Trump Team Discussing Border Wall With US Army

Trump was loud and clear in his first news conference since being elected that he wants to move quickly on the wall.

Trump said. "We'll start immediately after we get to office; I don't want to wait."
Vice President-elect Mike Pence had started efforts to get clearances from Congress and agencies to begin construction of the wall, Trump said.

Other urls found in this thread: wall&lr=English&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwihjLqmm9vRAhXFcBoKHTykB9AQqgIIHzAB

Why? I was under the impression the steps necessary for the wall had already been authorized in prior legislation.

Maybe he's trying to ensure that the road is smoother for him. It's better to have support, even when you don't need it, then need support and not have it.

I think Trump will piss on voters once sworn in and never build no stinking wall

why build a wall when you can det cord huge trenches that are 100 feet wide and 50 feet deep and fill them with tangled messes of razor wire.

^^^^^^^^^VASTLY cheaper

Obama has defunded the previous FENCE programs, and used the money to study feminist glaciers or something.

Pence is trying to re-fund the programs, which requires congressional approval to shift the budget.

Also even if the fence budget was still in, it was never NEAR enough to build a complete fence, let alone a WALL.

I sort of agree, and think the wall is useless anyway since I've only ever met one illegal Mexican who made the trip over by walking through the desert, the rest just fly in. That said, the psychological factor of having a huge fucking wall is worth the cost in itself. We'll see, I think he might be too embarrassed not to build it at this point. What really puts a damper in the intelligence agencies activity is any foundation -subterranean- aspect to the wall. Not only will a load of tunnels be found, but it means future tunnels will need to be dug deeper. This isn't a problem in terms of modern technology, but it would seem that intelligence agencies like to keep their hands clean and use makeshift/semi-temporary cartel-built tunnels.

This wall has to be built, and it will be. It better be a magnificent wall that rivals the Great Wall of China.
Some people think that people in Washington will try and prevent the wall from happening with legal barriers. I think it will be easy to overcome this

that's quite a jew (non-)argument

don't be a jew faggot


shut the fuck up faggot, your anecdotal evidence means nothing. Building the wall to stop drugs is part of gutting the CIA because that's how they will get money when Trump scythes their spending.


excavating earth is pretty energy intensive to make it so a ladder isn't viable along with seismic problems

Back in early 1900s we had an easy cost effective and shall I say fun solution.

Machine guns and snipers on the border.
You cross that line you get a fine.

Sadly this wouldn't work in the state we are in now with the amount of Jewish run NGO's along with the amount of moralfags that final solution will only be viable once we have more control.

Why can't the CIA use planes?

It has more than one purpose, of course illegal spics is one of them.


Trenching charges are not expensive. Next to what entails dragging all the materials out to the sand to build a wall. Army corp of Engineers do this shit all day long.

We have an even easier solution now, minefields.

I'm claiming the wall is "useless" for its intended purpose, but has psychological value, which is worthwhile. It can be a fucking holographic projection and still serve this purpose (and shitskins will be none the wiser to the apparition anyway, LOL).

The CIA use anti-gravity craft (aka UFOs) for bulk cargo transport, what century are you living in?

Wall is a better long term solution than digging a hole

Why can't we force the democrat party to pay for the wall after they promised a secure border for Reagan amnesty?

We spend 30 billion dollars on California alone to subsidize the wetbacks.

Hit them with 30 billion dollars of debt.

I hope it's double sided as pictured and vehicles and troops can patrol on top of it


"The secret Jews of Mexico in the 1640s decapitated their chickens and hung them on a clothesline so the blood would drain into a container of water. Then the fowl was soaked in hot water and washed long enough to remove all the blood. 
In the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, there’s a ritual today of using this method of butchering chickens with an added gesture of drawing a cross on the ground and placing the chicken at the center of intersecting lines."

http ://

This is incredibly falae. We (Arizonans) experience nearly 1k deaths from the southern border when they make the trek up. I actually interned with the border patrol and saw first hand just how many are captured. They consider it a cat and mouse game. Holding cells overcrowded with illegals waiting to be bussed back in terrible conditions.

The tunnels aren't even accessible to the coyotes, but are to the cartel. Presumably after the wall is created, they'll open them for migrants, yet the cost of transport coupled with risk will act as a sort of filter only bringing the better agents across.

that guy is so full of shit he must not live in a border state, it's so fucking bad no one goes anywhere near the border anymore for fear of losing their head

Full of shit. I was looking at a property once that was a few hundred yards from the border (no visible demarcation).
The entire field surrounding the 20 acre lot and the lot itself was absolutely trampled. Footpaths were everywhere. So was garbage.

Why won't the spics just flee to Canada and seek refuge under current year man? I'm Australian so I apologise if there is something painfully obvious that I am missing here. Maybe Trump should put all immigration forms in cursive to keep out niggers and pajeets since they struggle to read cracker runes.

Why can't we use the homes of registered democrats as detainment facilities?

Canada is more European than the USA. If anything the beaners should stay in fucking latin america where they belong.
Keep your D&C promoting leaf memes on halfchan, retard.

That's their last ditch effort laughably. It'll be funny watching leftists try to shelter them and get a dose of reality.

I'm not saying people don't cross the border, after all, I've met one who crossed it twice (the first time he was caught and dropped off right south of the border), and I live in New England. I'm just suggesting the wall is useless in the sense that they'll find other ways across. The coast guard and navy is full of faggots, the spics can just take dinghies to San Diego or Galveston, the end. Hell, they can take a JetBlue flight to Austin and just overstay their visa. Clearly, the border is a shitshow, but the Gulf will become the next shitshow, therefore, my original statement. I will walk back my statement a bit, I love the idea of a fucking wall, hell, we never signed the Ottawa Treaty, I prefer thousands of miles of fucking minefields, but I think there are a few factors at play that make it just one small fix.

Why can't we station ICE at supermarkets to starve them out, and have daily inspections of all business every day at all business to deprive them of income?

Shill detected

This is going on the list of logical fallacies.

I wonder which of the twelve tribes you hail from.

This would be any sane government's response, it'd be so fucking easy, too. The wetbacks are without fail, all 5 foot nothing tall. I just don't think anyone wants to completely get rid of them except for a tenuous majority of rural, white America, unfortunately. Everyone else is so pozzed as to believe that deporting children is somehow immoral. It'd be fucking glorious to see such a day come. They're invaders.

I'd shill for a law allowing whites to kill mexicans on sight, if anything, LOL. That'd be much more effective than a fucking wall, they'd be out of here pretty quick.

I don't know how but through your post you were able to emanate a perfect accent of a filthy spic.

Not only is walking substantially easier than all the options you mentioned, good luck getting drugs through those avenues.

the military will ferry the drugs across by air or by sea– the cartel labourers/mules can be mechanized quite easily, the drug trade is too lucrative for black projects to not call for such circumventions.

America only needs ONE spic.

Spic related.

I want the dnc to fork out the 50 billion dollars that would be required to build the wall and detainment facilities.

We're going to wrap the wall in white porcelain

Mexico will pay for the wall.

The beaner gangs have light artillery and will likely use it during wall construction, should probably get armed security detachments as well as mortar teams and other artillery; small arms will be effective at keeping most of the retards away but they will likely try to snipe, they do have mortars and other artillery they can use at various points along the border with and without clear line of sight.

words to live by

no The DNC should for reagan amnesty.

I don't think they are that stupid


A militarized DMZ is even better


well, yeah. the military guards the border of the demilitarized zone.

Not really. The public backlash against the government for killing unarmed immigrants would be huge

They should put a coil of electrified barbed wire pointing south.

who fucking cares, god is not watching

god would be pleased

good excuse for the cops to beat up liberals

As someone who want Trump to be re elected I care

Lets dispel this fiction before it even starts

We've got three naval bases, a marine corps bootcamp, and a fighter pilot training center plus the Third Fleet stationed here. If they try some funky boat shenanigans they are getting a carrier battlegroup to the face.

How many presidents in history are keeping promises like Trump is?

He's not saying "you're a jew so you're full of shit", he's saying "you're so full of shit you must be jew".

Even better, they will have tesla-coils in front of the wall.

They've let our country be invaded for half a century now, what suggests, all of a sudden, that they'd try to stop the invasion?

damn, should instead of will.

That's job for Coast Guard. They need to intercept their boats on US waters, confiscate them, fingerprint and iris scan and sell their boats on GovDeals

Why do you care if Trump is reelected?

I don't buy this argument that some hypothetical future beaners might try more difficult methods of border-hopping, so we should just do nothing to hinder the invasion.

I don't need to convince you of anything, I'm just a random faggot shitposter. See here for my proposals on how to stop the spicvasion.

[citation needed]

It's even more shit when you remember that Trump already addressed these concerns in his Arizona immigration speech half a year ago. In addition to the wall itself there will be more aerial patrols using both helicopters and drones, there will be ground penetrating radar to find and destroy tunnels, the coast guard will be beefed up, and most importantly of all


The wall & a sizable border force will make it more difficult to cross. It won't get everyone, but it will get the most opportunistic criminals who have to sneak across, the guys who come in and commit crimes and get booted from the country a dozen times and sneak back in. It will also slow the horde of beaners.

Sure, some could use boats or fly. But that's a much smaller number of people and generally those who have money and not the piss poor Guatemalans and Chicano Mexican dirt farmers that make the majority of shit disturbers.

At some point we have to decide to implement the death penalty. You choose to violate US sovreignty, we treat you like many other countries treat illegal aliens. Two to the back of the head

Another way to make America unlivable for illegals is to actually enforce our laws when it comes to hiring illegals and perhaps creating stricter fines. You want wetback labor? Hope the business breaking fine is worth it if you get caught

Look, I agree completely. Of course I think a wall would be glorious. It should be gilded with a periodic "TRUMP" every hundred yards. But I think it needs to be bolstered with actual legislation that specifically discriminates against Mexican invaders. I just doubt that will happen, because of all the lobbying for keeping ~some~ Mexicans that is going on (especially by agriculture-types). Keeping out the criminals is certainly a priority, so it should be erected on that ground alone, even if it only stymies the flow a bit.

This. If you're under 18, you're sent back, but anyone over 18 should be charged to the full extent of the law, which would consist of a swift trial, and an immediate execution at the end of sentencing. It's about deterrence, not an actual genocide. Once word gets out that this law exists, hell, I don't think anyone would need to die, they'd all just fucking go back, or stay home, on their own accord.

But at the end of the day, the farmers are the real cucks. I don't blame them, IN A SENSE, for being short-sighted. They have to provide for their family, and in order to compete with big agribusiness, cheap labour is sort of a necessity. There should be a subsidy for small farms to the tune of billions, coming straight from our foreign aid to shithole countries the world over (Israel included, something I doubt Trump will ever do). I'm not a free market guy, I honestly think the state should just go in and flat out restructure companies against their will, especially Monsanto, but other industries are just as pozzed.

You have to go back, spic.

You're a faggot and your shit is all retarded. Walls work, you limp-wristed beaner.

A few tunnels are easier to plug than nearly 2000 miles of open border you degenerate kike.

Let them. Maybe they'll crash their welfare system and they'll wake the fuck up.

What the fuck is up with the surge of TRSodomites here? No one cares about what fucking statement you make, you're fucking retarded.

this makes me more sad than angry.. how the fuck did you get hired? the kike who lost to you must have cut is foreskin off all over again

It's called incrementalism you stupid kike. First get out the criminals, then the "adults without children", then the "runaway children", then "those committed fraud (which almost all of them do, using dead people's SS numbers). After that, only a few million remain. As far as "agriculture-types" are concerned, there are work visas.

Walls work, just ask Hungary.


We're not landlocked, and have a deep state that actively wants massive immigration. Good luck!

The idea that I'm brown is laughable, and insulting to your own intelligence (assuming you've actually read my posts)

its about keeping out who couldnt get on a plane, because they have 3 violent felonies


Alright, Ausfag here, gonna explain why simply jumping on a plane and overstaying your visa is not the same as sneaking into the country covertly, burger, me old mate.

We get this argument all the time from leftycucks sitting in hipster cafes in Melbourne on their macbooks. It's bullshit. Firstly, what is the leftycuck word for an illegal over there? If you answered 'undocumented', congratulations, your parents weren't related. The hilarious part is it's actually the most important factor. Carlos DelFaceslasher is NEVER going to enter your country on a commercial airplane. Why? Because his criminal affiliations will throw up all kinds of alerts the instant his application hits the stateside servers. Visa denied, we'll call you a taxi, Mr DelFaceslasher, no American holiday for you.

The ONLY way problem Illegals can enter a country like yours, (or mine) is by dodging that documentation. Here in Oz they come by boat and destroy their documentation before they're picked up by the Navy, then make up some sob story about how they're poor little 16 year old Abdul from Syria whose whole family was wiped out by Assad as he made Hitler salutes and drank the blood of children. Over there, they don't even bother with the documentation, just run like fuck until they get to the highway where auntie Maria is waiting with a panel van and a new identity.

Sure, people will overstay visitors visas. Sure, some might sneak past the coast guards and port authorities. But if they've been officially documented as entering the country, your ICE forces have a BUTTLOAD more they can do to actually find and remove them than a rough description of '5'3, shit brown, faded blue t-shirt, went by the name of Juan'.

White America is doomed, they refuse nor can white couples any longer support several children. White children are treated as a favorite coffee mug and most only have one or two, or none at all.

Easiest solution of all incoming, annex and bleach everything down to the Panama Canal, border now defensible by middle schoolers

Maybe you fail to realize how many illegals we have that are not criminals, but just job seekers who have no trouble getting in through other means. I make no qualms in stating that our policy needs to discriminate against mexican people, and a wall is only one aspect of that.

Building a wall requires a deep foundation - meaning there will be excavations all along the border.
Any tunnel that isn't real deep is going get rekt

Print out last line, staple it to forehead, repeat until message sinks in.

A documented entry is PHENOMENALLY EASIER TO TRACK than an undocumented one. If they overstay or breach the terms of their visa, THEY ARE EASIER TO FIND AND DEPORT.

Agreed, a wall IS only one aspect of immigration reform, but it makes no sense to change the rules at the gate when people can just go fifty mile into the scrub and stroll on across. Hell, I'm pretty sure they'd still even have enough mobile signal to tell Pepito to pick them up.

Jeez you even seem mostly honest, no wonder aus is fail.



Yeah yeah, fair play that, I was more using 'problem' to refer to immigrants who were likely to sell smack to your daughter and cut your son's face off as opposed to Jose the Jalapeno farmer who doesn't even know how to spell 'Methamphetamine' let alone sell the shit.

Both are a problem in their own way though, you got me on that. My end point still stands though.


that wall could be blown down with a truck bomb

Sure thing, Pedro. Feel free to test that theory.

Fuck that we already have enough spics here working on the fields because of weed man.

How many planes would you need to keep up with current illegal immigration rates

No, the other user is right. Outright discrimination against Mexicans period, backed up with brutal state violence. Instead of bothering with some nonsensical system to see who is illegal or not, just make it illegal for Mexicans to exist in the United States regardless of their immigration status. If you see a Mexican walking along the road, just shoot him.

Eisenhower had 41,000 miles of highway built and these libtard faggots claim 1900 miles of wall is impossibru!

Not just mexicans, all post 1965 immigrants have to go.

Ah yes.
Back in the past when people expected presidents to get things done.

Subsonic sensors. We already use them for military walls.

Yea, and he did that before they had anywhere near the levels of technology we now have.

Build the wall. Protect it with giant robots.


I think they read "the wall is useless" and were triggered into retard-mode and didn't read the rest of your post.

If I buy property near the wall, will I be allowed to volunteer to shoot spics?

I've hiked past plenty of them who are still doing it, and even the trucks they drive right the fuck across the border. Look at satellite maps along the border by Jacumba, see all those well-worn trails across? You'll also find a lot of water bottles left out there by some illegal faggot who's been helping them invade for decades. I empty them when I find them and I hope I've made a difference
It's picked up with the trouble in Central America (Mexico doesn't want them so lets them pass through) and we could see a European style invasion if Venezuela fully collapses with up to 20M subhumans streaming over the border. Mexico itself is also getting sketchy with riots in the streets over the failing economy and the media is covering this up as they know it's justification to immediately build a wall.

USER: Donald J Trump
Writing's on the Wall: Constructs a wall around any boarder, the wall will stay up as long as the user has any
Run Like Hell: Deports any resident who is inside the barrier illegally
On Thin Ice: Makes every country affected by the wall a shittier place to live and makes the country inside a better place

I object that he's building a wall. I think it's a terrible idea. If Trump was smart he'd lay a minefield with the border with Mexico and explode Taco

cuck/pol/ and TRSfag refugees. I'm literally advocating for a law allowing anyone who even looks Mexican to be executed without trial. How is that not 1000% more useful than a wall? They'd be out of here before even one person needed to die. I guess I'm too extremist even for fucking Holla Forums nowadays, LOL. Mexicans aren't like niggers, they will board dinghies, and they will get on planes.

We never signed the treaty against landmines, this is a great idea.


A lot of people wouldn't be happy if we paid for it.


it's actually going to improve quality of life in Mexico:
* yuge dent in the cartels' profits
* no more CIA fuckery propping them up
* the more intelligent less retarded beaners who'd otherwise have left will be stuck there with no choice but to make mexico great a bit less shit again

Nah, there's some Geneva convention thing against indiscriminate mining I think.

Are you saying the CIA has tunnels being used to bring drugs into america?

Well yeah, he must begin the wall immediately otherwise the deportations will be a complete waste of time.
Border Open = No Effective Deportations | Border Closed = Effective Deportations

dude, they are 110% jews

The trick to ensure everything goes well, is to think about all possible ways for those trying to enter illegally can potentially use to cross the border, so you can ensure it's just about impossible to do.

Once you have a plan for all these ways for a spic to get past the wall, then everything's gud.

And each one of these strategies is easily beat if you don't pussyfoot around the job

Walls don't work. Ask Israel. :^)

Will it look like this anons?

This reminds me of one Ukrainian who tried to move into US by flying to Mexico, going to some border town and then just crossing the border and surrendering to border guards. In Texas. He spent half a year behind bars waiting for his political asylum hearing and then got deported to Ukraine (even though he requested deportation to France, for fuck's sake). But seriously, he went to Texas. He actually considered going to California, but he went to fucking Texas and just surrendered to border guards. Then there was a recent case of Russian libtard who decided to cross Pacific Ocean in an old tiny sailboat to get to Boston (sic).

to be tbh he should just nuke the fuck out of the border and create a radioactive exclusion zone. it'd be a great way to clear out the older, obsolete nukes from our arsenal, leftists wouldn't be able to tear it down, and it wouldn't need replacing like mines would.

This isn't too crazy to work

honestly, besides the lake of poopoopeepee, mexico is looking pretty comfy.

Remember that tunneling is a big problem. Usually they are in the tunnels that spend most of the drugs. How to solve this? Is there no technology that can detect small movements and noises under the ground?



Introduce dangerous underground animals and insects under the Wall, and add Skinwalkers to the Border Wall, which will be there anyway when they're detected, who will eat the mexicans.

Also, Add sewage under the wall so people who tunnel get a rush of peepee poo poo

Thread theme

I do want.


You? Think? hahaha that will be the day. gfy faggot.

Look at this faggot. You met a couple of spics and only one told you they walked. Well then, I guess they were truthful and they speak for millions. How fucking stupid can you be? You must be trolling as that's nigger tier.

I wonder at what point along the journey he realized

What a badass looking beetle. Name?


Just build it 40,000 feet high

But what if they just use a ladder?

Bullets vs climbers.
Shoots & ladders.


What if they hurl people over the wall using one of these. + parachute.

Don’t waste money.

Then we use an old siege weapon with a newer one. Or AA cannons. They aren't soldiers, we can shoot them out of the sky.


We need trump to get the wall seated in at least this deep.
Song related


+1 taco has been deposited into your sombrero

Ah yes, I too remember when "President Trump" was a punchline, and not a headline.

The Army is blacker than Philly PA. Good luck with that…

Are a million people going to climb over a guarded wall with ladders? This is about 20 times slower than just running across, and as such gives them that much more time to react and stop them.

what game is this?

what a bunch of CUCK faggots over at Google News.

>> wall&lr=English&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwihjLqmm9vRAhXFcBoKHTykB9AQqgIIHzAB