Leading AfD member calls for end to Nazi guilt, Berlin Holocaust memorial a "monument of shame"

German nationalist calls for end to Nazi guilt


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About time. WWII ended over 70 years ago, and any alleged victims or perpetrators are dead or close to. Ancient "history".

If he gets booted AfD is confirmed controlled op

Every fucking time

oy vey, remember the 12 billion!

How can a country commit murder?

Germany, I am proud. Let it begin.

the inhabitants of Berlin are the real victims, if anyone deserves a monument it's them.

the same way trucks commit murders in 2016

I think they'd be better off sticking to their guns and waiting until AFTER they get elected to start going full shitlord.

He we will get lynched for it. But he's right, this stuff makes every german generation grow up with so much guilt, even though they themself arent guilty of anything.

It can't be.

… kinda like white guilt and slavery. I got it now


How do they keep getting away with it?

No, they were and still are degenerates. You need to watch a documentary on Weimar era Berlin.



It would be stupid and counter productive if one were to make a holocaust denial statement in the currently occupied territory of Germany.

Gevalt Gevalt the Shoa goy!! i can already feel it!! I Lost my nose in the last Pogrom!!!

This is great news, FINALLY!
"Nazi guilt" is the source of all German people's problems.

is there a youtube vid for this dankness

Schindler's List 2 when?
we need more b&w propaganda with sad violin music stat!
no popcorn for you, goyim


a leftshit politician who employed a former Red Army Fraction terrorist is suing Höcke for Volksverhetzung

the majority of commenters on the Welt Online article are agreeing with based Högge



Please God

this guy?
gas him

How the fuck can you convince a race of people that think that they were genocided by nazies to believe in natsoc?



Put it this way-

A race of people have spread the meme, through word of mouth amongst themselves, that they were gassed by nazies.
How is it even fathomable to convince them to reconsider it? There is logical arguments, but you have to rationalise how self conditioned they are against nazies.

What do we do?

what the fuck do I care what kikes think or feel, push them out

Were you this retarded from birth, or did you have to work at it?

Can someone please tell me just how much people died in concentration camps? I think I got the numbers wrong.

According to wikipedia, 11 million


nobody knows
the number seems to go up all the time

No wait, according to a "recent study" it's 20 million now

How can a religion commit murder?

By telling people they will go to heaven if they murder the correct people.

I wonder how much real research went into this.
It seems like the holocaust was the one of the biggest forced memes in history.

The discrepancies are baffling. How did they fuck up the figures so much?
Probably cause you made them up.

No wait, it's 9 million now

Kill them for killing us, obviously. Fuck them and what they "think." They don't think.

Numbers pulled out of the ass, tend to fluctuate. Sometimes it is million, sometimes few hundred thousand. Who knows what the actual number was. Anyways, those people died of typhus and starvation, murder did not happen much.
I mean here you have one of the most efficient countries in the world, why the fuck would they go out of their way to drive them all to specific points, if they planned kill them. If they wanted to kill them they would have simply lynched them all in the streets within a month. Everyone with a brain should know they put them into labourcamps to 1. Make them produce shit for the war and work, 2. Prevent them from rebelling and disrupting inside the country, leading to a possible military disaster and loss of the war.

this time he could have saved 6 garillion

It can't. It just tells people to. That's why we're not trying to exterminate/deport (whichever is easier) the religion, but its members.

You can't tell me that man didn't rape the everlovingn shit out of that boy.

Wouldn't you try to leave atleast the door open?
Tell them to leave the religion and join a side ethnically.
Then they might be an asset, not a threat.

That would be a decent choice were it not for the fact their book says they can lie if it means advancing their cause.

How can they advance their cause while under scrutiny and without a synagogue?

Or you can adopt the children from Jewish parents.
Stolen generation.

Well if they were under heavy surveillance from a trustworthy organization then yes, I'd agree to it



Are you ready for 2017 Holla Forums?


Funny thing is, I'm part gypsy and all I want to know is the truth.

Inb4 sent to death camp for being part gypsy
Inb4 I cast my gypsy magic onto this thread

I've been preparing for the internet shutdown for a long time.

Second pic is interesting but useless, it needs references.

(((they))) will never let go of germoney, remember how they discovered that trauma can be passed on through DNA or some stupid shit like that, nothing is too crazy, too much money at stake goy

If he doesn't get booted then controlled opposition is no less "confirmed."
Do you forget the purpose of controlled opposition? Here, have a reminder.


then there is no way to confirm if somebody is or isn't controlled opposition
oy vey, better just give up then and die
thank you, greatest ally


You're confused user. We're trying to convince the German people to uncuck themselves. The German people aren't said to have been gassed. The narrative says these people were lolocausted:
> Jill Stein All other political parties

Yes, the Jewish narrative actually says that introverts were directly targeted by the national socialists.

Oh hey it's 8/pol/'s "hurr durr" paid shill

The fucking non sequiturs are real.

Mandatory "The Reich is still an occupied territory with a puppet government set up by the Allies that should supposedly disband 99 years after 1945"


I could see if they fought with the traitors after Mussolini was unjustly arrested. They would deserve it though

Does all this mean we can finally redpill the Germs? They're the second most pozzed nation on the planet, right behind Sweden.

It's funny how some fucking chavs use nazi imagery even though britains were one of nazi germany's biggest enemies and they declared them Untermenschen.

He's completely right about everything but isn't it a bit imprudent?

Not really about PR, more about timing.


You fucked up jews, you fucked up. By pushing everyone one way so hard for so long you pissed them off & made them Want to Try another way. Well done you fucking idiots. Truly "god's chosen".

Ask england about the country formerly known as palestine

it falls to us to either ensure that does not happen or overrun AfD and deform it until it is no longer controlled opposition.

What's your point? The same can be applied to present day US

It would be suicide if most Germans think that they deserve to be suffocated by endless guilt. Or if they think that it's possible to have a nation whose sole reason to exist is to apologize for everything.

Is that really the case?

Red Cross in cooperation with special office (Sonderstandesamt Arolsen) were able to document 170 000 people who died in the prison camps. Might have been some more, but those numbers are the best I have found.

The worst part is that all this guilt has been fabricated by a military enemy over the course of decades. They are literaly being shamed because of a historical equivalent of a strawman. Its no wonder we entered a dark age, the jews have upset cosmical justice and equilibrium to such an extent they permanently fucked up the mortal realm. If you think Trump made libshits upset, wait until the pendulum of the holohoax swings back. There is not enough rope in the planet.

berlin is a degenerate shithole, the true german spirit lies along the rhein

We need to accelerate this. What do we do?



Operation final solution is a go!

Convince them of WHAT? You dont fucking apologize for an offense you didint commit, simple as that. If the other side, wich benefits greatly from you abstainig from your rights refuses to acknowledge their mistakes and pay reparations for the damage THEY have done you fuckig kill them. If you catch your girl cheating on you, you dont lecture her on why cheating is wrong is she is a misguided person, you fuck her up and break up.

What the fuck are you even on about user

This time every last one!

How is the weather in Tel-Aviv? -Or are you just retarded? Sometimes its hard to tell.

And this is why i left the church.

We do what we do best, we tell the truth in the most compelling way possible.

I'm a black jewish retarded homosexual trans-kike



Well, given enough 'incentive' people do pretty much anything. Pic related.

Thats because whole DDR is rightful slav clay ;)

Good luck Germans, I hope you will finally uncuck yourself after 170 years of

Heil Kaiser Höcke!

Actual total numbers correspond with the drop in deads from Maidanek

I just found something out that might be pretty interesting. I was sending this from my goiPhone to a friend of mine and I forgot to change my search engine from yahoo to one of the other ones. When I searched for this story in yahoo, it actually brought up the archive for it. It seems Yahoo is indexing the archives of archive.is / archive.fo so it seems if you ever wanted to dig up an old archived page you could go to yahoo and find it.

t. not a paid Yahoo shill





where the fuck did they get that? do they not know about the blue division or what?

wew, what's next, Sweden starts to make sense?

More like Germany is realizing that constantly referencing the 60 gorillion doesn't work anymore and only gets people only more resentful to it. (And in the need to rebel against it, redpill themselves)



Guess it's about the legion condor killing a few hundred communists in Guernica.

>Quick goyim, say something completely outside the Overton Window!
And all you morons in this thread are cheering it.

That's what happened in America too. People got sick of being branded racist, sexist, homophobic, "basket of deplorables", etc etc.


It's better recieved than you think. It's not that he denies the holocauster tycoon, he simply states that a nation doesn't work if the teachings of the past are based on guit, shame and self-hate, which is why he wants to focus on more positive history and past of germany instead. A lot of Germans, and i am one by the way, have become sick of it. It's just that most people were scared to say it out loud in politics, considering that our Media and State is heavily controlled by Kikes and some Burgers. What he did wasn't just oy veying, he also gave people courage to talk about this openly now. He didn't overstep the window, he shifted it.

Germany is facing an existential threat right now. Stopping Muslim immigration into Germany takes priority over debunking the holohoax, because if it is not done now there won't be any Germans left:

AfD pushing back on the holohoax now will make AfD less popular in Germany. Prove me wrong.
AfD becoming less popular in Germany will further the (((Muslim invasion))) of Germany. Prove me wrong.
The Muslim invasion of Germany will culminate in the ultimate extermination of the German people. Prove me wrong.

Prove me wrong on these points, and only then will I praise the AfD for pushing back on the Holohoax now.

Well I hope you're right.


Read this, Cuck.

No, it will probably make them more popular for on. And it will make more people comfortable in calling out semitism.

And the kikes creating a generation of retarded libs that go by their playbook and use it extensively religiously (see: mental gymnastics) only led to their own downfall. The libs proved they only react and can't think for themselves because they've been conditioned against it, and in turn revealed the jews antics more openly and identifiable.

Push people far enough and they start to push back. I think the Jews are about to discover what a real Holocaust is.

I'm a cuck for assuming Germans are cucks? Anyway, I don't read German.

German is easy as fuck to learn, you burger pleb.

Reservations are monuments of white guilt.

C'mon Germany.

If you aren't German, why do you think you can understand Germans better than they themselfes?

I see potential lulz in this. Let's meme it.

The Germans believe more lies about Germans than anybody else on earth. The Germans are the least reliable authorities on Germans as far as I am concerned.

Hwo would you know? You don't even speak German.

Obvious b8 try harder pls.

Because Germans speak English?

Why project so hard?

If fighting the jew directly makes the AfD very unpopular, then surely that would hinder any attempts to stem the muslim invasion.

Some people in this thread are saying that pushing back against the holohoax will make them more popular. That is encouraging if true, but I have serious doubts.

any germanic language is easy for a native english speaker

Such is life as a Golem.


He's legally unable to say something different.

You just don't get it.
Hoegge didn't even question or deny the holocaust, he simply said that it's time for Germany to move on and stop the shaming and self-hatred, which ACTUALLY IS a very common position.

What a time to be alive! CY+2 HYPE

Okay, and Nazi Germany no longer exists. Which means that the Federal Republic of Germany is not responsible for the holocaust, and as such should not be punished for what Nazi Germany did.

Bring that up the next time you talk to a kike; see what they say.

Even kikes admit it’s even less than 6.


711 AD
Jews conspired with the Muslims to invade Visigothic Spain, aiding their conquests by opening the gates on towns and cities and being rewarded for their efforts by being granted overlordship of Christian territories, not to mention high titles in the Muslim courts. They betrayed their Christian neighbors and became tax collectors and slavers. When the Reconquista was completed, the Jews were held accountable for their crimes. They were given two options: Expulsion or conversion. Those who converted then proceeded to try and kick the Spanish monarchy from the inside, thus prompting the Inquisition.
In La Silva Curiosa de Italian de me, printed in Paris in 1608, on pages 156-7, it states: (1)
In 1492, Chemor, Chief Rabbi of Spain, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice when a Spanish law threatened expulsion. This was the reply:
“Beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves. The advice of the Grand Satraps and the Rabbis is the following:
1. As for what you say that the King of Spain obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.
2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.
3. As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians’ lives.
4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.
5. As for the other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of state, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.
Prince of the Jews of Constantinople.
– L. Fry, Waters Flowing Eastward, The War Against the Kinship of Christ, TBR Books, Washington DC, 2000, pp. 73-4

The persecutions [in Spain] of 1391 and the mass conversions which followed brought an important change. Some of the conversos were able to use the act of baptism to climb to high positions in the financial administration: examples are Luis de la Cavalleria, chief treasurer under John II of Aragon; Luis Sanchez, royal bailiff of the kingdom of Aragon c. 1490; and his brother Gabriel Sanchez, who was treasurer-general. Under Henry IV of Castile (1454-74) Diego Arias de Avila was the king’s secretary and auditor of the royal accounts; in spite of Diego’s unpopularity, his son Pedro succeeded him. Even Isabella the Catholic depended on the financial advice of the Jew Abraham Senior, from 1476 chief tax-gatherer in Castile, and Isaac Abrabanel, who after having been the banker of Alfonso V of Portugal served as the queen’s private financial agent and loaned her a considerable sum for the war against Granada. The converso Luis de Santangel, chancellor and comptroller of the royal household and great-grandson of the Jew Noah Chinillo, loaned Isabella money to finance Columbus’ expedition to America. (2)

1: See image.
2: jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/judaica/ejud_0002_0003_0_01978.html

And like always, Holla Forums predicted this.


Well that's very good to hear.

Well for one thing, the numbers they claim to be true are complete horseshit.


They've also called out (((Rothschild))) multiple times, they WILL make the shoah real.

It used to be 4 million, then it became 5 million, then it became 6 million and right now some are pushing fucking 12 million.
In reality only around 20 thousand people died but a lot of them died due to natural causes.

Alright, 200.000 apparently.

Oh, and you faggots should read Björn Höcke's wiki page, he's based af.
married, 4 children, believes male/female family units are the core of society.
It just keeps getting better, can't wait for 2018!

I'm sure this trend will continue since the more times passes the less people care, thus you need to keep inflating the numbers as time passes to gather a response. Sensationalism, law of diminishing returns and all that.

According to some early (((sources))), it was as high as 65,000,000.

better image of the letter.


You feeling the heat yet schlomo?

Believe it or not, I only care for the survival of the German race.


I've explained my reasoning clearly numerous times already.

It's from a movie actually, Er ist wieder da, heard it's pretty good but I only saw a few scenes. There are some subtle redpills in it too.


This is a shill. Do not save this image.

Or this one.

What are you on, dubsposter?

What does he means by this ? Hitler was gassing jews since he took power ?
Fucks sakes, man.

He is an idiot.



The only guilt that krauts shall have is the guilt of not beeing victorious against the international kikery. 6 Gorillion is not enough

I see nothing wrong with holocausting them. A lot of commies were probably just shot as spies, but the student-tier commies probably ended up working themselves to death in camps (lol irony).

The book is miles better because it has a happy and heartwarming ending. Apparently the movie was changed so that Hitler does some evil abusive shit and is thrown in an asylum at the end. Also, he shoots a dog for no fucking reason in a random scene, despite being the person who more or less invented animal rights. Seriously, it's a completely different ending that ruins the moral of the book, and the dog scene is blatantly out of character. The book can be described as "what if Hitler was cured of all his mental/physiological illnesses and was revived at the place of his burial in modern Germany." It is actually a lighthearted, funny, and well researched book that demonstrates that yes, modern German, you too could be convinced by a man famous for his charismatic speeches who swept your entire nation's political scene after starting with a party that had literally 55 members. Many modern Germans have this detachment from their ancestors that supported the Nazi party because they don't understand how anyone could support such a horrible and violent regime. This book, through a funny story, explains that how and bridges the gap for the reader. It makes Hitler relatable.


I see, I'm gonna look it up. Meme it anyways, we could use a few laughs when the (((media))) starts reporting on Hitler cosplayers running rampant.

The official government narrative is that shitskins should be allowed to flood in because Germans were/are evil National Socialists who holocausted 6 billion jews and only muslims/africans can expiate this sin.

The holohoax and real, actual ethnic cleansing of Germans are not separate issues.

When surrounded by predators, no animal ever achieved victory with tolerance. How nice it would be if we could all sit down at a round table and discuss everything openly, to come to terms with all that is going wrong and revert this whole mess through simple discourse. They are not the ones that sit at that table though, they will only flip it over, throw stones, brand you with sharp tongues, and want nothing to do with any of us. We approach the hour where only our swords will do the talking because nothing else can be heard. All life responds to violence.

Let Germans be proud of who they are. No more guilt!

They just barely missed getting banned. The Supreme Court case just ended. Now they're starting to go full fash.

How do you think Hitler was elected goyim?!

It's true. I started climbing a metaphysical mountain, reaching beyond the clouds.

Am i the only one who read it to say the total death count jow and non jew was 6 million

these numbers are dropping like stones

Indeed they are.

You know what? 6 million is a believable number for the total casualties caused by Germany for the entire war. No way thats just the Jew toll and certainly not Auswitch.

we're gonna win so much we'll get sick of it

kys faggot, the only way forward is to keep pushing. The "far right" party in my country started to cuck out because of muh PR and muh not being too radical and they lost all support. You'll probably never win over 50% of Germans (Trump couldn't even win over 50% of Americans, he just won because the American system is 1 vs 1 instead of 8 different parties like in Europe) so it's better to just take the 20-30% you can get and radicalize them.



Same thing happened with Gamergate. You should never ever PRcuck. People only respect those who stick to their guns.

this movie was decent until the end ruined it…maximum poz…

he didn't even say anything that's outrageous, it's just that the enemies of the AfD blow it up and try to shoehorn anti-semitism into Höcke's speech

it's also disgusting how supposedly conservative PR cucks on Junge Freiheit claim he shouldn't have done it, as if the opinion of Lügenpresse and pavlovian holocaust guilt trippers matter

then there's these retards that say the refugee crisis matters more than the Germans self perception as the evil doers of all eternety when pro refugee shills use that collective self loathing as an argument of why Germany should accomodate millions of shitskins

M-muh perpetual milking cow…


proofreading is a dead art, isn't it?