Could Brexit fuck things up so bad that Labour gets its teeth back?

Could Brexit fuck things up so bad that Labour gets its teeth back?

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Does leftypol actually think Brexit is bad. Why do you suck the cocks of neoliberal globalists?

Support it wholeheartedly tbqh

tbh the issue isn't actually leaving the EU, its the false premises most people seemed to vote on. there are legit reasons to favor leaving the EU, but because you hate brown people isn't one of them

A vote for Leave sucks the cocks of different neoliberal globalists

I've never seen anyone here actually campaign to stay, but Leave will have really shitty effects on British workers.

Not the least is the emboldenment of the right wing.

Vote remain: Sign TISA
Vote leave: Sign TISA

Anti-globalist option where?

they're already back

could be if things really turn to shit, yet the lords of labour are ever vigilant to prevent such a situation

I don't know how leftists can be in favour of Remain.

The European Union is an evil bureaucracy from hell. If the British people want to have an actual democracy, they need to leave. Because right now Brusells (EU headquarters) are calling the shots.

The EU has less bureaucracy than a mid-sized city. How does it feel to fall for dumb euro myths perpetuated by the likes of UKIP?

My favorite EU bureaucracy is when they rule against some US corporatocratic smash and grab.

Brexit was perceived as a "keep Britain British" vote. Leftists are disgusted by peaceful happy white countries so Brexit's association with that made them oppose Brexit.


We privatised our postal services at the behest of the EU which began under the last Labour government, that's a good enough reason to leave the EU alone.

It doesn't always happen though, they sometimes they do some insidious anti-consumerist shit like when Tesco a retail grocery store in the UK wasn't allowed to sell Levi jeans for £20 because Levis got the EU involved, the crux of Levis argument was that it hurt their brand value as they typically retail their jeans for £70 or more in the UK and that they should have a right to stop retailers from setting prices too low.

anti-consumer, not anti-consumerist.

I think the EU was a good idea in principle, and more good than bad prior to the GDP/capita-destroying post-1990s enlargements, which perverted it from a collaboration of equals to an instrument of transnational exploitation by hardline neoliberal capitalists.

In this corrupted environment, I have mixed feelings about Brexit.

On the one hand, it means small but needlessly inefficient disorganization, a setback for European cooperation, and a pæan to ideological backwardness that might be the first step back to Europe's pre-WWI status quo as a stewpot of constant internecine bloodshed.

On the other hand, it means freedom from the forces of neoliberalism that are eating Europe alive, a hammerblow to the ideology behind them, and a possible incentive for establishment politicians to drop neoliberalism or be crushed underfoot by populist uprisings, perhaps even saving the EU from itself.

What is it like Holla Forums, living in a fantasy world?

Really makes you think.

team Lexit all the way. 100%. I toasted a whiskey when we left. Another nail in the EU's coffin.


Who /ready/ here?

If Brexit's campaign line had been "The EU is bourgeois exploitation of the working class", and had been an honest campaign about the negatives of an overly bureaucratic and undemocratic political entity, I'd of happily considered it a good thing.

However instead it's really just two factions of porkies trying to fuck each other over and furthering the spread of right wing nationalism.

Everyone hates Jeremy, the media slaughtering of him is actually working I think. Polls don't look good for him and even though we've saw local council wins here and there I don't think he has much support overall.

Even people who are sympathetic with his message think he is a poor leader, and sure, he won the leadership contest again but that dosen't speak for the entire electorate, just grassroot Labour supporters. I think with the entire country he dosen't stand much of a chance.

Was a Trotskyist anyway.

Aside from Labour, which party offers a viable alternative in terms of membership choice for someone who wants to join up?

All I know is that the British Communist Party is apparently little more than a trade union front and that some Socialist Parties shouldn't be touched with a ten foot barge pole.