Why the fuck is this so shit compared to the first movie, which was an absolute kino? Same fucking director

Why the fuck is this so shit compared to the first movie, which was an absolute kino? Same fucking director.

Jews or something

Michael Bay is also jewish, yet 13 Hours and Pain and Gain are kino.

10 years too late.

It's one of the worst films of the 90's.

First of all, the writing is atrocious. Every character is an over-the-top stereotype. Will Smith is jive-talking and giving cringey one-liners and for no reason at all his wife is a stripper. That annoying, old Jew who might as well have been wearing a paesis "you'd all be dead if it wasn't my son, David!", why is the President and his top generals listening to this random, old guy? Too many side characters that are there to make us feel like it's a world-wide event, but all it does is leave us with tons of poorly fleshed-out characters that are boring to watch.

Also, Will Smith punches out the alien. But it turns out the aliens are wearing these giant suits, so he actually knocked out the alien's outfit? Fucking movie sucked.

Really? It did the job, and I like the humor. The most important thing is the visuals and score are perfect.

It looks like a biological suit made out of living flesh, might be true. Pretty unique concept actually.

Not if you've read Sci-fi, hollywood fucking hates anything that's hard sci-fi because it's too difficult for their pleb audiences to understand.

You're not from 'round here, aren't choo


you could say that about literally any blockbuster movie ever made

what you dumb alt righter don't understand is that ID is not just a movie about space invades, it's a beautiful projection of the world coming together as one to face a common threat, with a jew and a black gentleman saving the day since cumskins are too inept at everything they do

Actually it was a rural white guy who saved da urf by making the ultimate sacrifice.

I honestly don't remember anything about this movie, even though I watched it.

Tarkovsky hated 2001, loved Star Wars, and skimmed the hard sci-fi lore of Stalker and Solaris. "Hard" scifi in cinema is reddit tier.

thank you disposable male who was anally probed by the aliens trying to cuck and colonize us

Maybe, but not every blockbuster movie has anything like vid related. The best thing about Independence Day is it's beautifully shot. And the plot revisioned The War of The Worlds better than Steven Spielberg's movie.

They're both trash what are you talking about?

So are tons of other blockbusters. ID shill has a shit script that doesn't make up for its cinematography.

Never thought I'd say this, but lack of Will Smith killed it. Also, lack of David Arnold.

The original was always shit, and even thought that in the 90's. The directors are assholes just out to make a buck. They're like Michael Bay x 100. Just look at their Godzilla film.

That's my point there is none.

So, actionkino x 100?

this meme calling shitty movies kino ironically is getting really old

t. flick loving pleb


Problem with the sequel is its hard to top the catastrophe of the original alien attack without overwhelming and boring the audience.

The slow-moving fireball was almost iconic, but almost everything in the new one is forgetful and the aliens are even dumber somehow. They have thousands of fighter craft and instead of doing anything useful they just swarm around their queen.

It was back when Blockbuster-movies used to be nothing but braindead fun. Face/Off, The Rock and Con Air doesn't make sense either, neither does Armageddon. Still, enjoyable movies that is still fun to watch. Nowadays there's no characters anymore, just stars in movies.


Which Micheal Bay were you thinking of not the current one surely?

You just posted a bunch of other utter shit movies and they all have the same directors in common.