Ok so like serious question. No shit this is more important to me than anything else...

Ok so like serious question. No shit this is more important to me than anything else. So we all hate capitalism for good reason so that whole market buying / selling mechanic has to die as far us getting the tender ass on an equal basis. I mean we can't have the hottest lolis charging top dollar for their ass as that would be capitalist. How do we ensure that the hottest loli ass is had by all in equal measure? This is all that matters to me.

Ancap pls go.

How are people any different than tea or gasoline?

Tea and gasoline generally don't have conscious minds that can hold mental states that we put value on.

They also don't tend to rebel against their owners.

We will have robotic lolis.

how fucking dare you place your artificially constructed view of consciousness onto some but not others.

You're right. Have fun talking to your tea and dating gazoline.

Someone doesn't understand equality.

lolis are not for sexual you lewd ruffian

This. Kids are for being adorable and the future of mankind.


You stupid fucks.

"From each according to their ability" This means amazing loli ass and pussy.

"To each according to their need."

How do we regulate this?


I will slit your throat mate

You need a bullet in your skull.

says the reactionary piece of shit


Be a good loli, now.

kil ur self

Itt: ungodly autism

I will when enough loli ass is provided to smother myself with.

I will smother you with a pike.



Holla Forums gtfo

how many times must we do this?

Holla Forums is full of pedo lovers

Nazifags are generally pedophiles.

Am I on /d/? What is this gif doing here?
It is fucking hot though tbh

What is wrong with that? How is that any different than any other social restriction?

OP does have a point


Begone, ye heathen.

Nothing is wrong with it, except that they refuse to admit it. They are generally more pedophilic than their lefitst counterparts.

Are you implying there is a problem with this practice?

i hate you guys
only ideological non imperialists nukes can save us tbh fam

What part of
did you not understand?

The problem is that they refuse to acknowledged that they are this way because it might be muh fun stuff.

This is like saying
The indictment on Bob isn't over whether he sucks dicks, it's over his hypocrisy in hating gays in spite of his dick sucking.

I'm going to need a chemical formula as to how fucking 2 year old girls in the ass is wrong or else you need to handle your spooks.

I don't think you need a chemical formula if you can't even read.

spooked ass bastard.

what is objectively wrong about fucking a 10 year old girl who consents?

false ally


I hope you're being ironic