
Remind me how we're supposed to side with them?

Some of the most memorable plots involving the X-Men were about Genosha and Asteroid M. Too bad they always had to put a nasty twist on things that made them evil in some way.

But thats magneto and he is the evil jew.

Kikes Mutants always project and play victim.

Make a case against registrating Mutants that isn't "muh camps."


t. Inhuman

Nice quints!

X-Men is about Jewry. Xavier wants to integrate, Magneto is a Zionist.

But who do we support?



Those are full house dubs you inbred mongoloid.

Also acceptable.

Master Mold.

because they're hot



Hey Holla Forums

And they always fight and kill each others
Legacy virus, genosha massacre, and m-day all caused by themselves

Hey Jamal.

Mutie on mutie crime is never really talked about. They just complain about how humans hate them.

And the Mutant Massacre.

And the Mutant Massacre. Or Morlock Massacre, whatever you want to call it.


In a better Marvel Earth the Mutants who don't war on humanity would just be integrated by governments until the Imperium of Man hapens.

what if I told you that there are sentient smart bacteria that mutant immune to and this bacteria have been brainwashed humanity into hating mutantkind?

When someone can rip the skeleton out from someone's body or mind control someone by a mere thought or even conjuring a pocket universe complete with denizens? Yeah, superior actually pretty acceptable.

yea, and others cant even survive without extreme medical care or are unable to look at things without tearing a hole to another dimension

Didn't that happen already?

That sounds like the dumbest shit ever. Was this bacteria called Sublime or something and was responsible for the Weapon X program and its predecessors?

Grant Morrison truly is a fraud.

I would be like "what clever writing! that makes a ton of sense!"

that's good writing you plebs, that explained why only mutants got the hate while no one cares about inhumans. Sublime should be the one who manipulated wanda to caused m-day.

It's an incredibly shitty retcon excuse.

Okay, so Mutants don't get to complain about being treated differently from non-Mutants.

Maybe, but there has never been a good way to address the cartoonish level of hostility Mutants get that other superpowered men who aren't the Hulk don't.

Which is exactly why Mutants should be in their own universe. Where mutants are the only powered individuals around to persecute. Marvel was gonna do it after Secret Wars but backed out last second. It would've been one of the smartest things they've done in forever and they didn't go through with it. It's infuriating.

Eh, just watch the movies then.

Back when x-men were the biggest thing Marvel had going I always expected a plotline where a bunch of heroes were revealed to be mutants or mutant-adjacent. Radioactive spider just activated Peter Parker's latent x-gene, super soldier serum was based on a cluster of Apocalypse's cells, what have you. Was pleasantly surprised it never happened

they can be inhuman now

how forge is mutant?

Because a politician wants it to happen
Never trust a man in politics

Interestingly enough, boku no hero academia does have a quirk registry but the ubiquitous nature of quirks changes its intent to something reasonable

I really liked Trash Face and his gang. No grand ideas about being better than humanity, fighting prejudice or whatever, just a bunch of mutants who used their power to work as enforcers for gangs.

Japs do it better also.

If mutants were really a superior race they wouldn't be constantly persecuted by the "homo inferior" and would have already taken power. They haven't. Ergo, they are powerful enough to be dangerous but not powerful enough to simply take power. Ergo, it is right for humanity to restrain them.

No one cares user.

Still better.

There was something to that effect except the latent genes that mutates (Spidey, Bruce Banner, etc) had were basically explained as the probable end result of Celestial experimentation on early humans or something to that effect. But like most things Marvel we don't know if that's still true because no editors.

Also, at the height of the X-Men's popularity Spidey's comics actually had a byline on the covers noting that he was "The World's Most Popular Non-Mutant Super Hero"