
oh gee I wonder why flooding the market with the exact same shit for years would start to cause a lack of interest

I swear, it's like none of these people learned from what happened to vidya back in the 80's.




They were punished by the market. Unlike in socialism, where we would be forced to pay for some shit that some
comrade currently in power likes.
Now fuck off to leftypol, communist psychopath.






Yeah! You tell him! Fuck commies!

you don't say

I think you mean (((talentless hacks))).

Kill yourself, Holla Forums We all hate you.

Keep your GRIDS to yourself fag

she looks like an anime dude made real.

Hello, newfriend.

Vidya didn't crash because it was flooded by the exact same shit for years though.

Fucking glow in the dark leftynigger

Fucking glow in the dark leftynigger

ell oh ell

but why though?

*sigh* the followers of bogd humpf kill another brilliant show, good job bigots -.-

What are you talking about? That's the exact reason it crashed, the atari 2600 was insanely popular and every business knew this,on top of how easy it was to make an atari game, there was everything from fucking vacuum cleaner stores to pet food shops desperately shoving these cheap shitty atari games in with their products, on top of all the shitty tie ins movies completely killed interest in the games for a lot of people and created a negative reaction to them as scams and wastes of money that took nintendo many years to repair. Even in the years when they revitalized gaming nintendo and sega were not near the height of the atari 2600 craze, just do some basic research and you can see for yourself. The biggest thing going for the 2600 was simply that it was a new cool concept, it was big with adults, a lot bigger than nintendo or sega was in the 80's and 90's and it was expensive at the launch so kids couldn't afford it unless they had rich parents.

A bad wig is cheaper than CGI.
