How can a TRULY socialist country defend itself or prevent:

How can a TRULY socialist country defend itself or prevent:

A) Foreign invasion

B) Rebellions from right-wingers or people funded by capitalists

Shameless self-bump.

by raping them

Permanent revolution


The worker controlled factories vote for resources to be redirected for war production. The teacher run schools begin teaching arms usage and war tactics. The toddler run kindergartens put down their wood blocks and grow up real fast to the realities of war.


You are expecting everyone is going to instantly go into defense mode the second another country declares war? Germany conquered Poland in what, a month? And that was in the 30's. There would be no time for a resistance in a socialist country to prepare, considering it would only consist of militia's who most likely don't have high-tech gear.

Really showed me wrong. Thanks for the contributions to the discussion.

I would expect for every factory, school, worker run entity democratically in control of the MoP to be a political mess and not be able to do anything productive, really.

I'm agreeing with you. That's the biggest problem: A millitary factory and a millitary in general requires A LOT of beurocracy, sadly enough. constructing machines, teaching workers to run the factory, resources, the ensure of safety, the logistics, etc. The time the factory would finally be able to start churning out weaponry or armoured vehicles, the invasion would already be over. And to organize this before-hand would be such a mess to begin with. Plus, you have to consider the fact that in a socialist country, some people will hate socialism. Even if there life is perfect, some people will just hate the principle of it, and since everyone is equal, all it takes is for one person to convince his friends to essentially sabotage and destroy a large portion of a community.

The proletariat control the state which then serves it purpose by oppressing the bourgeoisie class while at the same time exerting the will of the proletariat on the means of production, obviously.

By having nukes.


Who controls the nukes? What prevents a religious leader claim himself to be a God/the brother of Jesus, and establish a mass following to take over the country, and thus the nukes and cleanse the country from non-believers, like what nearly happened in China? Also, who will enforce the gulags? People would have a basic moral compass of, well, putting people you disagree with into work-camps = bad. Also, even though the family unit would be destroyed, people would still have personal feelings towards relatives. Thus, if your entire family was gulag'd for being bad boys, then of course you would dissent. If you just keep on squashing and killing/shutting up people that disagree with socialism, you'll eventually come to a point where you have to kill/shut up everyone due to the ammount of anger from people's friends and family getting a free ticket to Siberia.

Fighter jets. Guns. Militias, that sort of stuff



How will you get the logistics and supplies, let alone the actual guns and fighter jets?

How are you going to accomplish a global revolution? Also, what if aliens exist and they see our defenseless society, and take advantage of it?

I think that's what's referred to around here as a posadist's wet dream


Meh. I'm not even from around here. I just thought I would stop by and see what's it like around here. I have to say, it's much less of a circle-jerk or an echo chamber then I thought. At least you have that over Holla Forums. I haven't even been accused of being a nazi yet.


OMG the ayy lmao can't be real.

They can do amazing things with video now so I'm inclined to believe it's fake somehow.

A sophistated, well trained military and system of militias that can wage geurilla war in the event the standing army is defeated. There is nothing about socialism that precludes having an effective military.

B) Rebellions from right wingers

A socialist constitution upheld by a Supreme Court and enforced by the police. Again, there is nothing about socialism that precludes these things.

I don't really understand the point of this thread tbh, unless you were talking about communism and not socialism.

I have seen everything now

You can have all that as long as there is a Self Dissolution Commitee for the Eventual Arrival of Communism.

An ancom who thinks we can have a society without any enforcement of law is delusional, so I welcome this user

Why not simply be a marxist then?

Why do people pretend that organisation, responsibility, or heirachy of talent don't exist with socialism?

Bureaucracy doesn't disappear just because workers own the means of production, and it's a stupid Holla Forums assumption to think that every decision needs to be voted on and therefore the system loses efficiency and speed.

The key point is to create a society where bureaucracy isn't self serving and able to control society for its own separate interests.

A socialist state would defend itself with the military it set up or took over. Socialist workers capable enough to overthrow capitalism are capable enough to organise and supply a military, even on a large scale. The problem is how that military will do against the immediate attacks of a much more honed military of any large bourgeois nation.

Because (a) having law enforcement doesn't contradict having horizontal principles as long as officers are subject to recall and (b) Ancoms don't agree with marxist strategies and tactics (which I would argue is the topic that most divides the revolutionary left)

I think he was just talking about a socialist country to respond to the OP, and not expressing his personal point of view.

Nothing, you dont.

Socialism in one country is called Stalinism for a reason.

Globalists are uniting the workers for us.
Lucky eh?

Well what would we do in this situation in general. The society would be as defensible as earth is now so if our technology is considered nothing in the face of the aliens I don't think an alternative political system would save us

I'm not an Ancom, but libsoc doesn't have its own flag so this has to do.

A) a strong military and a heavily-armed populace

B) a strong military and a heavily-armed populace + gulags.