
can we have a depression thread? I need to decompress about >tfw no fully automated luxary space communism

Other urls found in this thread:

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:lPYLcANslSIJ:https://theoccupiedtimes.org/?p=12841 &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=de


I know the "finding a job" feel real well
If I even do ever manage to land one, I'll want to kill myself even more every day.
Why the fuck can't I just do anything productive as a job? If everything wasn't fucking privatized I would go out and build a hydroponic farm

god its also just a bad feeling to know that all the jobs you "could get" are so useless

I just want to have a life…

the list of available jobs for me are:
needless to say, I don't want to do any of these, but luckily that doesn't matter since I'm unemployable due to having a mugshot online


Why don't you start a proggresive goth loli cafe?

*co-op cafe


christ thats awful, do you live near any communist partys?

alas, I do not.

where are you from ill try to find somthing

>tfw high school dropout

As lovely as that sounds. I am a poor College Student who was forced to take loans thus I have no capital to start a co-op in the first place.

Florida, and thanks friend

get productive comrade, join your local revolution movement!

what part i know for a fact there are some FRSO people out there

fuck I know this feel so hard. This flesh and hair must be gone. Sleek shiny plastic is where it's at.

But are you
reading theory?

I fool myself by saying that i will get people into free-software and that one day i will be able to contribute to it myself.

I'm getting an AS in IT, should I just kill myself?


Can't you convince your dad and the guy he is employing to turn the farm into a co-op and get a few more people to join the co-op?

Funny thing is as a Native America I shouldn't have hair all over my body. But I believe its from my mother side who is Caucasian. I wouldn't mind just getting rid of all my body hair. At least then I won't be continued to remember my childhood where I was constantly teased for it. Which is why I have such low confidence now and not a really good sex life.

At this rate I will end up being a master level wizard. Oh well at least reading books will keep my mind off the terrible situation that I am a lonely person.

Damn it if I keep on I will just make myself depressed. Then fall asleep where I can continue to play out my fantasies as a catgrill.

No but how strong are your suicidal thoughts right now?

Farm-hands are ridiculously exploited, especially seasonal workers. Farmers themselves own the means of production but are often so heavily in debt a run of bad seasons spells the end. Not to mention they have to work their own land as well as administrate it, so their entire life is basically work. So they're petit bourgeoisie but so what? It's a fucking shit life. No wonder so many of them are spooked as hell.

why live?

fuck I know this feel. I always have dreams where I am playing with other lolis. I am one of them. Everything is just so beautiful and idyllic. Then I wake up and stare at my ugly man face, then I sit at the screen and try to get my mind off death.

I wake up crying every morning m'dude

How do you do that? Are you literally crying in your dreams too?

in my dreams I am always being rejected, humiliated by the others.
It always starts great but then they all just leave me by myself or I do something embarassing and try to recover the situation and watch as the world around me distorts, the dreamworld crumbles and no matter how hard I close my eyes I cant go back to sleep.
My dreams always crumble like that and I try so hard to go back to the ideal world and I cry because i cant go back.

tfw when the state is a thing
tfw when means of production ain't collectivly owned

If this post isn't evidence that channers extreme obsession with anime is unhealthy I don't know what is.

wow, that's impressively depressing. Don't worry tho user, we'll never leave you

I don't have suicidal thoughts, but I am an extreme optimist about the situation at hand. So it isn't nearly as bad. Though my dreams are strange sometimes. Once was a dream holding a political speech for Revolution.

To be honest I never had a partner in my life. I have been a virgin for 23 years of life. So I am getting my Wizard points at least.

Here everyone a catgirl picture to make things a little more hopeful.

Actually I've been forcefully expelled from every leftist group I've been a part of.
The only thing that helps me distinguish reality from my dreams is my horribly ugly form and mannerisms.

I once had a dream I was reading an article by Judith Butler about Hoxha in Jacobin. That one was weird.

I recently started dating this sorta slutty girl, I have a pretty good feeling we'll do it at some point. Just the other day she took me out to a party where we grinded together a bit, and she also got a little touchy feeling with a girl who was an old flame of hers, which was sorta hot. She'd be my first. I don't quite love her yet, but I like her as a friend and it feels really nice to cuddle and stuff.

I mean you can't really be forcefully expelled from leftypol sooo…
And anyway, maybe those are things you could work on. Try to become a bit more of a normie.

I see so this is what the concept of being with someone rather that hopelessly falling in love, having your heart ripped out, stompped on, chewed up, and finally spit out. So many failed attempts not only killed my confidence, but also I am extremely jealous of couples. I think to myself why can I have that? Am I too strange for people? Am I just a hopeless romantic that will continue to hurt myself because I am a fool.

I could go on about how my love life actually makes me feel. Then I will end up going into a therapy session into my psyche.

>tfw now feeling too much and wish no feel :

I mean I literally met her like 30 minutes after joining tinder, and my attitude was pretty much the same as yours. The last time I really went on dates was like 4 years ago. But now I've gotten my first kiss and gotten to hold her and rest my head in her hair while we watched fantastic mister fox.

But anyway, you can tell us Comrade, we're here for you.

Is she the 7.9 who doesn't shave her pits?

Bah well my love life is shitty I want to make myself more social able but very anti-social and I keep to myself too much. Because I don't want to hurt anymore. Thus talking with people face to face makes me feel like a nervous wreck. I am very quiet too I don't like to rise my voice.

These would be signs of weakness. But it kept people from bothering me in High School as they fear I was going to be that one guy that was going to shoot up the school. Which I found funny because I am nothing like that at all.

But moving on from that, I haven't tried talking with anyone girls or guys in a romantic sense, since high school. At the girl I was desperately trying to get with never told me her true feelings, went out into the military, and it was only when her younger sister told me why she didn't want me. Because I wasn't good enough and wasn't "manly" enough for her. Which really broke me. I literally broke down in tears of rage and despair. I became more isolated, becoming more alienated. Because the education system in America is shitty. People who are head of the class are forced to drag behind those who aren't. Its basically a how to make a worker and not a critical thinker.

Throughout school up until college, I was out of place. I felt people were idiots around me and I was one of the few smart ones out of the entire group. Which is a pretty shitty mind set. But you know whatever it couldn't be helped.

I could go on with this but I will get to the point. The reason why I feel lonely is because of past events, how I felt that no one really understood me, and having to just sit back and no speak your mind because if you did it was not important.

Yes, bring this cancer here too.


Sounds like she's waiting for you to initiate sex with her. Women are programmed to never make the first move.

are bourgeois capitalist scum

literally this meme is from capitalist riddled scum and must be purged as there is no room for feels in a communist nation

you will work and strive for the revolution and you die for revolution

you will die without feeling

Isn't it past your bed time?

You sound like the bourgeoisie to me. Why is it that Holla Forums always comes here to derail threads and when they do (mis)appropriate our terminology?

I don't feel sorry for most farmers in the US. Most of their crops are subsidized and aren't even for food. Corn farmers grow so fucking much they literally have to come up with excuses and products out of thin air so they can convince congress to keep them on corporate welfare.


Kind of fell off the wagon after losing my job last march. I've barely gotten out of bed in that time and have just been leaching off of mother. I haven't read or watched or played much of anything, I've just been on the internet. I've been getting high almost every day and I'm just about out of money and I'm trying to figure out how to get tor running so I can get ahold of pain pills because I can barely stand to leave my room anymore and I'm already having trouble keeping up with my online classes.

;_; one day


Gives me that horrible mix of anger and helplessness every time I work there.



it should be illegal to be so stupid

tfw leftyb


This. Plus "Big Agri" monocultures are a shit way to manage agriculture, since at the end of the day you're pretty much eating oil

you should be illegal


I think it'd be a better idea if they gov just bought some of it and gave it to people who need it, they're already subsidizing it, this would just be a more productive use

that sucks comrade. And that was really shitty of that girl's sister to say that.

Lot's of people have a thing for effeminate guys tho, I certainly wouldn't mind a /cuteboy/.

small farmers are fucked and have mostly been driven out of business by predatory lenders. big agra cleans up tho.

american work ethic is stupid; don't these people know that you can't predict the future? workaholics are secretly irrational control freaks.

See I wouldn't have been so mad if she had just told me straight up. But I have long gotten over that. She is married now so nothing I can do about it. I wouldn't mind being a /cuteboy/ but I am overweight walking carpet.

The work ethics are really stupid indeed. One should not be working 50-60+ hours a week. Hell 40 hours is alienating enough. Of course they do know that but they are profit driven so it leaves them blind to reason.

i attended an elite school and one thing i learned from handling obscene amounts of work is work hard not smart. also, being a masochist is not some fucking badge of honor.

You can blame this guy for a lot of that, since he started the mantra of "get big or get out" that lead to modern industrial-scale agriculture

not to mention big agra + subsidies are a vehicle of 3rd world exploitation and fueling the immigration "crisis".

I'm going to one of the so called "public ivies" where someone was once injured in a stampede of people trying to get into the library during finals. I've found that the fine art of just getting by (for academics) is absolutely invaluable to lead a balanced life and concentrate on what you love.

Well, all you'd have to do is channel your self-loathing into motivation for exercising and then shave, and then you'd be a /cuteboy/.

i've learned that there was a reason why i hated all those overachievers in high school.

yeah, but honestly I feel kinda sorry for them. My sister is like that and honestly its like some sort of complex and she has mental breakdowns all the time from the stress of it.

in my school the people who did well are the ones who were wellprepared. it's like academic crony capitalism: your college grades are largely dependent upon your life history up to that point.

was a bit of a workaholic myself at one point because i sensed i'd be miserable if i failed and had to go do something else and i was right. but it's not that bad honestly. i mostly resent my parents for always telling me i was shit and making me do things against my own best interests in order to prop up their narcissism.

you can tell authorities to do sth about it

no one listens NEETs, even if you became one in protest

my attitude has always been that I'll always do what's necessary for my longer term plans. Which, depending on the circumstances can be an excuse for laziness or a call to extraordinary measures.

Same here, I'm afraid.

I dropped out of HS back in 2007. In addition, my last, and only, job was also back in 2007 where I was briefly employed at a local video store. I only manged two weeks before I quit. Ever since I've done nothing, but mooch off my parents, slip deeper and deeper into agoraphobia/depression, and generally be of no use to anyone. I'm pretty much a hikikomori on steroids at this point. My total time spent outside in the last 9 years is almost certainly less than 5 or 6 hours (discounting time spent in a vehicle). I also have no friends, both IRL and online. My hobbies include vidya/movies/TV, listening to music obsessively, web browsing (I lurk though, since I'm too afraid to shitpost let alone regularly post), and occasionally cutting myself. That's not even including how much news I watch on a daily basis, which only serves to make me EVEN more depressed. Knowing that all land based life will probably be extinct within the next 50-60 years, on the outside, as a result of climate change/capitalism/overpopulation is particularly disheartening. On top of that, most people would be willing to kill themselves, and their families, than consider an alternative to capitalism that isn't fascism. People would rather rush headlong into the end of land based life for millions of years, than embrace socialism. The pain of knowing this massive predicament we're in is considerable. Oh well, at least I'm lucky enough to have NEETbux and not pay rent.

i've learned that health is a finite resource and you're biological needs are a significant constraint.

also poverty is fucking distracting

eh, i never cared much about my health. I go to the gym now but I never loose much weight. But yeah, I've been very lucky to not have to deal with poverty.

sometimes I wonder just what the people currently in poverty could accomplish if they didn't have to worry so much about their immediate material circumstances.

cognitive load of poverty: socialworkdegreecenter.com/poverty/
had some significant health issues in my early 20s which i trace back to environmental problems in my freshman dorm. i realized pretty quickly that i would have to put my medical needs first.

Honor killing may seem abhorrent, reading what you wrote I can see how it is well justified.

eat shit faggot

>Probably too autistic, awkward, and anxious and lazy/depressed to pull it off
I like to believe I wouldn't be such a self-conscious, confidence-less autist under socialism (or at least a more "worker-friendly" capitalism) but who knows.

Fair enough. In my case, I'd probably agree with you. Ever hear what the Nazis did to mentally handicapped people during the 40s? Maybe we could use something similar to that, so as to be reserved for ultra hardcore NEETs, like myself.

Here's some links if you're interested in the history of it:

1. jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/disabled.html

2. ushmm.org/outreach/en/article.php?ModuleId=10007683

By the way, what do you think I should be doing differently (besides learning more about philosophy/theory), considering we both live in a capitalist dystopia?

Don't engage with him, user

My bad.

Go outside, quick jerking off so much, eat right and exercise, and just let go of all the worry that's plaguing you. It won't fix it over night, but it'll be a start

Jesus Christ, user, your life is not so worthless as to debase yourself like you have. And even if it were, you've hit rock bottom, and have only up to go. Onward to the revolution, comrade!

tfw no flying cars

I would give up the rest of my life to relive the years 2009-2011. If only I knew then what I know now. If only I could know that the internet was so great and that it would become the disgrace it is today.

No direction but forward user.




Nice of you to drop in Holla Forums

It sounded better in my head. I should've posted a more thought out version some weeks ago when it still was fresh.

We'll push it out of sight for now


This is pretty sad of a a result of right wing policies.

I'm a college student, how the fuck am I supposed to pay this?

fuck off dude

Fuck it, it's not like my ignoring it will make this thread go away. Might as well get it off my chest.

I'm materially comfortable and I have everything I need to live, except a reason to. I can't for the life of me understand how someone, let alone the vast majority of people, can go on living for the sake of living. I can only imagine redemption in the form of of something external to me, especifically a cause. As it happens, I can't bring myself to believe in anything other than the far left, which in this day and age, means it's virtually impossible for me to find fulfillment. Rojava might be the only such opportunity in my lifetime for me to serve the good cause, but I'd first have to fix my depression. A depressive man with a rifle is not good for anybody. Then again, I nurtured the faint hope that finally acting in service of something I believe in would itself "cure" me, by virtue of providing me with a raison d'être. But obviously that's a daydream, and I can't count on that to happen. Meanwhile I go on, filling my days with useless entertainment as a distraction against my self-loathing, and with no idea how to change anything.


take medication

also practice thinking about how there are no objective values for you to hate yourself by

medication won't give him a reason to be, dumbass.

Reading philosophy can definitely help you


Desperately wanna be porky's watchdog, huh?


I want to help the people by protecting them.

t. someone who never ever dealt with the police in his life

My father was a police officer comrade.

Well good luck protecting everybody from people who speed a vew miles to mutch and park at the wrong place and beat up homeless people and dont bother investigating rape charges or a hustle.

your father was a piglet serving the needs of porky

Lumpets need to be driven out of human society.
Rape is not realistically an epidemic.
Someone needs to protect citizens form anarkiddies, you know.

He moved form law enforcement to working for the police union. I thought you guys were pro-union?

the police union is a crooked club for authoritarian jackboots that works relentlessly to ensure that cops never face anything like "justice," whatever their crimes, to say nothing of their efforts to undermine any sort of civilian oversight initiatives

.t power desperate loser who wants to feel power once in life and jerks off to stalin

someone has to change the culture. it's a start.

I hope that's your shitposting flag comrade.


Someone needs to carry the power of the people and act with it. My actions are done in the interests of the workers.

lol, that's a good one. Got any more?

if you really want to protect people become a community organizer, not a cop.

Being a community organizer is legitimate job in amerifats? kek.

It's typically volunteer work. So much for wanting to help people if it doesn't pay well though. I mean shit I'm not gonna fight in the revolution unless they promise me a MINIMUM 60k starting salary plus benefits and stock options.

The suicide feels are in full force today.
I think the only thing keeping me alive right now is the hope that in a year or two I'll be able to gauge my eye out and get a cybereye that I can mod to give me access to the infared and ultraviolet parts of the lightspectrum.


Getting meds later this month, wonder if it will help anything

you have a hundred acres
just make it more productive with modern techniques, only problem would be resistance to changing ways

this is not hard, if you were serious i could help

Been there. I'll soon venture into the wonderful world of self-medication, because doctors an't cutting it.

You're absolutely right, but that insight isn't something I can internalize. As much as I know these standards are arbitrary, I feel I can't shake them off any more than I can grow a third eye.

I have considered philosophy, but I think it also has the problem of me being unable to internalize what I learn. Therapy has the same issue.


My mom is depressed too but it's also bad when only one is depressed and the other is an ass since it leads to a lot of fights between parents. I don't get out of the house at all aside from short grocery trips or walks.

what kind of anarchism is this



webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:lPYLcANslSIJ:https://theoccupiedtimes.org/?p=12841 &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=de

Burning and trashing stuff and killing cops are effective treatments for depression.

anarcho-wojakism, a libertarian alternative to more authoritarian feelist ideologies such as wojak-pepeism


I've got nothing left in me. In the past two days I've eaten a handful of peanuts. I just can't make myself eat anymore. I think I'm just waking to die. At least leftypol will keep me company while I circle the drain.



How does it feel to be trapped in a prison of thoughts?

You're ignorant, you tell me.

Everybody is ignorant to any degree.
Knowing all is the essence of ignorance.

do you assume that it is impossible to know all?

Isn't it? Some knowledge is contradictory.

i am talking about "objective" knowledge. mathematicized

Damn, I live in Central Florida.

Anything I can do to help you get out of this slump?


I need leftist friends to talk politics, talk stuff and don't feel so hopeless in ths world

My only friend is a lolbert furfag and we're only friends because we like classical music and the same fetish. My D&D group dosn't count, we never talk outside of the game.

please stop these r9k tier threads


Not the person you were replying to but I live on the 321. Please end my depression by any means necessary fam.


this….all of this

Any American who is a leftist SHOULD be depressed. Europeans are the normies of the leftist world, they will never know true hardship.

fucking this 10000%
eruochads have no idea what it's like to be surrounded by classcucks 24/7

I feel you fam, earlier today I was getting lectured by a europoor not to try to get B████ elected if clinton dies since he's a socdem

stupid fucking eurochads. They have no idea that even the slightest reform will significantly improve life in this 5th world shithole

Leftism will never take hold here.

What do Canadians count as?
Are we American or European or what?

On one hand, the atmosphere around here isn't that bad. On the other hand, we've got Justin "Stephen Harper" Trudeau in charge and everyone seems to be some stripe of liberal. Not to mention all the rich white anglos who hate communism.

Hey, no shit! Me too!

canada is like europe light

Pls kill me.
I actually have two leftist friends, which is pretty good. I used to live in Chicago though. Labour day pretty much started because of anarchist there, wish I was back there sometimes.
free health care is worth it

Where in Van are you comrade?


I barely even have 1 friend. I see them irl like once a year. I can't even imagine how nice it must feel to have a leftist friend.
I want to die.

Out in Poco. It's not too bad. I've sort of been a shut-in for the past however many years but I used to have some nice friends too, some of whom got me into Marx. You got Steam or something?

Really? I'm the secretary general of my college socialist club

this shit just isnt fair. Nobody ever offers to be my friend. When I offer to be their friend they accept out of politeness then just stop talking to me after 1 day.
Not being a chad is suffering.

I'll be your friend too, nigger, you don't have to do this elaborate song and dance. There's enough friendship to go around.

Nah I can't afford a PC I game on a 7 year old Macbookplaying OG Deus Ex rn

You can add me on Skype or smt my nigguh
What do you do for a living? I live with my parents atm.

I just talk to them on the interwebz(but I know them from IRL), my friends I hang out with are apolitical and party a lot. They got me into partying when I was like 14 and I've pretty much outgrown it now. I have no friends to talk theory with irl.

Same, finishing up a BA at SFU, planning to get into indie vidya. I'm fleurzeuge on Skype. I think. Been a while since I used it.

Aight I'll message you

Did it!

fucking chads always excluding me by using their shitty proprietary software as messengers

What's wrong with Skype.

Then how am I supposed to enjoy it?


Yep, I'll be killing myself soon (just waiting for my dog to die since I don't wanna leave him)

Hopefully the revolution happens at some point, good luck comrades

dude, just lie. or move to new england they're desperate for wage slaves. everyone here wants a nice /comfy/ middle class job.

Can't. My name is too unusual, googling it immediately reveals the lie.

No one here is depressed. To suggest that leftist believes are in any way correlated with mental illness is treason.

what is your name on your uni's homepage? i literally have no internet presence. also

I want to fucking die

Same as my real name. There are also articles in local papers that mention me - they come right up. My local school loves to brag about how fucking smart it's students are. Last time I checked there was an article on the first pages listing high school grads from my year and what colleges they got into. It's spookily easy to find shit out about me with just my name.

i promise you user they're not looking this hard.

get out of here eurochad.
You have no idea how hard it is to be an ameribot. socialist qts dont exist here

it's been fun leftypol, see you guys in commnism

I read that as ahegao. Maybe you should do that instead, it'll be more fun.

no pls be my gf instead
it doesnt matter if ur a girl or a guy, I will always like you for who you are: my comrade

Don't make a mess.

I wish I had someone to care about.
I wish someone cared about me.
I wish I had someone with whom I shared ambitions.
I wish I had someone who shared their dreams of revolution with me.

I could care about about you, fam.

but you need to accept the need of a vanguard first

in your dreams bootlicker!
Though tbh, I'd be willing to discuss it. I'm fairly certain that if given the opportunity I could enlighten you about the beougeois nature of hierarchy

You're both loosers and idealists who need to git gud

pls respond

serious offer: I'll be your leftist friend. I'd even like to play d&d with you.

Contact me on tox:

sadly I don't have tox

come on man it's not that hard. Respect your freedom for once.

sry user i meant to reply to
but yeah i am socialist ameriburger gril xxooxx

pls be my gf :(

Oh, that explains the decline in quality from Groucho posting.


yeah the other grouchos are all my sockpuppets :^)

wait seriously?
this is my tox adress:

i wanna say there's a leftypol irc channel but i'm apparently incapable of finding it. this is okay too.

My only leftist friend is a Serb-American market-socialist. He's really the only reason I'm not crazy right now tbh.

there are no leftist irc channels anymore

Class-cuck is the most condescending term this board could reconceive in its history.

that's sorta the point

Serb mark-soc friend? Is that u?

okay, I expected this, but damn, be more straightforward next time

sorry just a spic

Its okay comrade. We're here for you!

then why the hell would you post something like that! Gah you just make things worse by reminding me that I can never be cute

well you're definitely never going to be cute with that attitude

We'll make you cute!

yes please.
Do it.


Why the fuck is this acceptable, if I wern't such a coward, I would have blown my brains out years ago, alchohol helps.

Holla Forums this is /leftyfeel/ not /bootlickfeel/

Don't worry one can be cute and awesome at the same time. For myself my ideal of cute is wearing frilly lolita dresses while eating cake and drinking tea with lovely ladies.



Dude this whole board is filled to the brim with wimpy femdomfags, it's kinda pathetic.


Honestly, both sub and dom can be hot.

*is that cliched of me to say?*

femdom is god tier, anyone who says otherwise is a raging homo and probably a fascist too

it's a lot better when they've got a dick though


what even
Whatever floats your boats, I guess.
Sorry for kinkshaming you. Gotta learn to accept that some people are into shit I don't understand.

If I'm a bisexual market socialist who's also a switch does that mean I have problems being decisive or that I can better appreciate all sides of things?

Is that a trap?

And said people needs to learn to stop shoving their fetishes in places where they don't belong

Oh user that's the least of the things you could "kinkshame" me on.

as long as it doesn't include excrement and cut off bodyparts I think I can deal.

whats wrong with cutting off body parts?

It's unhealthy both physically and mentally.
What are you, transabled now?
Or do you have some kind of castration fetish?


join the union user, that's what i did

stop making me work for this

I am masturbating to this right now.


idk what the hell that thing is but i wanna fuck it