Modern "left"

Women and SJWs completely ruined the modern left and environmental movements.
The left was about fighting usury and exploitation of the working class people. Now it's all about insane 21st century 3rd wave feminism, mass immigration, lgbt and other retarded shit. The same thing happened with the green parties, which are now about that too and not the environment.
Can't they just make their own shitty parties instead? Like at least they would be more honest if they said they are liberal capitalists or soc dems than "the left".

Usually, I don't cry sexism on imageboards because of how little weight it carries but the chauvinism really runs deep into this post. And what a shame you're not completely right; Hillary's not paying me to post and correct le record here; [Redacted Meme]'s not either. I'd be rich right now and not have to brood over some fatuous, superficial critique by an anonymous poster. Instead I'm reading this pleonastic, buzzword laden, cursorily written OP, which has offered naught but more petty sectarianism.

Why whould there be anarchofeminism? Why can't I make anarchomeninism or something?
Also, there is literally nothing wrong with chauvinism if it's directed at the right people.

OP is a faggot but you make him look good.

If you can't see it then there really is no hope for the left.
I'm not an anarchist, but feminism entails a place for women in revolution, ethical sisterhood, and public consciousness.
Good question? Why can't you?
I'll call myself a femanist to include you until you find yourself something to make you happy. Besides, I would equally be delighted to rid the double standard from some of my counterparts in theory.
It is idpol at best, elevating the repetition of lies to act as a shock-absorber for the state (of things). From the very excess of capital that consists in it's inherent structural imbalance to the reimposition of such a repressive apparatus acting out its crises, displays it's incessant revolutionising for the conditions of its existence.

And you do nothing.


Ok, that was a good post. What annoys me about feminists the most if that they try to pretend to understand how men work and what men problems are. Imagine if there was a men right's movement saying "meninism is for everyone". They should seriously stop that. I think feminism is only for women to elovate themselves and be more equal to their male conterparts and that's it.

Be more specific when referring to 'the modern left', and elaborate better and more clearly on why you think such and such has ruined the thing that you call 'the modern left'

No, it's not "all about" that, and you have not provided any evidence to support this claim. You are saying that the left is now all about 3rd wave feminism–that is just such a ridiculous claim to make. If you are going to say something such as that, you need to go into detail and attach these claims to evidence

Do people actually think this?

What the fuck is this low effort post? Can you please make at least one statement that can be grounded in reality. Since when has the green party been about that? Which green party? Give me some examples that can support your nonsensical claim

Who make their own parties? Who are you referring to?

Why did I even bother replying to this post. Such a waste of time

You sound like some angsty teenager that has watched some amazingathiest videos for the first time and now thinks they know about the world

we have a thread about this literally every hour

Feminism is shit read Simone de beauvoir and lacan

Without understanding how can we ever put ourselves on equal footing?
I try to talk about this sometimes here, and hopefully I haven't been too condescending: particularly things like gendered conscription, circumcision, (broadly) marriage, the gender "paradox" of suicide, differential prison terms, the big male prison population, false accusations of rape, and other stuff…

SJW's were created by the U.S. government to sabotage the left. They're literally pawns of the neoliberal establishment.

This! *tips fedora*

lmao @ leftypol falling 4 this obvious pol bait

What did they mean by this?

Why is Che so cute bros?

what a qt

The gentle smug qt way he hold that coffee is breathtaking

Being a doctor gives him special powers over his own physical constitution!


I never said I'm better because of my gender. I hate excluding people tho. :D

Threads such as this one are a serious embarrassment.


Oh and

This board is lost too.

Why the fuck would a board against identity politics have a fucking flag for identity politics?

But he's right. Have you read a single thing? The capitalists use mass immigration to cheapen the labour of the working class to their benefit.

So LoNg bR0Th3r

It's a joke flag, idiot.

How do you counter teh assertion that SJW-ism is a distraction from real anti-capitalist struggle? Or do you see SJW-ism as part of the anti-capitalist struggle?

If you have to ask then you really haven't been reading closely. But I'll tell you: there's no need for me to counter it, because it is true. Nonetheless, to be an "SJW" is to defy categorization and lack a coherent ideology, as first you see someone who says the human body is not to be objectified for sex and then circumcises their son. But it also includes those liberals like the OP who criticise the overt "SJWs" and whine about a mirror image of oppression, hypocrite StormJWs, "it's only okay to have an identity when I do it," feeling their ethnicity, their form of the family bond, their national identity, is being more persecuted than the other, which is just another form of "oppression olympics" that even Holla Forums has to decry, albeit one-sidedly because they fail to see the extent of their undiagnosed ideology. As the initialism stands now, it won't be a useful, constructive designation for anyone but to virtue-signal an expression of outlying, to dick-measure one's "political incorrectness." That it's still used in our discourse just shows how far beyond redemption we are since it's only for bickering about one's particular flavour of soma, little "consumer's revolutions" like GamerGate that bring us only closer to what the ruling class politics allows by stepping out what is merely perceived as rabble.

^ this.
OP is probably just a faggot from Holla Forums

k so SJW was an overly baity term. But a lot of the nu wave feminist stuff is downright dishonest. The wage gap for example is used to beat men about the head and create new laws for the protected class (women) based on statistics and methods that fall apart under the slightest scrutiny. Blowing non-issues (man-spreading, cat-calling) way out of propitiation all the while attacking men for not being proper men/being too manly just causes resentment either side. The best case outcome (from these feminists perspective) is to put themselves in a position above men. This helps nothing.

Implying left wasn't already ruined before these movements begin.

Also, the only left-movements still relevant today are "idpol" ans muh "sjw", so idk why the circlejerk.

First world anglo special snowflake liberals =/= 'left'.
If you are on the 'left' and you don't like the quality of the 'left' in your country, it's your task to change it; and not to occupy some fringe position, which allows you to do nothing and just whine about the 'left'.

GamerGate would have been over in an instant if people hadn't initially bought into it being about gender and sexuality to begin with. It was about scammers and liars, hiding behind identity, and yes the market playing upon both those that were hiding behind it as well as playing upon those that were setup to be the reactionary side of the coin.

Hiding liars and covering for them, was the initial issue. Censoring every mention of what occurred, and then playing into "support this because sexuality!", it's hollywood and marketing strategy 101, but no, if what you're implying is that all those people who were left in the dark and kind of "what the fuck?" in the case of gamergate are the ones that were wrong - you're wrong. You had a total marketing campaign trying to seal up both sides, and make it all about a battle between the sexes. Establishment on both sides. Just like Hillary V Trump today.

Only first worlders do this kind of retarded stuff

This. We need more heroes like Marc Lepine.

Women are half the working class. If you really think that half the working class should be excluded from working class movements then you're not really a socialist.



Is it sexsist if I tell my women to stay in kitchen and make me dinner while I do some other stuff? Can we at least have that? Please? :3


Don't blame women as a group, man

OP here, I was being hyperbolic. :D


The rise of the sjw phenomenon after the recession is no coincidence, their sole purpose is to make the left look bad to the general public and ensure that the capitalist class stays in power

kill yourself


Feminists have been on attack against the left since day one.

First wave feminists stalled the insurrection
Second wave expanded the capitalism by increasing workforce and lowering wages
Third wave has ruined the modern left.

We need to start standing firm against feminism of all stripes.




i hate to find myself agreeing with anfem but



Thanks for the goatse.

is right if you try to have a leftist movement that ignores racism/sexism then you're basically just a movement for white males and that sectarianism is exactly what the problem was with idpol in the first place

Capitalists exploit and import migrant labor, but only polyps whinge about 🍀🍀🍀“usury”🍀🍀🍀 and “mass immigration.”

This is what lower income people complain about. More migrants that are paid less than me are imported in and then I hear retarded liberals say "Lol they are doing jobs you don't want to do"
Really, bitch? Who is paying the illegal immigrant bellow minimum wage so he doesn't have to pay me normal wage? Is it the capitalist or the socialist?


you're missing the point, retard

Selling out ruined those.

The point I'm making is that "usury" and "mass immigration" are Holla Forums dog whistles.

Eat shit. Nothing ruined. Get out more and you'll see just how much better the modern left is from what you're describing.

Pretty much this
Being chauvinistic about how the stupid woms ruined everything is just ignoring the fact that the whole SJW phenomenon and the idpol shit was and is supported by tons of retarded liberal men too.

Time for your thorazine.

Not all illegals are paid peanuts. Some make twice the minimum wage. They say things like how Americans don't want to pick produce, as if no American has ever been a migrant worker. It's not that Americans refuse to do farming jobs, it's that the unions only want to represent service employees. It's easier to complain about wages when there's no objective standard of productivity.

It's almost as if the majority of people in the world are pretty trashy, and can't reflect well enough on their own narcissistic behavior to accept that they're tribal fascists at heart.

This is why I am not a communist. I don't think these people know how to control themselves, let alone deserve to own anything that influences my life significantly. I'm already doing a shitty enough job as it is, I don't need more retards dicking it up.
They're not equal.

You'll not put me in your chemical induced stupor porky.

this tbh

Why do you think the SJW has been given such a soapbox in the corporate media? Because they are controlled opposition.

They exist to divide the left. They ostracize white men (soon to be white females) from the movement. These white men make up the majority of the working class.

They focus on frivolous identity politics wedge issues such as LGBT rights or abortion. This movement is such a cancer to the left that the left's focus has turned away from reversing the corporate coupe d'etat of the US government and moved to creating gender neutral bathrooms and policing Halloween costumes for cultural appropriation.

So long as you take something for your obvious psychosis.

Women =/= feminists. You're either an astroturfing feminist trying to slip this meme under the radar or just retarded.

It could not be any more obvious that anfem is samefagging in an attempt to astroturf.


The (You) is stored with cookies. Anybody can use two different browsers.

I don't see you with anymore proof than I've given. Just baseless conjecture after baseless conjecture.

Against idpol doesn't mean pro-right wing idpol you cunt.

Ugh this board really needs to purge the neckbeards…

muh citation

dear diary. today is a strange day. I found myself agreeing with an an-fem flag on a post relating to gender issues.

no reason to be upset