Your thoughts on the movie 'Risen'

Red pilled movie about jesus and the jewish riot in ancient rome.

was jesus just jewish propaganda? Is the bibel a lie to divide the roman empire?

your thoughts on the movie 'Risen'
And why does hollywood do not want you to know about this movie?

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Germanic Tribes or gtfo.
In all honesty Rome was pretty awesome but was Jew run. There were of course a lot of Romans who knew that.

Umm. Kay d&c

I'll look into it OP thanks for giving me something to watch

Yes. The answer is yes. It is the most logical explanation really, considering zero historians from Rabbi Yeshu's time mention anything about him. No Roman sources either mention his existence.

It was an ancient Jewish psy-op in order to make Aryans weak, to poison Roman civilization from within and make it collapse.

There's too much intelligence in the gospels to be considered jew propaganda.

Of course.

You're very wrong, there's about 40 religious contemporary references to Jesus and about 10 secular sources that mention him… There's Thallus (52 AD) who discusses the darkness that happens after Jesus' crucifixion, The syrian Mara Bar-Serapion (70 AD) who referred to Jesus as a Great King, Tacitus (56-120AD) who discusses Jesus and Neros blaming of Romes burning on Christians and the list goes on.

As for Roman sources, how about Suetonius (69-140AD) who wrote the following:

And of course there's Josephus, the Jewish-Greek Governer and Historian who verifys a LOT of information regarding Jesus' life and doings.

You mention logical explanations, so if you could, would you please guide me through how a Mythicist would explain why the Bible has so many verifiable elements in people, places and events, and yet manage to get Jesus so wrong? How despite Jesus' non-existence, how Christianity managed to form, build up such a verifyably huge base of disciples within a tiny timeframe, and how they managed to keep these stories consistent for so long, at such far distances, and so loyally that they ended up dying based on what they believed in, even going so far as tricking contemporary historians into believing their fictional character of Jesus?

You're very wrong, because your entire argument is based on a strawman. Perhaps you should read what I said again.

All of those historians you mentioned wrote about him decades to over 100 years after his supposed life.

Funny how there are zero texts from his lifetime about him. It's almost like the whole story was started by a bunch of Jews decades later. Wouldn't be the only time Jews invented an even that never happened and managed to get it into the history books.

I never thought about the fact that I've seen no sources of Jesus during his own time. Bumping for interest and more information

Don't watch Jewish cinema.


I've seen the movie and I didn't like the message that fundamentalist Christians always pass around, the fact that a guy is being saved just by Jesus's death.

It's something of a personal issue I have with Christianity the fact that they always put to much weigh in Jesus's miraculous comeback from the dead and not his teachings.

The fact that they chose a roman to be the one to convert also shows this idea that Christianity is for the goyim too not just the jews something that is historically wrong. Jesus himself only focused on the jews and had little contact with the goyim ( only once did Jesus interact with a soldier in order to heal his servant an episode where Jesus didn't actively changed the solder but admired his faith).

Not much is known of the conflict between Paul (Saul) and the other apostles for his focus on goyim and not jews, events that happened way later than the apotheosis.

Unfortunately the fact that Christianity was shaped not only by Jesus but also it's followers leaves a bad taste and raises big questions about the the true direction of this faith.

Despite all this, the Bible still is an important book that needs to be analyzed because it's one of the few books that explore human societies in a rather objective manner.

What would historians have to write about Jesus prior to his death about Jesus anyway? "There's this guy Jesus who lives in the armpit of Judea, he preached on a hill last week and then pissed a bunch of Jews off. His followers claim that he's magic".

In the eyes of the average Roman Citizen Jesus was a troublemaking preacher and nothing more… The full impact of his existence wouldn't hit until years later, when Christianity started growing. This would be the point where interest in who Jesus was would begin fostering.

And claiming that just because we don't have record of him surviving to our time (Nearly 2000 years later) doesn't mean they didn't exist. When the historians who's accounts were written "decades or centuries afterwards" did their thing, they still had access to documentation now lost to us that would prove that Jesus existed (Census records, execution records) and most importantly they'd have access to eyewitness testimony (Whether written down, or even actual people who knew Jesus still being around). If they were just throwing whatever they heard into their accounts without double-checking to make sure that these people existed and that these events happened, then all of these historians, every last one of them, must have their work's authenticity be questioned, discredited and ignored as potentially fraudulent

Never heard anything about that. Maybe when it was in its decline and eventual collapse it was, but during its prosperity it didn't have much Jewish influence.

Really nigga? He had lots of followers during his supposed life. Someone definitely would have written about him during his life if he existed. But literally NOBODY did that. Not a single person, not even one. No mentions of a Jew cult leader starting a new religion in Rome territory.

It is pretty obvious honestly that he never existed and a bunch of kikes just invented the whole story decades later. This would work because of the slow spread of information in those times and lack of records and statistics about populations, it would be impossible to check if the person actually existed 40 years ago. You would just have to trust the rumors.

Just wait for Mel's sequel to Passion of the Christ. Can't wait for him to btfo kikes again.

Found the Jew,

Jesus' ministry lasted only 3 years, and it logically follows that it would be unreasonable to think that Jesus had followers before he began preaching. Even so, his sayings WERE documented in the Q Document, which were eventually extrapolated into the Bible itself… Which was, of course, written by Jesus's disciples, or was narrated to the pupils of Jesus' Disciples, or was compiled through interviews of people who met Jesus and knew him firsthand.

If I understand your viewpoint, your criteria means that you would only accept proof of Jesus from documentation that would need to appear during this narrow three year period, citing references of a traveling preacher who wandered all over the Middle East and never stayed in one place long, which additionally managed to survive 2000 years till today. Existing governmental documentation, eye-witness testimony long-since and historians who lived far, far closer to the time of the events, citing documentation that existed in their times be damned. You're so overly skeptical that I don't think I'd be able to convince you even if I had a time machine and took you there to meet him in person!

No, you fucking lying kike, I require some writings about Jesus from ANY TIME DURING HIS OVER 20 YEAR LONG LIFE.

Oh wait, no such thing exists because HE DIDN'T EXIST. Christcuckery is just a giant Jewish psy-op.

Well, lets extrapolate this criteria onto another classical character, Socrates. He lived for 71 years as a major, MAJOR power Greek player. Yet no documentation exists over his entire 71 year life that proves that he ever existed… In fact, the only real reliable evidence that and history of his life is from his (clearly biased) student Plato.

Are you willing to make the claim or even entertain the notion that Socrates was a fictional invention given that he falls under the same kind of circumstances that Jesus did, despite Jesus having numerous historical reference in the few years after his life?

Odin is tied to the story of the Runes, as the Poetic Edda states he hung upside down from the world tree, Yggdrasil, for nine days and pierced himself with his spear in order to obtain their magical knowledge.

As one can see the Jesus story is based upon Wotan/Odin. The important Esoteric meaning can also be found in the Jesus story though.

I don't have the whole picture but this is what I got up to this point…

Jesus was wounded by a spear and sacrificed himself. But why did he sacrife himself. Was it for us? This is too superficial. We have to look at the symbols in the Jesus story.

Maybe you saw how some Rabbis are wearing a small black box on their forehead. It's called Tefillin. Then there are the Muslims who go on a pilgrimage to their black cube, the Kaaba. So this is some of their mystic shit. It's not European and these religions are subverting us.

In both cases it's a black cube. Now what does the cross represent? The cross is an opened cube. If you divide the cross into 6 areas, you can put it together into a cube.

So I suppose Jesus/Odin sacrificed himself for knowlede. The mystic boxes are opened for us, i.e. the Pandoras Box is open.

What is this knowledge? Is it long forgotten stuff that we need to find to free ourselves?

I don't know what it is. But I suppose if it's Esoteric knowledge, then we have to find it in ourselves, "memory of the blood" (Carl Jung, Miguel Serrano).

The Ahnenerbe surely cracked this secret.

Wrong. Both draw on the same motifs, but to say that one is based on the other is unsubstantiatable.

Exactly this, the character of Jesus is given special scrutiny, while we are told to accept the existence of many others who are attested to by much weaker evidence.

Who knows, might be that the whole guy was invented by Plato. Ghostwriters are a thing that some people do.

Did you really think your ridiculous example is some kind of argument FOR the existence of Jesus? You're in fact only reinforcing my stance that the kike never existed.

For fuck's sake, it is my conclusion. I don't have time to write a whole article. If you want evidence, do your own research. You will surely find it.

This is right. You have to go down that rabbit hole even further. Don't get caught up in Cultural Relativism though, because hierarchies exist in all areas. Some cultures are a hoax, fabricated by the church in the middle ages and by some other powers after them.

The problem is there's no chronological or historical evidence for your assertion. To me, that points to it being an inherent/Jungian symbol from our development, or that they're both drawing on a root myth/figure that has since been occluded.

It's also important, from a symbological point of view, that Christ's being nailed to a tree is a symbolic "undoing" of the Genesis story, where (wo)Man removes divinity from a tree and is sullied by having divine man replace what was lost, and, in that framework, undo "original sin/the earthbound state." Note that there are two other condemned criminals in the story, which may correlated to the two trees in the Garden.

There other secondary sources for Socrates besides Plato. Now SOLON the Sage, there's a character whose historicity is straight up questionable, but hardly ever is.

I believe Jesus was who he said he was. He was the son of the One True God. I'll admit my knowledge of scripture is poor as I'm making my way through the bible now, but as I see it now I'm not certain the true God is YHWH, the god of the israelites. Memes aside, it does seem likely YHWH is a violent volcano demon that demands sacrifice and unlike the God described in the NT. It's also odd how Jesus calls kikes the sons of satan, but they should be god's chosen according to the OT.
God created men with free will and so wants men to choose good over evil and properly love him of their own accord. It may be that to try to influence the most evil race on earth (kikes) he sent down Jesus and tried to retcon their evil religion so they'll do good. Obviously this hasn't worked and the kikes still worship moloch, the volcano demon YHWH, or their own materialism.

As for what God actually is or what God's true name is, I have no idea. It could be that many previous religions talk about the same God with different names: ahura mazda, Odin the all-father, vishnu, etc.

The jew cube has scrolls of scripture, scrolls with holy writing, logos. Jesus is said to be logos (from Saul's Gospel). This parallels the Odin story well.

It wasn't an argument, it was a question so I could understand your position a little better… Thank you for answering, by the way. It shows a great deal of consistency and I appreciate that

It should be noted that you seem to not understand the point I've been making this entire time. The argument, in my eyes, isn't "Did Jesus Exist, or was he Fictional", because the argument that he's fictional is fringe lunacy too reliant on unreasonable conspiracy theories to even consider. Very few historians would ever even think to assume the position you're taking, not even skeptics and atheists, so consider yourself the minority on this.

The argument I've been making is that "confirming that someone was a real historical figure based solely on documentation that existed during their lifetimes" is a dumb criteria especially when we're talking about ancient figures. There are many, MANY people are accepted by academia as having been real, on far less proof than we have for Jesus. An example would be the fact the earliest biography we have of Alexander the Great being dated to 400 years after his death, and historians consider it to be absolutely reliable testimony and proof to his life, ESPECIALLY since it correlates well with other existing evidence.

The ultimate irony is that as far as I can tell your whole viewpoint on Jesus' existence is based totally on faith and rejecting evidence.

If it's a movie about Jesus made after 1980 and it's not made by Mel Gibson, don't watch it

There's a big problem with mainstream chronology, which is based on mere three books by the scholar Joseph Justus Scaliger.

In regards to historical evidence you need to be cautious. If the original sources are lost and the remaining ones are copies from the Middle Ages, then more often then not it was fabricated in the Middle Ages and is a hoax.

In regards to artifacts that were found in the last 250 years you have to research who did the initial discovery. Often times this person is a front for a colonial power.

You're right that the source has vanished from our history. From my personal studies, I think that Germanic/Nordic myths are the closest we can get to the original. They are older than Egyptian or Vedic myths, as astonishing as this may sound. I don't care.

One thing that is important to understand is how the publishing business works and has worked since centuries now. Then you may stumble upon the topic of the Old Testament being written after the New Testament.

Other than that the Bible is pure fiction. It takes ample inspiration from older myths of course, but you won't find any innovation or new thoughts in it.

You can in some way compare it to the works of Nietzsche. This guy had not a single creative bone in his body. You can find every single one of his thoughts in other works. He first denigrates the original author, then steals his idea, twists it and proclaims afterwards that he's the first person who's ever thought of it. It's really digusting. Sorry for the rant.

have to say, the last half of the movie is shit but the first half shows very well how simply the jew could have faked his resurection. They needed a riot so they took one of the many street prayers, made him big and after he hang they just took him to fake a resurection. Start spreading rumors on the street and boom, the dumb folk believes what (((msm))) is saying oh wait, thats what is nowadays

Anatoly pls go away

Is it time for another D&C thread already?

but muh pagans vs christ

A propaganda that undermines you own religion and position in the world?
That would be supremely stupid. This whole "christianity is a jewish plot" thing is only parroted by D&C retard or total idiots.

Christians and jews didn't get along until recently, after some re-translations and political pushes. Half the christian saints have at one time or another ranted against jews.

Uuuummm…..ok? Just stay were you are, buddy. Some nice men in white coats want to talk to you.

I don't know.
Nobody will ever know.

There is no evidence and while it partially seemed to undermine societies, it also grew the sense of "goodwill" and created peace within societies.

I just don't know anymore.

I know. Everyone else knows. You’re just an idiot.

Whatever the case, Pontius Pilate did nothing wrong. If you were to encounter a filthy kike claiming to be God that was disrupting law and order in your province, what would you do?

Praise KEK
Praise Jupiters Cock!


Remember to sage this stupidity.

Kill the rest of them and let Him go free.


Bullshit, this battle hasn't finished. Jesus represents the ultimate form of goodwill, but also the ultimate form of societal collapse when things invade and exploit it.

We need to preserve the smiles within, attack and protect on the outside.

No, what he represents is the greatest psyop the kikes have ever performed. I'd much rather worship Pontius Pilate than that subversive Jew Jesus.

Your jew centered view of history is much more poisonous than historical Christianity, which removed the Jews from the center of history. This is the big problem with "revived" NS and the "new" forms of fascism: it's not pro-white, it's just anti-Jew. You're granting them more power than their control of finances and media ever did.

Yes, you know nothing.

lol kill yourself

Aahahahahaha, this is what Christians actually believe.

The weak don't user.
That's the problem. They are weak.

What the fuck do we do?
It's not a fucking psyop, it is literally an attractive force for the weak. The weak are drawn to this mentality. Some person just appealed to every meme of the weak.
The Jews saw it's flaw, the Romans saw it's flaw. Every leader saw it's flaw.

Do we want robots or feels?

I want both.


Moishe harder.


Well, that was probably what was intended. It was probably designed as the ultimate rolemodel and figure for the pattern citizen. But in reality we both know that's not how the concept of Jesus is used. It's mostly used to shame people, alienate them and make the christians feel a sense of self-warranted dignity over someone else. If anything, Jesus would probably ally himself with the atheists of today if he was alive.

while digging into the history of christanity, searching the roots, seeing the jewish connections, connections to early ekyptians and so on. I have to admit, the religion coming from the pharaos seems to be the only true religion even so i don't believe in god.

If i had to decide which leed i would beleive, i would take KEK, the ekypian god of chaos.

So far i only used the common knowledge of normalfags wikipedia. Is there any other source to get some history information?

Why do you worship a Semite who claimed to be infinity, who claimed that he was the all? Only a Jew could be so arrogant to crown himself King of all Kings.

laugh and let him go. Its not like he was gaining any traction. Only like 12+ people followed him and the rest of his people despised him. Also Pontius Pilate was originally going to let him ago but he decided to ask his Jewish peers what to do with him and they basically yelled out the modern equivlant of 'crucifie him'.

[Citation needed]
Only thing I can think of is when Jesus got really angry at the irreverant money changers using their peoples temple as a place to exchange different currencys and decided to thrash the penny pinchers and overturn their tables. Which tbh is probably one of the few badass parts of the new testament.

Die in a fire pseudo-Jew.

Okeedoke, reported.

We have memed the american president into reality. But can we meme a god into reality?

Is it possible? Is meme magic strong enough?


I can't argue with someone who has no grasp on reality.

Keep giving your enemies more power over you. That will totally defeat them.

Try harder.


I.e. it failed?
Or did it preserve our feels?

No amount of Christian doctrine after the fact will change that you worship a Semitic God.


Yes, we know you’re intl. You don’t have to keep telling us, moishe.

Are you genuinely this stupid?


The only issue I have is with regards to church communities.
We must preserve communities.
Time for IRL esoteric temples?



Ok so it's settled. The official country to be annexed by Holla Forums is egypt? It is the rightful seat of KEK after all.

The Jews had been trying to subvert Hellenism even before Jesus was born. They were almost eliminated as a people as had Greeks done with Berbers and Phoenicians.

Christianity had subversion started by Jews during the early centuries, by getting Jew run Rome then to add the Torah to Hellenism. See what the Jew had to say in the (((Gospel of the Hebrews))), (((Gospel of the Ebionites))) and (((Gospel of the Nazarenes))) but oh wait none of them survived, wonder why?

(((Early Church Fathers)))

I thought the bible said Israel. :^)

I want to take the pyramids back from Zahi Hawass and the rest of the fucking egyptologists who want to cover up the proof of the First Civilization.


Agreed. We will be kangz.


Shall we include Pharaoh Pepi II Pyramid? Damn Moslems tore it down because they where butt hurt he didn't like Hebrews and got rid of all the Blacks in the South because they were rebelling.

Should annex Carthage, its tradition.
Then again, so is Egypt I suppose.


digging into christanity using faggots resource:


Second Temple Judaism

Ptolemaic Kingdom

there are tons of connections to the ekyptians and the gods of the pharaos. Also, Ancient Egypt culture is way older and was a highly advance race

and with all the symobls and influence they had into other cultures/religions, there may be more to it as the satanic gov. (left) is telling or the jew is hidding.

Carthage is where some ethnic Berbers Egyptians moved to after the Greeks took over their states and appropriated their culture.
At least the Berbers had fun last year when the Black Libyan communities couldn't defend themselves after Gadhafi was assassinated. I guess Hillary is a racist.

Damn right! Praise Kek! Got your kek rings today, on shapeways kek rings together, activate through the invocation of Shadilay! PRAISE KEK! HE IS RISEN! By the name of the great cat who protect us from Snek, he who wieldeth the long knife for the Ogdoad, I say REEEEEEEEEEE!

Nice dubs, frog priest.

Now you're not even making sense nigger.

Jesus was a Jew, a Semite.
Worship of Jesus as the earthly exemplification of the one true God is thus worship of a Semite/Jew?
Christianity was brought to Europe by Jewish/Semites fleeing the Middle East due to probable persecution on their behalf?
Christianity came to power in Rome in large part due to the efforts of Jews/Semites?
Christianity benefited from the fall of the Roman Empire, which it, AT LEAST in part, helped to bring down?
Christianity systematically eliminated all competing native religious practices in Europe?
Christianity originated in Europe, with Europeans?

Your turn.

Aha, makes sense.

Even according to the bible, Egyptians had control of some types of magic.

Also, does the bible ever flat out say other gods don't exist? I know it says to not take any other gods before YHWH, but that would imply other gods exist, eh? Even in a biblical based worldview, it could be that other gods exist but are angels/demons/entities that are lesser than YHWH. So Kek could be an entity that can do superhuman things and grant magic powers to humans, but is still lesser than the creator God.


>There's too much intelligence in X to be considered jew propaganda
is almost always jewish propaganda when there is no proof.

Deists were arguing the same thing 150+ years ago.

That's a terrible argument, it was all secondhand with socrates but there is still more evidence for him existing then jesus.

JIDF detected

The head of the Studio making this film.

Apparently not. Jesus gives them their larping powers as "chosen". It always has. They would of died out long ago if not for Rome and Jewsus.

I'm a christcuck and a kekcuk. LARPagans can fuck off

You can't worship demons and love Christ, user.

You first, fellow heretic.

Sure thing, queero.

actually, this. Digging into the happenings surrounding the riot, the fall of rom, the jesus-plot it turns out the jewish clique needed some happenings to keep moving forward. They had to divide rom.

on the other hand. It is not the first time jews fucked around with history. Just saying, 6 million. Also, as we see nowadays with the election and how deeply the clique was/is involved in turning shit to their favor.

lol fuck off


Shadilay, you have my thanks good tad/pol/e, for dubs must be checked, just as we must always Praise Kek!


Caesar = Kaiser = Czar = Khazar


Praise his name.
Kill the heathens. Purge Herecy.



Haha, this is what's behind Christian cinema. Fucking amazing.

Here's some more quality Christian entertainment by Affirm Films. Btw, while I was Googling Pontius Pilate for shitposts I noticed that apparently he will be played by a nigger in a new show called The Passion.



Thanks OP, all the kike d&c in this thread has convinced me this would be a good movie to watch



Apparently Jesus is a spic in it. Do you Christcucks realize that Christianity is a Globalist religion?


Jesus' resurrection is required. It is what proves that He is the Christ; that He is the sacrificial lamb and that He has defeated death. Upon His death the 'veil' is torn; the veil being what separated man from God.

If you're really interested I can delve into some theology for you. Simply put Christianity is all about a relationship with God and the redemption of Man; Jesus' moral parables are significantly less important than this despite what you may have been believed.

When does the redemption of Dolphins come?

No. They are cockroaches that find a way to worm themselves in anywhere they go.

Sure thing, Yosef.

Was Jesus a Jew? Yes or no.

I just watched Risen. I thought it was OK, but not great. I really hate the way most historical and mythological movies have been shot in the last 10-15 years. They're all these pseudo-gritty with a world full of gray and brown. I know the natural world, especially the middle-east is like that, but movies such as Risen emphasize it even further. The characters were bland, the acting was not believable. Jesus' disciples were just generic hippies.

I don't believe in the literal Jesus, i.e. God coming to earth as man 2000 years ago in the Middle-east and doing all of the stuff. That being said I think there is some truth to the concept of Jesus. One obvious reason is that the modern consumerist Kike-world hates him so much.

God is God of all creation.

No, because God isn't jewish. God is God.
Jesus MAY have been jewish biologically, but that means nothing.

Given that you're giving them credit for everything and make them out to be super-geniuses that create grand conspiracies spanning millenia…yeah, he is right.
You're a retard

D&C shills are keeping busy these days.
Honestly, threads like this should be nuked from orbit.

Jesus was a Jew, a Semite.

Worship of Jesus as the earthly exemplification of the one true God is thus worship of a Semite/Jew?

Christianity was brought to Europe by Jewish/Semites fleeing the Middle East due to probable persecution on their behalf?

Christianity came to power in Rome in large part due to the efforts of Jews/Semites?

Christianity benefited from the fall of the Roman Empire, which it, AT LEAST in part, helped to bring down?

Christianity systematically eliminated all competing native religious practices in Europe?

Christianity originated in Europe, with Europeans?

Sure thing, fam.

19 posts.
You really are earning your 10$, aren't you Schlomo?

Look like it's time for Filter ID's.
Scourge and Purge!
Sieg Heil

People forget that it also divided judaism.

This benefited neither Rome OR the Jews.

Not an argument:
You can't just say "the argument that Jesus was fictional is lunacy" without any evidence to the contrary. As of right now, the argument that Jesus never existed is the MOST legitimate explanation, because it is the only one that makes any sense and checks out. The argument that he did exist is in fact fringing on lunacy, because there exists ZERO evidence of his existence from his time, only rumors and stories from decades after.

It is obvious to anyone who is not a fool, that the Jews invented the whole character in order to weaken Roman civilization.

Typical Christcuck, so much irony in everything you say. You DON'T HAVE ANY EVIDENCE. At no point did you have any. You're a total word twisting kike just like your Jew god.

The Bible was written decades after Jesus's time. If you are a Christian you should know this. But oh wait, Christcucks are retards who don't know anything.

No, Rabbi Yeshua represents the ultimate form of subversion and brainwashing of the Aryan man

You stupid? OP himself was of the opinion that Christcuckery is a Jewish psy-op and that Jesus never existed. Literally says it in the opening post.

somehow funny that some anons here just believe that the jews in the roman empire were to be trusted.

When i watched the movie and saw how immiditley the jews came in to get the DEAD body of jesus i knew immiditley, something is fishy as hell. Why would they? The only answer is, to make an martyr, play with the faith of the useful idiots to woke a riot and burn down their enemys, the roman empire.

come on anons, it is not the first time this clique is involved in those kinds of fishy behavior.
it actually make a whole lot more sense as the original story told by the christians.
A son of god or a clique dividing an empire through religion?
getting rid of everyone who is not jewish is typicall jewish.

Yes, and who were the original Christians? Well, they were Jews. All 12 of Jesus' disciples were Jews, as were all of the first Christians after their time for YEARS before any Europeans even converted.

The mythology was written by kikes, for Romans. And we are supposed to trust these Heebs?

It's funny because it was Christians that ended up doing all the pogroms and Jewish expulsions in the end and Jews seem to harbour most hate for Christians. Not to mention, Rabbinic Judaism as we know it today started to happen around 200 AD, way after Christianity and way after their original Temple was destroyed in 70AD.

Modern Jews are scum-sucking descendants of Pharisee remnants that survived Romans and trying to fight fate when Jesus was the Messiah - that was why the Temple was destroyed, to make the end of Judeans as the chosen people, but the kikes could not let go and reveal themselves to be the parasitic devil worshippers which they ultimately became.

These fags are the D&C shills that try to besmirch anyone and anything that negates Jewish specialness and elevates man above their imagined"goyim" status.

yes, already pointed this out here

As well, the actually origin based on a influence by ekyptians, pharaon. So i guess thi smakes KEK the real god of them all.

Anyone knows another good movie based on roman empire? What i notice is that most hollywood movies are bias towards rom or show it in a bad light. I hate it actually to watch a historican movie and than they go full fairy tell when it comes down to religion.


It's funny because if Christcuckery never took over Europe, there never would have been any Jews in Europe to pogrom or exile, because if native European religions had still ruled they would have NOT LET THE JEWS IN IN THE FIRST PLACE.

You are the D&C shill. Anti-Christcuckery is not D&C because Christcuckstianity itself is D&C against the Aryan man. We are simply stamping out a Jewish cockroach that has its legs spread all over our continent.

Pharisees were already in Europe and had been for a while. Alexander the Great had the Septuagint created. We have Cicero (who died before Christ was born) lamenting the political power of the Hebrews in Rome.

I get that you're a jew and just throw anything out there to try to discredit Christianity; but seriously lad you should be ashamed of yourself. As it says in Malachi 4:1 in reference to Judea:

"For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch."

During it's decline, the Senate was heavily influenced by wealthy merchants. However, Rome was around for a long fucking time before that ever happened.

Talking about Germanics here. I get that you're a kike and just throw anything out there to support Christianity, it's your psy-op after all and it has been very effective against Aryans; but seriously lad you should be ashamed of yourself. You can not unironically claim that Germanics would have ever let a single Jew into their lands if they had not first been subverted by the Jewish cult called Christcuckery.

The power of the Jews over our people can be 100% attributed to Christians. It is their fault. Without them, they would have never got anywhere.

jfc I wish nu/pol/ would piss off

Its not unlikely that there were already some of the tribe of Israel in Germanic areas considering that they spread around many nations after the Babylonian exile and were specifically interested in trade. Believe it or not the Gauls and Norsemen had extensive trading routes going back a long, long way. We do not know exactly how far back it goes, but way before Rome rose to its glory.

The ancient world was by no means 'multicultural', but our perception that most of it was strictly 100% ethnic tribes who killed anything that did not look like them is ridiculous. The fact that many Germanics followed a brand of religion where they were instructed to be welcoming to aliens means that even without Christianity the Jews would have most likely got in, if they had not already.

The most important thing to note however was that early Christians and Pharisees (who became Jews) HATED each other. This hatred literally continued until around 1945. If you knew anything about Christianity you would know that Jews were condemned by essentially everyone. Jews were never friends to Christians, and until the US rose to prominence Christians were never friends to Jews. From the beginning they were two violently conflicting Torah-based 'religions' that saw one-another as the main enemy. They continued to be the main enemy all throughout the existence of the Roman Occident, and only began to be seen as not the number one enemy with the invasion of the muslims; though the jews were still a significant enemy and are often noted as being traitors who open gates or otherwise give advantages to muslims.

Jews only ever rose to prominent positions anywhere because of loans and blackmail. They were never favoured because they were jewish or of israeli background, and they were universally hated by the peasantry; it was just nobles who had fallen on hard times who would use their money for some expedition, and then would be 'owned' by them due to blackmail.

I really wish people would at least read the Bible if they wanted to be critical of Christianity, although you should probably read a few history books as well. The amount of ignorance on display is staggering.

Pontius looks like Ted Cruz

Another retard.
Take off your tinfoil hat and step into the gas chamber.
You talk in the same sentence about "not having proof" and then make a ETREEMLY retarded claim without any proof.

Also, (12)? How much do they pay you?

I really hope your a shill because you're literally just as dumb as one…


Logos = Divine reason, the flame of reason. Christians turned that into a talking Jew. As for as Odin, he was a God of letter and poetry but also war. Not a Creator dude who somehow existed before time and space but our ancestor who transcended. His name was Godin to the Lombards, where we get the name "God".

What will christianity be when the jewsyou are dead Schlomo?
jk we all know the answer don't we schlomo?* :'^) **

Want to bet?

What do you mean by this? Scaliger is a French scholar.


So that's why Christian cinema is so shit…

Didn't Romans go to war with them and destroy their temple? How was Rome Jew run?

Only a moron gets "Jewish propaganda" from the Bible. The Bible is truth, which is why (((groups))) that want to brainwash the populace always reject it.

Are you unfamiliar with a New Chronology (by Anatoly Fomenko)? Weird. Your post reminded me a great deal of this books.

It wasn't, either some folks have their tinfoils wrapped too tightly or this is a shill

ok, ahm. Is the JIDF in here shitposting, derailing the thread? Why? It's like i hit a nerv or something.

lmao muh roman empire -all that boyfucking and other degeneracy was so trve aryan, best we've ever done

also you fags have no clue how much jews hate christ, they hate him more than hitler
is the dumbest thing that has ever come from here, unfortunately

Good combo. Both hate Jews. One Egyptian son and one part Roman son.


you called God a volcano demon
maybe you should finish reading The Holy Bible before you come to any conclusions about Him

The White race prayed to the Christian God for centuries. It got us JEW controlled government/media, niggers as "equals", women who aren't womanly, men who dress up like women, and faggot marriage. All because "God made all mankind equal" bullshit.

If you need a book to have a relationship with God you've forgotten what it means to have a relationship with God.

If Christianity worked it would never have been abandoned. Your priests are scholars, men of men rather than men of God, men of the material world who pay lip service to the divine while driving a Mercedes purchased with tithes. If the Christian God punished wayward Christian priests the priesthood would be strong, sharp, effective. No one fears the Christian God except toothless old women and small children, but after seeing Trumps enemies fall or die over the past year I can honestly say I fear Keks wrath and so do many other anons.

If Jesus can't even beat a frog God of doubles what chance does Christianity have? I respect Christian morals but it's time to find something that gets and holds the attention of young people. KeK does. Sunday school doesn't. Adapt or die. Reality is giving you very clear signals here.

The decline of the West actually coincides directly with the rise of atheism and the acceptance/tolerance of other cultures and ideologies.

Yeah, Jews had no influence in Europe while Christianity was around. It certainly was Christianity which handed all usury over to the Jews.

All you Christcucks push this "Atheism is what got us the modern world", but I don't fucking buy it. Obviously the cringy teens who post on reddit and make youtube videos are degenerate useful idiots, but they never had any actual power.

Athiesm flourished because the Christian God doesnt punish the nonbelievers. I'd tell a cop to fuck off if I knew he wouldn't do shit about it, same thing applies here.

Insane Clown Possession is more popular with young people than Jesus. A frog God is more popular with anons than Jesus. Where is the flood? Where is the turning fools into pillars of salt?

I have love for Christians but they are in for some unpleasant truths and unpleasant times.

economic and banking control =/= social and cultural decline

Kill yourself.

hows the porn addiction going

Do you actually believe this?

Not an argument :^)

Europe became the world's dominant power under Christianity, something it had never achieved before. Not to take anything away from Rome or Greece; but Alexander the Great never conquered India, and Rome was a joint super power with the various Persian Empires.

It was under Christianity that we saw the world divided up between the English, the French, the Spanish and the Dutch. It was under Christianity that we became the richest and most powerful people on the planet, and it was only after that had happened, and only happened to us; that 'white supremacist' ideals could be born.

Those who think Christians loved Jews are just idiotic American teenagers who have no knowledge of history; or even more idiotic 'pagans' who think that what they're doing today resembles what their ancestors did. It does not; your own ancestors refused to ever write about their religious customs, so all you have are obviously biased accounts from Romans who viewed them as lessers or Christian monks who saw them as 'pagans', a derogatory term. Nonetheless your most accurate records of what they did are probably actually from those Christians as they knew what their ancestors practiced in far greater detail than a traveling Roman nobleman would; so in a funny way you actually have Christians to thank for the little you do know about your ancestor's paganism.

You know how the Christian God punishes those who go against Him? Try reading the Prophets. It goes a little like this; He gives their lands to foreigners, He deprives them of their wealth, He has them killed in their own homes, He gives them over to depravity, and makes them become slaves to others.

Basically exactly what is going on to the West now. What God said back then applies today just the same. Return to Him or He will destroy us.

Colonialism was a big mistake, and was perpetuated through Christian altruism. We gave the lesser beings of the world a taste of our prosperity, and left them with much of our infrastructure. Now they want more, and because of that same altruism that got you involved in the first place, you are unable to morally deny these people access to your country.
Christianity is not necessary for the Europeans to progress, in fact it probably does just as much harm as it does good. The European peoples would be better off if they never gave up their original gods, and if they must unite under one god, at least have it be created by the European peoples.
Christianity is a completely semetic machination, created to be the most suitable for the semetic peoples. It is very foreign and unnatural for Europeans to adopt. Look at the state of Christanity today. The most devout Christians are almost as bad as the Jews with their nation wrecking. Protestants and Catholics alike. Christianity must be tightly reigned in by nationalists for it to "work", and even then it is not efficient.
If you truly believe in Jesus then there isn't much I can say, but looking at religions just as social constructs and their effects on the world, all peoples of their respective races should stick to the Gods their ancestors created.



All your ancestors ever had for religion was a bunch of nigger-tier superstitions, that they discarded without any real attachment.

Jesus was a Jew, a Semite.
Worship of Jesus as the earthly exemplification of the one true God is thus worship of a Semite/Jew?
Christianity was brought to Europe by Jewish/Semites fleeing the Middle East due to probable persecution on their behalf?
Christianity came to power in Rome in large part due to the efforts of Jews/Semites?
Christianity benefited from the fall of the Roman Empire, which it, AT LEAST in part, helped to bring down?
Christianity systematically eliminated all competing native religious practices in Europe?
Christianity originated in Europe, with Europeans?


Unlikely, since there were many jews in that time period trying to claim being the messiah. Much more likely is that the original people who spread christianity were just in it for the fame and power and shekels, and if early christianity was like communism, we can see how destructive it was.

what was that about historical illiteracy?

The apostle who was NOT against breaking bread with the gentiles also spread christianity to them while himself being a pharisee and the son of a pharisee.

the irony of a 'fail' image

You could be talking about the USA or Rome here.
I think this is just history repeating, we build great societies, kikes kike, society goes down the shitter, kikes find new home.


Modern jewry descends from the Pharisees, deal with it. By your retarded logic, Palestinians and Christians in Palestine would also be Jewish.


I'm not very informed on the history of Jesus or Christianity. However, if I were to decide if Christianity is Jewish psy-op or not, I would say that ```originally``` it was. I get the feeling from constant arguing here the Christianity was originally a plot to weaken and enslave Aryans. However, after some time, Aryans took notice of this and severely changed the religion so that it became the powerhouse that we know it was during the middle ages. This is why Jews hate Christianity and Jesus, because they're still asshurt that Europeans managed to break free from their kike-shackles. Unfortunately, due to mudslime attacks and Jewish subversion, Christianity is going back to its cuckold roots; it's original roots. Does anyone else else have any info that could back up or disprove this theory. I feel that it's accurate considering the conflicting consensus here.

A movie about Titus would be good.

I take that back. (((Hollywood))) would have new holoCo$t genre.

>this is what Holla Forums actually has been astroturfed into believes

What are some Holla Forums approved movies?


Hey Holla Forums fuckers, how can I join your super awesome troll gang? I know you cunts are in this thread.

It's not so much that they draw on each other, but that they both approach at the objective moral truth of creation, thus their motifs/esoteric meaning/metaphors are similar, the symbols and folk tales similar.

It also helps that Christianity has been so utterly Greekified, and then later slowly molded by folk tales and myths of western and central Europe, that a lot of the original tales are probably so vastly different to the point we can't really even phantom it. We can see that in the contrast between the New Testament and the Old.

Did you miss the "even if they were never Nordic pagans" part? I think the meme is quite explicit.

Noone is telling Italians to praise Odin, dumbass. Nordic 'paganism' is most assuredly not the only 'paganism' to be chosen by through Blood.

Anywho, I don't disrespect or hold a grudge towards Christ. It's his fan club I have a problem with.


Hey there, Schlomo.

Christians act like the Jews with their word 'pagan' which is synonymous with 'goyim'.

The issue is I am not Roman. Nor am I Greek, nor am I any shade of Nord, not German, nor Slav or Celt.

My country was founded by Visigoths who had long converted to Christianity, lead by Burgundian nobles who had long been Christian as well. My nation, the identity of my peoples, was born by shedding blood to win this little bit of land we call home, in the name of God, from those fucking Moor cunts.

Always the first post.
You've been found out, Shlomo.

usually they use the word 'heathen' in the case of nonreligious people around them, and it doesn't imply cattle

Have you looked, how half ass did you look?

The term 'jew' literally did not exist prior to that. The KJV Bible erroneously translated Judean and Israelite to 'Jew' in several places which could have distorted people's perceptions, but the religion of 'Judaism' came about AFTER Christianity.

Those we call 'Jews' today are the evolution of a specific sect of the 'Israelite' Yahweh-ist religion. They are of the Pharisees. They even admit this. Its on freaking wikipedia:

This is from bloody wikipedia. As you can see one of the points of contention between the Pharisees and other 'sects' of the Torah-based religion, is that the Pharisees followed the Oral Torah. The Oral Torah is different to the written Torah. The Oral Torah is what became codified as the Talmud.

This used to be common knowledge on 4/pol/ ffs. Either you're a shill or Holla Forums became stupid as hell over the last few years.

pick one
a written torah doesn't make it's followers better, the word may be anachronistic but they are jews. Think how much more anachronistic kike is.

If wikipedia is a source then
>Jesus was a Galilean Jew who was baptized by John the Baptist and subsequently began his own ministry, preaching his message orally and often being referred to as "rabbi"

Damn you're stupid.

The Torah = Old Testament

The Oral Torah = the Talmud

If you do not know the difference here then you really need to do some research. A few pointers though; Talmud (once the oral torah of the pharisees) is the one that says Gentiles are subhuman, should be stolen from, that it is fine for israelites to subvert the law to save fellow israelites even if they are criminals; and so on. Old Testament (or 'written' Torah) are the writings of Moses; God created the heavens and the Earth, smites Sodom for faggotry, leads Israelites out of Egypt, etc. (Note also that the talmud or oral torah has been expanded upon since those days and as far as im aware can still be contributed to - jews genuinely think they are divine. Jesus attacks them for making up their own beliefs, the whole 'traditions of men' stuff.