Have the Kurd's done fucked up?

Have the Kurd's done fucked up?

I guess they were going to be crushed sooner or later.

I guess it just depends which the U.S. decides to back. Looking at history, my money is on Turkey.

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This thread will definitely be filled with polite and educated debate, with no name calling. Calling it now.

told you so tbh

What's happened now?

kek, the SDF has taken several towns from the turks since their stupid adventure started


Of course nobody in the media is going to be talking about this though.

For those who aren't in the know:

So, they were fighting ISIS, then they started fighting Assad too, and now Turkey attacks?

Ok. Kekalonia all over again.

Also, Turkey got too friendly with Russia lately and US got the nukes from Turkey to Romania.

Doesn't look like they're currently fighting with Assad. Assad can't afford an all out war with the Kurds right now anyways.

is rojava kill?



They were right about the SU. They've been right about every Stalinist/Maoist government/party to gain power across Europe and Asia. They were right about the various reformist movements and candidates everyone hyped(SYRIZA, B████, etc).

I think the real question is when they've actually been wrong about something.

Anarchists lose again. When will they learn that centralization and vanguard parties are necessary for a leftist revolution?

because those always work out so well

Defeatist as fuck.

But capitalist claims about state socialism aren't true. They were never socialist.

Neither were the Paris Commune, kekalonia or Rojava.


there's a fair amount of entryist trots who were pretty enthusiastic about SYRIZA and/or B████.
Orthotrots have some interesting positions though.

I was referring to SU and mao, B████ did much more for the left in the US than leftcoms ever could. Entryist trots are the smart ones.

How to achieve socialism and communism comes to mind.

fam he literally went on to support Hildog

He made the word "socialism" acceptable and set the stage for more radicalization among younger people. Tankies have done more for the left than leftcoms


Well, you guys have certainly given communism and socialism a reputation of not working, and something that results in the deaths of many people, but I wouldn't call that productive. I haven't heard of leftcoms ever doing anything, though, so I guess your statement still stands.

Young people support "socialism" because it's the sort of feel-good bullshit that you talk about in between bong hits

Fuck you, that's not what I talk about.

I was being facetious, but there have been multiple polls done before this election (when S█████ was still a "literally who?") where young Americans stated their preference for "socialism".

However, I doubt it's part of a massive resurgence in the popularity of Marx's writings or any other socialist writings, so much as it is young people thinking socialism = social democracy

lol yeah, if killing the revolution means having done more for the revolution than people who tried to prevent the degeneration of the revolution then you're probably right.

Defeatism is the worst trait a socialist can have, and it has to go away from Holla Forums. How does it help in anyway other than feed your "told you so" ego? Holla Forums crawls into defeatism too easily.

At least they work.

I'm always amused be people trying to start afresh with Luddites in 1813, because ML doesn't look sufficiently cutting-edge.

How do you quantify "being right"? Assessment of the situation by the very same LeftCom after the fact?

If you don't suggest anything practical yourself, you cannot be wrong.

I've been saying for months that the Turks are going to roll over them. The PKK has been fighting a guerilla war against the Turks for a couple of decades at least. To no avail. The Turks have half a million bodies in their army. It's always been glaringly obvious that they're going to swat the Kurds like flies.

Well rip

Whatever you think is going to happen, it does not change that defeatism only has negative implications.

I feel like I'm out of the loop with Rojava.

What's happened recently?

There is a difference between being defeatist and having an accurate appraisal of the world.

Turks entered Syria, told Kurds to fuck off.

US told Kurds if they will not fuck off, they will not get any support from the US.

Literally everyone thinks the way they see the world is the most accurate.

Well shit. Where would they go?

I hope this spurs turkish kurds in to action and go full secessionist.

When turkey loses, everybody wins

If only the Iraqi Kurds weren't such cucks. Literally the only ones out of the four that aren't lefties.

Yeah, Erdo actually is pretty buddy-buddy with the pershmerga, probably because they're ideological allies.

Well, not completely fuck off (that will come later), but out of that central zone near Euphrates. I.e. they are splitting Rojava into two parts.

They aren't big enough. I'd say they might have a chance if they try World Revolution Nao and export Socialism into Turkey/Iraq - except they need organizers+theory and they don't have any, because Rojava wanted only national liberation.

Probably, the best they can go for now is try to get autonomy within Syria under Assad.

By claiming that people are being defeatist, you are expecting Kurdish plebs equipped mainly with small arms will prove capable of resisting the onslaught of one of the largest military machines on the planet. A military machine armed with tanks and ground attack aircraft.

Not even the Taliban proved capable of doing this and had to withdraw. Of the pair of us, the person with a psychotic detachment from reality is quite definitely you. So go back to reddit with your whining about defeatism.

It pisses me off that the Iraqi Kurds have this opportunity and are squandering it. The Turkish and Iranian Kurds would kill for a situation like this.

this is your brain on tankieism

Yeah, just look at the worker's situation in Russian and China, the're sure better than the rest of the world, not being by any means exploited.
Vanguard revolution sure works!