Throughout our evolution, the weak and diseased died young and didn't pass on their genes. Now...

Throughout our evolution, the weak and diseased died young and didn't pass on their genes. Now, because of modern medicine, people with numerous genetic diseases live long enough to reproduce and transmit defective genes to their children.

Our genetic potential for robust good health is declining. Life-long care will require ever-increasing expenditures. Furthermore, while sufferers are grateful for medical advances, most would nevertheless be quick to point out that the quality of their lives would be far better if they'd never inherited a disease in the first place.

Anarchism & egalitarian ideologies are simply incapable of dealing with the challenges we face as a species, going into the future. But libertarianism's laissez faire policy, although possibly eugenic, is simply too cruel for any advanced society to accept. Only Not Socialism has the courage to face these problems and offer real, long-term solutions.

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In fact, the admin of this very site, a disabled person, wrote an article about this:

Only NationaI Socialism is a REALISTIC form of socialism.

Please go drown yourself or something.

The only reason you take offense is because you're clinging to an outdated metaphysics of freedom, formed in the primitive stages of the enlightenment. Progress requires that we move beyond simple constructs such as absolute rights, which no longer serves society. As bitter as that may be.

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>>>Holla Forums


no, this is just a waste of time

That's something mostly rightists believe. Rights are a bullshit concept created by the state to protect the bourgeoisie.

You just don't know what you're talking about human.

Haven't said anything about Jews. Learn to read, your friends will be amazed.

You showed me, Voltaire.

The state created the concept of rights?

Whatever the sentiment is based in (general delusions of "freedom" or absolute ideas of rights), it's irrational.

I agree. Let's see if someone can offer a simplified (even dismissive, sentence-long) explanation of why I'm wrong.

You have no idea how genetics works do you? Each gene has multiple functions. For example the same gene mutation that makes people more susceptible to West Nile Virus also is the gene that makes them immune to AIDS. It also is possible for genetic illnesses to eventually evolve into something that is no longer an illness but an advantage given the right circumstances.

No wonder socialism has consistently failed every single time it has been implemented. It's supporters can't even form a basic counter argument, they have the debating skills of a grade schooler.

This is a good question.

People who are naturally resistant to disease may become less disciplined, and as a result die of lifestyle diseases. Those who are stronger because they struggled may pass on those character traits to their children by example not through genetic heritage.
Patients with diseases such as Down's Syndrome tend not to reproduce yet are still born, and some people with genetic susceptibility to cancer never get it, so this debunks any theory of genetic heritage.

i have nothing against eugenics as long as its not done in a stormfag way "gas the kike Nazi masturbation fantasy now" and should be based on objective measures, not muh blue eye or pale skin or whatever Holla Forumstard like to jerk off too.

i think mentally deficient and people with critical hereditary illnesses should not have kids or if the country they live in just doesn't have the resources to sustain all of them.

not saying they should be gassed or forcibly castrated.

just saing that an Eugenic program China style is perfectly ok, and even good for humanity

Eliminate the spook of the family and make a voluntary eugenics program to try to get rid of genetics diseases. Work on genetics improvement programs to slowly make each next generation more and more resistant to problems.

Fucking please, 90% of us support genetic editing once it becomes viable, they already support genetic screening and all that. The other 10% are anarcho primitivists.

Do you honestly think we are scared of "eugenics" because "ebil nazis dids it so iz bad"? We are fucking communists, openly advocating an ideology associated with genocide, khmer rouge, north korea and shit like that. We are not scared off by misuse of technology or terminology.

Sage because you are fucking retarded. Once we get actual socialism (and not fascism) we will make genetic screening available to all as a human right, along with gene editing where possible. Everything to improve the lives of all.

Also, really, this should only happen under socialism. Under any kind of capitalism (including ebin fascism) this would be turned into an abomination to try to "cure" poverty by attacking the "genetic" causes of "laziness"

What a shite argument.

Help the genepool and kill yourself, please, presserably taking a few youknowwhats with ya


oh jeez, i forgot about the slippery slope

he has a point, reducing our gene pool is risky

Reducing the genepool is what natural selection does. We just help it along a bit by fixing broken genes, while preserving all the other perfectly ok genes.

You know what would shrink the genepool? Making people with disabilities not have children and have them use donor-sperm/eggs.

Holla Forums tier understanding of genetics. Down syndrome is not caused by genetic defects, its caused by having a chromosome too much. The genes hence genetic on the chromosomes are 100% healthy, but having a second (thirds?) copy fucks shit up.

defining what is a broken gene is the hard part

No its not. Stuff that is medically diagnosed as a disorder such as huntington, sicklecell, thick slime, color blindness etc.

We have a while until we have to get into ethnical questions around if during lactose intolerance (the deviant group are those that are tolerant) is a disease, at which point we should be a bit used to it.

i work for various disability groups and literally none of them have kids, even the employed upper middle class ones with reasonably /comfy/ lifestyles. why? kids are expensive and timeconsuming and very few people with chronic illness are willing to take that on.

you have the feminist revolution and breakdown of the family unit to blame for this; years ago it didn't matter that a woman was sick; her value as a baby machine remained the same. these days healthy and successful men are demanding the same in their mates.

my mom has an autosomally recessive genetic disease.
one chromosome will improve your resistance to hiv, hardly a thing of the past.

Have you not heard of this thing called genetic engineering?