Learning the enemy's language may be useful

Learning the enemy's language may be useful

What's your opinion on that?
Any protips where to start?

Other urls found in this thread:


Holla Forums

These are the main staging grounds for the radical left.

So go there fucking retard

Learning Arabic probably saved my life a few times.

t. Yuropoor


Tell me more please.
In what situation was that useful?

I live in estern european country with 0.1% of muslims, but I'm still afraid of them. The mostly of theirs amount on our western border…
I'm cryptography and cyber security student at Military University of Technology.
I would probably work for army after my education.
I guess that I can make some useful things for this world if I learn arabic language.

Nah that close to the explosion israel, and a lot of other places would be destroyed to.

Shit thread, saged and hidden

Oh, I'm polish chans user who used 8ch only several times. I just missunderstuded your post. I thank that you are insulting me, and calling lefist.
I'm sorry if I got it wrong

It depends on your goal, user. If you'd like to study Talmud or Kabbalah so you can redpill others, learning Hebrew or Biblical Hebrew would be a good idea. I started studying Hebrew at about 17 years of age because I also practiced Kabbalah. After becoming redpilled I stopped and focused on other tongues, like Latin.

No, I'm just giving you places where they hang out. I do a lot of antifa infiltration stuff, so if you want some tips just ask.

OP was talking about the actual language they speak, like in terms of enemies HEBREW.

But I'm more interested in what you're selling. What are the main hives of leftist "thought" and organization these days?

You should realise that they're all different though.

r/socialism is socialism with a friendly face. Advocates for womens liberation, equal rights, etc. Identity politics is a pillar of their beliefs and as a result, unironically use terms like "brocialism" which is meant to denote a socialist movement devoid of women. Holla Forums for some reason has taken steps to shoehorn itself into the community in some vain attempt to try and convert them away from identity politics. But of course, with little to no foresight, the opposite is now happening and redditors are posting on Holla Forums in similar ways r/The_Donald do on Holla Forums, lowering the quality of the board.

RevLeft is hothead central of the internet. Not even stormfags can be this angry all the fucking time. Identity politics is all they have and they cling to it like a baby to its mothers tit. They advocate a lot of the times for hard left progressive stances and believe that wiping out white people will usher forth a new egalitarian socialist utopia. Most of them believe that Marx and Engels were shitlords and colonialists or something. These people are so unhinged from reality, it makes any internet hotpocket that spends 25 hours a day doing it for free seem like Chad Thundercock. This makes them easy to troll, of course assuming you can be bothered making 50 something posts not related to politics at all before you're allowed to even post in the politics section of the forums.

Holla Forums is a community originally made in response to the overrepresented portion of identity politics on the left. At one point or another, it was actually a good place for discussions pertaining to the left. Beliefs of Communism, Marxism and socialism existed without grovelling in the mud talking about -isms and -ists. But, the BO took the board in a direction which has forever tainted it, including the actions of banning people who thought Michael Brown was a thieving nigger and saying that National Socialism isn't really socialism and National Bolsheviks are useful idiots apparently. Now the board is becoming a hugbox similar to Holla Forums, the only difference is that it takes itself seriously 100% of the time and isn't funny in the slightest.

If you are Polish, you shouldn't have to look that far for literature on leftism of the 20th and 21st century.

Oh, I meant actually learning sandniggers native language.
I don't have to lurk these boards you send me, because I'm inside of the most important polish far left communites and actually know what they do, who they are, and what they think.

And I feel like I have a duty to mention this, but Communism and Socialism aren't the same thing. Communism takes from Socialism, but Socialism does not take from Communism.

Get a hebrew english dictionary, learn the words, never the language. If you learn the words you will know what they're saying, if you learn the language, you might think in it and become a kike.

And of course, you can completely ignore these drawn out posts because I have clearly misunderstood the thread.

You are correct, many of these places are slightly different, which is why I am recommending them. People who are going to infiltrate a group need to understand the inner complexities of it.

Read a few marxist texts, or at least analyses of them and postmodernism. At the end of the day, they advocate for the destruction of property rights and the family unit, so that should be pretty "redpilling" to any normalfag.

At first, I thought this thread was about learning hebrew LOL. It's a magickal language, and many texts on Judaism are only printed in Hebrew or yiddish to avoid gentiles from knowing hidden truths/esoteric knowledge.

I agree with this.

There's a torrent of the Pimsleur Hebrew course. I downloaded it and went through the first few lessons. Now whenever I'm dealing with an obvious Jew I drop a few words in and immediately they are obligated to accommodate me. They don't even bother asking me if I'm jewish since who else cares enough to learn Hebrew?

Note I'm dealing with USA jews who know they are supposed to be able to converse in Hebrew but can't. If I ever try this on an Israeli it may be a different story.

I'd say it's a good skill to have when going into military/police/intelligence.

Also you will look progressive and tolerant as fuck when studying it.


hello there Schlomo.


Persian is the only language in the Middle East worth learning tbh


No leftypol is more levelheaded than liberals. They're not really like mainstream liberals at all. They deny identity politics and are very divided in their opinions. The alternate leftist views differ much from each other in terms of policy and what needs to be done. Therefore there is much division in the left wing which renders them mostly unable to really make an impact and get stuff done. This is in contrast to alternative right wing views who have a couple of main important points in common that unites them instead of dividing them and infighting.

r/The_Donald mostly sticks to 4pol. It's what made 4pol consist of 90% oneliners in the OP. There is little moderation to combat this. Imagine if 8ch/pol/ had this crap, there wouldn't really be any useful discussion like the one we're currently having possible since it would be outspammed by numberous onelined shitposts.

If I go on leftypol I still see the same division in them that I saw months ago. If you want to trigger leftypol you should post under something with strong identity politics, like anarcha feminism.

You're in Europe studying at a military university and aren't employed yet?

Weird, in my country (Netherlands) and other European countries you get a contract for a position for xxx years (usually 5+) to boot with your education. The good thing is that you're actually getting paid to do the education. You get paid the salary of a regular full time minimum wage job over here, of course once you finish your study that salary goes up a lot since you're then an officer.


Absolutely with you there. I have been learning modern Hebrew for quite some time but can't properly utilize it because I don't know how to type it with my keyboard. Ivrit is comparatively a lot simpler than Arabic.