Can we get a thread that collects all our images and screencaps etc. that de-bunk Holla Forums-tier ideas and other incorrectness.
I'll start with some I have.
Can we get a thread that collects all our images and screencaps etc. that de-bunk Holla Forums-tier ideas and other incorrectness.
I'll start with some I have.
Other urls found in this thread:
Also this blog someone made, collating a lot about the race issue.
So why do the stats outside the USA differ so dramatically?
Are the US blacks a different ethnicity to blacks in the UK or the rest of Europe?
The average white admixture in the US black population is 20-25%. The white population, on the other hand, is almost entirely white - about 96%.
So the black population of the US performs worse than the black population of Europe, because the US blacks are more % white than the European ones? Interesting.
95% of human diversity exists in Sub-Saharan Africa. To speak of blacks as a race at all is kinda stupid. There is huge variation in average IQ between the different groups in Africa although all of them are well under 100. Perhaps UK blacks come from different parts of Africa than US blacks?
It actually makes sense for an entire population subject to slavery (and therefore strong negative selection) for several generations to degenerate genetically.
But nobody will admit it, because for liberals it means accepting that people just aren't equal, and for conservatives - accepting that it's not related to their skin color and ethnicity, but centuries of systematic abuse.
I didn't read any of this, but I would naturaly assume that mixed races have it harder than 'pure' races, for the simple fact that mixing races is something that takes centuries if not milleniums to succeed; while the U.S.A. experience is what, 300 years old at best, so it is an artificial, forced process and not a 'natural' one forged by history.
First paragraph in the source provided for number 1 of infograph 2:
were limited to a small fraction of the genome, to
limited populations, or both, and yield an incomplete
picture of the relative importance of
mutation, recombination, migration, demography,
selection, and random drift.
I am calling bullshit on those infographs.
I thought of a simple one last night.
Given: Blacks are crime prone because they are black
Then: Higher proportion of blacks means higher crime
Counterexample: Crime has been falling as proportion of blacks and other non-whites rises
Conclusion: Black crime is due to reasons other than being black itself.
Crime rates have been dropping across the western world for decades. They have dropped the most in countries with the most homogeneous white populations and have the dropped the most in the US in areas with homogeneous white populations. West Virginia is one of the poorest states in the Union and has one of the lowest crime rates.
That still doesn't explain why, if crime is due to inherent black criminality, crime has not gone up in spite of rising black populations.
Of course, when you say "western countries", what do you really mean? You obviously can't mean Russia, since their murder rate is still higher than the US, in spite of low minority populations. The same of China, which according to some Holla Forumsfags should not be, since Asians are "honorary Aryans."
The fact of the matter is that crime statistics and their cause are more complicated than "hurr nigger beast scum."
Like it or not, the clear implication of blacks being inherently criminal, is that crime should rise with their proportion of the population, and that simply has not happened.
m8, you serious?
(that one doesn't bring much tbh but quite funny)
Crime rates are affected by many variables. I don't think anyone disputes that. You can't track one variable without controlling for any others and then draw a conclusion. Lower crime rates also corresponded with mass incarceration (of blacks) in the US but that doesn't prove a connection. Also, the black pop has only increased by 2% nationally in the last century. The influx has mostly been Hispanics.
These are awesome comrade!
These don't quite explain well why a genetic hypothesis for racial disparities in IQ don't make sense. Theories like stereotype threat have long since been discarded, so bringing them up gives the false impression of a lack of good evidence.
Here's a great explanation that classcucks and stormfags will be willing to read because of the hosting site:
On top of this is the discovery by James Flynn (of Flynn effect fame) that black IQ in the US has actually gone up and has a strong statistical chance of closing. Figures like JP Rushton tried to refute this data but did such a laughable job that even people who did their best to be neutral on the matter could not take them very seriously. Hereditarians currently try to explain this away with "miscegenation" but this falls flat on its face because white IQ has also gone up, just not as fast.
Bull fucking shit. West Virginia is only 29th in violent crime, which isn't very low in a union of 50 states. Minnesota has almost twice as many black residents–including many African immigrants, whom lack European DNA–yet has much lower violent crime.
Science has proven significant characteristics like likelihood of disease, behavior, and the obvious like physical characteristics and skin color, are passed down through genetics.
Even if you discount IQ being passed down genetically, one can argue certain races may exhibit behavior that inhibits academic learning and favors "street smarts" and fight over flight reactions
You can see this every day in breeds of dogs. At this point you are just ignoring common sense.
In a perfect world every race would be equal, but we do not live in a perfect world. You have to be realistic. Racial equality is too idealistic, its all fairytales
well what do they mean by herpes ? genital herpes or just cold sores
Every. Fucking. Time.
I just wanna say real quick that I'm not that prior dude, nor am I arguing there's a relevant difference, I just thought the link was relevant to the discussion.
I don't give a shit whether people are perfectly equal. They do not need to be in an equal society. There is just zero empirical evidence of racial difference in IQ.
The fact that you are unironically comparing human race to dog breeds tells me you have no clue what you're talking about.
Gotta love that Holla Forumsyp "research"
You should try to debate someone from American Renaissance, they got plenty of these graphs ready to discuss them.
Your evidence is about as anecdotal.
Go somewhere else, both of you.
Wait, this is Ethiopia in what century??
Also this still doesn't explain how Australian Aboriginals were so incapable of building anything.
Dear, don't deal in absolutes unless you've got statistics.
Have you fucking seen that place? People were sent there as punishment for a reason.
I will fucking deal with absolutes when there are absolutes. There is absolutely no empirical evidence of a racial difference in IQ. None. All proposed evidence has been decisively unverified.
Plus, statistics actually make a hereditarian hypothesis unlikely because the "HBD" neckbeards have Dunning-Krueger and don't actually present the facts. See
Most are pretty old. The monolithic church is from the 12th to 13th Century AD, though Ethiopia has even older churches, like the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion which dates from the 4th Century AD.
So you admit that because of evolutionary surroundings they were not capable to develop themselves like other races did? Aboriginals are really unique people compared to rest of us, only thing I know they built is boomerang.
It was a joke. Nice job on being autistic.
Stop taking seriously.White supremacists defend civilization led to evolution, not the other way around. See
It was a link request. Disguised as a joke.
I once have seen pic related posted as an argument. Not even joking.
Uhh don't they usually claim the opposite? Like genetics make culture instead of culture makes genetics?
Aboriginals in general led a very simple life, and Australia being a literal hellhole means there isn't any room to expand into a civilization without modern technology; even in the 20th century, the Australian government had a lot of trouble reigning in nature and often made things worse. This same government were also cruel to abbos for a long time, even by Anglo standards.
The grand irony of the "mud huts" argument is that mud huts are themselves high tech by ancient standards. Without them they would have no sufficient shelter.
Anyone half-decent at this sort of argumentation goes: Rivers-→Civs-→Evolution accelerated–→Better culture.
Once again, see
Cochran's theories are nothing but ass pulls that are impossible to verify, he makes wild claims and his white knights shout "MUH PC LIBERALS" whenever someone pokes holes in his reasoning.
I wish. Sincerely.
Oh noice.
I actually have those videos still.
I like how everyone always whines about who gets shot most and never asks "Why are the ones being shot the least…being shot the least?"
I like to respond to that with "Idi Amin"
that first picture is pretty enlightening.
Have a (You)
Because humans are so exceptional right?
You sound like a religious zealot right now
Because humans do not have that much separation within them, dipshit. See, you keep proving that you don't know anything.
Bumping for more butthurt polyps
No no no. It's because of the white people, not because it's a rural, mountainous region without much to steal in the way of wealth anyway.
delet this
Fucking kek
T-that's not how standard deviation graphs work.
Total area of the graph = Total sample size
Take the Black distribution and White distribution that have been overlayed.
Looking at it approximately
There are the same number of blacks with IQs in the 60-70-80-90 as there are whites with IQs at 100-110-120-130
Conversely there are almost no blacks with IQs above 120 as there are almost no whites with IQs below 70
I agree that it's a shitty way to debunk the graph, but the data is bullshit anyway because the difference has shrunk tremendously in recent years. The average IQ among blacks is about 90-91 and is almost 94 in some states like Texas, with the vast majority of the gains being in the low end of the distribution.
The only reason people still use the bell curves is because of the obvious visual differences, but if someone were to remake them with current data, there really would be a ton of overlap. Hell, I'm pretty sure that NLSY pic is from 1979. It is a lie of omission, only outdated data tells them what they want to hear so anything new ist verboten.
Making an infograph wich show the evolution of the gap would be intersting, maybe?
Definition of a strawman. Blacks never did shit, the Egyptians weren't black. Colonialism built damn near everything and Africa, and what the blacks built was taught to them by other races.
So the leftist model about how culture is irrelevant to making an egalitarian society wouldn't pan out then, regardless of how superficial a leftist would argue culture to be.
Why don't you get the new data then?
one suspects that this is an old infographic which has since been de-published, and the college board is not publishing new data.
wikipedia is not a neutral source, it's full of shills. "minnesota study was not conclusive" seems like a non-neutral response to a fairly robust data set.
i hate Holla Forums as much as anyone else on here but let's deal with facts and reality please.
Jews and whites are responsible for that castle.
You are losing your radical edge buddies
Long story short, the emperors of Ethiopia claimed lineage from Solomon based on the figure of Menelik I, the legendary first emperor of Ethiopia who was, apparently, the son of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Therefore, claiming Solomonic lineage was a part of claiming legitimacy in your rule.
All of the pic related men claimed lineage from Solomon.
Source on those pictures? Where is that even from?
became jewish when the nazi failed
thats convenient
Race is a spook.
the fact that IQ and behavior can vary greatly among siblings should be enough to discredit any classification by "race".
but i guess Holla Forumstards can't grasp complex concepts and prefer more simplistic generalizations.
Addis Ababa