Proof that the right are ultra fucking pussies who project their sensitivity on the left

Proof that the right are ultra fucking pussies who project their sensitivity on the left.

Get tarred, Tory-trash

Nigga, who's burning flags?

the possessed freak out when you rustle their spooks


He didn't burn a flag. He didnt stand up for a nationalist song.

the "ultra right" wouldn't stand for the anthem of a country built on democracy the secular ideal of the enlightenment either

I'd be mad if I were balding too.


Same boat here, I'm just hoping that when, if I ever, I grow old, I'll be slightly overweight and pull of that old balding nihilist look

Also, what constitutes the "ultra-right" changes on a case-by-case basis since the exact flavor of "pissant that doesn't like change and worships the past" is different from country to country.

haha this

I'm sure he would be allowed to speak ill of his country if he still lived in Saudi Arabia. :^)

Really makes me thinkā€¦

You've never been a leftist.

This is beautifully worded.

That's how it works if you are a True Patriot (TM)!

haha this.

fucking kek.
also, nice dubs

Despite all of America's issues you can't deny that it was founded on the same enlightenment ideals that gave birth to socialism.

Too bad this was lost on almost everyone else in the US since its inception. Hell, a third of the colonists were loyal to the Brits.

Situation 1

Situation 2

It's never good when situation 2 happens but you never had an entire grip on reality to begin with thanks to sheltered upbringing.
