This is your brain on idpol

Other urls found in this thread:

I lost hope in the west long ago
You either destroy this neo-left or you are fucked

Nothing worse than nationalists who think they are leftists

at least OP is being called out in the comments

Oh boy here we go
implying class is about white people
Oh ok, I guess you must all be business owners who are fucking us over. Because if not, you are indeed a part of the same struggle whether you like it or not.
everyone on the internet is now American. Sure sounds like first world oppression in here
So someone living in the United States is telling me that I am oppressing their people in the united states. Top kek there friend
Also >i now get to decide who is and who isnt proletariat
That sound pretty fucking reactionary to me famalam
See above. This is everything wrong with the """left""" today, you pick up on divisive bullshit. Personally I am all for racial, sexual, gender - whatever - equality - fuck I used to be a fucking liberal - but the different, I guess subgroups, within these movements with varying levels of radicalism, tear the movement apart. I do believe that idpol makes up the majority of revolutionary thought - but black nationalists and rad feminists are no fucking comrades of mine, get your damn spooks out of here. We want equality, not some sort of "fuck you i got mine" bullshit

Scroll down to the end of the page
ammmm how about we raid them ?

Death camps for the reactionary blacks when?

I never go on this shit website, but I thought this was a meme? They actually throw this word around like halfchan and the word faggot. God damn

I think you mean reactionaries in general fam. We want equal opportunity gulags.

good point, we need to start the gulags

My skin colour is important to who I am and your skin colour will determine how I treat you
Now, did you read this sentence as the voice of a white person or a "PoC"? Because either way, it should make you fucking angry, fuck any god damn piece of shit who tries to excuse this when it comes from… Anyone. You're a Holla Forums tier mongoloid if you believe it.
praise Stirner and so on


But it's probably a troll. Not even /r/anarchism can stand that amount of idpol.

Except for the comments saying 'You're preaching to the choir' and 'We used to have problems with brocialists but we're getting better'. I honestly didn't expect anything less from rAnarchism. Some fucking nationalist little shit who parrots J. Sakai's buzzwords without even reading him, someone who spits on solidarity, someone who denies class struggle and materialist analysis but rambles about who is and isn't proletariat, comes into rAnarchism and dares to call him self a leftist. The ones who simply nod their heads and agree that brocialists are the worst, and I guaran-fucking-tee that if their is any kind of nascent leftist activity in the next few years, shitheads like this are going to be the one's who strangle it in it's crib. I would almost think that idiots who spout drivel like this were COINTELPRO, but the simple fact is that they are just narcissists who want their own little identitarian movement that they can be at the helm of. A racially balkanized movement, is a less-effective movement, a movement that could care less about class struggle, is it's very own flavor of reactionary bullshit.


Did you make that post just to post it here?

I just come here to chuckle at how your feeble minds attempt to come to terms with the natural outcome of your equality-cuckoldry.

They should really stop putting your threads on the front page. It just invites intelligent people to come and laugh at you.

Your entire board is one gigantic no true Scotsman fallacy, btw. But then, that's the fucking history of all Marxist thought lol.

who are you quoting

Unfortunately, no.

It's impressive how incoherent this post was, but it was too strange to make me angry.

3/10 keep trying bud.

I can sum up history of all Marxist thought in two words: welfare state.


This guy may be deeply wrong but I feel his despair. He may be reactionary against white reactionaries, but It does seem like poor whitey will support nationalism and side with the gabidalists. I mean for fucks sake british people still identify with the monarchy.

It's only a no true scotsman if you're intellect is so shallow as to not recognize nor understand theory beyond the clothing of the person saying it. There are definitions for what would be socialist, and a state of communism is pretty straight forward. If people engage in economic policy that goes against this, against the theory, then no - it's not socialist, nor trying to work towards communism.

On the "flip" side of that, when people say the same shit about capitalists, the same defense can not be pulled be cause structurally and in theory what they advocate is exactly what, by cause and effect, leads to what we see today with "Crony Capitalist" bullshit. (i.e we support the accumulation and concentration of wealth in private hands, but when the accumulation and concentration of wealth starts acting in accordance with 'self interest' and eat up the little players, it's "no longer capitalism", apparently).

It's either a reactionary or a troll. Who cares?

Literally why does anyone go to that website?

This is where I tune out

Yeah, as if monarchism never divided society into classes.

That isn't true. B████ saw cast support in white poor areas like West Virgina during the primaries. It's usually the middle class that supports reactionary shit like monarchies. The media tries to make it appear like the tea party and trump supporters are poor whites but they're overwhelming older members of the middle class.

Casual reminder that at least one of the idpol clique who stacked out the moderator positions is a police informant who does nothing but get paid by the state to travel around Europe to attend and spy on activist gatherings

he's saying that because white male anarchists will dismiss or sweep anti-racist/sexist movements to the side as 'idpol' because it doesn't/wont directly benefit them. They're clearly not saying class is only a white issue.

again, they're saying you dont have the right to tell them 'yea i know that your group has been oppressed for being who they are but you should just ignore that and fight against class' or 'lol just ignore fighting against that along with class and just focus on class and hope that everything else will work itself out'.

it's clearly meant for americans

can we stop this alt-right/anti-ess jew/opiniontube meme where we respond to things as if they're responses made specifically for the individual reading it?

what does this even mean? Do you deny the existence of the things the author listed?


While I understand how the abolition of classes will put an end to racial oppression, I don't get how this could happen the other way around. Actually, I see no way for racial oppression to stop in a capitalist society in the first place. You got any idea?

end racism and then fight capitalism

not yet


What is racism?

common man racism is not a problem
if some people choose not to mix or talk to other people it's their problem
just end institutionalized racism and we're fine

this… God damn does leftpol get butt hurt at any mention of racism because they take it as a personal insult to their conduct

it is when the common man supports oppression of a group because of their race



It's not possible and it isn't a remotely productive activity. Also you get is the neoliberal faux Activism that benefits upper middle class minorities. While everyone else continues to get fucked over.


But that is not what it means, common man racism means you just have prejuidce but no power behind that. Prejudice and pride are meaningless if you hold no power over other people…

The point of fighting racism, is to better solidify the unity of the working class. That's all. It's not out of some sense of pity or guilt. We fight sexism because it makes us twice as strong. We fight racism because it makes us three times as strong. We fight nationalism because it makes us 100 times as strong. And so on.

The problem with a lot of the more recent strains of idpol, is that the groups we're talking about are such minuscule portions of the working class compared to how much energy gets poured into them. Of course we should support the fight by these groups to achieve their own equality, but unlike the much larger divisions, we cannot afford to divert ourselves into these sideshows.

Reading that post in the OP just makes me sick. People are so narrow that they dismiss any attempt to get them to look beyond their own identity group as "brocialism", and act as if they can never have any common cause with the Whites. They are attempting to turn the left's cause into various forms of minority supremacy, which would almost certainly result in minority rule, and the continuing oppression of the vast bulk of the people by a tiny elite. It's the fascism of the oppressed.

Also, love Stephanie McMillan's comics ;-)

Because identity politics is ruining the already slim chances we have to dismantle capitalism.

If you wanna partake it that there are several communities on reddit that can cater to your needs better then l/eftypol/.

Scroll down:

A way to dismantle "capitalism," once you come up with a real definition for it.

Care to explain?


Racism is an inefficient way to do business. People discovered this after it was outlawed.

It's an impediment to business when you're dealing not only with an international bourgeoisie, but an international workforce. Corporations push "tolerance" and "diversity" for this very reason.

This razes one question to me.
It's true that he got "called out" in the comments, however, I'd like to point the ineffectiveness of "calling out" by a simply question.

If one of us, went there and went full brocialism, would he be called out, or banned?

Cause we "call out" nazis all the time, but that doesn't make them stop being nazis or posting here. So, what's the point of "calling out"?

Racism is a great way to divide the working class, but it's not beneficial economically. Groups such as the KKK forced Southern shopkeepers to decline the perfectly good money of Blacks because of broader concerns about what would happen if the Blacks unified with poor Whites. As the system has developed more sophisticated means of class division, and as it continually outstrips its previous capacities for profit, such institutions have gradually fallen by the wayside.

This shit is why the cultural Marxism meme exists.

Fuck you. We take it as a distraction from class struggle you ignoramus and/or lying sack of shit.

You can't avoid bullying that easily, fampai.

Never works, minorities are just as classcucked. Like Scott Adams said about feminism:

Praytell, what is this institutionalized racism, now that slavery, segregation, and discrimination are no longer legal? Name one single oppression suffered by minorities that isn't statistically identical to WASPs of the same economic class? Tell me one single useful thing bowel movements like BLM offer that class-wide economic agitation doesn't?

You are nothing but a means to harmlessly release class frustration, an ideological milk bone handed out by massa.

Make them fell unwelcome, and hopefully leave.
That's one of the reasons why leftypol exists, right?
So that people can discuss leftist politics without nazis shitting all over the place.

They're probably too dense for that. The only thing we can do is try to drown them out, and get the most persistent trolls banned. Otherwise it's just practice for the streets.

The nazis/tankies and SJWs provide helpful warmup exercise, just as long as they don't shitpost so loudly that it's impossible to discuss other things at the same time. Fugboxes are never the answer.

Scott Adams is a MRA woman hater and you should never quote him again.

The point is to show the other people watching that he's wrong. It's not about that guy, it's about the people in the community he might convince. You have to go on the defensive to keep idpolers from syphoning away your people by attrition. Any one post like this will syphon a few of them because it hits a personal weak spot. The better a post gets called out, the fewer get syphoned.

That's part of it, but they will keep coming back for recruitment. That's why it's imperative to be diligent about calling shit out. It's tiresome sure, but if you get bored and let your refutations devolve into meme-tier arguments then the people watching who don't fully grasp the theory behind the memes will dismiss the calling out as getting triggered and spouting buzzwords.

wew lad

MRA is just one of many flavors of m i s o g y n i s t. Obviously that is lost on this board if you're going to censor the word for the most pressing issue of our time.

Yeah, the only real problems with Adams are that he's a lolbert, and believes in some superstitious mysticism, neither of which are relevant to the fact that WASPs don't hold a monopoly on stupid.


Women have never had hegemonic rule over society. Men's rights is as oppressive as bourgeois rights would be. They are basically the same.

Remember to never underestimate ideology.

What teh fuk does this mean? There have been many women in seats of power troughout history.


MRAs exsist because Feminist failed to hlep men even tho they said their movement is about equalitiy of the sexes.

id/pol/ were one of the first to expose identity policies as bullshit and social engineering

Men were in charge of the home. Women were literally property not people.

Cherry picking

It's what first happens when someone deep inside the bowels of the classcuck fortress that are white collar professions first notices that their hierophants are incompetent, and attempt to ideologically rebel against them. It's anarchism malformed by an anti-intellectual environment.

FAIRNESS, not equality.

Fairness would require equality under the law.

top kek

This. And when, for example, a man tries to run a men's DV shelter feminists harass him until the shelter has to close and he kills himself.



Except there are physical differences between the sexes, so treating them 100% identically is deeply unfair to both in some situations, meaning fairness and equality are mutually exclusive.

Children aren't people and pretending they are is just a tactic used to deny women their rights.

People say this but how does this apply to the law exactly? How would the law have to be unequal to be fair?


Why would I feel guilt at something that isn't real?

If only things were that easy..

Oh! It's internets! I get it now.

Yeah, why should the Germans feel guilty for the Holocaust, right? I was sure this was LEFTY pol but I must have been wrong.

Yeah, they didn't holocaust any Jews.

Women are smaller and weaker, women get pregnant and nurse, men/women are psychologically inclined in different directions, men/women behave differently in mixed company, that sort of thing.


It doesn't matter if they did, they get to live with the results, like how men live with the results of women's oppression. Except women still are oppressed a d all men contribute to it tacitly at least.

Ok but what bearing do those examples have on the law? Those are examples of difference but where does law come into play?

The destruction of their country and blame for the war? I think they already went through that. Germans didn't actually benefit from genocide.

Currently 0 in the west, so we live the same.


I guess those Auschwitz guards wuz good Boyz, dey juss followin' orduz, huh?

Women are oppressed ya dingus, just like all proles are.

men/women are psychologically inclined in different directions

nope, they agreed to play a part in the system and they knew what it is about.
this still does not mean that if you are a german you are guilty. RAF guys realized tha basic fact that IF you do not do something to change the system producing genocide you are responsible for it at some level. so do something to change it

Did I kick some bitch in the gut today? Stand around in a circle when somebody else was doing so, cheering and bukakkeing her?

For instance, requiring fields that women dislike working in to recruit women, or requiring men to take parental they don't need. The worst example would theoretically be forcing women to work in fields too physically demanding for them, but I've never heard of such a thing, fortunately.

Watch Hjernevask, it's a Norwegian documentary about how full of shit SJWs are.

Are you really suggesting that killing millions of Jewish business owners didn't benefit Germans in anyway?

We're the only 1st world country that doesn't guarantee paid maternity leave, that's just 1 example. Men get to profit from women quitting their careers if they ever get knocked up.



You anti-feminist shitters are personally responsible for upholding a system of oppression that literally puts women to death, and worse, tapes them, every day

How is requiring women to work in fields they don't want to equal treatment under the law? That's what we're talking about right? Equal treatment would be that everyone has the same opportunity, rather than different ones right? You seem to be arguing in favor of legal equality.

And what about the women who do like working there? You complete retard, lol.

No law mandates that a field hires only women, they mandate that they hire equal numbers of both sexes. You complete numb-skull reactionary

So why bring it up?

Name one right men have that women don't. Women in countries like Saudi Arabia, there we can agree, but no man talking to you on this site is oppressing them.

Yes, and how many of those Germans are around right now? Oh, right, none. Kill yourself.

We also don't offer paternity leave. Having a child is your choice. Your body, your choice, your responsibility.

That's women's fault. Don't like it? Don't get pregnant.


Meanwhile basically nowhere at all do men get paternity leave, which puts the onus entirely on women to quit work for the kids.

Men have the right to walk down the street, go to college, go to work without being afraid to be raped.

A few if I'm not mistaken, even so, the adult children of those Germans are around you retard.

Maternity leave covers that you mongoloid, it's called maternity leave because women are stuck with the kid 9/10.

Right, capitalism is perfect, nothing to see folks. Having children is a sin! And you're an idiot for having them. Now step aside, while I take your now vacant position and threaten you with homelessness if you ever leave me. 8)

So do women. Stop being afraid of being raped. We can't make you not behave like cowards.

i agree but then no one gets to complain re: falling fertility rates.


Quotas. If you exhaust the supply of oddball women who enjoy working in a field, you may have to pressure women who don't enjoy it into the field. In the reverse direction, forcing unsuited people into one field with quotas, you will force out the people better suited to that field, meaning men working jobs they hate, filling slots women would prefer.

To be fair, any society that implicitly punishes or fails to explicitly support natalism will eventually go extinct.

And they didn't holocaust any Jews. Why should they feel any shame?

Okay, so then things are equal. What are you bitching about?

No, even under socialism, the child is yours, nobody else decided to get pregnant and have child. Abortion will be super legal in communism.

You make tradeoffs. Get used to it.

Under communism, you will be able to raise a child without being homeless. Nobody will be homeless, but the child is still yours.

Top kok.

The third world has all the labor we need and more.

What do you want me to do? I can't make women not afraid of something they are irrationally afraid of. A man should be more scared than a woman. He is more likely to be murdered than women, but do men constantly go around telling people that they're afraid and you need to fix it? No. Rape by strangers is such a non-issue that a woman that is actually afraid that much is an idiot. Get a gun, that's what my wife did. Fuck, that's what I did.

Women won't be "punished" for having children, only they won't get as far in their careers as men or women who chose not to, but that's not a bad thing. The work society needs will still get done, and no single mother will ever again have to choose between working and being with her child. She can just be a full-time mother, the kind that we need more than ever. Mothers shouldn't be working and taking care of children if they can't do it. Of course, fathers could always do that as well. That's what equality means.

She enjoyed it, look at the thought bubble. She is also not real.

The fact that you have never, ever, conversed with a working-class woman, is becoming painfully obvious here. Please shut your mouth until you actually have an idea what you are talking about.

My wife is a working-class woman. She's not afraid of being raped.

I don't know what your parents did to you to make you so fucked up in the head, but please go get some mental help. If you can't tell that she was drawn to look totally and completely violated, emotionally and sexually, then you have more than a couple bolts loose in there.

Tell me, do you believe in the magical stranger-danger pedo child abduction fairy, as well?

Because wealth isn't infinite under capitalism, so if you're a successful German today, there's some chance you've benefited from Jews being slaughtered at the expense of Jews today.



Pretty simple stuff, you have unequal opportunity, but you're defending capitalism and subconsciously ignoring facts so you don't have to agree with feminists. This is called being a reactionary.

Raising children well is unpaid labor that's beneficial to society. Raising children would be compensated under Socialism if the society values kids being raised well and mothers not being left on the streets.

Sorry porky.

You're criticizing modern feminism, we're still under capitalism.

Dude, it doesn't matter. If I believe she enjoyed it and is just dizzy from it, then she did. She's a drawing, aka not real. I don't give a shit about here feelings because she has none.

Fucking reactionaries mang.

Agreed, but what might this theoretical mechanism of collective benefit be? What name might we give it? Something about supporting the leave necessitated by maternity, hmm…

Just read this you MRAutistic fuck.

And? There's nothing they can do about the past. Let people live their lives. Communist people will have benefited from the killings of some innocent people. So what? This is the wheels of history turning. Get over it.

I did. You're telling me things are equal for men and women who want to stay home and raise children. I see no problem with that.

No, same. Women can choose not to have children. This is not a big challenge.

No, I'm defending equal treatment under the law.

Under communism there will be no such thing as pay. It's also voluntary labor that nobody asked for.

Sure, I don't see why not, but I see no need for your previous place of employment to hold your spot for you. Do one or the other, not both.

No, there will always be a trade-off, like it or not that's the way it is.

We may be, but I do not believe in treating women differently just because.

I'm not afraid of being murdered, and yet murder exists, and exists more for men that women. Do you see the difference?

Your inability to process emotion from human faces, 2D or 3D, demonstrates a worrying degree of mental disorder. On top of the autism, of course.

No. You'll simply quit your job and raise children. You will get your living allowance for anyone with a dependent, and that's it. Nobody at work is going to stop someone else from taking your place. If there is no room for you to come back to work, then you do not come back to work. This is the difference. Nobody should pause because you want to raise children, but nobody should starve for doing so, especially the child that is innocent.


Oh, no! What will I do? I know what I'll do! Fucking nothing.

Congratulations, fam, you think a drawing is important. I may be autistic according to you, but you're a fucking idiot. Drawings don't have feelings. Get over it .

How are quotas equal treatment under the law though? That's the part I don't get about what you're saying. Requiring a minimum of a certain demographic is treating that demo differently.

Even ignoring for sake of argument the lolworthiness pointed out.
Wow, how terrifying!

Okay, NIT. That's a good, arguable alternative.

That's a valid philosophical criticism of the "logic" behind forced equality, but one it's long been struggling with. The idea is that if people refuse to be equal, even when presented with equal opportunities, this means there is still something wrong.

It's the same brain damage responsible for turd-wave feminazizm all the rest of the PoMo ideologies it's related to.

Pretty simple, jews would be wealthier today if not for the action of the state and German capitalists. Instead of compensating those Jews, we have mouth-breathers like you saying "What? What blood money?"

Inheritance is a thing. Wealth isn't infinite.

And yet they do and will, we don't live in a video game. So if you do nothing, the free market will leave these women to rot, while the men get to benefit from this. This is a problem nearly exclusive to women, if you care at all about equal opportunity, then you shouldn't advocate for childbearing to ruin the careers and bank accounts of women. That's retarded.

Then, you're defending Capitalism, the current laws are tailored for capitalists.

The rest is just damage control, lol. Stop defending Capitalism, pleb.

Kek. I can't even believe this shit.

Except they don't and they won't. Millennials are way less sexual active and the birth rate is afalling off the cliff. Just look at Japan that's the future for all western countries. It doesn't represent any kind of active systematc discrimination against women. Women in western countries have the same rights and muh privileges men have. It's just delusional to act like it's like 1800s. It just makes you look like a dishonest asshole.

It's really simple, if women aren't compensated for a job that they're stuck with 9 times out of 10, and men get to profit from that reality, which they do, immensely.

Then you don't have equal opportunity. Stop defending capitalism, pleb.


Embarrassing, truly. As long as people have kids under capitalism, you will have unequal opportunity unless the state intervenes. You are an idiot.

And most of the time, the man wants the kid too, so again, you don't know what you're talking about.

Japan hasn't thrown citizenship at millions of Third Worlders to compensate for its greying population (yet)

The nuclear family is dying rapidly and the marriage rate is falling too just like the birth rate. Again it seems like you think we live in the 1950s. Where men and women get married and have children. Which is an increasingly uncommon situation. It really shows how wrapped up you are in upper middle class identity politics. Women that don't have kids make the same money is men do. It's not discrimination.

Men don't profit off of anyone. The pay gap is caused by them working more. All men are not capitalistthat make money off others labor. Most men are wahe slaves just like everyone else.

Kek. Accusing me of defending capitalism. While trying to demand rights from the bourgeoisie state. This is leftypol not liberal pol princess. I'm not going to give the state legitimacy, reinforce the nuclear family and support single parenthood. Children should be taken care of by society not by individuals.

I don't think the Japanese will do it
They're are certain things they won't tolerate. When the U.N tired to force puritanical censorship laws for media on them. They told them to fuck off.

ITT SJWs BTFO Holla Forums nazbols

Porky is agitating hard, they know that if the population density of Japan stabilizes at humane levels, the resulting increase in standards of living means they're fucked.


Obviously. A lower pop gives the working class leverage. There is nothing porky fears more then 100 percent employment.

I'm not white buddy and I hate nationalism. It's idpol just like feminism. This shit is especially funny when feminists are mostly upper middle class white women.

Who will pay for the social security? Is that just a meme?

Irrelevant, women are still having kids.

Nobody is saying it's because of discrimination, all I'm saying is that, under Capitalism, you will have unequal opportunity if you don't account for human needs. Supporting people who can't work because they have to raise kids is one of them. And upper middle class women already have their lives set up, working class women would benefit from this the most. So again you don't know what you're talking about.

Wealth and opportunity isn't infinite, yes they do.

You are, this is a capitalist problem. Holla Forums would love you right now.

What? Can you make a coherent argument? Reactionary nonsense, it's really obvious you are desperate.

I believe in helping working people and patching up the problems of Capitalism in the mean time, most of this money would come from people like Donald Trump so why I would care? It's a matter of principle. We won't see Socialism for god knows how long, may as well educate virgin MRAs and help women in the meantime.

You on the other hand are here pretending like childcare isn't a problem that needs to be supported. That's really really stupid, makes me question how desperate you are not to agree with feminists.

More like, A L I E N A T I O N

Capitalism doesn't make women give birth. It's been a "problem" since the dawn of civilization. One that women don't have to out with because of birth control and the lack of patriarchal institutions forcing them to raise a family to surive.

Stop using words you don't understand to push your garage social Democrat parties on a board for actual leftists. There are varsity of interesting social organizations outside if the nuclear family. Children being raised by parents creates inequality. They should be raised in a communak setting. Your idea reinforces traditional roles and stalls the revolution. Social Democrat is reformist bullshit. Making capitalism more comfortable for certain groups does not help achieve socialism in anway.

It's only irrelevant if you're an ignorant liberal like yourself that knows absolutely nothing about leftism.

Kek typical feminist. Compete and total hypocrisy. You aren't "educating" anyone by being a condescending prick spouting garbage liberal talking points. I was well aware of your pathetic talking point about unpaid female labor before this thread existed and it didn't make me sympathetic to feminism then and I'm not sympathetic now.

Lol this argument could be made about just about any goddamn group in history. Should we take money from every first world prole today to pay back every group of people colonized in the 19th century? Should every person of European descent living in the US, Canada, and person of Spanish descent in Latin America and Mexico be forced to leave? Should Mongolia be forced to pay back the majority of Eurasia for Genghis Khan? Italy for the Roman Empire?

Japan's economy is more than strong enough to pay for social security, even with currently projected population. Remember their population has to stabilize at sustainable levels sooner or later, and if they pour in immigrants or send teenagers to rape camps like zoo panda bears, that means even more old people that will eventually have to be supported/euthanized during a later population correction.

>not decreasing alienation

That cannot happen, since you'll have to be living in vilages again. Even if you live in an appartment complex with 50 other families. it's highly unlikely we'll even get to know your neighbours.

The isolating alienation of late capitalism isn't a byproduct of population density. It's a byproduct of well… capitalism.

Nope, people didn't always question whether they should help women for raising their kids or not. It takes a special kind of retard like yourself.

You're trying to shift the goalposts and run away from the debate. All because you're a reactionary and can't think critically. How am I against the family unit? Paid maternity leave does not correlate with family separation and we can see this by looking at countries that did implement it, there's a ton of factors that deal with family separation so again, you don't know what you're talking about.

Shhhit, this entire paragraph was really cringe and irrelevant, many commies stand for social democratic policies in the mean time, this also relates to what I said earlier, you can't win with, "we shouldn't have paid maternity leave even though we'll have capitalism for decades" so you resort to getting triggered.

As for

Weren't you just bitching about the nuclear family?

I'm sure worthless Marxists had nothing to do with it.

kek kek kek, ok reactionary

whoops, meant this

for this

This argument cannot be made for those groups, the wealth has redistributed drastically since then, whereas WW2 only happened a couple generations ago.

Granted, Idc about Germany because I have no clue if their policies have already accounted for this but, I only argued because that other user was being retarded.

not an argument, bitch 8)>>903271

I'd guessed that you'd have something like this.

For one, this is a completely arbitrary distinction. You're just saying that it doesn't apply because it's convenient to do it in this case and inconvenient in other cases. Trying to claim that the wealth redistributed to make up for the "native american" spookgroup's loss of the entire american continent to the europeans is fucking hilarious joke.

The entire argument of "this is OUR property! We need to take it back from THOSE thieves" is literally THE oldest rallying call of nationalists going to war there is. The very same cause you now champion has been the justification for literally more war and death than anything else, combined. There is no answer to the fact that the entire world has been stolen, conquered, and taken from one group by another since literally before humans evolved other than to make everything on the earth the property of everyone on it.

What are you talking about? You're arguing with two people you humongous faggot. I don't support the nuclear family unit. Hence Why I've said multiple times in my last post. That I DO NOT SUPPORT THE FAMILY UNIT and want a community based form of child care. You compete and utter fucking moron. Did you not actually read my post? You're obsessed with this silly idea that everyone that isn't a feminist is a right wing "reactionary" that must support traditional gender roles and the nuclear family and you keep trying to force me into that box even when I make it increasingly clear that I don't support traditionalism in every single one my post. Central to my argument against paid childcare was that I thought it would reinforce traditionalism and the nuclear family. How you can ignore all that and then launch into a pathetic rant about how you support the family unit and that you're against family separation. When I'm obviously completely for family separation. I don't believe in parents raising their children. How can make this clearer to you? It's hard to argue with someone who is incapable of not straw manning their opponents based on poorly constructed reddit memes. Holy Shit

Has anyone else ever noticed that whenever feminists actually sit down to have a debate instead of banning anyone who disagrees they always end up acting like a complete retard?

I love how they stopped replying after they relaized I did fit into the "reactionary women-hater MRA" boogeyman that they couldn't easily refute with their liberal arguments.

Not sure about raids, though we could use entryism to influence them onto the right path so that they come to despise idpol

Well I didn't know you were retarded, whatever crazy system you want is irrelevant to what we have to deal with now. So why even post? Nothing you said was new.

How? I'm saying that whoever gets stuck with the kid should have a safety net, and most men and women are not gonna sign up for your plan, so why bring it up?

I also got bored shitless right when you moved the goal posts, kek. But whatever.


Name one single way I moved the goal post asshole. For the last time, you were arguing with multiple people numskull. This is my first post to you . From the start you've completely ignored the content of my post to go on your smug tirade about pseudo-left soc dem bullshit. Social democracy creates fascism. Once a crisis in the capitalism system that creates it occurs. Your reforms would not be paid for by "rich people like Donald Trump". Rich people do not pay taxes because the bourgeois state represents their collective interest not ours. The money will come from the middle class and the working class. The money would be used by the poor to buy essential services like food and shelter which are supplied by corporate conglomerates . Taking money from the hands of the people into the hands of the bourgeoisie. Who can then blame the welfare recipients instead of capitalism, increasing reactionary tenancies among the workers forced to foot the bill. Getting the poor that really needed this family welfare to continue to vote for the same corrupt politicians and parties and continue to legitimatize the system. Until the workers are whipped into a reactionary frenzy when the social democratic state collapses in on itself. Leading to fascism. If you were a leftist and not liberal and a moron. I wouldn't have to tell you this. Instead I have to hear about me moving the goal post, and that my arguments are irrelevant because you can't understand basic communist talking points. Then you have the nerve to precede to try to refute basic traditional right wing talking points that I did not make with typical half-assed liberal welfare reforms in th most condescending way possible.


As soon as they have the opinion to form nuclear families easily. Men and women will take it. A compensation program for house work will allow women to stay at home and to have a comfortable married life along with their spouse. The nuclear family will rise form the fucking dead. Feminists like to scream about the patriarchy a lot but this will literally revive a patriarchal institution from the brink of death. Do you ever stop being useful idiots?

This is a radical leftist board. We don't support reformism. I don't know why you're posting here if you want to reform the system we have. This isn't what this board is about. Try r/socialism/. The family unit creates hierarchy and inequality. When you have parents and households. You have inequality in how children are raised because every household is different. This leads to hierarchy and class and serves to reinforce existing hierarchies and class based divisions through inheritance. Again basic communist theory. I shouldn't have to explain this on here. How the fuck can someone be this smug and be a complete and total fucking nimrod at the same time? It's incredible.

Seriously leftypol these circle jerks about SJW du jour saying something stupid are getting embarrassing.

No one's going to listen to your dumbasses outside of this hug box until you open up a history book and learn how very real systemic racism and sexism are.


Kek. I needed a laugh. We must be reading a different thread. The feminists here couldn't show a modern example of "systemic sexism" in the west in this entire thread.

There's like 30k untested rape kits in this country. How is not an example of systemic racism.

The number of abortion clinics in the US has plumted.

There's still a huge wage gap when you look at black women, and don't average in white women into the pay gap.

Like I said, your in a hug box. All these stats are easily findable to even the most mildly intellectually curious person.

You just want to listen to the porky backed university women's studies departments because it's very convenient for you politically to not have to reconcile issues specific to women.

God damn I loath feminists but I have enough brains to know if they're the ones having babies they're going to have challenges I don't.

>learn how real systemic racism and sexism are

Gee, it's almost like the entire justice system is hideously underfunded, to the point where there aren't even enough court dockets to resolve criminal accusations without extralegal plea bargains. I wonder if it could have anything to do with weakening the public state, and strengthening the corporate pseudostate for the entire working class?

Do you mean an actual wage gap for the same work, or a fake wage gap from different industries/jobs/experience/hours that applies equally to everyone like them regardless of sex or race?

Wait a second, are you implying that gender studies departments don't push shit like "the gender pay ", "rape culture" and "Patriarchy theory"? Holy crap. How can anyone be this delusional?

? >How is not an example of systemic racism.

I said sexism not racism. That's a completely different subject. As for the abortion stuff yeah that's an actual problem you got me there but I can name plenty of problems that happen to men more then women. It doesn't prove that there's systematic discrimination against men. it's also only a problem in certain parts of the U.S hardly a sweeping problem.


Being a cop is the best paying job that doesn't require a degree.

Did you not see Furegeson? Milwaukee? Try holding a rally of any serious size making concrete fucking demands and you'll find out how fucking underfunded pigs are.

Women have babies. They have to leave said workforce to have said babies. It fucks up their career path. They get passed over for jobs and promotions preemptively also.

There may not be much of a particary for middle class white women but it's alive and well for PoC women.

Women used to have to go through men (usually their spouse) for capital. You dipshits scream at the top of your lungs that idpol is bullshit and drive potential allies away because you are denying BASIC FUCKING REALITIES of their life.

You ever heard of nuance dipshit. You ever heard of the phrase the best lies contain elements of truth.

These porky backed women studies aren't stupid, or fucking comic book villians. They lie for the most part but also occasionally tell the truth.

There is a gender pay gap, it's most extreme with black women.

"rape culture"
Just because a few college girls regretted who they slept with doesn't mean there isn't a rape culture. It just means we don't take rape seriously. There's 30k untested rape kits in the US because police don't treat rape as a real crime.

This has multiple meanings. If you mean the Holla Forums like conspiracy theory that holds anyone with a penis is secretly opressing women then yes that's bullshit.

If you mean the real world examples where women have to go through men to access capital, in addition to having to go through porky then yes that's real.

Their analysis of everything ends with demands for "capitalism with an anti-racist, feminist, LGBTQIA-compliant face". The problem isn't a system that seems to inexorably concentrate wealth at the top, the problem is that this system doesn't have enough opportunities for women, minorities, and the LGBT community to get in on the racket

This is absolutely true of petite bourgeois feminists. IGNORE THEM.

Look at issues that effect vulnerable poor prole women, and do an intellectually honest analysis of what they need.

Yes, the real problem is capitalism is insufficiently exploiting the potential of female workers! Imagine all the profits lost when women drop out of the labour force to raise their children! We need more flexible working arrangements for women, and to put laws in place that prevent companies from discriminating against pregnant employees!

Nice fucking strawmaning ass hat.

Proles can't see capitalist oppression, what proles CAN see is that they can't get as much for their wage labor as men can.

Then you fucking come along and tell them their full of shit over something THEY CAN FUCKING SEE FOR THEMSELVES.

Then wonder why they don't listen to 8 hours of lectures about Das Kapital.

So he considers verbal threats as sexual violence?
That's feminist-tier.

wew lad

But that's this whole brocialism mess in a fucking nutshell
"Wow, just wow, are you really denying my lived experience? Like, seriously? You're just another brocialist blindsided by his own muh privilege to understand anything #NotMyComrade"

No-one's telling them they're "full of shit", the idea that anyone is is itself a strawman - that believing there is a deeper cause to systemic racism/sexism is equivalent to telling women/minorities to shut the fuck because straight white male brocialists are here to save the day, praise Marx

NO there isn't. At least not one caused by active discrimination. It's difference sin lifestyle and job choices between men and women. Everyone fucking knows that. Where do you think you are? That shit;s been refuted so many times. It's just embarrassing

Yeah maybe 50 years ago. Women don't have to go through men to reach capital. Where are you from the 1800s? Men and women have the same property and inheritance rights in the 21st century. A women doesn't have to get married or live with her father to survive in the 21st century. I didn't realize I was talking to a time traveler. We don't live in a patriarchy you;d have to be completely deluded to think that we do.

I don't get this. Its supposed to be a jab its stupid.
Yes I do in fact children should be able to live life without fear of being raped.

Wait. Did you actually use "Brocialism" and straight white male unironically in a sentence? Like is a serious insult? This is a brocalist board dummy. We're proud of the label faggot. Go the fuck back to whatever idpol ridden shithole you came from and stop bothering us lame ass.

Please explain how you plan to stop any rapes from ever happening.

You really stepped in it. Notice I was talking about the court system, and you were talking about forensics, both primarily means by which the accused dispute charges. Look at any figure about empy judicial seats or FBI funding for forensics labs, and you'll see the justice system as a complete institution has been completely gutted.

Wow, so it has precisely zippo to do with a wage gap, and everything to do with biological differences. Maybe you should accurately complain about a lack of maternity policy, instead of disingenuously lying about a long-vanished wage gap?

They also used to have to go through them for sperm, and both often had to go through their families for additional capital. Leaving aside the fact that single-earner households used to be viable for far more of the working class at the height of the 1940s-1970s "great compression", maybe raising children is best done as a collaborative effort?
wew lady

What if someone has been eating primarily (or exclusively!) out of the septic tank of ideology, are you saying such people are not full of shit? That's absurd. There are objective facts, some people are quite simply wrong.

And I'd like to live in a perfect utopia where there are no criminals, but actually taking reasonable precautions instead of preemptively harassing innocent people is more realistic.

It's a jab at feminists that through a fit when people try to tell women to change their behavior to limit the risk of sexual assault. The children are demanding the right to talk to strangers and get into unmarked vans. What feminists call "victim blaming" when people do it for literally every other crime.

I wonder how this idea ever managed to take off? I'd have thought the first time someone proposed it, they'd just be socked in the mouth, and decide to reconsider their philosophy over the steak pressed against their shiner.

That is not the brocialism mess in a nutshell as you put it. When the deletions and 'purges' started, with manarchism and brocialism being tossed out like weeds, the commentators and their comments that were deleted had little to do if anything that they were being accused of. It wasn't about "denying" anyone's experience, it didn't even have anything to do with gender or sexuality. The latest example was that reddit bait thread on anarchism that was plugged here.

Here, take a look at the initial commentators, and then look at what was removed.

Notice gluckman, gets removed. What on earth did he say that was in any way offensive?

Then notice the follow up (second screenshot), where you have some replies that, after gluckmans removal (in the thirst screenshot) appear with very similar writing under an entirely different name, and everything is made about brocialists and anarchists. (if you can't point it out yourself I won't bother spelling it out for you, but that sub and many others are literally infiltrated by establishment shills)

The initial comment is deleted, and the person's thread is left open with replies that make it seem like they were some sort of die hard right wing reactionary. And everything is back to being about identity again and muh brocialism.

Meh I think I might have replied to the wrong post there and I'm actually agreeing with you, , sorry about that. I guess my reply should go to the person you're replying to.


I can't find it but if someone has the zizek video where he talks about how nothing is more reactionary than "your own experience" please post it.


It's hard to make a wage when you are NOT FUCKING WORKING.

Women had very few, if any, property rights or legal rights.

Yeah, whatever, dipshit.

hello, anarcho-nililist-with-the-flag-off.