I just realized something. Is hate speech equivalent to libel or slander applied to whole groups of people...

I just realized something. Is hate speech equivalent to libel or slander applied to whole groups of people? Should hate speech be illegal? Should slander be legal?

Other urls found in this thread:

dict.leo.org/ende/?lang=de&search=hate speech

no, no, no, and no

lurk more or fuck off

thank you for providing extensive justification for your arguments.



I have had similar thought regarding discrimination.

While there are other forms, for example wide spread misconceptions without any malice behind them like the assumption that women are naturally less competent in the sciences or politics than men, discrimination that breeds hate and destruction can be described as an upscaled form of bullying.

A bullying victim is a single person that is getting hurt by a minority of aggressors in his proximity while the rest of the surrounding group ether silently supports this behaviour or condones it through nonintervention, sometimes out of fear but other times out of simple non interest.
Meanwhile, discrimination, for example that against the jews in Nazi germany, is a similar phenomenon, only here it's a group getting bullied and instead of a workplace or class, the entire population is their enemy with a group of aggressors like the SA and the rest of the people looking the other way.

As for hatspeech, it can be similar to slander, but it depends on the circumstance. If you are simply insulting the entire group, this might not apply, but often hate speech ascribes the targeted group traits which they usually don't have and which have a similar effect to slander. Examples are calling mexicans rapists, assuming that blacks are inherently less intelligent and so on.

The issue with banning it, as has so eloquently put it, is that as soon as there are laws against it, the definition can be expanded so that it encompasses more than was originally intended, going down a slippery slope. It might start out as only banning the most terrible slander but it could be expanded to simply criticising a group. Imagine a country in which it is illegal to challenge Islam, not because the country is a theocracy but because existing hate speech laws were expanded in this direction by a strong muslim lobby.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I agree with your thought, but the conclusion can cause a lot of issues if codified in law.

I assume it would be held to the same standard as slander laws, such as these: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defamation#Other_defenses

Hmm, seems like the judicial system has already covered the issues I thought of, this list seems to allow reasonable criticism while still maintaining the law.
In that case, anti hate speech laws could be made, as long as they are bound with a hundred chains to prevent the scenario I described.

Here is link related: archive.is/t7e9h

top kek

Biology and statistics have something to show you


Most hate speach isn't falsifiable because what constitutes a group is ambiguous so no

that makes no sense.

There is no such thing as race. Only class.

Race is for boys, class is for men.

Look, the problem with "hate speech" is the meaning of words changes with time.
For example, faggot. Faggot doesn't always mean "a gay person". Mostly, nowadays, on the interwebs it means .. .. faggot. Like, OP is a faggot. You are not gay.. you just have shitty opinions.

Actually, yes. As long as it doesn't cause you social problems and so on.. why not? Everything has to be put in context. For example, if I come to your son's funeral and start cursing the dead, it should be illegal. BUT! If you make cursing the dead in general illigal (like it is in Greece), they you cannot say "I shit in Hitler's grave.

I feel you don't get what hate speech and slander are. Calling someone a faggot (shouldn't be) hate speech because it does not spread insidious, damaging lies about them, and neither is yelling at a funeral slander.

By that logic the holocaust was impossible because the jews wouldn't have been identifiable.


what the fuck are you talking about?
please elaborate on how you imagine jews were identified back then.
apparently the nazis had some sort of gene analyzer with capabilities that don't even exist today?

If the Nazis couldn't identify Jewishness, then who the fuck did they kill?

Those the Nazis decided to see as Jewish.

Even Jews themselves don't agree about who's actually Jewish, so Nazis often were at a bit of a loss when it came to precisely pinpointing where every last European Jew was possibly hiding. Some people were dumbfounded when they were arrested; they "didn't know" they even "were Jewish".

If you "passed" as racially pure even though your parents were identified as Jewish, like that one baby who won a Nazi beauty contest, you were effectively left of the hook.

Some prominent Nazi military figures would have been considered Jewish were it not for the byzantine (and malleable) system of Mischling grading.

Ludwig Wittgenstein's sisters even were reclassified as "Aryan" after they bribed the Nazis into it. Yeah, that's right, they "bought" their Aryanity.

Social gaze is what determines your identity. You're trapped in it, no matter what.

Right. So race being a spook is irrelevant for the purposes of people attacking each other on racial grounds.

People attacking each other on racial grounds shows that race is a spook. From the spook stems a person/ non-person distiction breeding ground for extermination.

it's a thing in germany

If the Nazis couldn't identify Jewishness, then who the fuck did they kill?
shit are you serious?
they killed people who went to mosques, lived in jewish ghettos, ate fish on friday, dressed as jews or had such people in their family.

also when germany invaded belgium or netherlands they got a list of all jews because people were like "i have nothing to hide" when government asked them about their religion.

seriously, do nazis believe germans had some magic gene testing device that could actually discover jews?
sure, today we can find genes that indicate where ones ancestors came from, but that still does not mean that we are different "races", lol.

shit, sorry for bumping the newfag/troll thread

volksverhetzung is not hate speech. hate speech is a propaganda meme, and when germans talk about it they do call it "hate speech" or maybe "hassreden" or "hasspredigen", not "volksverhetzung".



just stop being an antagonistic dipshit for the sake of it when there is fucking nothing for you to post

your dictionary sucks.
dict.leo.org/ende/?lang=de&search=hate speech


i have no idea what you are talking about. can you link to where you read that volksverhetzung = hate speech?

i'm really wondering if there is a point arguing with stupid.
its like science vs religious, you just refuse to admit it.

you are wrong, but for the sake of the argument i'll dumb it down for and give you an example you can understand.

Danish males are statistically taller than French men, this is a statistical fact.
just like for "race" geopolitical classification are arbitrary (spook).
now what does this statistic means.
does it mean that all Danes are taller than French ? no.

would you consider 5'7 tall Dane taller than a 6'2 French ?

no rational person would think that, but somehow stormtard think its perfectly logical.

now i'll tell somthing else that will make your ass hurt.

the 6'2 french guy will pass on his height to his children.
while the 5'7 Dane will still have short kids, no matter what the height statistic say about his country.

in the same way, a black guy with 130 IQ is more likely to have smart kids than someone like you.
he is genetically better than you.

yeah, which is why in normal communities those people get banned to allow for productive discussion.
arguments can still be had on specialized boards like Holla Forums or they can create /leftypol-stormfagsallowed/ where all forms of trolling and shitposting are legit.

imho they are shills but every now and then one of them might be a real human who could be educated, so i don't think saying retarded shit should be illegal per se, but moved to containment boards.

Holla Forums not even once…

Fuck all of your rationalizations about why anything that comes out of someones mouth should be illegal.


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you people are insufferable degenerate faggots

crying about muh oppreshunz yet you constantly want to ban this and that

Holla Forums not even once…


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