So I know there's a number of people here who oppose them...

So I know there's a number of people here who oppose them, but do you think Antifa is at least warranted in places like Greece where fascist are gaining momentum?

Other urls found in this thread:

+ weak theoretical background

You mean Antifa or this board?


only the tankkiddies oppose them

Quads confirms I suppose

Yes but they need caution. Among the average population there are still many idiots who think things like "if you censor nazis you're just as bad as them!" and that even someone preaching the murder of islamic babies deserves free speech. So they need enough discipline not to let their antics violate common sensibilities, and to be aware of how to play the information war.

ok riddle me this :
Why is it ok to assault fascists even if they are Proletariats but in the same time being a materialist that recognize the source of fascism is the weakness of the left and material condition of these people ?

Oh wait you can't be the two in the same time
Now fuck off edgy teens

Same reason you resist any threat to life and limb. If an animal is a threat because it's hungry, doesn't mean I should wait around for it to eat me just because I understand why.
I'm not even arguing for them in every situation, but Greece is particularly vulnerable.

Those Greek "fascists" are themselves proletarians. We could have convert them but groups like antifa just scare them and the common proletarians away. This is why the likes of Holla Forums is winning with the working class meanwhile they generally despise us due to organisations like antifa and BLM alienating the proletarians.

fuck that shit fuck that shit
insurrection and pure negation, fuck who;s watching

That doesn't make them not fascists. It just makes them retarded proles.

Ah yes, the common 'prole'.

Cherry picking is a capitalist trick, I expect better from you. You know full well what he meant just look at blue collar and working class and see who they identify with more and who they are choosing.

Most fascist are proles. Doesn't make them any less of a threat.

Greece has been sliding into fascism for a while now without the help of antifa.
They have a number of Golden Dawn members embedded inside their police force.
It goes deep.
Also, these aren't the type of fascist you see in the U.S. who just want to hold a sparsely attended rally at the state capital on occasion. They actually go around beating up immigrants.

It is hopeless, comrade. Just look at this thread. I keep watching Holla Forums and they are very effective in the way they do things to achieve in like a way how Christianity became the largest religion. They can convince others to their side and even in their own threads most admit they were former leftists. We have no ability for such because we're full of edgy counterrevolutionaries who are so disconnected to the working class and their woes. Just look at Muke who is the most upper class bourgeois piece of shit yet he is supposed to represent us. Antifa is worthless seeing how AfD is the fastest growing party in Germany and set to win it all and they are not the only ones. All of Europe, gone. We lost it all to the fascists and it's all those stupid kids fault who did not listen to the proletarians and their struggle against capitalist importers.

So like we did in the early 20th century? They drive down worker wages and are a tool against the proletariat.

How about you actually read some theory instead of continuously repeating this lie that every prole is an angel and must be loved by every commie. You realize that as a consequence of communism there will be no more proles?

This is way too defeatist , the only real thing that keeps us from spreading is the red scare and fucking Stalinist imagery
Fuck Stalin he fucked up the the communist program so badly

Sure, but they are also attacking the wrong people. If they were going after politicians and capitalist, that would be another story.

Nice materialism there my bro

Education and workers unions are is the cure to this
Stupidity at its finest

I agree, but in the meantime people should protect themselves.

I don't know where you got that from

I agree with this. This part from Zizek's Revolution at the Gates offers a really good argument for this:

One is temp­ted to reverse Marx’s Thesis 11: the first task today is pre­cisely not to suc­cumb to the tempta­tion to act, to inter­vene dir­ectly and change things (which then inev­it­ably ends in a cul-de-sac of debil­it­at­ing impossib­il­ity: “What can we do against global cap­ital?”), but to ques­tion the hege­monic ideo­lo­gical co-ordin­ates. In short, our his­tor­ical moment is still that of Adorno:

To the ques­tion “What should we do?” I can most often truly answer only”, with “I don’t know.” I can only try to ana­lyse rig­or­ously what there is. Here people reproach me: When you prac­tise cri­ti­cism, you are also obliged to say how one should make it bet­ter. To my mind, this is incon­tro­vert­ibly a bour­geois pre­ju­dice. Many times in his­tory it so happened that the very works which pur­sued purely the­or­et­ical goals trans­formed con­scious­ness, and thereby also social real­ity.

If, today, we fol­low a dir­ect call to act, this act will not be per­formed in an empty space – it will be an act within the hege­monic ideo­lo­gical coordin­ates: those who “really want to do some­thing to help people” get involved in (undoubtedly hon­our­able) exploits like Méde­cins sans frontières, Green­peace, fem­in­ist and anti-racist cam­paigns, which are all not only tol­er­ated but even sup­por­ted by the media, even if they seem­ingly encroach on eco­nomic ter­rit­ory (for example, denoun­cing and boy­cot­ting com­pan­ies which do not respect eco­lo­gical con­di­tions, or use child labour) – they are tol­er­ated and sup­por­ted as long as they do not get too close to a cer­tain limit.

This kind of activ­ity provides the per­fect example of inter­passiv­ity: of doing things not in order to achieve some­thing, but to pre­vent some­thing from really hap­pen­ing, really chan­ging. All this fren­etic, human­it­arian, Polit­ic­ally Cor­rect, etc., activ­ity fits the for­mula of “Let’s go on chan­ging some­thing all the time so that, glob­ally, things will remain the same!”.

However, I disagree with the claim that the rise of fascism is purely a weakness of the left. Since we are talking about Greek fascism, we must look at its biggest ally in the political climate there (as it has been since the '70s!); Golden Dawn has a gigantic support of the Greek police force, because it is its biggest supporter. Fascism is not merely a result of improper organization from revolutionary politics, but also directly sourced from bourgeois influence itself.

Nice materialism there comr8

From this line of thinking

t. i don't know wtf materialism is

Then a true AntiFA should go after the police to attack fascism head on not to go after weak Proletariats

That's actually not my line of thinking at all, but OK.

They actually do clash with police quite a bit in Greece.

Do you even know what antifa is? It was resurrected because nazi proles kept trashing leftist events. Good luck organizing while every member of your party/affinity group/organization is in hospital because they've got jumped by fascist """proles"""

They should but the thing with antifa is that they are not even real leftists. They are just thugs hated by all the common people in Europe and that is why they are constantly voted against while the fascists make gains in droves. It is over.

When did Antifa get a political party?
Is there platform "A burning barrel on every street corner"?

I think anti-fa are the result of a cerain sect of leftists being unable to argue rationally their position.

anti-fa generally attack/protest anti-immigration protests/marches. This is because they cannot rationally explain, from a left perspective, why mass migration is a good thing.

Communist, greens, socialists, even socdems parties have made statements promoting them and standing by them. Now we lost because people HATE them.

antifa should just drop the act and rename to antiracists…


>>>Holla Forums


you didn't really think taht one through huh?

Take that with a grain of salt. Usually when they explain further, what they mean is that they voted for Obama in 2008 or something like that.

Most of them are former progressive liberals, which makes a lot more sense to me. Most liberals have never really considered their own worldview and their arguments generally amount to parroting smug little one-liners they heard from Colbert.

When confronted with someone like Sargon everything they believe just falls apart and they drift toward the right.

The reason why the alt-right and MRM have been such a powerful force on the internet in recent years is because so many rightwingers an 'classical liberals' have made a concerted effort to get into the heads of the average uninformed liberal.

Meanwhile rather than trying to recruit uninformed liberals, we've been wasting time trying to convert fascists, Holla Forumsyps and MRAs. Holla Forumsaks are stupid, but they're generally not as stupid as liberals and are a lot more set in their ways. If we were to stop focussing so heavily on right wingers and instead set our sights on the uninformed moderate like the right-wing does, we would have a lot more success imo.

Because that's actually okay.


what you want fam? I'm talking generally about the muh redpill crowd, but they have so many labels, I just wanted to make sure I get them all.

We need to get a leftypol onto the Drunken Peasants.

no we don't

Anyone want to send Brandon Cooney's videos to DP? Would give them more exposure. I suggest contradiction.

Their liberals, and aren't spooked by the word socialism. We need exposure before we can inform people. One of those ways spreading the means of production meme. The memes of production.

So is Holla Forums for or against mass immigration?

You know this shit is porky's plot right?

It is, as well as a result of imperialism paid for by porky. Resources from the third world, and importing cheaper labor.

So Holla Forums shouldn't side with the very same antifas who welcome refugees and mass immigration?

I am for it as long as our contemporary status quo leaves refugees from war- or imperialism-torn countries no other place to go. However, things should be militarized, immigrants should not be idealized and be taught that there is no cherry picking in where to go. Reactionaries among them, and there are quite a few, should also not be tolerated, just like the reactionaries on home ground.

Their funded by Soros, so pretty much. laftypol is for the most part anti identity politics.

was are the class conscious Class left/ class realists, and they are the Reactionary Identity Politicians. However, we believe the worker has no nationality.

This. The other problem with immigrants is sometimes they bring their own reactionary elements as well. It only fuels the fire of racial distraction.

I side with them tentatively as far as Greece is concerned.
I'll take their side over the people who want to blame immigrants for the decisions people in power make. But yeah, open borders wouldn't work as long as capitalism exists. It would be foolish to try it right now.

I'd like a source on Soros funding Antifa. Not saying it isn't true, but I haven't seen anything outside of Stormer websites. It's funny to me the lengths Soros will go to try to paint himself as radical philanthropist to impress his porky friends.

Normally I'm not violent but

Attacking a fascist is always self defense

That's a fucking facepalm argument if I've ever seen one.
The person you're responding to made this exact point, that we should not defend or respect people solely for being proles. That's the position you're defending.

They think that beating up some proles is okay, you think that beating up any prole is wrong.
He says: well that's silly if you're just going to turn on your heel and beat up immigrant proles. (Which is inconsistent with your view)
You then say: Aha! So beating up immigrant proles is wrong but beating fascist proles is okay!? (Which is absolutely consistent with their view)

Greece is finally tired of leftist police brutality

A) Fascists are not gaining momentum in Greece anymore. They have a stable 5%, that always existed but was hiding in New Democracy and other "milder" fascisms.
B) Antifa is mainly edgy teens. Am not saying they are to go to gulag before the we create a state, but they are not doing much in general. They are good as counter to Nazi rallies.. but no more.

You idiot.
They are the worst case of spooked class conless scum of the earth!
You know.. The kind of guy who will do anything just so he have keep having his iPhone…

You cannot convert that 5%. They are already anti-communists. Not because "bad commies hit us". There is a set ideology, that dates back to the civil war, through the Junda, till today.

Antifa is only useful until they are lined up against the wall and shot. They're just a bunch of stupid edgy kids in the end.


idk dude some funny shit happens thanks to them

See, this is the kind of thing I'm talking about. Look how this kid types.

They don't belong with us, they are only useful idiots and please ban this poster holy shit

Fucking hell.


The fact Golden Dawn are embedded in the police is the thing that probably bothers me the most, albeit they've been there for a while. It's good they aren't gaining traction like they were, but I still see Antifa as a deterrent in that area. Some of their patrolling could be useful in that context. Yeah, it's kind of edgy, but I guess if they're really making sure fascist don't start shit in their neighborhood, there could be worse.

Support your local ANTIFA get in touch with them propose organize and resist.

Try to de spook them, try to remove IDpol elements within antifa, we will achieve a lot more if we start doing something in the real world.

what the fuck is op talking about, you need antifa everywhere and nobody except nazis and victims of nazi propaganda have any problems with them.
