A politics-centered article about 4chan that isn't shit is rare enough to be celebrated.
The New Man of 4chan (from The Baffler)
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Sounds like a pretty shit article OP. Gamergate showed us that 4chan is full of so-called feminists.
"Normie" was always a normie word. "Normalfag", remember?
I know, It's almost like the author is secretly a Marxist.
Culturalist idealism confirmed a shit, regardless if left or right
riggity rekt
Very interesting article. Thanks for sharing OP
Mainstream as in corporate water-cooler tier.
nailed it.
should be
Interesting article, I wish it was more stuff like this out there.
This is meaningless baseless attempt to pertain to a hidden tier of now irrelevant knowledge(that is conveniently intangible enough for only them to enlightened) when in reality the field has drastically changed and they no longer understand it
It stopped being just for the lulz a long, long time ago.
You're losing :D
Can you dumb this down for me please. Do not understand.
Eh, the article is conclusion-driven and I'm pretty sure it's taking quite a few Holla Forums posts too seriously (not in "it's real", sure, but in "it's meaningful" way).
Still, in a world where reports about imageboards never left the "hackers on steroids" mode, someone actually reading them with comprehension is a pleasant surprise.
No it wasn't. Normie was a /jp/ term. I wish you newfags would stop repeating these lies.
Ha ha ha ha, no.
Too bad, you're talking to a day 1 /jp/ poster.
somebody give me a tl;dr
niggers tongue my anus
I didn't say it was a day 1 term on /jp/, but that is where the term took root. It is in no way a "normie word".
Just read it. Reading is good for you.
Nazrin is a mouse!
I think there's a bigger point that it makes, about when nerds are becoming the biggest capitalists in the mainstream, but what happens to those who have to deal with the butt end of capitalism. That it kinda leads to a vein of leftist counter culture being combined with more reactionary thought.
How was that wrong? Moot banned GG from Holla Forums because all his fucking buddies were SJWs.
The article has a good point about the hatred of women in the /r9k/ style is new and more radical than many feminists realize. there is always this kneejerk talk of 'toxic masculinity' but the entire root of the robot pathology is exactly that they hate masculinity as it is traditionally defined and in many ways undermines it.
A robot doesn't think women are just pretty faces to be used and abused and that it's there job to do it. They think women are actively powerful agents of their distress and pain and that to expect them to fit in to what they want or to be expected to provide for them is unjust and evil. They put so much value and stock into women that they despise them for what they feel is punishing them.
The old feminist line that people like rodgers identify too much with the old masculine ideal is just stale and way off the mark. Rodgers hated women precisely because he saw the old ideal as barbaric and feels as though women only wanted the old oppressive vision.
Exactly. One of the main points the article makes is that the alt-right is not actually very conservative - in the sense that they argue for traditional gender roles, values, and whatnot - but liberals argue with them as if they are. In a sense, feminism has switched from being a radical counter-culture to being mainstream, while anti-feminism has gone from being mainstream to being a radical counter-culture.
Or maybe because GG was annoying insufferable retards who nobody wanted around…
Yeah. Which makes me wonder if our goal should be to reform the liberals and feminists, or go the other way and turn the alt-right into brosocialists
I think the alt-right will be easier to convert. Especially after a large chunk become disillusioned.
It only really showed up on /jp/ once it was already completely overrun by shitposters from all over 4chan and beyond.
Just admit you've made that up after reading that KYM article that has /jp/ screenshot as normie's first known occurence (context: only /jp/ and /a/ were being archived at that time).
But that's irrelevant, considering that "those who have to deal with the butt end" are always the vast majority.
I just realized that's a great point to make to idpolers of all stripes. Do they think nerds becoming capitalist role models and owning the biggest world corporations helped nerds as a group?
But alt-right (assuming that means Holla Forums, because who the hell knows now that it's a liberal bogeyman) IS conservative and flaunts their traditional values. It's just that most of imageboard culture is different from Holla Forums.
All true, but that still had a big impact on nerd culture. They were told they were going to be the ones in charge, the ones running things, by our mass media, but for the vast majority, they are being left to rot in their basements with no reward and without even the social skills and girlfriends that the jocks who grew up to be working class did.
Por que no los dos? We should be reforming anyone who is critical of the system.
Seriously though, I don't think any of them make good recruiting material (though there are exceptions). They're both bourgie bootlickers.
Uh, good point. A lot of Holla Forums is neo-nazi types. I think the article was talking more about the New Atheism and Redpill folks.
Maybe…we'll have to position ourselves just right when Trump most likely looses.
I think the Zizek article about Trump being the perfect villain might be the key. We critique liberal identity politics, and cast Trump as the fall guy who makes Hillary look good, a liberal himself who tossed aside all his alt right policies when it became inconvenient. How capitalists don't really care what they promise and that you can't be anti-establishment from the right wing.
I just love how desperate you are to play oldfag after getting called out on not knowing shit. I was an /a/non that spent a fair bit of time on /jp/ for years. /jp/ was the only board using that term for the longest time some unless it was imported from some other community outside of 4chan it IS a /jp/ term. kys
Honestly this article is kinda shit, too much focus on b/tards and school shootings because that shit gets clicks yo, ill read some more of it later but i feel like ive heard a lot of this bilge already from other web rags, god that font already
if you want to hear a cunty but somewhat decent analysis of the present state of the chins that actually mentions infchan, check out that recent podcast thing from bbc4 i believe, bbc is once again confrimed for being basically radio free europe lite, i.e. an arm of british intelligence
its a pain to get through, fucking milo is on it and is being the most pretentious fag that he can possibly be, the main reporter literally sounds like a caricature(imagine a stormweenie impersonating a liberal) and the woman is a joke as well but they at least kind of get to the jist of it all 5% of the time in so far as that is possible
I have my own theories about what all this ridiculousness is going to lead to but im holding for now, it would just be speculation like most of these "journalistic efforts"
anfem confirmed for living in cave with her fellow legbeard tribewymins
Holy fucking christ this, ive never seen sutch a sexual flexible place like the chan's before. Thats why Holla Forums also is so fucking idiotic with their le traditionalism while we have daily trap and thick threads on Holla Forums and other boards.
Let me guess, from between somewhere around 2011 to when "Janny" finally threw you out? Because your self-description fits the shitposter stereotype to a T.
You know what, I believe you, you probably did pick it up on /jp/. You probably also thought it's the newest hip thing to say instead of a cancerous shit like the rest of what your ilk did. It's nothing new, I'm constantly amazed when I spot your old spam pictures all over Holla Forums.
Anyways, yeah, the point stands, only normies like you say normie. I genuinely, non-figuratively hate you and your kind, If it makes you fill better.
Ideology is no match for the power of the D
You lost me at ilk.
What, no. It was because it was drawing a fucking insane amount of newfags and media attention + constantly breaking site rules. Also being completely insufferable and annoying as shit to the rest of the boards didn't fucking help.
Yes. Remember how the final ban happened while he was socializing at XOXO?
Perhaps, but that doesn't explain why he tried to ban it from the very start.
Ah, the "remove it because I don't like it" argument. Any moderation that doesn't reply with "hide and move on, and more whining gets you a ban" is a shitty moderation. But of course it's 4chan we're talking about, so that goes without saying.
That's a load of bullshit.
that pepe art is pretty great
Fuck no, it's /r9k/ term, don't associate it with /jp/ you fucking riajuu
"Young geeks may be the losers in the cruel and chaotic modern free market of sexual choice, but they are the relative winners in the dominant economic ideology of the day. It is the geeks—those who merged the counterculture with information technology in the 1990s—who have already inherited the earth.
In the information age, the tastes and values of geeks are elevated above the masculine virtues of physical strength and material productivity that preceded them. Today, the market ideology of the information society is ascendant…and it is immensely comfortable with its cultural power, which means that it happily accommodates transgression, gender fluidity, self-expression, and an abundant choice of niche online subcultural identities. It’s been a depressing spectacle to see two post-political, economically illiterate forms of subcultural identity politics—Tumblr feminist and beta/hacker anti-feminist—doing battle online. This feminism certainly has things to answer for; in addition to its penchant for sabotaging its own allies, it must be challenged on the damage it has done to university life with its militant opposition to free speech. But only one side of this new Internet gender rivalry is producing killers, and despite what polemicists such as Yiannopoulos are saying, it isn’t the feminists."
There, I've saved you the effort of reading 90% of that shitstain of an article, and I bolded the most important part to boot.
The Baffler has some talented and creative artists working with them. It sure is a much welcomed departure from the usual stock-photograph-as-article-header formula.
What's wrong with that statement?
You misunderstood, he highlightedthat part because it's correct. Nerds have already claimed the mantle of 21St century capitalism, but due to the nature of capitalism the majority of nerds ended up working shit jobs, unemployed, living in their parents basements. At least the working class jocks, and blacks had the social skills to get girlfriends and stuff, they didn't even have that. So they rejected the culture that seemingly created this situation, turning to counter culture, but unlike in the 70s and 60s, center left liberals were a part of the mainstream and all the multiculturalism and tolerance they preached was becoming a part of the cultural and political hegemony as concessions to keep capitalism, so the nerds turned to reactionary thought while caring little for the traditionalism of the blue collar working class which they see as sexual rivals and failures in of themselves.
good post
🍀🍀🍀Tim O’Reilly🍀🍀🍀
These are the sorts of people that really ought to be assassinated tbh
holy shit put a bullet it this man's head now
fuck off warsie
i used the term normie on totse before, and knew someone who didnt have a /jp/ connection use it a few years ago (perhaps she got it from another anime person/scene who go tit from jp?)
why does 2ch have a similar outlook, when japan is actually reactionary compared to the US?
good article and that was the nice little bow on top