How's your country doing fellow lefty ?

how's your country doing fellow lefty ?

France here.
we're diving head first int right twing populism.
as always with right wing populism i fear that this may go out of hand and end up in a blood bath.

i seriously doubt that lefty have any future at this point, at lest not in the next 20 years.

shit is going dark

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If you want to see left in a shitty situation, then come to Poland. The most left-wing party we have is just a bunch of socdems who want to parrot Swedish economic policies and they have around 3% on average

I live in Brazil and it's just so shit right now that I don't think I can write all the recent failures of the Left without depressing myself, which is not something I want in a nice sunday morning.

I've been hearing this shit about every EU country in some type of political crisis since 2007. You europeans need to own up to the fact that you no longer have it in you to fight back and storm the palace and stop talking about the threat of civil war.

It must be difficult to argue in favor of Socialism with your history. Even though I doubt the Left's current projects resemble the Soviet enterprise at all, people always make the association.

I wish it was even possible to suggest that without getting laughed at. Social democracy is the farthest we can go so far and people are calling those socdems communists and USSR lovers anyways


most people here are losers who unironically get mad when you say that you don't vote seriously
we also have a lot of agrarianist cancer and the current government won't shut up about muh smol busineses

Good job trot-kun.

Strangely the situation here in South America is similar. Center-left ideas have been discredited by the crisis in Brazil and Argentina, left-wing ideas discredited by Venezuela. You can't bring up Socialism with a straight face, even though there's a vague feeling in the air that the populist-reformist platform has fulfilled its purpose yet.

It's a weird position, where unfortunately there's probably no way out other than waiting for the Right to ascend, discredit themselves and collapse while we work on new ideas.

Be careful with that, once our left discredited itself about 13 years ago, the conservatives took the mantle of the fighters against insane economic liberalism. Truthfully they're shit at it, but it's enough to make our left almost completely impotent.

Can you blame from all the failures of the 'socialist' hollande ?

We'll never win unless we can root out and expel the immigrant devils along with their identity politics by having only a pure white France .

Maybe possibly we can convince LePen of some left wing policies ?

Japan I told you to stop with the right-wing shit

is this suppose to be sarcasm ?

New Zealand: nothing has happened here since Lord of the Rings got made. We're going to have the current center right Prime Minister for at least another term, so 12 years total. Centrist rule looks to be stable for the next few dozen years as well. My country is very boring.


Everything sucks. Our leftist parties are right wing too. And gommunist party is nothing more than a muh soviet nostalgia joke

What about #nuitdebout? Didn't it show that the left is still around?

I like the depressed posts in here.

i say let them because if you aren't white get the fuck out of my comfy commune and then show them the light later

Well people here unitonically believe that Justin Trudeau is left wing when he's just another neoliberal stooge who is socially liberal. And even that is obviously a joke because he literally talked about the importance of women and trans rights all through he election and then immediately sold weapons to Saudi Arabia. On the bright side some Socdem ideas are getting quite a bit of traction here, and people seem at least open to the idea when you try to discuss actual socialism.

Rightistst government. Cost of all road improvements on the shoulders of the working class, yet the working class is excluded from using improvements by paywalls aka toll roads with flat tax instead of percentage of income.

Municipalities basically give contractors and banks monopoly on properties, never develop anything for the common folk to acquire and build the home they want. New homes made to look attractive but made with lowest tier materials and impractical, yet expensive as fuck because banks and contractors keep prices high by deliberately limiting supply of homes.

News outlets ask bankers and realtors about property market instead of asking sociologists. 2% drops in property value over a few months is reported as a catastrophe but increase of price by 10% over the same time period is considered a "healthy market". Literally impossible to have roof over ones head without being a slave to bankers or renting.

Working class mostly divided into liberals and rightists, both fighting against their own interests. Both view the world in black and white. Nuance is dead. Everything gets more and more retarded every single day.

Job cuts. Merging of working positions, increasing workload without more compensation. "Save money" is the leaders' mantra that keeps fucking the working class over. Saving money is extremely expensive as it leads to inefficiency, which the working class is required to compensate for without getting more in return.

Next election will likely give us a liberal light blue government masquerading as leftists.

Australia here, shit is grim we will likely encounter an economic disaster due to the massive housing bubble and both major parties are neoliberals. housing should of never become a commodity.

nah m8, we gonna get jobs and growth.


Poland here

Catholic Nationalist Populism is the dominant political force
Christian Democrats are the main opposition
Followed by a hodgepodge collection of other shitty parties
The left has a decent party in Razem but is still collecting itself after the implosion of the post-commie SLD. The country seems a bit fucked to me tbh, the average young guy is much more receptive to 'POLAND STRONK GOODNIGHT LEFT SIDE' than to any argument about opposing getting fucked by employers.
Otherwise our politicians are completely subservient to the Vatican, the parliament has devolved into shitflinging and the ruling party has a solid core of churchgoers (a la Franco) and has bought the lumpenproletariat with gibsmedat (rather than instituting any meaningful reform).
But at least the economy's ok? It's mostly due to having a robust domestic economy but the quality of life has a looong way to go. It's no wonder people emigrate in droves, of course they feel like suckers when they see how people in the West live.

Far right is on the rise again
Immigrants are the big boogie man. They have been since we were colonised.
Meanwhile whenever some shred of labourism appears from the Labor party, big business throws a hissy fit and makes the unwitting masses vote conservative.

The US, and no we aren't close to anything resembling Leftist ideals of Socialism.

Hell we just got over Socialism being the big dirty taboo word. Unforunately thanks to SocDems people think Socialism is when the Government gives you free stuff. I don't think I need to say more about the situation and just point to Trump and Holla Forums. Clinton doesn't need to be said more about on this board.

So yeah nothing happening in the Empire of America other than what you been hearing in the Middle East as of late.

Tbh one thing that gives me hope about America is how stubbornly entrenched right wing thought is. Given the shitty and decreasing conditions that millions of Americans live with, and the fact that the establishment is vehemently opposed to any kind of concessions, means that people are likely to lose faith in the entire system. It's already happening with the surge of anti-establishment support in B████ and Trump.

Maybe, just maybe your ideology is shit and that's why it's not taken seriously…?

Yeah I been seeing that myself. The Old Parties are Splintering, the Democrats for the Second time will splinter.

Also I do not believe that Trump is anti-establishment myself. My reasoning for this is why would an self proclaim billionare, not being in with the sell outs in politics.

Oh what's your alternative Holla Forumstard? A Nazi masturbation fantasy for clearing out your ebil boogieman the Jooos?

You need to go back Holla Forums

Finland here.
The 'left' has nothing to offer to the working class, except idpol and welfare capitalism. Right-wing populists are the only people addressing any of the issues workers care about, so they are slowly moving to the right.

I'd like to try to shoehorn market socialism and worker coops into the ideology of the current parties identifying as leftist.


we have Holla Forumstards on this board so making comments as your first will make you a target. But your statement is true though if you aren't a part of the left you need to go back. Nazi, Neo-liberals, the alt right, etc. Just need to go back to where they belong and stop shitting up this board.

We a do a good job of that on our own.

I'm surprised

Salut camarade!

Yes it is, the left is a tiny minority in a world of 7,43 billions people who are mostly right wingers, SJWs, liberals or apolitical. We can't change shit on a global scale, and we don't have time anyway because the collapse is coming. I advocate building small self sufficient anarcho-survivalist communes, where we can enjoy the full product of our labor and watch the world burn while sipping on homemade cider.

Right wing liberals are destroying what is left of the welfare state. At least labor unions have some power left.

I might just disappear one day and live out my life reading yotsuba and eating stale rice so I don't have to deal with retards ruining the world anymore.


Leftism has become the dominant force in the country, theres open talk of a violent revolution soon, independent communes are already being formed, marxists and anarchists have finally reconciled there differences

US here. It's shite. Getting shittier by the day.

A big thing that's happening here is the imminent collapse of the SS Disability system, followed shortly by the collapse of Retirement. From what I'm reading it's set to go off in 2017. I'm shocked this isn't the big question for the election cycle - probably because talking too much about it would collapse faith in the neoliberal model. I'd think Trump would be pushing this hard given his base though.

Britfag here and our country isn''t doing to great right now tbh, the brexit defeat and subsequent 'coup' pretty much destroyed Labours credibility which is a shame as they were beating the Tories in the polls by good margins for a couple months, now it's just bad press and Corbyn vs Establishment infighting. Meanwhile Theresa May continues unchecked as their is no oposition and plans to repeal the human rights act and increase spying and combined with the EU no longer holding up workers rights we are fucked for the foreseeable future

>a commie complaining using 'le populist' meme

Wait, wasn't it based French workers rioting and breaking Paris just a few months ago because of work reforms?
I thought France was one of the few first world countries to still have somewhat of a "strong" left.


Nobody takes it serious, especially since we rely heavily on foreign trade for our economy. Socialism in the netherlands probably is not possible until we either have a big country supporting it or if shit gets really though.

It isn't necessarily Trump himself that's anti-establishment, but the rhetoric of many of his supporters. The tide is finally turning against the neocon/neolib alliance that's been distorting American politics since the 1970s.

Oh look, this old chestnut again:
*Collapse won't occur ~2017, it will occur ~2030-2040
*If allowed to happen, "collapse" would still allow SS to pay out 3/4 of current benefits, purely with incoming funds, without any reforms
*The entire SS shortfall projected 2034-2090 would be less than 1% of GDP
*The policies needed to shore up this funding gap are trivially tiny.

Ignorant burger here, isn't there a hardline split between working-class unionists, and bougie student activists, but both groups enjoy burning things? Or am I just thinking of the 1960s?

meant bourgie (middle class)

Malaysia here.
Whole country's spooked about communism/socialism. History textbooks teaches that communism is worse than satan and that the movement here back then were a chinese/atheist thing. Doesn't help that a majority of the population are religious muslims.
There's only one socialist party here, the PSM and I don't think the population know they exist. Last I heard the police banned the marxism course that they were trying to do.

i guess i should've explained it, in France, right wing doesn't mean liberal, actually the Front National has what you would consider a far left economical program, they're borderline commies, they are true Not Socialists.
its their social program that is considered right wing.

the only real economical right/liberal are center right, every other party is pretty much left/socialist.

and like the other user said most of those rioters were edgy teen, anarchists, antifa, etc.
not saying they're a minority, they're many particularly in Paris however they have no political impact and no political party as far as i know.

USA, just outside of atlanta.

Pretty fucked here tbh. garbage economy, openly racist neoconservatives and fascists vs liberal feelgooders vs ayncaps almost entirely, and of course general ignorance abound.

If there are any socialists near, they hide it well, and likely for good reason.

sounds awful m8, i feel you

canada here

northern canada has a whole lot of angry working class people packing heat in the north

all i need to do is convince them to convert

Northern Ontario is truly a paradise tbh, every town is a union town but nobody is a pussy nu-male urbanite. Also everybody has an SKS and Mossy 500.

you can take the flag off Holla Forums

I don't have to be Holla Forums to hate spooked idpol gun-hating SJW citiots.

It's become boring.
At least before SYRIZA we were rioting, complaining.. you know.. Now it's just boring passivity.

Everyone in my town is an SJW liberal or a nutty reactionary.
All the saber rattling against China and Russia has got me worried what the future holds.
Talking to you guys is what keeps me sane.

Burger here, we have no true left wing parties here. The closest thing we have is the green party ask they're clearly just opportunists like the other branches of thier party around the world. So, im sure they be just as worthless is the Democrats if they ever gained a lot of popularity.


I just saw that nigga gettin driven around his convoy of black suvs in Tofino

It's okay though, I too was taking a vacation on taxpayers dollars

wussup EI

Yeah but nu-male is just a fucking cringe term used by self-described "alpha males" who FUCK A LOT OF BITCHES AND WHO DOESN'T AFRAID OF ANYTHING AND WHO VERY DEFINITELY DO NOT!!! LIKE CUCKOLD PORN!
It's identitarian as fuck.
Just say fucking hipster like normal people, it's not like we don't know who you're talking about.

flat tax is percentage of income.


Shit. I guess I meant a flat fee. You know, "this shit costs 100NOK no matter what your income is".

What america are you living in nigga

I'm guessing you missed the whole "hipster" doesn't even mean anything! It's just what you call people you don't like! debacle

Reformism not even once

Canada is boring and sad. The federal government is controlled by somewhat dull centre-leftists, because here a certain degree of SocDem is our national default we always go back to. In my province, the leftist New Democrats are a joke and the Progressive Conservatives are flat-out scary so we're likely to get 20 years of the (neo)Liberals.

Downfall of the national NDP makes me a sad man. We had a chance!

Is there any plausible scenario in which Mr. Dog Rapist and his supporters take a fall without defaulting the Conservatives into power?

Not Australian but I did follow the recent election for a bit. I watched some of the debates and coverage and I've gotta say it was like stepping back into a time warp to 90's era America politics with all the "MUH FAMILY OWNED BIZNIZZ, MUH JOBS AND GROWTH, MUH LOW TAXES, MUH SMALL GUBMIT".

Burger here. Just went from east coast to west. The middle of America, is astounding. Mediocre, bland, just way-stations for trucks. I think the people who live in these rural countrysides could stand to benefit from socialism but they are probably the most spooked of us. Then in the cities there are exploited who are either liberals/pacifists or minorities who in large part seem to not give a fuck about helping capitalism but also don't give a fuck about overthrowing it and care too much for their car stereo. The most aggravating sector are the white professionals, labor aristocracy, and petit-bourgeois. The petit-bourgeois in large part are hardcore reactionary, especially in places like south FL where hispanics are hired for menial workers. Lots of this sector are B████ type democrats but they are plagued with what we might call "guild mentality". They have no conception of a social whole or cooperation and include the people who preach 'localism' as the sole stratagem. The worst of the worst people are in finance and law enforcement naturally.

Black people are held back by their churches, white people are held back by racism and relative muh privilege. Liberalism dominates the political scene. People are pissed off at central bankers or bureaucracy but are too uneducated, demoralized, or defeatist to do anything about it (since "violent revolution always makes things worse"). Leftism and activism are specialized, separate, and spectacular entities. Even if lumpens are radical they are few in number, hated by the whole society, or are compromised in some other way (mental health, drug addiction). Union members do not trust their leadership but seem content enough with their muh privilege and liberal protesting. Anarchists smoke cigarettes, drink beer, and listen to shitty music. Communists discuss theory and try to be slick entryists. muh fuckin' spectacle

Hongrie here.
Look at us, see your future. Lord of the Flies dystopia of far-right "holier than thou" policies, Fidesz and Jobbik racing for more porky money with extreme ultranationalist, whiteist, nativist policies, liberals are almost non-existent, deep-fried in IdPol, hysterical cunts. The left is like 15 people, most of the former centre left moved to far-right jobbik, that advocates welfare racism (meaning welfare for white hungarians death to gypsies, shoot immigrants etc.)
Exploitation of workers is at a Victorian England level, and disillusion is widespread.
Kinda like if Trump takes the US over, or Le Pen gets France.

hail from the same pit, comrade.

seems fun


After the disastrous government from our president from the Socialist Party, we might most likely get right-wing politician Piñera as our next president for the second time. I seriously hope so, for this country is really going to shit otherwise.

Praise capitalism!