Are you sure he said reddit, it sounded like Holla Forums

Been watching this a week now, good show but the pickle rick episode bugged me. How would he get control of a cockroach body just using his tongue on its brain? Makes zero sense.

It's a "reddit tries to fit in" episode.

good goyim

So Rick turning himself into a pickle is realistic now?



Did you forget about family guy?

As a flat earther it's bad enough watching a show with such necessity for suspension of disbelief. Like everything else on talmudvision it starts with a BIG OL BALL PLANET and goes from there, I'm used to the ubiquity of (((heliocentrism))) - not to mention the ostensibly unquenchable millennial appetite for jew relativism - but at a certain point lines in the credulity sand must be drawn. You know?



Just turn your brain off bro

Still enjoy the show tbh. It's the spiritual successor to aqua teen, with just enough old school simpson's moral compass to keep things grounded.

There are no flat earthers.


what's the difference?

Yes, there are. We are the awake among you. We'll be the normal someday, enemies of utopia like you can only hold the paradigm shift back for so long.
Did you know for example that the astronomy you worship is 100% jesuit/catholic and that the world's largest binocular telescope ("Lucifer") is co-owned by NASA and the Vatican?

I don't believe you. Post proof that you have done some original flat earth investigation yourself and that you aren't a paid disinformation agent. Otherwise my point stands that there is no proof of flat earthers existing.


This meme is getting stale very quickly

you're a braindead retard

Well I can't say I'm surprised.

I wonder who could be behind this post…

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools… how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand

That thread was hilarious.

pickle rick tho

It's funny 'cause it's true.
>it's funny 'cause it's true
why live


Imagine being the white guy getting paid to narrate that shit


Uh… the white guy that wrote it also narrates it dumbass. The writer is also the voice actor.



For anyone who might get memed by this, realize that if you had a shallow bowl of water and started spinning it on a turntable, the water will no longer be level and will turn concave. This is because water being "level" is dependent on the direction in which the water is being accelerated.

Worst episode of Rick And Morty.

Cockroaches dont even have a central nervous system, they can survive without a head just fine. That bugged me too


That episode was so fucking bad.

It had women writers written all over it, there was another cringe part that i can't remember.

This was a particularly bad episode.

Got a nigger Rick?

>That episode was cartoon is so fucking bad.
I mean, look at the fucking art style. It's ugly. How the fuck do you make such an ugly cartoon in this day and age?

B-but the hand-drawn pupils?

People don't actually like Jerry, do they?

By someone with Parkinson, maybe.

It's true what someone said on Holla Forums a long time ago: arts schools are so shit these days, they cannot produce artists capable of drawing something that isn't ugly.

It's more a mater of making him a worse character than he was. Previously, he was the typical inept father figure that is par for the course in such shows. Then they decided he wasn't castrated enough. They've dispensed with the bumbling hijinks and so he exists only to be shat on and none of its funny. Now he feels like a punching bag for the writers.

You can always tell the insecure beta cumskins: they have to defend Jerry because they ARE Jerry.

You can also always tell the goons: they try to push for inadequate and unfunny memes that will never catch on.

oh no, a show said the name to one of the most popular websites

*of one

No but if you look at it objectively, he's nowhere near as ad as they portray him. He's the designated shit-on guy because he's Harmon's self-insert and Harmon hates himself.

Preach it brother.

I dare ANY of these so-called "intellectuals" to disprove this video. Take your time, I know you'll have to look up what "scientists" tell you as you can't form a coherent thought in that pea-sized brain on your own. I'm more than willing to wait.

Isn't Harmon supposed to be Rick?

He is. I would outline why, but Rick ended up saying most of it in an earlier episode this season, if you don't agree with that I'm not sure what to tell you.

Google Earth is a simulation, not reality. It's not even meant to portray reality perfectly correctly, only close enough for what people use it for. And I'd guess that more people use it for looking at how cool the Earth is than finding an accurate simulation of the level of the horizon.

No, because the camera in the sky is rotating perfectly with the Earth. Any amount its off of the rotation with the Earth would likely be too small to see at those scales.

If I throw a ball straight up into the sky, it will come straight back down into my hands, even though the Earth is rotating, because it keeps that rotational velocity while off the surface of the Earth. This is also why when you throw a ball upwards in a car it doesn't shoot out the back window.

Because he's a normal person and not an incredible sci-fi adventurer like Rick. Because he's a coward in the face of things that would be terrifying to any real person. Because he doesn't handle his life being torn apart by all manner of insane science fiction nonesense as gracefully as could have. What an awful guy.

kill yourself

Hey cumskin poster, you need to step up your flat earth game, I think people are losing interest.

Because he uses his mediocrity to cry for sympathy, rather than trying to improve himself and fixing his problems.

Probably he needs some new tricks in his arsenal. Calling us cumskins, meatcucks or spherecucks is not working anymore. Maybe if he just post Maisies, some will pay attention to him.

please, you're a fucking numskull
everyone knows the earth is a 4th dimensional hyper-sphere and the surface of the earth is the shadow that it gives off in the third dimension.

His problems of not being as smart as the smartest man of Earth, or not being able to handle literal monsters invading his life every week?


Bet they have a marketing team waiting to see how much mentioning reddit improves their views

Found the main plot of episode 9 to be quite amusing with floopy land and everything, should've been the sole focus. It made good use the father/daughter relationship also instead of just subbing Morty for Beth. Still would've been better and worked just as well as a Rick and Morty adventure though.

The side-plot was shit, I think they stuck the women writers on it because at one point Summer says verbatim that Jerry is a 'racist beta male sexist dick'. Jerry has always been the wimpy whipping boy of the show but it's curious how the cruelty subjected to Jerry has gone up since season 3. Almost like women see betas as subhuman or something, really made me think.


I said this in a thread on Holla Forums
Jerry's turned into a punching bag as of late. It's funny if they deserve it but there's a fine line between having an actual funny character like Cricket from Always Sunny whom ends up in these situations because he's still gullible enough to trust the gang and straight up bullying a character like Jerry who doesn't do anything wrong whatsoever to warrant it

I said this in a thread on Holla Forums

Since when is Jerry sexist? If anything he puts Beth on a pedestal.

Problems with his marriage, not having good work, not having many friends, not being confident, not really having anything going for him, blaming others for his misfortune.

He's not a bad person only when put up to Rick or his hijinks. He's incompetent when compared to the average Joe, and doesn't have any exceptional quality like most average Joes do.

That's the women writers for you, it's sexist for a man to have a rebound partner but not for a woman to.

So he's a bad person for lacking intelligence and charisma?

But why are the stars different on the other side of the flat earth?

How can you keep missing the point this hard? He's a bad person for using his lack of intelligence and charisma to beg for sympathy.

I know people who aren't intelligent or charismatic, and they don't just beg for sympathetic handouts, they try their hardest to work for stuff in life.

He isn't racist either. My best guess for why they called him racist was because he said he didn't find her head and blue skin attractive.
Basically having preferences is racist.

When exactly does he beg for sympathy in the show? I found this shit weird the first time they brought it up in the Whrily Dirly episode. Jerry may be pathetic and kind of goofy, but I've never seen him beg for sympathy or try to guilt people into doing things for him.

to add onto this, it is actually very common for water to be curved. see: the meniscus of a graduated cylinder or a FUCKING DROP OF WATER

water cant be curved you retard, it would leak


More like heterophobic.

>>>Holla Forums

You never see him do that though. You're taking something Rick said at face value, when Rick goes out of his way to see the worst in everyone to justify his own shitty behaviour.

but Jerry is a racist & a sexist in a casual, under-the-skin liberal way. rather than the loud, boorish conservative way.

lmao add bird law into that list fam

While I'd love to win an argument on the internet, I have better things to do than go through all of reddit and memey again to see how Jerry acts, at least for now.

Because for the most part he acts like a normal dad. Maybe a little on the simple side and prone to unwarranted prideful behaviour (the Pluto thing).