What is some kino about fat fuck "skeptics" getting destroyed by actual skeptics?

What is some kino about fat fuck "skeptics" getting destroyed by actual skeptics?

Feels good

No one cares abou this fringe circlejerk.

tell that to /cow/

i care tbh

He got btfo by Tara McCarthy and he apologized in her comments.

I would impregnate her hindu womb and produce future street shitters of bongland

Already said no one. No need to belabor the point.

Sauce? This is good porn.

Doesn't have the name or the features of one. Is she really?

Link related.


she is 1/16th jew indian or something


He'll die before he applies that logic to his baby boy's future. Immature fuckhead.

t. the eternal burger

Sargon is a retarded centrist



Oh and I'd say she has an indo nose and cheeks.

Same tbh famalam

Her hair looks cute like that tbh

Back when Sargon and King of Holla Forums were 'leading' gamergate, Sargon got btfo by an asexual SJW troll named pixie jennie in a debate. Like not just beaten in an argument, but totally destroyed to the point of spaghetti pouring out of headphones.

Sargon never wins in a debate.
The only good thing he ever did was to call SJWs bad.
Everything else he ever said is a huge cancer.

he did a pretty good job at BTFO'ing a couple of retarded ancaps a few years ago, to be fair to him

a three year old could crush ancaps in a debate tbh

debate me, i'm an ancap

Which kind? The useful idiot kind that thinks current government generates political power out of nothing through magic, or the kind that just doesn't like anyone stopping capital holders from fucking everyone else in the ass?

the hoppe libertarian kind

Oh, the "I was merely pretending to be retarded" kind.

not an argument

not an argument

not an argument

not an argument

she kinda looks like my jewish female cousin

Arguments are overrated as fuck. The side with the most savage insults is the clear winner in any debate.

why do you have a jewish cousin

Wtf dude? Are you some kind of radical?

If you get into a debate there are only losers.


Im sure that the truth lies somewhere in the middle

laugh at this extremist



there is no objective truth, everything is subjective


subjective as fuck. there might possibly be objective truth

Wew guys are you SJW or what?

a true skeptic only commits when the statistical likelihood is 101% with a 1% margin of error

lies, damn lies, and statistics. no real skeptic would place any faith in such a thing.

i think that both of you are right

that requires an implicit trust in something. that is antithetical to skepticism itself

your trust in your subjective definition of skepticism is anti-ethical to skepticism

I have no argument against that, I admit defeat

There is a point where the "creators" verge on self-parody and we passed that threshold long ago

Actually, The only useful idiots here are the ones who still buy into the scam that government is a magic wand that can wish all the problems of the world away. In fact, you're more a useful idiot of the bankers of who own the government than any voluntaryist is.

But sargon doesn't have a kid it's not his.

These self-aggrandizing Beatnik wannabes think they're so intellectual, but when you look into their beliefs, they're nothing more than lite-SJWs. They criticize gender and diversity quotas while supporting anti-discrimination laws, Suppression of free speech, while supporting copyright, the wage gap, while supporting minimum wage, and unconditional multiculturalism with more welfare and labor regulations. The skeptic community is a joke. It always has been, and always will be.

There's nothing of substance in their videos that you can't find in an undergraduate's Foucault book. All they boil down to are tasteless failed shit stirrers, or pseudo intellectuals who use esoteric language to compensate for their lack of charisma and talent. Even ranters weren't this fake and pathetic. And just like the Beatniks and the ranting community before them, no one will remember them in a few years, maybe sooner, and they'll eventually pass on like the fad they are.