French board of state is currently discussing the legality of burkini ban...

French board of state is currently discussing the legality of burkini ban, they will give their decision at 3 pm local time.

what do you think their decision will be ?

on paper this ban is completely illegal and goes against human rights also slippery slope, but French people want to stop the islamification.

this decision will decide the fate of France, either becoming a totalitarian shithole like UAE or slowly turn into UAE

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I'm somewhat conflicted about the ban. As you say, it's an authoritarian measure, and although I'm sceptical of the "free choice" involved in wearing a burqa, it's hard to see how the government telling people what they're allowed to wear is any better.

That said, we have seen some comparable policies in socialist states. For example, I believe that Albania forbid men to grow beards for a while at least.


I'd rather see money put into education on basic human rights and freedom of expression, plus support for women, aimed at the Islamic (or anyone) community.

I'd rather have Islamic women choose what they wear than told by their religion or the state.

Who the fuck cares, just wear your thight wet clothing in the water and dont give a fuck about le man in uniform.

Albania is a non country.
France is literally turning its back on its ideological and political legacy here.

i'm not a fan of islam at all, but i don't think thats the right way to fight it.

it boils down to France adressing the wrong problem. This is just a minor social issue compared to what is to come in the future as the new generation find themselves living with total strangers in their own country. Two hundred yo French ideals are faced with a new world, and shown their inconsistency

Everyone welcome to my country
Anyone should wear anything they want
Decisions should be taken collectively

But wait, the French are starting to collectively realise the foreigners have a culture so conflicting with their own, that they will have to forgo one of those three ideals to some extent:

in short,

islam is an ideology one chooses to follow, one incompatible with western society.
People who want to practice it should live in a nation that accepts it, instead of trying to use ancient laws not designed with them in mind against the native population.

It'd be nicer if they instated state atheism again

It would be better if they banned things like sharia law being used like it is in some courts in UK than fucking burkini.

HII, I'm from France, well no more verbalization for people wearing Burkinis. It's not legal anymore. AND NONE OF THE PREVIOUS verbalization is legal.

glad to hear that m8.
you don't have to trow away your human rights to fix that immigration/islamisation problem.
i'm sure you'll find a solution soon enough.

France is better than this.

Democracy won today

Are you implying that France is a democracy?

It's so nice to see a feminist being on the fence about women being ordered to undress in public by the police. Of course, I'm sure those women have internalized patriarchy or something that makes it all okay. Once again you prove to be the worst poster on the board.

nein, if if i had to rate French democracy compared to there western countries i would give it a 6/10.

but they stuck to their moral values and thats a good thing.
sadly, i fear that this won't last.

populism in France is much stronger than in the US, terrorists achieved their goal.

we're one terrorist attack away from lynch mob and genocide.



reminds me of the US "democracy" excuse for the Iraqi, Libyan, Syrian war.

result: those countries are far worst shit holes than ever.

just like the US official, you're hiding behind false excuses, you don't care about those women any more than the US gov cares about democracy.

have the courage of your opinions, say it like it is.

The right to religion can gladly be scrapped for all I care.

You are ruining our chances at miracles here.

It meant national brotherhood amongst Frenchmen, dumbass. The French Revolution was nationalist.

That meant political participation of the citizenry. Every citizen must be part of the state. Read about the "Liberty of the Ancients". The revolutionaries were willing to stomp on liberal "liberty", especially when it comes stomping on religious faggots.

That is the one thing you got right. It's also related to the liberty described above. Only that it guarantees this to all citizens. Non-citizens need not apply.

French ideals work perfectly for the situation. The issue is that people have forgotten about them.

But that would mean spending money, and it wouldn't earn you as many precious votes.

burkini, burkini
give me the communini


This guy get it. France did not spent two centuries eradicating Christianity on its soil just to let an even more repressive religion take over. They should be glad mosques are not banned.

your lack of knowledge about France is amusing,
France didn't fight off Christianity, they just kept them away from politics.
most French are still Christians. its considered as part of the culture

Authoritarian logic

t. anarkiddie

t. tankkid

It's honestly fucking stupid. It doesn't accomplish anything but a hollow, emotional "fuck muslims" non-victory. Cultural BS aside it should be the government's job to enact policy that works toward a larger goal. A ban on religous attire doesn't do that.

If France wants the muslims gone, then they need to shut their fucking border and start deporting people (or prosecuting porkies that use non-citizen labor). A burkini ban does not accomplish anything but it does piss off muslims and make the more prone to terrorism (which in turn makes corralling them more difficult). Also, don't forget the thousands of muslim children being raped and abused by their parents (Rotherham etc).

Let's all get angry about burkas on the beach or something.. meanwhile France has been doing this since the early 1960's.

This is a wonderful scenario, imo.

Why do you hate the idea of middle-eastern nymphs so much?

I can certainly see them reaching for the pole of integration but falling short and instead reaching for the stick of stupidity. They literally picked the worst possible argument or expression available. HEY WOMAN YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO WEAR THAT HERE, TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES AND BE LIKE THE OTHER HALF-NAKED GIRLS.