#FreeMelania meme latest lefty attempt to fling shit at Trump

The left apparently have latched on to some video of Melania smiling bigly while Trump is looking at her, only for her smile to fade as soon as he turns his head.

Desperate for something to stump the God Emperor with, pathetic lefties are spreading the shit meme, #FreeMelania.

sounds about as retarded as I'd expect


Also, it looks like he's talking to someone behind her anyway.

I thought the left hated Melania?

She looks miserable tbh.

You'd feel bad too if Donald Trump had to go save a country rather than cuddle with you. Admit it.



She's thinking about having to spend 8 years living in a house that smells like Niggers.

Well her husband is moving out and they won't be living together for the next 8 years or until Barron is ready to take over DC.

She's probably nervous because people are trying to kill her damn husband.

Isn't she staying at Trump Tower with Barron?

>None of these attacks on Trump's family and private life have stuck so far, but surely this move will be the one to stump him!

The video is REVERSED.

Originally, she's looking glum and stonefaced, and then Trump turns around to talk to her and she lights up.

Melania strikes me as stoic, she has that same expression in the older photos of her when she was still living in Europe. I'm that way too, and so are a lot of my relatives. They're grasping at straws here with this "HURR SHE'S BEING FORCED SHE HATEZ LE DRUMPF XD" bullshit.

In Slavic and Scandinavian countries it's normal to have a neutral expression most of the time. Life's not a fucking party, why should you be expected to act jolly at all times? US liberals seem to have issues with people not smiling and bullshitting with everybody. Maybe because people like Obama and Biden are utterly manufactured and those are their idols, so they see that as a good trait.


Bumping for original too, thatbwould be catastrophic evidence of "fake news". My spaz sister inlaw who is from North Carolina is hating on trump lately and put the hash tag up too and this would be glorious to rub in her smug bitch face …

Nothing Stumps Trump, our God King does not bleed, may his reign last forever!!

Nonsense. They move into the White House once Barron breaks up for summer holiday.

from description:


I just watched the video a few more times and it doesn't really look like it's been reversed to me.
She was frowning before Don turned to her (maybe something was bothering her, a headache?) and she returns his smile, but turns back to how she was before after he resumes looking forward.
Maybe it was her way of letting him know she was OK or just wanted to smile for him despite her own discomfort, whatever the cause was.

Anyway, this is nothing, just butthurt leftist trying to attack the don from whatever angle they can, trying to fit their own ideas into a story they know nothing about, IF there's one in the first place.


They hate her so bad they want to rape her

Good video. Completely debunks this nonsense.