
It's time, lads. Big Wolff is doing an /ama/, and we have a chance to ask him some pretty good questions. First tip of the fedora goes to the person who asks "What's the time Mr Wolff?".

Namedropping Holla Forums will be pretty funny too, tbh.

Other urls found in this thread:


i'm going to get an eye-twitch whenever I see "/r/socialism" or "/r/fullcommunism" mentioned.

This gon' be good



Muh nig is answering trolls too



Nigger, we know how to find his answers, thanks.

Do you also know how to bump a thread?
Also, it saves time for those on phones.

fuck off

keep up the good work

Shiiet, he writes follow ups to trolls.

What a year to be alive.

Someone with an account ask him what he thinks about cat girls.


make a throw away and do it yourslef you liberal piece of shit :^)

What a faggot. Alpha Wolff is too good for him.

go back to reddit, retard


You go the fuck back to reddit. I don't have any intention to go there, which is why I like seeing the screenshots.

we must preserve the purity of the chan race

RDW politely schoolin'

Christianity and Marxism

So far no one is calling him on his Podemos/Syriza fanboyism and hype nor on his other flip flops.
I expect this to be conducted like all AMA's in that subreddit, with prepared questions and answers a-plenty, vote manipulation, abundant strawman-ing via prepared trolls to false flag critical questions and preserve the pretense of authenticity.

Watch out
The spooky scary reddit boogeyman will get you




Ask him what he thinks of LTV



knew he was a young thug fan





u fags did this

Except Marx wrote what State should do. Or is there someone who thinks all would be achieved without organization?


we get it, he answered you

quit spamming



That wasn't me, that was bacon-poster and some other faggot.

sorry, steak-poster, his flag looks more like steak

that freud cigar, he alternates between downloading communism, Lenin hat and Freud cigar.


I always thought it was the logo for that boomerang cartoon channel

Gentoo is the leading effort in defense from systemd assimilation.

it puts me in my nerves how retards even pretend to troll him, it's like alpha wolff was playing chess with a neckbearded pidgeton or something.

this is a good one

sorry for the delay, I'm playing wesnoth, installing linux and posting these pics at the same time



omg, this will kill anycraps,

…unfortunately also kills socialists.

Fuckin saved




Anarkiddies don't read Marx anything, so it's irrelevant.

Not sure about post-leftists. They pretend that they are retarded from reading too much, but I'm not buying this.

Knock yourself out. Just don't get drunk on top of it all.

We've been winning since 1917.

Let's not call it a government.


Sometimes life is sweet.

praise eudev

do you even understand what it means when anarchists say they are against the state or do you just like to parrot memes?

Were you telling people to go back to reddit?

Lets see if he dares to answer this one:

that was me, not him


He's addressed that issue before, basically said that the rich should pay for their resettlement, welfare and immigration or they shouldn't come at all.

that's an OK question

Real talk


feels good man

Oh man this is awesome I read all his responses in his voice with his absolutely delicious disdainful pronunciation of everything capitalist.

any traces of glorious marxian theory left at UC Berkeley, or they went full IdPol too?

Me too




Yes. State doesn't matter, except it should do all the heavy lifting.

Culturally enriched Marxism.

New iPhone?

Well, it's not like he'll answer questions he doesn't like.


"You are pomo and you can't do math - unlike me, who's super serial."

Now try to defend yourself,fgt!

It is confirmed. Corbyn is a class traitor.

"class traitor!" (says the Stalinist)


Come on, I've seen worse on Holla Forums.

Yeah. USSR didn't exist.


You were made to feel stupid and disloyal because you ARE stupid and disloyal.

Your culture of critique talks about removing power structures, but replaces them with nothing but pure anarchy and despotism.

Go be a slave somewhere else.

Disdainful sage.





No one cares, state capitalism is retarded


What are you even talking about?

You know damn well, faggot.


Political discourse at its finest.

Why did I even bother asking? If post looks dumb - the poster is retard 9 out of 10 times.

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

Is that in a capped post above?

He didn't say they worked with fascists. More that they were able to establish their system in spite of the fascists.


can you not read?

HUN comradely bump





Can you go be triggered somewhere else?

no, i didnt type the correct url, read it

Two interesting comments by RDW.

First, this one, for it talks about transition from capitalism to socialism:

IMO, the problem with market socialism still remains, especially with this part:
Why would a highly profitable factory decide to start distributing their products based on other means than through the market if its against their interests?

This response is worth saving for future debates with le fedora types.

leftism strikes again

so lemme get this straight
coops will lose competition to top-down enterprises
state will bail them out
yes, totally gonna work…

Take it with a pinch of salt, he's obviously popularizing here. The state could force larger (or all) companies into coops. I don't see how that's not possible. The problem is moving from coops to socialism proper, imo.

Has anyone asked him about the 'Cultrual Marxism' conspiracy, and SJWs?

this was pretty close

You mean that shitstick that bans Holla Forums on sight?

Educate yourself faggot

Think someone should ask him about identity politics and how to deal with reactionary groups?

AKA this is where Muke went wrong.

I like the stuff he's talking about, it's offering a fresh perspective on marxism and obviously an educated one, much better than the usual "it's dialectics I ain't gotta explain shit".

I really wanna see him talk about post-keynesian economics, =(

will never happen =)

Maybe ask him?

Also, hope you survive your dead cell disease. Good luck comr8.

u wot m8, rebel's dying?


wow, jill is a fucking skellington

You could try sending him an email.

The vast majority of competition between capitalist industries is how much they can make their workers to make the lowest wages possible. This is why American workers can't compete with Chinese workers.

Also, coops are a much different system of labor organization. It's literally comparing apples to oranges.

the problem is
if we have market where there are private enterprises and coops, coops will be crushed, because enterprises can invest more capital to increase productivity and therefore their rate of profit
those superprofits will be taken away from coops means their rate of profit will fall
in the end coops go bankrupt

all this larping around coops is pointless
competition leads to monopoly, does not matter if market agents are coops or whatever
hell, modern corporations have multiple stockholders, they are coops in a sense

Petite-bourgeois sentiments is what it is
big government is bad and scary NKVD and gulags
but please protect our ass and be market arbiter

classic throw pdf and run away tactic

maybe not, but it seems correct to me all the same. I want to a Marxian's perspective on it though.

I'm too lazy to compete with ledditors. What else can I do? Ty btw

recovering. cancer

good idea, might do that tomorrow


He has lung cancer, so it's extremely likely. Comrade didn't even get to die in a revolution…

Skeleton master race.

the first part you are correct about which is why he says the state needs to give help to co-ops and aid them. I don't know if he knows it, but Wolff is agreeing with Post-keynesians on this one actually.

why? Are you aware of dead weight? Oligopolies, like we have now, are actually a result of certain incorrect (please do not miss this important qualifier***) state interference believe it or not. The austrians do have that part correct.

Big government isn't bad. Undemocratic, pervasive government is. I also think you mean centralised.


Wolff is not a Marxist. He is a socialist, but philosophically he's Althusserian and veering on post-modern relativist. His take on the economy is not Marxist at all except for his social focus and acceptance of class struggle.

Rebel's still recovering from Muke's debate.

I know, I said Marxian. Marxian means ascribes to marxian economics. Doesn't mean Marxist.

His analysis of wages is clearly Marxian

Yes, how dare someone critique shit that isn't some game or movie.

boi, you may not know it, but you are more and more dialectical by the day without realizing it.

a lot of people who ascribe to marxian economics are not marxists my dude

Full Hegelianism soon my man

All competition is oligopic, a perfectly competitive market is a fiction.

Perhaps that might be right when we're talking about metaphysics, but we're not talking metaphysics, instead about economic theory. The dead weight graphs apply all the same.

There is also no such thing as a popular government that can't expropriate and regulate regardless of private business in the country, or do you not trust the power of the people, comrade?

You are being one sided.

Make a start on Capital at any point.

Make a start on the Accumulation of Capital at any point.

He's talking about things to do with volume 3 stuff, and it's stuff that isn't covered by Marx.

You don't need to read Capital to see what he's talking about. You're literally a one track dogmatist who doesn't think at all. You could have read all 7 books of the Capital project, and you clearly have no comprehension.



tendency to concentration of capital
each cycle someone goes bankrupt
each cycle in already established industries required capital to enter market grows bigger and bigger
take seel industry for example

as for olygopolies, I believe they are temporary alliances in stable times to keep prices on some level
when shit hits the fan they will be at each other throats


Good to know you both missed the part regarding the decrease in the rate of profit. But from someone who can't grapple with the basic materialist interpretation, that's hardly surprising.

That doesn't mean what you think it means. Please go watch kapitalism 101 since you're a theory babby. Leave Capital and its terms for the big theorists.

You shouldn't be saying things like this when you're struggling with the 11 thesis.

I think that under market socialism, and Wolff has talked about this as well, when workers control the industries and make up the tax base entirely, they'll have much greater control. Much of the lobbying being done now isn't even on behalf of corporations but by capitalists themselves. Without the capitalists, I believe a state under market socialism would be able to regulate markets and be more fair overall.

I feel bad for someone like you who can't even think about those critically.

And how do we get to the Wolffian vision? By popular will. The will of the people today is one of cucked losers who refuse to do what must be done out of self-interested fear. The very thing that makes gommunism possible makes market socialism possible.

The will of the people is a rather abstract thing. In terms of effecting actual change, its usually a small number of highly visible individuals such as politicians, and a decent amount of grassroots activists are needed in the first place. What makes market socialism more likely to happen than communism is the fact that people don't associate it with muh 13235 trillion, and similarly liberals and conservatives don't know how to respond to it properly.

Or someone like you who can't think about them at all.

The will of the people isn't some abstract thing. It's literally just the collective will that appears at the ballot box in any group of self-government. There is nothing mysterious about it.

If people realized the power of the state and economy is actually their power and they willed to change it, believe it, it would fucking change. It's social ignorance and lack of political will, apathy towards the political, which allows crook after crook to be elected without consequences and with people not learning a goddam thing after a century of voting garbage in.

you mean how much they can lower costs of production

thing is
those apples and oranges compete for resources in the same environment

it doesn't matter what internal structure apples and oranges have
what matters is that they are competitors for the same limited resource

wtf I love Tito now

The will of the people cannot be represented. Read Rousseau.

Anyway, people do not will the current state of affairs, as you describe it, there is a lack of will. We need a strategy that can work under those conditions.

why wouldn't they be? Class existed long before markets, there's no reason to suspect an inherit class element to markets.

The "general will" cannot because there is none. The will of the people, however, is the rule of democracy. That people accept the results of the final vote is their will, self-imposed. When the people will to change the state it will not stand up to their dissent.

No, you misunderstand, the will of the people and the general will cannot be represented because it is destroyed in the process of being represented. Once the election is over, most people have no credible say in policymaking. If you really want to have democracy you need local direct policy making. That is the only legitimate kind of state. That is the only scenario when people have more freedom than they would without a state.

What we have now is a republic, one in which there is no room for the kind of idealism you're peddling.

Except, for you know, fucking engaging the political process and enforcing their will and showing that there are consequences for betraying the populace. The cucks in the 1st world today think protesting one day and shouting angrily is somehow engaging the process and then get disillusioned and give up like the losers they are. The people in general have this apathetic attitude that if it takes more than a couple hours of one day then it's time to blame everything on the other and corruption etc, and just cry about it.

Democracy is the truth of the state. If people don't rise, of course nothing is going to change.

You really don't get it. The system is set up so its difficult to impossible for the average person to have a say in policy. You write a letter to a senator, you get an automatic reply. You try to talk to them one on one, you have to wait in line behind all the rich capitalist fucks and their paid lobbyists.

What we need is a real independent and third party force (of market socialists imo), starting with power on the local level (which is easiest) and working up.

That's stupid. Politics doesn't work like that.

Most politicians start out on the local level and then work their way up.

You don't get it.

What you said about the system being shit IS precisely because people show they have no backbone to demand election reform. The beginning? To stop fucking voting for sellout garbage in the current dominant parties.

Won't do shit if you don't present a viable alternative. And as much as I appreciate the greens they are far too hippy to be viable in even most local elections

Politicians, not political parties. It's like you didn't even read what you wrote.

It's not like we can break up the two big parties on the national scale, better to start small and develop a loyal base of support. Besides we don't want to end up like the democrats who have conceded most local elections to republicans.



How is that in any way analogous to what I'm proposing?

this gon be good

Is it possible for ancaps not to be cringey?

Pretty much the same thing.

Also, one of them doesn't typically waste excess resources in order to avoid under consumption and artificially increase demand.


Pick one.

I get that gun manufacturers are no better than any other corporation and that the NRA is one big advertising arm for said industry, but anyone who supports gun control because the NRA is against it is full of shit, especially in the context of a liberal society where these laws are going to be disproportionately enforced upon minorities and the poor. Every worker ought to own and know how to use a gun.


Is user going to post more Wolff caps?


Badeconomics is making fun of our boy. This will not stand.

Hmm, glad someone called him out on this terrible misreading of Marx.

Badeconomics looks like a bunch of closeted libertarians.

dont lie, you'd still smash

It always amuses me how much people have to fuck up and strawman a relatively basic concept to disprove it.