Star Wars: Episode IX now on 4th script rewrite

Star Wars: Episode IX now on 4th script rewrite

Disney literally has no idea what they are doing

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Georgieboy seems more like an unparalled auteur with each passing day.

I look forward to the continuous bad fanfiction that is Nu-Star Wars.
I can't wait to see more OC DONUT STEEL droids.

is it too late to cut the scene in episode 8 where luke dies

Nah. They plan to fix that by having him resurrect as a Stand for Han Solo who survived with the power of love. Teaming up with the spirit of CG Leia, they fire a Kamehameha at Snoke after his third tranformation as Rey does a giant leaping down the middle saber slash that splits him i half. In the end, she gets married to Phasma in a trashy wedding and Finn goes on an adventure with BB8 to find new white women to impregnate.

Why they would bother with a 1st rewrite when it's not about the story is beyond me. It's about the merchandise, and the average normie can't tell a good movie from a bad one anyway.

I wonder what goes through the the minds of the people who hated George and said literally any other director would have done a better job now. This is what happens when you let e-celebs meme that the creative force behind something was the problem with it.

But but JJ saved star wars from evil george lucas who ruined it beyond belief with the prequels, tfa was the besst h-he can do it again!…

They're only doing this because they have nothing actually interesting to show for it yet. I guarantee you the movie has already been completely filmed and is being edited right now.

Have you guys noticed how Disney doesn't give a shit about Episode VIII? It's supposed to be released in 3 months and still no trailer, no interviews, no hype. It's all about Episode IX that is scheduled for 2019.

I agree. There's no point in rewriting a script if it's missing the 2 most important parts: a clear vision and a story that needs to be told through 3 movies.
TFA had nothing outside of the nostalgia bait. There's no plot, no world building, no memorable character. All it has is a bunch of movie gimmicks to keep the people entertained every 15 minutes.

I find that the average viewer can often differentiate a good film from a bad film, they just can't articulate why in any real way. They stall out with generalities and cliche(boring, didn't make sense, it sucked, etc). Never underestimate how many will defend a movie they secretly hate because they don't want to admit they dropped 50 bucks and hours of their life seeing it and feel stupid for getting swindled.

Can't be any worse than what is planned.

I like to see movie that is about first order because I like fascistic empire. Is that wrong?

Why didn't they make a bunch of stars instead of a big one?

Good question, ask the guys who made the movie.

He keeps turning the script in, but Kathleen doesn't feel there are enough yaaas queens and white male Nazi villains. I guarantee the series ends with MaRey Sue cutting the evil Nazi's cock off.

Disgusting! VILE! NO!

Why didn't they make bunch of launch pads for guided FTL missiles? Even merely relativistic speed vehicles would be weapons of planetary destruction.

Thank you

So it took less time to build a bigger battle-station, Death Star II, than the first one? The Star Killer base is just a big hole in the ground tbh.

Not to mention they somehow had the funds to do it despite the first order coming out of nothing after the Empire was down, whereas it took Sheev ove a decade of politicking to become the Emperor and have the resources to create the death star.

Why would the Rebellion have conquered the entire galaxy at once? The Empire, or First Order, probably still has entire regions under its control. The Star Killer base is basically a big hole in the ground. Seems easier to build than Death Star II.

Pheeeewwwwwwwwww KA-PLOSH!

well well well didn't the hobbit have this shit? Along with directors changing.
The movie will be ashit.

I would guess that many CEOs and other assorted wealthy businessmen preferred the Empire as it was stable and they probably had some sweetheart agreements with it that they lost when it went tits up. Easily see them funding a return to a more profitable situation for them.

That angle would be too smart for JJ.


E-celebs are internet critics for a reason, they don't have the balls to be actual directors. Their opinions are worth less than dogshit.

That's true about pretty much all critics save the ones that do criticism as part of honing their own art.


this is great news! so stoked for this disney product!

How many times do you need to rewrite an exact copy of Return of the Jedi?

Gotta make sure you include are much cultural marxism in every scene as possible!

Disney is basically telling us you can't have great advanced technology without "diversity" ruining it.

Luke did not blow up the Death Star, Jyn Erso did.

B-b-but muh mr Plinket!

Does this mean even they know they fucked up and its too late to fix it? Perhaps this is why they got Jew jew back in attempt to use his name and work ( TFA made money) to bail them out?

Also certain people like to be a contrarians and the rest feel shame for not liking "stronk woman sjw/diversity" movie.

yeah there will be "dick shot" garbage, there's a Star destroyer with a cannon that looks like a dick they made guess what they will probably do?
Also I love how they have to dump their propaganda everywhere… everyone they don't like is a "nazi" never-mind the baboon was a "stormtrooper"!? and the Order has women in combat roles…seems "Nazi" just means people who are the same as the resistance/rebels except they like boots, the color grey, red and they have more deformed emos.


Looks like that ol' mystery box is working pretty good right about now.

George said "something something politics labor strikes" that apparently resolved themselves as soon as DS1 got operational so DS2 didn't have those problems. I have no idea what the Mouse's excuse is.

It's the shoulders I'd worry about.

There's no explanation for this.


All they had to do was just pick one of the hundreds of already written stories in the expanded universe and make them into movies, but no. They had to go and just invalidate literally decades worth of writing and now they're fresh out of fucking ideas.

it is strange that there isn't more hype, but we already have tons and tons of shitty merchandise

shoot him in the dick!


George as a director is probably above average. I wouldn't say he does anything particularly exceptional but he doesn't have any glaring shortcomings as a director. What he is though is an exceptional executive producer, who (like Peter Jackson with the LOTR) can manage big movie projects and can juggle exceptionally well the VFX, SFX, location shooting etc, etc to produce a blockbuster.

What he is though, is a terrible writer and he's even admitted so himself. He has a good "story sense" but he writes terrible dialogue and he can't write characters to maximise each scene to contribute to the overall story.


Knowing the size of their egos and reliance on twists I'd say they were actually originally planning to do this and then scrapped it when they figured out everyone would see what was coming a mile away.

Then they proceeded to make A New Hope for the third time.


I blame Stoklasa for all of this.

In a way this is justice; I thought Jew Jew would stay far away from the shitshow after terminally fucking up the trilogy by having Mary Sue beat the Darth Emo. Now he's going back in.

Now we'll see Stoklasa shit on VIII and go back to masturbating over IX.

You could just have said that he has autism but we all knew that already.

That didn't even happen. The ground was unstable and he fell into a hole before she could kill him. She became the hero for doing absolutely nothing.


However it happened isn't the issue, what is the problem is that protagonist of the new story beat the villain in the first act. There is a reason stories follow a similar structure all over the world and have done for so long. It creates tension, storyline hooks to keep us invested. Even if Rey is a shit character, getting beat by Ren who would then flee because of support for Rey and him being injured works fine. It still makes him look menacing for being so capable and shows Rey and the audience she has a long way to go.

Of course that didn't happen and we got one of the worst Mary Sues ever. No stakes, no drama. Rey was always capable, with the Force, light sabers, tech, piloting etc. and is even the chosen one. Its boring and lazy. Nu-Star Wars exists to push social propaganda of the likes of Rey being the most perfect woman ever and the ethnically diverse republic who love democracy stuck in the eternal battle against fascism and hate.

The novel (which is the same level of canon as the movie) explicitly states she spared his life and resisted the dark side doing so.

Why does this dudes nose look like a penis?

Some areas of the galaxy refused to be under New Republic rule because the New Republic is so unstable and weak. The pro-empire planets got impoverished by forcing them to pay for the war damages so that is why first order destroyed Hosnian system along with the Republic's seat of power.

But there are trailers, at least two that can be found on youtube.

But it's supposed to be a blockbuster, they should talk about it, I mean it's "Star Wars".

It should have had Luke force pull the lightsaber and push back Kylo in a duel but ultimately show mercy when he could finish him. Then the sequel could be him training Rey and trying to impart his knowledge of the force and grey ideology to her. Instead they fucked it up.

It still doesn't make sense, not even from an "internal logic" standpoint. The Galactic Empire struggled to build two deathstars, but then some tiny fragment of that empire has no problem building something bigger, by volume, than both of the Empire's deathstars – oh and they also have titanic star destroyers and colossal AT walkers and a huge well trained army too.

And why in the FUCK is the military arm of the New Republic called "The Resistance" and still slinking around backwaters like a terrorist group? If anything the entire paradigm should have been fucking reversed. The New Republic should have had the well trained military with expensive hardware, and the First Order should have been rebel terrorists.

To me, they're the equivalent of the communits regimes, still thinking that they're part of the "revolution" while in reality they're in power and letting their people die.
Exactly. If Star Wars wasn't part of Disney, the good guys would've been the First Order (I'm not shitposting like "the FO did nothing wrong blablabla", I'm talking as pure storytelling), and the New Republic the main enemy.

The problem is they can't get away from fetishizing "the underdog". Why does the protagonist always have to be a rag tag god damn underdog? Why can't they make a good movie about upstanding Republic special forces trying to stop a nefarious terrorist plot? Why does everything have to be BIGGER BIGGER BIGGER MORE MORE MORE? Why is the only way they know how to make an impact destroying dozens of planets at once? Don't they know that kind of hyperbole just lessens the overall effect and makes the viewer stop caring so much? You can make antagonists that are dangerous and need to be stopped without making them threats to the entire fucking universe.

I think the idea was that the new order and resistance were basically being used by the republic and empire to fight little proxy wars while still appearing to honor their own treaties.

I agree with you, I don't understand the point of all the stuff that happened on screen. In previous movies they destroyed planets as a last resort, a final warning, while in TFA they destroy a bunch of planet at the same time "because they can"?

They should have just kept the Early draft of the script where the republic was revealed to have their own death star. As stupid as it seemed at the time it was way better than what we got in the final movie.

It makes sense when you realize the Resistance is similar to Antifa. Antifa thinks the left aren't 'going far enough' to fight against cis whites, and they believe they are the underdogs with no support against some massive fascist state. The Resistance is that same liberal urge to purge their enemies and pretend they are being persecuted. The First Order are a stand-in for conservatives, and match what antifa believes them to be: a cartoonish group of people who are really angry for no reason.

This might have been too interesting for Kathleen Kennedy. Potentially you might talk about something other than vaginas and gender issues if you did that.

How can

Calling it now, there will be a Jabba the Hutt character who looks like Trump

Apparently the idea of a antagonist that threatens the heroes on a personal level is no longer a valid concept anymore. If this new trilogy featured small groups trying to assasinate key political figures that helped the Rebellion win, then it allow the scope of events to be small and meaningful. Compare that to blowing up 5 planets for no reason.

Since they prefer these big universe-ending threats, the least they could do is make the technology involved much more streamlined e.g. use the Sun Crusher. Sadly, instead of that, we might actually be getting a third Death Star: design and all. Also those fucking puffin things that are strong in the force.

I thought it was supposed to be Snoke (with the gold robe and shit like that).

Speaking of Trump…
I was rewatching Die, Monster, Die! last night, and Nick Adams' really nailed the Trump hair in that one.

Gonna be hard to do a Hutt that looks like Trump without the hair tho.

I think there are no words that can express just how thoroughly Disney has managed to fuck this up. They got a franchise with 20+ years of creative output, some of it quite good. and a trilogy of fan favorite books perfectly suited for a new movie trilogy, a rabidly loyal fanbase and a huge merchandise market desperate for quality toys for young and old alike.

And what do they do? In the span of less than two movies they manage to mangle the plot, and the lore, so fucking badly the next two central movies are complete trainwrecks, their casting choices are unpopular and the toys aren't selling and the video game market is being squandered by giving the sole rights to EA, the possibly most inept and loathed gaming company in all of vidya.

I thought Jews were supposed to have a natural instinct for amassing shekels.

Some of the Hutt family had hair, see Marlo in TCW.

The old archkikes did so good a job, the newer generations haven't been tempered in the crucible of healthy anti-semitism.

Just because the Disney kikes can't figure out how to rewrite their anti-white propaganda doesn't mean Mike was wrong nor that George Lucas is, was, or ever would be any good at handling the Star Wars universe by himself.


If the incoming one still makes as many shekels as TFA did, then it means it's all over and we goys deserve all the shit that's coming to us. They're literally trying to see how far they can go in the bull shit and the SJW-ication of a classic pop franchise. It's cultural terrorism, but Rogue Juan, even though literally erasing the white male from the nice guys side, seems to have worked well even with the anti TFA crowd…

I'll give the mudshits this, beating their women seems to have worked out well for them.

White sharia when?


Stone the harlot!

Too much sharia, not enough white here. No need to "culturally appropriate" that fucking islamic cloth, or maybe a simple hijab will do, we could still see their face at least for wedding purpose choice.

Dr. Lucas, i'm Disney.