Who is Watching the Watchers?

The funny thing about centripetal force, it sucks ass if you are trapped inside the hollow earth. Build a big building here on the surface, no big deal. Build a large structure down there, well, lets just say that whoever hollowed out the earth has built a nearly perfect prison. With the magma layer between inside and out, getting a footing is surprisingly hard. And the larger and heavier the structure is, the more unsteady the footing becomes.

Of course, there is something that could help. Gravity is in the mantle, which is fluid, fluid means moving, and moving means hot. But variations in local gravity cause eddies and currents, some areas speed up, some slow down, and when this stuff slows down it cools and congeals into more solid forms. Once it is cooled enough you could bore a hole into the filament to cool even further, making it more solid.

Would you like me to connect more dots for you, or do you understand already?

Other urls found in this thread:


Fun fact!

If the Earth were a hollow sphere then there would be no gravity inside it because the gravitational pull in different directions would cancel itself out. Proof: hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Mechanics/sphshell2.html

t. Physicist

Also, I think you may be posting on the wrong board.

I will keep going…

So say you are some ancient Ayy Lmao and you have done something to offend a much more ancient Ayy Lmao, and offended it so much that you find yourself trapped inside the prison that is inner earth. You are unable to construct anything massive enough to induce these currents inside your prison, however you have others who would help you on the outside.

To give you a sturdy enough footing to begin to develop cities and large structures, your Ayy Lmao friends on the outside will begin to construct a series of gravitational disturbances in very precise configurations and locations. You would want material to be as dense and heavy as possible, and last as long as possible. You would want to build a pyramid. Lots of them actually, all around the earth. Some of them would unfortunately need to be in less than ideal places to build a pyramid, say, the center of a marsh.

gas the reptillians interdimentional race war now. 2bh pham

Perhaps as the "native" inhabitants of the outer world advance in their materials and ability to be organized and directed, even larger structures would be built. Again, in very precise locations, in very precise arrangements.

We will not be dealing with them directly, not just yet. But while they may have been part of a larger species when they entered, in the thousands of years they have been trapped they have become something much different. These beings we will not deal with alone.

how so?
is gondola gonna help us? are space aryans gonna help us? (((reptillians))) gonna get smashed.

I would like to introduce you to a very old symbol. It represents the black sun in the center of the earth, with the lower and upper firmaments. Balance, Power, Order, Good and Evil. Many symbols show one half of the truth. The black sun is the enlightenment of opposing forces co-existing, and order can be maintained.

This question I believe I can answer correctly, but in order for the answer to make sense much more has to be explained. First, I do not know what species the original ones were, and I do not know if they were the first inhabitants. I believe the number is 200. What I do know is that these 200 have had a lot of time, and that they have the ability to control their own genetics, as well as at least the knowledge of higher dimensions.

They have been put in not just a prison, but a laboratory, where they are free from outside law, contained, physically separated, hidden.

They have to put it one way, evolved.

they are breaking out of the prison? time to break them.

some of you guys are alright… dont be a (((reptillian))) in a interdimentioal prison in the center of the earth tomorrow.


idiot thread for stoners

The book of watchers was banned a very long time ago, it has aged quite well.

The book of revelation reads more like a survival guide, it does not tell you why. How well it has aged we shall likely see for ourselves.

The (((human))) elite practice an old religion. The religion is one where power corruption and deceit are as sacred as truth and beauty.



Hippies are confirmed travel buddies with us, so if you are planning on bashing them you might want to find a different ride.

These symbols are becoming important to understand again. Has no one here noticed how completely consistent (and utterly fantastic) all these newly accessible sources of information are with each other.

Granted, it all seems a little bat shit insane too. I mean, every conspiracy theory having some sort of truth behind it (even if disguised)? And look at the topics leaked through Wikileaks, or FBIAnon. Maybe it would be good for some of those wanting to get this started to step back for a moment and consider the details of what has been pointed out by people who know much more than they are willing or able to say.

uhhh you dont get to bring friends…

t. Sorry

You get to choose. Everyone has a choice. There are rules (hence the deceit, they can lie about what the rules are). And some may be able to stay for awhile here on the surface.

Wait… has anyone told you guys about the motherships? I noticed that those who have had information passed to them (and therefore been bound to others who shared the knowledge directly) have refused to say what the motherships are. I have made no such promises.

you're a fuggin moron. CHRIST IS KING ALL YOUR gods ARE DEAD

Then keep talking. What's all this about motherships?

There are multiple different ETI and EDI visitors very close to us. Lots of small craft, everyone seems to be gathered here, they all know what is about to happen. This is the biggest show in the galaxy right now, and most of those watching and waiting have a very special connection to us.

What would you do if you had an IQ of 400-800? I'll tell you what I would do, I would figure out how to cure disease, study the fabric of reality, build a spaceship, control my DNA, evolve. I would solve mortality. Give me 10,000 years, and the ability to increase my intelligence, control my biology completely. At some point I would decide to create life, or maybe I would just find a planet where most of the work has been done and then start pushing their biology towards mine. I might become a god.

I might also find that there are civilizations and beings much older and much wiser than myself, and I might learn from them. I might enter into a contract with them, sell myself (and my children) into indentured servitude in exchange for knowledge, a short cut. Or I might think carefully and try to get a better deal. I might ask for less, and give up less.

I might discover dangerous things, things which threaten the very fabric of our universe. I might start playing with fire, and I might find myself with enemies much more powerful than I am.

We have the tools to do all of these things. We can build quantum computers that use the multiverse to calculate, a computer with the physical properties of consciousness. We can build particle accelerators that show us what is hidden behind the laws of physics, matter, reality, time. So many things we can do.

The elite build tunnels and particle accelerators. They speak in symbols, they hide their intentions. They are pedophiles like the watchmen. The ones who have been entrusted to them to watch over, they instead breed with and use for their own amusement. The gods of the elite are the gods of old religions, the gods of the sun.

(continuing, and yes, we are talking about the motherships)…

What if the prison inside the earth was about to fail? What the increase in meteoroids over the last 5 years is related to us passing through a debris field. What if time is cyclical. What if it was intentional. What if it isn't about us.

The sun is the machine that has given us life and sustains it. These civilizations have been farming the earth. Allowing evolution to take its course, then finding a species suitable for modifications.

The reptilians, what if they had been modified, generation by generation, made more intelligent, made to look more like those who controlled their evolution. Made into a slave race.

Once sufficiently intelligent of course, they could no longer be trusted to not develop some of the more dangerous weapons and technologies.

What happened to Mother Earth that made the reptiles die and allowed the mammals to thrive?

A big fucking object from outer space WITH NO BRAKES.


There is no such thing as black sun, there used to be a gold sun in the center of the "black sun" the gold was stolen so only the black was left behind.


What if many different civilizations all had their hand in our evolution, at different times, and different places?

What if civilizations 300 years more advanced than we are right now, came down to the Mexico region, taught these stupid apes to be civilized, built a pyramid for their buddies trapped below, and then once they were done left (along with their followers).

What if some civilizations are hyper aggressive? What if others are obsessed with knowledge? Or just wanting to troll?

Now, there is an obvious problem already mentioned, with an equally obvious solution. When the species which has been uplifted and guided through evolution (notice how the IQs have been steadily going up for centuries?) has now become able to discover and use science and weapons that absolutely cannot be controlled. What do you do then?

You control them. You enslave them. In fact, this is such a repeatable pattern that part of the guided evolution has made us easily controllable. There is a reason hypnosis works on humans. There is a reason the earthly agents of what should just be described as the devil himself seek to remain hidden and in power, and are allowed too.

But all things must come to an end. So many civilizations have been involved in our evolution, they have all come to take what is theirs. The motherships are empty. The earth will be destroyed, whether by the prison inside weakening, or planet X, or an asteroid. It doesn't matter how, we are no longer welcome in the Garden of Eden. It must be remade.

This is why Trump is a Nationalist, he feels it is a better solution than starting WWIII … oh, I didn't touch on something else important…

Procreation works differently when you are immortal. Consciousness is useful. That self-sustaining pattern that can spontaneously arise, or be engineered to arise from existing life. That pattern doesn't have to dissolve. When we die, that pattern is fought over by these "gods". The closer our biology and minds are shaped to a certain civilization, the stronger we are in one of their engineered bodies. We were modified to want what these civilizations are offering us, but that message will be suppressed by any means possible.

Nuclear holocaust == efficient collection of what they want, without the drawback of having a ugly mammalian body.

That is why they wanted WWIII, because their masters told them it was easier that way. The elite that helped them were promised immortal life, and the ability to keep their bodies and minds.

So the elite worship the pedophile gods who prey on the weak.

Tunnels, Particle Accelerators, Tunnels to get down there (have you seen the machines they have built!) and Particle Acellerators to produce the antimatter needed for their evolution and "occult" investigations.

A compliant and unaware citizenry. That was their mission.

When the cataclysms become evident, when people are driven by fear, they will give us a way out, they will invite us inside the hollow earth, where somehow it has been made safe.

They will hide the gods/demons/beings/ayylmaos however you name them, and for anyone too close minded to investigate themselves, many will go there. The more powerful ayy lmaos will rebuilt the prison and in they will go again for another cycle.

We were taught how to meme somebody into power. That was just practice for what we are about to do next. We are about to make a deal with our gods that allows a future for our children, as humans. We must work as a nation, and with other nations, to save as many humans as possible.

But the SJW's can go fuck themselves. And so can the Kebabs, we know who they work for.

By rejecting multiculturalism, we are actually allowing multispeciation. Each person will be allowed to decide for themselves who they want to go with. These ayy lmaos expect a return on their investment, they aren't Uber. Those motherships were expensive for them, at least that is what we will believe if they tell us.

Stop. Think. There is much you do not know yet.

Use the proper non "pizza" version.


ive heard that this all happened before on mars, it seems logical. history is cyclical.


Thank you!

This symbol is wrong. The sun is a machine, many civilizations know how to build one. Ours is the yellow sun, it does not belong in that prison. This is effectively turning the cross upside down to defile it. Symbols are important, they are how the gods talk.


Fuck up with your hippie mafia you childish Millenial junky faggot. There no "OG hippies" they were all shit. You're shit. You need to die.

Flower Children were OK but they're all in their 70s and still think like children


False… Degenerate parties are ALWAYS a part of the elite. They're nihilists

False flag

Commie faggot author moron druggy. Nixon was a half-Commie
Alex Jones
They're always traitors. It's a traitor's religion.

What exactly are the different species and the characteristics of their faction? I assume we're talking about things like grays and lizard people, but I really don't know much about ayy lmaos beyond typical sci-fi silliness.

Chapter 18

1I then surveyed the receptacles of all the winds, perceiving that they contributed to adorn the whole creation, and to preserve the foundation of the earth.

2I surveyed the stone which supports the corners of the earth.

3I also beheld the four winds, which bear up the earth, and the firmament of heaven.

4And I beheld the winds occupying the exalted sky.

5Arising in the midst of heaven and of earth, and constituting the pillars of heaven.

6I saw the winds which turn the sky, which cause the orb of the sun and of all the stars to set; and over the earth I saw the winds which support the clouds.

7I saw the path of the angels.

8I perceived at the extremity of the earth the firmament of heaven above it. Then I passed on towards the south;

9Where burnt, both by day and night, six mountains formed of glorious stones; three towards the east, and three towards the south.

10Those which were towards the east were of a variegated stone; one of which was of margarite, and another of antimony. Those towards the south were of a red stone. The middle one reached to heaven like the throne of God; a throne composed of alabaster, the top of which was of sapphire. I saw, too, a blazing fire hanging over all the mountains.

11And there I saw a place on the other side of an extended territory, where waters were collected.

12I likewise beheld terrestrial fountains, deep in the fiery columns of heaven.

13And in the columns of heaven I beheld fires, which descended without number, but neither on high, nor into the deep. Over these fountains also I perceived a place which had neither the firmament of heaven above it, nor the solid ground underneath it; neither was there water above it; nor anything on wing; but the spot was desolate.

14And there I beheld seven stars, like great blazing mountains, and like spirits entreating me.

15Then the angel said, This place, until the consummation of heaven and earth, will be the prison of the stars, and the host of heaven.

16The stars which roll over fire are those which transgressed the commandment of God before their time arrived; for they came not in their proper season. Therefore was He offended with them, and bound them, until the period of the consummation of their crimes in the secret year.

Book of Enoch, The Watchers

The Russians have quite a catalog which has been leaked.

They also have a drug that will extend your life by 1.5-2x.

Try visiting some of the numerous "new age" hippy blogs. It isn't just us. Every sub-group is being reached out to by the same group that reaches out to us.

We have to start working together. Just like 4chan's Holla Forums hides Holla Forums the woo and lsd hides the gurus. Expect to find us everywhere you are told not to look. Humans, we are looking for humans who want to continue the species.

And for anyone doubting that there is some serious shit going on with the hippies, check out the Raelians, you might notice they are all around us, speaking through symbols that Holla Forums is fond of, of course, they have been using those symbols for 50 years.

The Raelian movement defends the rights and freedoms of gays and lesbians, recognises gay marriage and ordains gay clergy.[118] Some Raelian leaders have performed licensed same-sex marriages.[119]
sound like a bunch of pedophiles…

Swing and a miss. So close, yet so far away. There's no aliens, and no reptilians.

Sure, there's a Jewish/Freemasonic conspiracy, but it's not an alien one, it's a demon one. Look up the demon that Allister Crowley summoned that looks just like a stereotypical Grey Alien, and then note that a year before the first UFO sightings, Jack Parsons opened a portal to summon that same demon. All the "aliens" that have appeared are just demons in disguise to lead people astray from God.




You're both disinformation cucks trying to say not all Jews or make people sound crazy.

Demons, gods, aliens, call them whatever. At this point it's just so much quibbling over semantics like a bunch of kikes.

Found something that purports to be a Russian listing of ~58 different alien races. Is that what you're talking about?

I'm looking to reinforce my knowing. Would being killed by a purple/black entity in a dream tell you anything? I recently read that those colours are also used to represent the ether.

95% of Holla Forums (excluding the loser shills) are heterosexual autistic males who are so caught up in what is going on in their own minds they have trouble getting laid and procreating. They also masturbate furiously to other people having sex.

Holla Forums isn't going to have a problem sharing a ship with a bunch of hippies who believe in sex and babies and don't mind others watching them, masturbating furiously. Plus they don't have a problem with drugs, and have some experience using drugs to alter their consciousness. We are going to have lots of drugs sex, and lets face it, nobody here uses deodorant either.

Oh, and 20k ex-military hidden in their culture.

I'll concede if any of you can give a better option of how to balance the genders. This solution has been planned for decades. That's probably why the military is there.

Sex, Drugs, Guns, and Memes. That is all we need to survive. (Assuming someone lends us a spaceship or lets us have Musk).

you are delusional.
the (((CIA))) are the ones pushing the drugs on them. hippies are worthless degenerate scum and most of them are satanic (saturnic) pedophiles as well. the entire hippy movement was started by the CIA to destroy the moral value of the nation.
you sound like a degenerate
thats nothing, Holla Forums is the fucking military.
no, the military is there because hippies have been a kike (((CIA))) op from day 1, and they are probably using them as marxist terrorist sleeper cells.

degenerates and kikes will be purged and morals will be restored. this time the reich isnt going to end, society will be great again.

And Pence. He stays with us. Trump will leave, he has already made his deal and he is going with the Christians and rednecks. He will always be revered.


Shill argument. Kill yourself hippie.

Why do you keep posting that kike?

Is that what 2017-2022 means?

Yeah I don't see how it can totally not backfire Alex.