG Trump has been banned from Holla Forums over the course of the last year or so for saying as such.

Okay Persia that didnt start a war since 1739 and is the most peaceful middle eastern country, has still some indo-european groups living in it' country and literally fights the saudis and the jews right now is NOT an enemy. The middle east isn't a monocultural/mono-ethnic region so don't start generalizing. I mean what's next? Assad is evil too? And the reason they want to get nukes is because Israel has them and there is a power inbalance. Israel literally bombed iran regulairly over the years and Iran can't do anything about it. If you don't understand geopolitics of the middle east don't comment on it. Aside from that why do americans always try to be neocons when it comes to the middle east? Why do you care if Iran has missles? Doesn't North Korea do thousands of missle tests every year?

To all the trigger happy golems in here, how about we destroy the one nation that actually does have nukes or at least force it to give them up: israel.

If anyone actually wants to learn about middle eastern (and ukraine conflict/european) geopolitics check out Caspian Report (video related). Very well made and neutral videos that go pretty deep into the topic (even up to explaining the influence of family and tribe dynamics in recent saudi royal coup) but also covers the basics of geopolitics. Neither pro-Russia nor Pro-NATO

Yea. Israel has supported every radical sunni movement. They'd rather have religious fanatics they can control than secular or semi-secular nationalist countries (like the baathist states Syria and Iraq or Iran). For some reason americans get herded into the mindset that the middle east is somehow a big issue for their safety, you know because Iran hasn't started a war since 1739.

Archive of the kikery going on in this thread, including mods


Anyway since the thread is bumplocked I have no interest arguing with filthy islamic pigs and non Whites.

But I will be there Habib to challenge you every time you post presstv propaganda saying that ISIS are not real mudslimes™. Every time you push the "based shia mudslimes" narrative. Every time you try to drag White people into the sectarian conflict created by your savage backwards satanic religion

This include christians.

Oy vey, a photo of Ahmadinejad chatting to Neturei Karta kikes

Here's a video of Ahmadinejad speaking to these kikes, explaining what he deems parasitic satanic kike and the few rare jews he leaves well alone.

Those 'based' jews openly state that jews are lying about the holocaust and that isreal is a fake counterfeit state.
The kind of rare jew that I could almost get along with.

Here's an exerpt from your kikepedia

Tehran Holocaust Conference[edit]
In December 2006, members of Neturei Karta, including Yisroel Dovid Weiss, attended the International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust, a controversial conference being held in Tehran, Iran that attracted a number of high-profile Holocaust-deniers.[30]

They praised Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and expressed solidarity with the Iranian position of anti-Zionism.[31] Rabbi Yonah Metzger, the chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Israel, immediately called for those who went to Tehran to be put into 'cherem', a form of excommunication.[32] Subsequently, a group of Rabbis claiming to represent part of the recently split anti-Zionist Satmar Hasidic group called on Jews "to keep away from them and condemn their actions".[33] However the newspaper Der Blatt which represents the largest part of the Satmar group refused to denounce the actions of Neturei Karta.[citation needed] In addition Neturei Karta[who?] claim that the late Rabbi Avrohom Leitner, one of the major Poskim (Halcachic decisors) of Brooklyn's large Satmar community publicly supported their activities.[citation needed]

On 21 December, the Edah HaChareidis rabbinical council of Jerusalem also released a statement calling on the public to distance itself from those who went to Iran. The Edah's statement followed, in major lines, the Satmar statement released a few days earlier [34] In January 2007, a group of protesters stood outside the radical Neturei Karta synagogue in Monsey, New York, demanding that they leave Monsey and move to Iran, the Neturei Karta and their sympathisers from Monsey's Orthodox community responded with a counter protest.[35]

Hey Nigger, I suggest you do research before you talk about shit you don't understand so you don't end up making a fucking Fool of yourself.

Indic-Vedic people


ISIS is isreal

Understanding jewish international terrorism 101

Noone says trump is a puppet. But I think he made it very clear that he is a zionist. He is against muslims and doesn't like the saudis and also the neocons who started the whole mess. How would it not be a disappointment when Trump now just acts like Bush and the other neocon crowd and goes to deal with israels regional enemies? The Iranian Guard is fighting along side Assad's goverment forces and volunteers from the lebanese and syrian National Socialist parties against saudi/israeli funded sunni extremists. I think it's obvious that a secular middle east with fascist or at least nationalist goverments would be better than a sunni extremist one. Israel is trying to get rid of such goverments like the ba'athist goverments of Saddam's Iraq and Assad's syria.

Let's read about the founding fathers of Ba'athism.

Oh jeez, I wonder why jews keep trying to bring the west to destroy assyrian and middle-eastern versions of fascism. Five dancing israelis, anyone?

my dad was watching a trump video and i noticed something in his office.

can anyone explain what this symbol is in the back?

I would rather see all arabs and turks destroyed. Fuck the semites.

Is this "purge" of non-whites starting after Iran is destroyed by some chance, Shlomo?

What are you going to do HEIL?
delete all the posts, ban me all the time you fucking kike? You sold 8ch/pol/
you will hang fucking traitor

I think Trump will negotiate with Iran, but any conflict needs to be strongly opposed to prevent Israel's "Greater Israel" project.

hey Iranon, quick question:
the father of someone I know was the Iranian ambassador to Israel for a while. When the fuck did Iran have an embassy in pissrael? The guy (son) is ~50 ish.

polite sage for off-topic

עץ חיים (etz chaim)
aka the tree of life

sorry, it took a while to figure out the hebrew scribbles.

Persians were at one point Aryans. Doesn't mean they still are. Untermensch religion, Untermensch genetic admixture through Arabs.

Trump just wants everyone in the Middle East to shut the fuck up and stop sending muslimes from there, so they can go back to being farmers.

He said yesterday that he opposes more Israeli settlements kek. If we become energy independent, we have literally no reason to be involved in the Middle East in any fashion.

By robbing caravans and killing anyone who didn't join his death cult. Look, Persians were a great civilization, but you can't expect anyone in the West who has had to deal with your death-cult Religion to have any reverence for it.

Why does the USA want to attack a majority Shia state anyway? The fucking Sunnis are the ones causing most of the jihadi bullshit in Europe and the ME. The only logical conclusion I can come to is that Saudi Arabia and Pissrael want them gone, that's it.. they see them as a threat. Just know that a lot of us in the West care not for jewish wars user, God bless.

t. Ausfag

Bump. Iran is a middle eastern counter to saudis that keeps half of the region in check. They support most non-sunni rulers in the region (and as such hold little sway over non-sunni ones), such as Assad. They hate USA because so far USA had been (((their))) puppet that fucked Iranian interests in the ass and helped the Sauds. Just take the situation in Syria, for example. Obongo goes and starts a civil war, and Iran is busy mopping it up to this very day, its soldiers dying by the dozens.

over sunni ones*


No this is exactly because of kikes and Pissrael. Always has been. America is an 'enemy' of Iran because kikes don't fight their own wars.

Excellent post.

are those ancient gondolas?

Israel and Iran should be wipe out of the face of the earth, but Iran is giving plenty of reasons for a war and to say they dindu nuffin wrong is insane, the idiots are doing exactly what the Jews wanted and are now escalating the situation.


Iranians aren't semites burger.

Iran is not a threat to the United States. The US has much bigger issues to worry about than Middle Eastern politics right now. Iran is not our enemy.

Fuck Israel. Fuck the Jew World Order.

The Russians won't let it happen. Iran is too important for their geopolitics. Anyway, it just goes to show Trump isn't right about every issue and he was always just a step in the right direction.

I'm hoping you're right. I understand there has to be some amount of bluffing in these power struggles, it's still unnerving. As long as the red lines are actually unlikely it's all fine I guess.

Attacking Iran is one more way the globalists can initiate their nuclear World War 3 with Russia to help bring about global domination and governance. Attacking Iran is just stupid, nothing else. Whomever they are, no matter how much we dislike them, we have to learn to live with them. Starting a war with Iran (for Israel…) will hurt, maim, kill people who don't deserve it, resulting in a (supposedly final…) war with Russia that has negative repurcusions the reverberate throughout our radioactive future for the next two eons on Earth. Ultimately, this will have opposite of its intended effect: it will engender more wars of an NBC nature, and lead to the annihilation of Israel.

For those anachronisms who are stuck in the past, mankinds movement away from war has already started. No more wars already means just that: no more wars, or else we completely fuck ourselves and our planet for the benefit of some short-sighted and insane rich people trying to gain ultimate power over everyone else.

If it becomes a question of the U.S. self-destruction by being driven into civil war by the globalists, or being given a domestic reprieve if we start nuclear world war 3, if the PTB lay that on the line, then the self-destruction of the U.S. is the far, far better pill to swallow. We need to take care of the festering Leftist cancer and globalist ownership of our media systems that's developed here anyway.

There is zero upside for war with Iran, not even for poor, victimized Israel.

So what do you think I give a damn if US decides to fuck up Iran (which would probably be a good thing for the world overall)? Iran is not allowed to have nuclear weapons, US made its position clear. Iran is a state not to be trusted, it is a terrorist state. I don't care if it somehow benefits other countries if they get fucked.

Iran is an enemy, the entire middle east except for Israel is hostile to the US.

Kill all jews.
Kill all muslims.

Nope, whenever there is profit to be gained from a war, wars will continue to happen. Nuclear weapons are responsible for ensuring that neither side actually get profit from wars therefore creating a peace.

Reported for intl.

Persia never deserved any of this. Islam is the worst cancer the earth has ever faced.

They made a stupid decision by deciding to continue their ballistic missile tests. Trump warned them to stop, I guess they were used to Obama being a cuck. Not sure what Trump will do, perhaps he will just impose tighter sanctions, he might order an airstrike against those facilities, or worst case scenario, fucking declare war.
I trust Trump enough to know he's not stupid enough to do the latter.

Are you high? You must be high. Israel is not only a threat to the United States? Isreal is a threat to the entire world!

Pray the Kike away.

*wraps shemagh*
*rapes 9 year old*
*rapes goat*
*beat wife for exposed ankle*
*marries 3 year old girl*
*bombs building*

ITT: Ultra-Kosher TRS & the_donald rejects getting hyped for sending whites to die for Israel
Daily reminder: If you are okay with a war with Iran - which hasn't invaded a white country in nearly 1400 years - you are a zionist shill and you need to fuck off.

Yes. Bad goys! How dare they resist the genocidal kikes and their desire to utterly level Iran and sell its resources and people off to the highest bidder!

Those kurds have stated again and again that Syria's territorial integrity is non-negotiable. They've even listed it in their constitution. They're also supported by Russia.

They could at least look for grand chessboard justifications instead of adolescent racialism.

t. non-Iranian


Nope, the gains by nuclear war for a certain underground coterie are not just economic. We must remain excedingly vigilant against these people and their warhawk efforts for many centuries to come. At any time, they can and will start a war to accelerate our planet's slower natural development of a global society and a world government. If we want our future to be peaceful, we cannot be led by anyone from the Abrahamic religions, esp. not Zionism. Sorry, that's just the reality of the situation. War against from any side Iran leads directly to a nuclear World War 3.

Iran's Persian populace increasingly doesn't appreciate the Arabic population. Splitting those two groups within Iran is a far better option than nuclear war, but that won't be possible as long as Iran is threatened, neither by America/Israel, nor by Russia.


Persians aren't semitic, idiot.

I don't like Iranians, but they're right to hate Israel and American (which has been a ZOG puppet for decades). The fear-mongering against Iran is because they have the ability to, in the coming decades, develop a nuclear bomb. This would be bad for Israel and would destroy their hegemony in the middle east.

I don't fear the Iranians. I hope they develop a bomb so they can keep the yids in check.

Listen Iranian. I'm sure you're part of your governments shill army. Nothing wrong with that. But I think you should send a message to your higher ups not to fuck around with Trump. Look I don't want Trump to go to war with Iran either. But you guys are going to have to fucking play ball. That's really all there is to it. He doesn't really like you guys. So you are going to have to bend the knee. Then we can all get along.


Afghanistan 1969 used to be a lot more free and relaxed then after the Taliban came along. So that meme doesn't work that well. The Taliban are pretty fugged up. You have to admit that at least Iranian.

US vs Iran: so what?

Just because we can kick their ass doesn't mean blowback won't be horrendus, maybe not in this decade, maybe not even in the next, but it will come fuck us up like a ton of bricks falling from orbit. If we attack Iran, we're fucked.


Yeah? America was supposed to keep to itself, and it worked wonders for a long time. Gee, I wonder (((who))) benefits from wars in the middle east, wars in general, and the military industrial complex and security apparatus that robbed you of your Constitutional Rights. Go Dubya, you fucking retard.

tbh we should just go back to colonialism. We've tried breaking shit and leaving; that doesn't work out. We've tried installing puppet governments; that doesn't work out. We've tried openly exerting our authority over the defeated with occupying forces; that tends to work quite well.

If we want this terrorism shit to end, we're going to need to rule captured lands with an iron fist until they get their shit together.

There does exist a population within Iran that is capable of maintaining a civil civilization: the Persians. And with further Aryanization, they can be further civil-ized in just a few generations.

The trick is to seperate the wheat from from the chaff, the Persians from the Arabic Islamists. That can only be done during peacetime. The de-Islamization of a Nation, whether it be Iran or Ireland, this will bring peace.

Sunni kike Pakistani wahabi preacher.

Iran is Shia.

Iran's government is Islamic, but not all of it's people are.

Thank you based mods for unbanning me.

I said something along the lines of "if you're not a Jew, you realize that I don't want war, I want peace between our countries"

In my appeal message.

I'm not here to shill for Islam. Even though any educated person knows that Shia Islam is like Christianity in nature.
Facebook /rel/ group would show you.

In worse case scenario, I'm okay with our respective nations not having trade or friendship or alliances or anything of the sort. Just don't bomb us. We don't deserve it.

In best case scenario, let's have economic, trade, cultural (architecture, art), technology and education sharing.

But for the sake of anything you love, don't go to war with us. Our country and its priceless history and monuments and art will go away forever.

The Jews will raid it dry. We will look like a new Libya. Trump has said that the US has spent 6 trillion dollars on the middle East and left it worse than it was. ("If our politicians did nothing and went to the beach, it would be better than it is now.. They've made Iraq the Harvard of ISIS")

Iran, Lebanon are friends of Christians. We don't want to mix or take your resources or migrate to your country or your women or anything.

Either be friends and let's better ourselves by sharing knowledge or leave us alone.

That is all.

Good luck with that with all these patriotards here these days. See and loads of others in this thread.

Ever since the election the shilling has gone into overdrive. Suddenly Holla Forums wants to bomb Iran, war with China, there is talk about "based Jews", people cheering on Goldman Sachs and kosher "pro-life" shilling.
And almost no one is allowed to speak up about it.

Hold on a second.
Who are you?

Go take a look around pretty much anywhere in Yemen, on google earth. What a shithole. They have a bunch of single 360 view spots, but they arent beautiful vistas or anything, or really nice looking shots.. its all trash filled streets and ruined buildings etc.

Yemen is a shithole, no one will miss anything that goes on there.

Yall need to chill out. Iran's going to change rapidly, and without a shot fired. Just sit back, relax, and watch the progress.

Right now, absolutely. The Saudis are far worse than the Iranians and we shouldn't be taking the Saudis' side in the proxy war between the two.
However, you're still a bunch of fucking shitskin mudslimes.

Islam degenerates races in more ways than compelling them to mix with Arabs and niggers (which it does do). It also encourages first cousin marriage which depresses IQ and creates constant clan conflicts. Persians may have been a worthwhile race once, but Islam has destroyed you.

Why do they even want to War Iran? Isn't middle east de-estabilized enough?

Do you believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God and that his sacrifice makes our salvation possible?
Then you're not "like Christianity."

I, too, was permabanned by the mods for defending Jews. Not all Jews I didn't care. I'm autistic about the fucking truth. I openly blame the people who deserve it, but not the people who don't. Nice to be able to offer my opinion on 8/pol/ again, for however long it lasts.

Look up Oman for another example of a respectable Muslim nation, or kingdom I should say.

He's an Iranian.

Look. You guys will be fine. Just keep your heads down and play very nice with the Trump administration. I don't think he wants to go to war. But you will have to play very nice and be friendly. Like legit friendly. No shows of military force. Keep your deal on not researching nukes and stand down on missiles and shit. Don't do shows of force. Then we can all get along nicely. I mean you can do very well now that Obama took the sanctions off. You just have to play nice. America is on edge right now. So keep things very calm and gentle and you won't draw Trumps attention.

heh. Haji shilling hard today.

There are no good jews user. Or a good muzzie

I think Israel should attack Iran if they want it done. No USA help.

Oman is nice too, and surprise surprise, they maintain good relations with Iran, while also being friendly to the west. Seems like anything Islamic other than Sunni is OK. Funny how most of the refugees and immigrants are from sunni shitholes it seems. I don't see or meet many Iranians in my school, only Pakis. Can't argue with their acceptance of scientific pursuits either. Someday a stem cell breakthrough in regenerative medicine or something will come out of Iran. Maybe cure a bad disease.

Older pol knows these things. I was turned in this direction because I researched Bush's kike inspired wars of aggression that always seemed to end in depressing failure. Only, I sure as shit wasn't going to run to the progressives. This was the only other direction. The modern left probably doesn't even care though. They are too obsessed with who can use what fucking bathroom and how many 10s of genders there are to care about a real anti-war movement. That's the left of 50 or so years ago.. Its too bad Iran can't count on this movement anymore to help protect them. There are not too many clear heads here now. I don't know though, the climate here doesn't seem yet ripe to coax Americans into supporting another war. But be advised there is a significant rise in military gung-ho attitude from Mattis. He is a damn good soldier, and his talents will be put to satanic kike use I fear..but I really hope not.

In the 1980s when Saddam was attacking us with mustard gas and banned chemical weapons, the UN, the US, Europe didn't care. They were friends with Saddam. He sold them oil.

He attacked our civilian populations and our hospitals and we didn't have any weapons to retaliate. We had nothing. We went country to country and begged. Literally begged for a Scud missile. So we could retaliate and Saddam could be discouraged from attacking. No one helped us.

Today we have made ourselves stronger. With our own scientists and technology.. Not buying stuff from other countries. (Yes we have a few s300s but that's besides the point).
We made ourselves strong so no one could do that to us again.

Today, the same way everyone ignored Saddam's attacks on Iran and looked the other way, they are doing with Saudis attacks on Yemen. (Just because they get oil).

Do you see them die by the thousands? That's what happened to us. Can you blame us for doing weapons tests or building our military?

We don't want war with anyone but we don't want to be defenseless. That's why the missile tests. So Saudi knows to behave. So Israel knows to behave.
We are certainly not enemies of the west.

PS: too many Jew shills/good goys in this thread. Someone make an edit of this meme and instead of Iran Iraq being friends and Saudi screeching, make Iran and America friends and Israel screeching. Thanks.


ITT Abduls telling us they aren't semetic


Holla Forums started getting pozzed around the time TRS was revealed for the cuckshed it was, but when reddit banned /r/altright a couple days ago the cancer really started metastizing. The mods arent helping either, we have milo threads and relativist shit, muh based jews, legit fucking neocon war hawks, and other retardation. We seriously need to fucking ban anyone that goes against our concensus. Maybe trshills could be tolerated before but we're at a critical point in our movement and I'd hate to see it go to the dogs because of literal aut-right redditors.

Hey look. If it was up to me it would be different. I really mean that. I'm just saying that's what I think you should do. Just some friendly advice.

I think we all find Russia today reliable, especially after this American election cycle where they demonized it as fake news (increasing its reputation) (also the fact that they promoted WikiLeaks emails of John Podesta). Russia today isn't lying.

This is the Iranian foreign minister.
Listen to his words.^tfw

Accept your fucking digits you mudslime bitch. Until you abandon muhamad (pig shit be upon his pube-like beard) and praise Kek, you will have no sympathies.

No don't brush off that point as it is kind of important. Aren't those from Russia? Trump campaigned on strengthening ties with Russia and avoiding huge costly wars. Won't Russia be mad if we all of a sudden do an about face and bomb you guys? We need to bring this to the surface.

Agree. Shills piggy-back off an existing meme, even if that meme is detrimental to themselves (Jews, Leftists, etc).

This could be due to compartmentalization of shilling - teams with specific mission statements that work out that to fit in you have to accord and piggy-back off with previously held opinions. Faux "assimilation" into a host culture with the intention of infiltration.

So, now that being Pro-Trump is an anchor which Holla Forums rotates upon, they exploit it by jumping on it and using it as a platform to launch their own D&C agenda. Trump has been pretty good so far, but if he starts implementing foreign policies that are Clinton and Obama tier, it should be discouraged.

The most prominent shill tactic I've seen of recent is "Alienation through Extremes". I mentioned this in another thread, but the reason a lot of people play along with the more severe extremes like the "Non-whites need extermination" meme is because:
1) Placates the shills
2) Keeps thin-skinned people out.

Others, however, seem to truly believe in this rhetoric. There's a lot of trash in all races and some have higher percentages of trash as a genetic predisposition, but there are exceptions. HWNDU demonstrated this. What united Holla Forums was a hatred of nogs and leftists. Now it's being shilled into a place perceived to exist solely to propagate whites (a minority group) and exterminate others.

For fucks sake, even if you believe in the above, show some tact and at least quit isolating the others from coming here and taking down a common enemy (the New Left).

Feels like the altistic right has been coming here in droves. You're right Iran is not a threat.

If Iran is attacked Russia and China have vowed to defend it. Japan probably will also defend it a la pearl harbor. WW3


Ok. Iranian. I watched your foreign minsters video.

Look. Saddam Hussein is gone. We. America. Toppled his government. Iraq will not go to war with you again. You don't have anything to fear from the Taliban either because we toppled their government. The only country you have to fear now is Israel and the house of Saud. As long as you don't make waves they won't attack you either. So. What are you to do? Don't piss off Trump. Don't saber rattle. Now is an absolute golden opportunity for you all to focus on your culture and your economy. So have fun. Lay low. Focus on your culture and economy for awhile. Don't be a threat. Don't help jihadists or involve yourself in foreign war. You will be golden. Just a suggestion but I think you'll see the wisdom in this line of thinking. And it's not like you didn't help the Taliban at least a little to fight American troops so don't act like you're completely innocent. Also, get over the obsession of taking out Israel. Believe me I'm no fan of Israel. But they are a U.S ally. So just ignore them and focus on yourselves. Maybe become a little less religious focused culturally. Not that being wholesome and conservative is a bad thing. You should keep that up. But not to a super extreme extent. Just Relax. Lay back. Chill. Work on your economy and culture instead of military and you'll be safe from the neocons and jews wanting to make moves on you.

The real problem Iran is facing, as several have pointed out in this thread. Is the constant fake news about Iran and how terrible it is that goes through to mainstream politics and the constant sanctions. At all times, no matter what.

To be quite honest. Iran really shouldn't get the bomb. Not with their current leadership. Who are constantly saber rattling. We don't need rogue nuclear states in this world. As you can see America and Russia for instance. And all the other nuclear states. Don't threaten to use our nukes at the drop of a hat. We try to be very responsible. Iran doesn't need nukes or shit anyway. No one is going to attack them as long as they are a peaceful nation.

Who said anything about them getting nukes? I was pointing out fake news and sanctions.

Except maybe North Korea. They constantly threaten to use their nukes.

So? The news was about them getting nukes wasn't it????? They don't need nukes.


If the axis had won, Iran would be an Aryan paradise today. They would have introduced racial laws and reestablished the original Persian stock over the mixed Arabized mongrels. Sad really.

Yeah, I think Trump is just reminding them who's boss. The only problem is if it bolsters neocohns, but Trump and Bannon know better than to give them an inch.


Fuck off towel-head.

Speak for yourself

Where did all of you imbeciles come from? Was it TRS? The_donald? Altright?

That wasn't extortion. It was freeing up assets that were frozen because neocohen kikes have been accusing Iran of building a nuke for the past 30 years.
All while Israel controls an undocumented 400+ nuclear warhead arsenal, isn't party to the NPT, has cost us over a trillion dollars and threatens to destroy every European capital, millions of Whites and our entire western cultural heritage if we do not exactly as they tell us.

Trump has barely spoken on Iran whereas he's talked a decent bit about poor deals like the one with Australia which seemed to make him annoyed.

Since he's more annoyed about Australia than Iran, I'm guessing war with Iran is not a chief concern of his.


The board quality has just been getting worse and worse with the Trsodomites and the r/altright redditors diluting our culture with their Untermensch shit. Back on the campaign trail we barely talked about Iran, now literally every fucking thread there's a shill saying bomb Iran.


You need better PR with the American public. Get footage of Revolutionary Guard killing ISIS and post it around. Everybody hates the islamic shits, show that you're better than them.

fuck off, shill

Nice argument. Care to explain how he's not right?


Pat Buchanan doesn't like Trump's Iran position either


More based RT telling it like it is.


This is the sort AIPAC kikery that has infiltrated the board lately. None of them can actually answer why Iran is the "enemy".

The missile launch was a regular ballistic missile, not an ICBM, they are testing non-nuclear weapons for their military which is perfectly reasonable. The UN also did not ever ban Iran from testing missiles, they made a recommendation that they should hold off on it in the 90s for the sake of geopolitical stabilization. The neocons and other niggers are trying to spin it into a pretext for war because they are filthy NWO kikes.

I see people blaming newfags but pretty sure a good chunk are actual kikes.

Iran is Putin's most precious geopolitical asset and under his protection. Everything will be fine user. Trump is just making noise to outjew the jew.

Everyone in this thread seems to think it's purely Israel. Nations don't usually go to war over one single thing, they go to war when multiple interests align. I don't think we would go to war with Iran exclusively because of Israel, but I still think it's a big motivator.

I would wager it's 30% Israel, 70% petrodollar. Why am I wrong?

ah the next few months will separate the election invasion ZOGtards from the actual Holla Forumsacks tbh

Iran has already dropped the dollar, except when they can get paid in it for hostages and such. They are already a major bad goy as far as the petrodollar is concerned and support BRICS as a way of circumventing the sanctions and eventually joining and trading with a new nonUSD economic polity. As far as their energy is concerned they are not unleashing anywhere near their full oil reserves which are at least as large as Iraqs, they have the potential to be a full energy superpower but that is being mitigated by neocon warhawks and sanctions, its also the reason they haven't collapsed or suffered all that much after the sanctions, they have plenty of domestic oil to use. Their energy reserves are a large reason why the Saudis and the Gulf States hate them and join forces with Israel and neocohens. If there was any petrodollar motivator, war would already happen. Iran is allied with Russia and China, and is bigger than Iraq with a much more formidable military, it is a tough nut to crack directly which is why kikes are focused so much on the proxy war Yinon Plan of implementing regime change in all surrounding nations to overwhelm Iran, direct attack doesn't work without starting WW3 or at minimum losing the war to Iran.

Then why are there dozens of articles like this recently?


Because islam you fucking retard.

Iranians seems nice.

Assyria mentionned literraly on page 2 of the torah.
Iran not literal primordial jewish enemy?
nigga please

Tell me ZOGbot: When is the last time Iran invaded or attacked a white country? How many rapefugees have they send our way? How many mosques are they sponsoring in the west? How many elites are Shia or Iranian?

Are you actually going to answer the question for once, or are you just going to continue pretending you're not an AIPAC golem?

It's because Iran is a threat to Greater Israel and the zogbots do anything their jew puppet masters say.

Even if Trump can end all foreign lobbying, it's not like it's really going to stop. They'll just channel the money through some shell company or just your regular jewish diaspora.

Well if trillions of dollars doesn't give us ownership, our debt means nothing. Glass Iran, open gas stations for the western world and let Putin have the east.

I agree with you, I think it would have been wiser for them to see the opportunity that Putin did in maybe having an American leader who wasn't a total warmonger, but Trump has spoken aggressively towards Iran for a very long time now. At some point, the natural instinct is to stand up for yourself.

It is beautiful. Funny how you never think of snow in Iran.

Right on the money. NK can stay for now since it's just a matter of waiting for the right opportunity to destroy it from the inside, but Iran is on the list to be "liberated".

then quit being muslim

Seriously, fucking this.

This whole Sunni vs Shia debate is bullshit. Anyone who follows the Quran as law or holy texts is degenerate scum, I don't care if they omit parts of the Quran and call themselves "Shia muslims". Why even call yourself a muslim if you want to disassociate with parts of a muslim's holy book? Why not make a new religion?

May Kek keep these retarded kebab from triggering WW3.
Just stop testing missiles.
Let us deal with Israel using 1488d chess tactics.
We don't need the brock sampson option going off.

Iran must not be destroyed, no amount of JIDF shilling in this thread is going to change that

can't argue with those numbers, i thought the Iranian government was very strict and censoring? can you get to Holla Forums without using a proxy or TOR?

There is a helluva lot more of us than you heathens
Don't pick a fight with us,you will lose.

The Shia are all on board with their Twelver extinction plan. Gotta get the Madhio to come out the well,you know.
Fuck 'em.

You disingenuous kike. If Iran had fired anything at Israel, Iran would no longer exist. You have to be JIDF, no actual Holla Forumsack would try and twist facts like this. Gas yourself.

Khomeini is/was an asset of ours, just so you know. But he most definitely went rogue and stopped taking shit from us.
Whether or not there was evidence, they feared the shah's death would lead to a pro-communist takeover, as well as disliking him for slowly moving towards nationalism. (aka not being a US vassal state) Pretty funny the person they assisted went even harder in that direction though.
Ooo that must be a real ass-burner.
I don't know anything about the current top dogs, but I imagine they're ignoring their invoices if they're former assets too.

Once again, the CIA is really fucking shit at what they're actually supposed to be doing.
There's good reason after promising to help them with Saddam Bush abandoned them twice. Another day, another rogue asset.
Seems like the only thing they're successful at is smuggling crack into black neighbourhoods.

Iran was on its way to become the most Westernized country in arabland, with excellent infrastructure, democracy, Sharia and islam overall were becoming less mainstream and upheld, schools and universities flourished.

Then islam came back with a bang and now it's a shithole.

You do realize that we didn't have problems with radical Islam violence before the 1950s, right? Virtually all Muslim violence over the last 70 years has been the result of America backing Israeli violence in the Middle East. If we just removed a few Zionist kikes from Washington then this quagmire would be over in an instant. But a white man can't perceive anyone who isn't literally pointing a gun at him as a threat, so this is where we are.

You know what is delicious? You know the regular feeling that you may have when you try to learn about some politician, and everything he does is cool, EXCEPT for the JQ?

You then notice this zealotlike frenzy in pretty much all the politicians to appeal to israel, this bootlicking and extreme affection that these many cucks have.

Well it has been long, but what if…what if there exist a political standpoint which does not praise the jew? Which does not make it try to make israel look good by default?

What if you eventually see the jews as being such subhumans that you genuinely see them being lower than mudslimes?

Can you imagine this feeling you dumb kike lefties?

This is how I look at the middle east, there is poop everywhere, but iran is not poo, its a somewhat primitive but appetizing biscuit. And of course I would prefer the biscuit over the poo in that region. I dont want them here, but for that part of the world I think it would be best if the iranians were allowed to proliferate and also allowed to kill all the kikes. Its really the best possible outcome.

Fuck off right back to the desert you camel humper.

100 times this. Americans don't want to go to war, and Trump is the first President of the people since the 19th century. Iran has to be reasonable and stick to the generous deal that was granted by Obonobo for some time until shit like ISIS gets dealt with.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Trump knows Iran isn't the prime enemy.
His words toward Israel show that he at least is aware of the media-bent lie.

If Kek wills it, trying to create a smokescreen is part of his master plan.

He's right though, you conniving kike.
Iran didn't fire a missile at Israel. They tested it on their own lands.

The mere fact that this thread got shilled so hard should tell people how important this issue is. Iran is one of three countries left in the world without a Rothschild bank, and like Syria, is one of the few barriers remaining to Greater Israel.

Israel has failed to completely remove Assad but Syria is, for at least a while, crippled, and they can return to finish the job later. Realizing the time has passed to massively pressure Syria, they are rotating around to go after Iran, and tragically, Trump is receptive to this idea.

If Trump falls for this he's going to be nothing but another toy of the Israelis, at least on foreign policy. It disgusts me that the kikes always find some way to push their agenda forward, even with a person like Trump in office. If he opposes them socially, they get him to support them militarily. And so they still make progress towards their ultimate goal of Jewish hegemony.

We don't support Iranians, Lebs or anyone else coming into our countries.

We're not "allies".

But we certainly don't support a war with Iran on behalf of Israel. It would be a disaster, worse than the Iraq war.

Anyone shilling for such a war might as well be a kike.

all the major players have a semi-rogue state they exert control over to some extent. the united states has israel, china has north korea, and russia has iran. iran's a pawn of russia, and the only interest russia has is in itself. you'd do well not to idolize them just because they hate jews, because they hate americans just as much

Bullshit. Trump has his conservative roots in the neocon era. It is obvious that the constant aggression towards Iran is the influence of the pro-Israeli contingents of the Republican party. I like Trump, but he is bluepilled, and is wrong about a whole lot; it is time we stopped pretending he is infallible.

And why do they hate Americans? Maybe, because America's upper echelons are controlled by Israelis. Just because Trump is in doesn't mean this has changed.


This, Hitler thought that Arabs were based, and it is easy to see why. I have absolutely no problem with Arabs, as long as they stay in their own damn country. They have a proud history and culture (albeit, one entirely incompatible with the west), and they have been pitted against us so that the kikes can achieve their goals, as they don't have enough strength alone. If they can be made to see the truth, and stay in their own country, there is hope for co-existence, and even mutual prosperity.

they hate americans because like i said, they're aligned with russia's sphere of influence, which is currently opposed to the euro-american sphere. they might believe it's because america's controlled by the jews, but that's a superficial reason. the reason behind the alliance between israel and america in the first place is because of what i mentioned earlier, they're a mad dog on a leash for us like north korea is for china, and iran itself is for russia. why would stable super powers/borderline super powers want by having a mad dog a leash? idk, but they all have one

hitler was also a proponent of zionism

Nice try SS.

Yes, so he could get them out of Germany without having to gas them all, but after he realised that they were too much of a threat, he changed his mind.

The superficial reasoning is the geopolitics bullshit, as there is no reason for America to ally with Israel. Whilst Russia has a geopolitical relationship, and China has a historical relationship, America has white guilt for the holocaust. That is the only reason Israel was established. If Israel and its middle eastern expansion plans didn't exist, there would be absolutely no problem with Iran and America.

Go away PIDF. You're no better than kikes. Iran is a loose cannon and is too stupid to fall in line for the long game, and now they're sending their propagandists here to shit up this board because they have no idea what they're doing.

Aw, you need a hug, you fucking special snowflake. The fact is, the Middle East has become entirely pitted against the west by a small international clique, and it is in both our mutual interests to remove that (((group))). The only reason we are fighting is to serve the interests of the Jews. By all means, if they threaten the west, blow them the fuck out, but they are not the true enemy, they are only being manipulated, as they (and we) have been for decades.



Found the shitskin.

Nah, you should probably keep looking, you haven't found him yet. Maybe check the HWNDU thread.

it would be foolish for Iran to just give up their negative views towards the states just because someone that might be friendly came in power. Considering jewish skills in subversion they should assume Trump is actually controlled by Israel whether or not that is actually the case. To let up and show weakness is not a good idea for them

Iran is based and I hope Trump doesn't fuck with them. He has greater foes inside.
TBH Trump taking the diplomatic solution and being the peaceful one would quickly raise his popularity again. Else he'd lose a lot of credibility, even among moderate Holla Forumsacks.

Reported for believing in the holocaust

Yeah, well, Hitler should have ovened the jews and nerve gassed London. At least we can learn from his mistakes.

(((Westernization))) != Good, kike. 70s Iran was a kiked puppet shithole on the same level as Afghanistan.