The tough questions

Would I be given one of these under communism and more importantly would I be permitted to wear it?

Other urls found in this thread:

plz leave and never comeback

Wear whatever the fuck you like, obvious false flag poster. Given enough boredom I might even make a costume for you.

Assuming enough people want them to make it feasible of course fursuits should be produced, on a relatively small scale.

Only in the gulag

That would be so super cool senpai! ^-^ nyahhh!


Communism calls for a rejection of illusiory happiness for the pursuit of real happiness. Fursuiting is a disease created by alienation. Escapism should no longer be necessary under communism for there should no longer be anything to "escape" from.

Depends what branch of socialism
Stalinism, no
Maoism, no
Trotskyism, not forbidden
Leninism. encouraged
Leftcom and ancom, absolutely mandatory

Well that's kind of gay. Pretty sure I have to join the counter revolution now

This is dumb Bougie shit, it's not up to you or anyone to decide if other people's hobbies are enlightened or whatever enough for you.

But what is real and what is illusiory happines to you? That's kinda subjective.


Instead of fursuits, we will have gene therapy.

Escapism in the case of capitalist alienation is one thing, but even without capitalism you will still have both different interests, and most importantly - you will still need fantastical escapism. It just won't be rooted in unecessary horrid material conditions. It'll just be rooted in… life.

Life, and the horrors of nature itself, of existence, breeds imagination. Beyond that I don't want to get into what "makes" someone a furry. I don't give a shit. I have no issues with it, just don't go full-retard and try to start hunting me down and eating me because you REALLY think you're a wolf, beyond that, whatever, and as I said I'd be fine with even making or being part of the production of cute, silly meaningless costumes just for you know - the creation of shit that people engage in because they like it or they want it. Because that's life, asshole.

To add on to that, once you remove the material conditions that create the extremes, or explicitely foster, incentivise or promote something - and it still continues to exist? You have to bloody well accept it. No gulag required. Either it will fade away once you remove the basis of it, or it won't - and guess what, that means you were wrong in the basis of it. If it persists to exist, you have to accept it as a part of humanity. A calculation can be made on whether or not it harms someone, if it doesn't involve harming someone? Why do you care?

And you

Little crypt-capitalist faggot that you are, hiding behind "trans humanism", what's the "gene" to make someone (in this case) a 'furry'? Where and how would you even begin to make such a ridiculous statement?

I realize this entire thread is troll and bait, but fuck you. Idgaf.

We are already working on chimera fetuses.

"Furry" therapy is only the logical progression.

MAP2K6 seems perhaps to be the key.


some links if you want to read up on it.

There are no complex "disorders" (if you want to call it that) tied to the MAP2K6 gene. Did you just pick one at random or something?

In fact, there are almost no genes that can be directly tied to what are called disorders.

A hair production abnormality has nothing whatsoever to do with what we're discussing here, furries.

This person is *called* a wolf man because he has a very straight forward biological pressure in his genes to produce more hair over his body. He does not identify as the complex human societal "concept" of being "a furry". He has nothing to do with furries. He just has a condition of growing more hair over more of his body, which says nothing about his persona, his mental preferences, nor his fetishes, or his sexuality or even his behavior.

You are describing him as a furry, because he's… uh, furry?

Pretty sure he meant the genes to make furries into actual furries. Which I have no issue with.

So I misunderstood the whole thing and he was actually advocating trying to aid them in achieving what (some of them) want? Oh, carry on then.

Well to be fair, it could be either. But his second post makes me think I was right.

However, I think it's a bit more complicated than just making people grow more hair. I doubt it would be a very high priority for medical science, but even if it was I don't know if it could be achieved to anyone's satisfaction within 100 years.

Yes, that is what i meant.:) MAP2K6 is tied (maybe) to that persons specific genetic condition. Not to wanting to look like an animal.

probably. But it's an start, maybe in addition to plastic surgery. But I agree we are a long way from making it happen.

The concept of labelling everything outside of the most common traits as a mental illness is alienation.

escape from my fist tbh

Furry communism when?

Soon, furrade.


Thay depends on what your assigned psychotherapist will say.

IMO Furries are the only people wholly beyond redemption (and I'm a firm believer in apocatastasis). Being a furry means surrendering every last shred of human dignity and together with it, your very rights to life and freedom. Yiff. In. Hell. Motherfucker.

Being an AnFem means surrendering every last shred of human dignity and together with it, your very rights to life and freedom.

Anfem is an actual thing? YOU HAVE TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME LOL

I don't see why not. After all, society has to provide for even the worst in communism right?


Mmm baby, say it again.

Damn user, just damn.

its just from google bro, don't get mad

Not mad, its just kinda cut and paste content. Just saying.

Why did a bunch of posts get nuked? wtf?

Soon all furfags will get nuked


That costume is cute.
Furfags are still faggots that should be gulaged tho.

Of course you'd be allowed to wear that pretty red scarf, my furry friend.

yes but i will still laugh at you

Happiness based on some sense of the "here and now"

And I guess that's the difference between you and I.

For some reason this bothers you. I thought you were all about what you were going to do? Nope. That some person out there dresses up in a way you don't like, seems to be tied to your own "ubermensch" development.

Would I spend my time dressing up in a fursuit? No. Would I spend time obsessing about how "horrible it is" that someone who isn't me, wants to spend their time dressing up in a fursuit? No.

Why the hell do you care? I understand people like you, less than I understand furries. Why the fuck do you care about something like that? Are you secretely, furiously, fapping to furry porn or some shit? What is it?

I don't actually care.

What I'm saying is that fursuiting simply won't exist (at least to any appreciable degree) because the conditions that gave rise to fursuiting will have been eliminated.

And I'm saying that if it does exist I won't care, you're presuming it won't exist and making a moral judgement on it here and now based on that presumption.

What will you do, when furries still exist? Or all other types of fetishes, and sexualities? Accept it as implied by the "I don't actually care" statement, or oppose it?
That's my point.
I really don't care, but I posit that you obviously do care, enough to give a fuck about it to the point where you're deriding it and even giving a fuck about them putting on a costume of all things. Which by the way, would fall under "arts", in your "what will I devote my time to…".

You know, costumes? Theatre?
Nevermind. Pleb.

I don't mind people putting on a costume every now and then for funsies, or, as the case may be, for the arts.

What I'm opposed to the level of escapist fantasy that the fursuit subculture represents. Not the escapists themselves, but rather that we live in the sort of society that needs to be escaped from. The goal of communism should obviously be to eliminate these sorts of conditions.

If what you're accusing me of is wanting to directly ban fursuiting, you're wrong. What I want to ban is the bleak, alienating conditions that give rise to such things like the fursuit subculture.

Mental illness will be abolished, so no.

I totally agree with you, on that, but again that won't remove people wanting to be what is in the modern day known as furries, necessarily. Now, you obviously seem to think it will, so again I ask you, what will you do when it doesn't "cease to exist as a fun stuff", to put words in your mouth? I strongly doubt that it will. And I have no issues with it.

You also ignore natural existential needs for escapism. Yes most of the capitalist madness will vanish, and during the removal of said conditions, many things will vanish, but many - many things will not. Including, especially, personal preferences of appearance, sexualities, fetishes, etc.

There's no such thing as a "capitalist" sexual fetish. Capitalism and its markets merely commodify them. Some fetishes and some behaviors might completely vanish, but if you already have such a strong view against it (which you clearly do), again… how will you react, when and if it does not vanish?

Will you accept it, or not?
I will accept it, because I honestly don't care. I believe you will not accept it, because you for some reason care, and I still wonder if you might be someone who furiously schlicks to furry porn while talking about how horrible it is.

This made me kek a little to hard. As a side note, anyone else noticed how left radical and probably right radical to organizations tend to attract mentally ill people? Like literally psychotic individuals having actual hallucinations and hearing voices? Or is this just a local phenomenon to my geographical location, undisclosed to avoid bully.

Fuck off Adorno. You'll be free to masturbate while weeping to classical music if you want, but don't cry about what other people want to do.

I honestly don't believe there's a natural need for escapism. I think escapism (as a sort of large cultural phenomenon like in ours) arises as a phenomenon in a society that the populace feel the need to "escape" from, if only in their minds.

My view would be that, if escapism as a large cultural phenomenon didn't disappear in communist society, I would think that there was still some lingering, intrinsic problem with society that still needed to be resolved. If, after reviewing the way society was structured and the material realities of daily life for the average citizen, that they were legitimately given every opportunity to develop in reality and still chose escapist fantasy, I'd accept that there was just some natural need for that sort of thing.

Have you looked at nature? (no not "muh human nature durr hurr", but actual nature)
No need for escapism? What you think people living in caves started drawing shit and making artful objects in their spare time once that was available, was due artificially imposed economic systems? No, human society is an escape from natural systems. Living strictly within nature itself, and even existence itself even as best as we can materially accommodate the people who are born into it, fuels the internal conflict that drives the need to create, to imagine, and - most importantly - to fantasize.

Without fantasy, and without escapism, having consciousness and being able to logically take in reality, to initiate the first steps of engineering and scientific endeavour so far back where the best automation we could come up with was winding a wire around a stick and having it unwind slowly, there would be no humanity.

We'd have killed ourselves, every single last one of us. Nature is a beast, it's a beautiful beast, but it's fucking horrifying. Escapism goes hand in hand with sentience.

I have no problem with fantasy. I'm not talking about cavemen singing tales of heroes by the fire and painting gods on the walls.

What I have a problem with, once again, is escapism. That is, the need to completely withdraw yourself into a world of fantasy, away from reality, which fursuiting has sort of come to represent.

Where do you get that from? Most furries that I know of are incredibly politically active, and very much engaged in society. You really seem obsessed with furries, to be honest. (which again leads me back to my point… what do you do when they don't "vanish"?)

I don't know (but I'm not in the furry "community", nor am I a furry, this is just from peple who I happen to read the words of or watch videos of that I later learned were in fact, furries) of any "furry" that talks about "furry" and is in any way withdrawn from society and living in lala-land. Who are you talking about?

By the way, just to be a total cunt to you (because as a mythology nerd I kind of have to), how do you deal with saying shit like painting "gods on the walls" is OK, but furry fetishism isn't… you know most of the gods of old were painted, essentially, as humans in furry costumes? And shams put on wigs and remnants of dead carcasses of animals, and animalism was all about… animal spirits?

Again I ain't advocating that shit, but you kind of seem odd in both your obsession, and your then added argument about how you're not against early art and early natural escapism but view "furries" and animal resemblance costumes as some sort of odd deal. There's whole pantheons of gods essentially being ancient day versions of modern day furry drawings for fucks's sake.

Not every furry is a fursuiter. I'm talking about the fucks that get dressed in fucking fursuits.

I didn't even make this thread. All I did was make a post saying that, in communist society, escapist fantasy would be minimized, if not outright eliminated because there would be no need for it.

It's you that seems to have an obsession with the furry fandom that you accuse anyone who's even remotely critical of it to be "obsessed" with it.

Soviet Furs






Any anarchist furries?

not gonna lie it'd be pretty fucking awesome to be a dragon


Are you sure?

If I'm going to be subject to the nihilistic void of the universe I might as well do it while being a four ton flying firebreathing lizard.

But not everybody has the skill or desire to do those things, with or without even glorious Communist education in glorious Communist utopia, at least until crapitalism passes out of living memory. After that idk, maybe with geneering or chrome or something. And they are not mutually exclusive with dressing in a mascot costume and pretending to be a sparkledog.

iirc there was a faction of anarcho-transhumanists who became furries called Bakunin in some tabletop army game or other. Can't remember what the game was called.

I mean anarchist furry art.

I remember seeing a art of a anthro fox or cat in a protest, holding flares on his hand and covering his face with a bandana. I don't remember which artist, though.

I also remember seeing a pic with a an anthro fox with a red flag in a scene which reminded me of French Revolution/Paris Comune/Les Miséreables. Again, I don't remember the artist.

If we ever reach the point where we can get new bodies, I'm going to go full loli. Pretty comfortable being a man, but exploring the newly terraformed mars in the body of a 16 year old girl, my trusted bio-enginereed triceratops at my side, sixgun at my hip.. it's what god/marx wants for me, I can feel it, I can see it.
But I'm gonna wait until technology catches up to my desires. Current grown man to loli transformations do not yield an acceptable result.

A lot of fursuiters have autism. People with autism relate to animals a lot because they have similar skiddish behaviour. On top of that being in a fur suit hides them from social anxiety a bit because they don't have to show their face and can live a fantasy. You think communism will magically cure autism?

No, in any decent FALC society you'd be given a much higher quality fursuit with full tactile sensitivity and relaying of facial expressions. You'd be able to live in 24/7 for months on end if you wanted. You might even get your own orbital habitat to live with other furries in.

I don't have autism, I just find talking animal people awesomeand sexy. Just imagine being able to modify ourselves with different genetic enhancements that other lifeforms have, regeneration, life extension, better eyesight, stronger bones, stronger muscles, smarter brains, and that's just the pragmatic.

Cosmetically, shit, it's limitless, you could goto a clinic and get a real life version of a character selection screen, modify any aspect of yourself to anything you want. Fuck the no fun allowed faggot tankies

I've thought about it ever since reading about the blue wolf anthro in Snow Crash.

Someday ;~;

You wouldn't be given one, but the drastic increase in free time will enable you to make your own. Fur suits would probably get extremely elaborate compared to the mascot costumes they wear now.

You have good taste user.
I'm not sure whether I'd rather become a little girl or look after another pseudo-loli. I might take turns every few decades.

I never understood the Socialists who think every fetish would disappear under socialism. It probably has something to do with the fetish for Psychotherapy that many have, and the belief that if we get rid of our anxieties we'll just have sex with one person in the missionary position for the purpose of reproduction.

I think sexuality is a huge part of our lives and once it is unconstrained by Capitalism were gonna see some freaky ass shit. Furries will flourish under Socialism.

I've spend too much time on chans, just reading this gave me a boner.

Ok. I will…


a lot of lefties are obsessed with ancient ideas on human psychology that have been rendered obsolete with modern psychiatry and neuroscience, not to mention evo-psych. I swear to god the worst thing about leftism is the obsession with turn of the century philosophy, it's like if there was an entire branch of physicists that only studied classical physics from Galileo and Newton and completely ignored all the discoveries and advancements by modern physicists like Einstein, Hawking, Feynman, and Higgs.

To be fair, huge parts of psychology have very little basis in experimental science. Most of the theory of psychology is just guesswork. It's unfair to compare it to something as rigorous as physics.

50 posts and not single person in this thread will answer the damn question

you people are fucking annoying. at least one sane communist could have just said "I think your fetish is fucking gross but some independent commune could make your shit for you and you can buy it online and live your life the way you want"

you guys are assholes

That's the standard belief among Marxists, look at China now or the USSR back in the day and that's exactly what they believed. Even homosexuality was/is seen as a Capitalist decadence that never happens in Socialist countries.

The answer is self evident. Why would a leftist government give a shit? It'd depend entirely on the culture of your community and society, just like today.

It's much more fun to shitpost than to answer with a straight face these lame "would X exist under communism" speculation threads.

A few people have answered your question.


That's just not how it works.

I answered the question in like the second reply.

That sounds great, I can hardly wait. Thinking to much about this makes me kind of sad, but at this point we can only try to live a long and happy life, and hope technology gets there before we croak.

I wanted to say 10, but felt maybe Mars would be a to harsh environment for such a frail little body, even with the triceratops to protect me from predators.


t. marxists








go to gulag


nice 'le actually reactionary but economically leftist' meme

Tank dog that only anarkidies fall/push for this and other bourgeoise degenerations and lose any contact with the working class, idealism and individualism not even once.

working class = no fun allowed I guess

Not everyone is a spooked traditionalist like you bro



I've waded the waters of FA and this was the best I could find, famrade. Literally every other "art" piece was

Well…at least it's something?


that furry stirner.

I want to drown in my own vomit now. Thank you.


I'll look too. Sometimes takes some dedicated searching to find what you want on FA because their search/tagging system is shit. And there's a few other sites I can check.



Revisionist edit


Found a fox version.

You know you're supposed to sage when you call out b8 posts, right?

At least it's not Holla Forums.

I agree in terms of psychoanalysis, but psychology has always been controversial and mired in politics. The idea that being different is an illness is, in fact, an outmoded line of thinking that psychology has only recently overcome.

Also, evo psych is basically bullshit. Claims that cannot be tested are useless in science, but hell, academia has hosted far worse.