Holy shit. Im generation Z and this has better graphics than any movie I've ever seen...

Holy shit. Im generation Z and this has better graphics than any movie I've ever seen. and its like four decades years old!! what the fuck?

That's because it's not graphics. Those are actual full sized animatronic dinos. There is very little on screen CG in JP1.

check out this one

Models always look more realistic. The lighting and shadows are where they're supposed to be.


thats not a model thats literally cgi they showed the making of and its just a blank ass space

Practical effects will always btfo cgi at least for the next few years. I also think that movies were better when they had to make models instead of just using a computer. Once you make a model youve made it and it cant be changed so you really need to come up with something good before hand.

Pic in op is practical effect

Thats cgi

Now when making a movie people are lazy and have no imagination. They just let some art student throw a bunch of monster designs at them and pick what they want for the next garbage movie

Cameron will BTFO praticalcucks with the Avatar sequels.

Go watch John Carpenter's The Thing, then you can come back and talk about special effects.

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Every big budget film now uses CGI, it's been so good that nobody but the people who makes it know it's CGI. Protip: nearly every vehicle you see in Hollywood's shit is CGI.

I disagree, the effects held up for years and were way ahead of their time, but all of the CGI stuff in the first Jurassic Park look god awful nowadays.
All of the animatronic and puppet-work look great though.


Seconding this. The Thing was the first movie I watched where I was so blown away by some of the shots I had to immediately watch the making of.

I love dinosaur propaganda and believing that the whale bones put together in museums to resemble what they imagine the rocks they found in the dirt to have been. The propaganda makes it so real you have to believe it!

That's clearly CGI. Scenes like that did age a bit but is still enjoyable.

what the fuck is generation z anyways and why should i care about your generation?

we were born after the year 2000
we are maximum autists

The future is now



If you only watch capeshit it's your fault, now take this shitty thread back to cuckchan

This is still pretty great looking. The lightingis good I think if they just tweaked the body textures a little it would be perfect.