So why doesn't anyone ever talk about the Chechen war? Or the general situation in the Caucasus? (Ossetia, Georgia...

So why doesn't anyone ever talk about the Chechen war? Or the general situation in the Caucasus? (Ossetia, Georgia, Abkhazia, Dagestan, etc)
It seems everyone just forgot about it, even though there's still an insurgency in the region to this day 30 years after hostilities started.

Personally I think there's a lot to learn from the war, especially with how Putin managed to pacify a bunch of angry jihadist zealots into siding with Russia AND not immediately betraying them like whenever America tries to prop up a group in the middle east, I think it's a real shame how little discussion there is of it.

cos no one cares about slavs lol

smh tbh

Why is it that everyone who makes griefing videos is secretly a pretty decent editor

I've always wondered why I'd hear about Chechens operating in Ukraine and Syria, when as far as I understood they were basically the Russian Taliban not too long ago.

Redpill me, how did Putin manage this?

Because it was 20 years ago, OP?

That area isn't White. It's mongrel trash that's muslim.

Putin pays them off you dope. It costs BILLIONS to keep 'peace' there.

9/11 was 50 years ago

i dunno, all i know is all moslems should be gassed

Don't get me started.

uh oh, looks like someone got owned by myg0t

you are talking about the chechen war
sage for retard question

Crimea is Ukrainian clay

Fuck (((Putin)))


Go circle jerk with Argentina, you fucking wops.

Russia isn't even a real country and will soon balkanize when the rest of your shitty economy collapses.
Kievan-Rus is the only legitimate heritage and Moscow belongs to us.


Thanks for posting proof of the inevitable balkanization of your fictional "nation"

They kept pouring money into the region to improve the quality of life there.

My favorite fucking story is how Al Qaeda tried funding suicide bombers in Chechnya years ago, but ran into the problem that the would be bombers just ran off with the money and partied with it. They went for gambling, booze, drugs, women, and whatever just having a blast rather than blowing themselves up.

Things have simply improved throughout the region because Putin set to work promoting policies that would improve things similar to how he'd been eager to help with Syria, both because of its port and because if terrorism starts springing up there it can quickly travel into Russia over time.

still more real than your country known as the "borderland"

Ukraine is future Polish clay.

obligatory post to debunk the putin-shilling with the fact that he made holohoax-denial illegal without any fucking reason to do so besides being a jew puppet

If you russian propagandaministry wouldn't be made up from uncreative ex-kgb vatniks you might gotten away with it.

ok that is just retarded

Literally culturally enriched by Slavs.

It doesn't matter since Ukraine in it's entirety is Russian clay in its turn, well, maybe some parts are Polish clay, but the people are Russians
You Ukrainians even know the Russian language better than Ukrainian, your culture and genetics are the fucking same
Creating the Ukrainian and Belarussian "nations" and "languages" was a massive D&C operation and you are unable to see through it. Holla Forums is a board for nationalists. Supporting made up nationalities if false nationalism.

In fact it doesn't even mean you support the Russian people. Didn't they teach you at shill 101 to not use fucking strawmans?
