How effective is television at brainwashing?

Does anybody here actually watch television? Maybe that's why we're here because we don't watch it. I haven't watched any television in 10 years. I was over my grandparent's house and they're racists. Not the ideological kind just the kind that complain about niggers. I noticed my granddad watching television and it was some kind of drama show that had a white girl with a nigger boy. I left the room and came back later and asked my grand dad if he noticed anything unusual about what he was watching. He didn't have a clue about what I was talking about. So I told him the race mixing in the show you were just watching. And he said oh that? It's all over the television now. It's like he just accepted it as normal. When I saw it, it shocked my senses but for him it was like it's nothing just something normal. I told him he should stop watching television because that's not something you should see as normal. But slim chance he'll stop watching it being old as he is in his 70s.

How prevalent is this kind of shit on television?

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Very, after I removed my TV I started to get redpilled. Then I found Holla Forums. Watching it a few times a week is harmless, it has an exponential curve I think, the more you watch the more pozzed you become and the harder it is to leave it.

Anything you spend most of your time doing will brainwash you. Though with television, I'm surprised anyone under 60 actually watches it at all. Internet, etc.

This, brainwashing is just brain programming. We're basically meat computers, monkey see, monkey do. The people who say they can't be brainwashed are the most likely to be brainwashed because they don't even understand what it means.

If a kid grows up watching tv his whole life and all the programs show white boys getting with Asian girls, and white girls getting with black boys, he's gonna race mix. That's just how it works. Think about the increase in people saying they're gender fluid and all that other bullshit. The television is a dangerous weapon.

My grand dad was never a liberal. I know he voted for George Wallace. It hurts seeing the Jews just take his mind like that.

I haven't owned a tv in around a decade either. I'll dl some shows or might see it at a friend's house. What shocks me is when I go back and watch some of my favorite movies from when I was a kid and see that there are no, or virtually no, niggers or spics anywhere. If the same movies today they would have at least one non-white main character. I can only imagine how bad it is on talmudvision just based off of ads I see on kiketube and streaming sites.

I did until I worked in cable TV professionally for around 3 to 4 years off and on. After that, I stopped watching anything except shows I torrented on my computer, and soon stopped watching those too. Then I started visiting halfpol, found my way here after gamer gate, and just voted for Trump after a lifetime of voting Democrat. I don't think that's entirely a series of coincidences….

Here's a screenshot from the most popular show on tv. What do you think? No one on Holla Forums should be wasting time with television.

my elderly parents watch TV now that they are retired and it's sad. Several years ago during the height of Glenn Beck popularity they actually built a shelter inside the house they were living in and became very fearful of the outside world. Their attention span is all of about 30 seconds on any subject. Truly sad. The news is on 24/7

I haven't watched talmudvision in years which is when I began to think more clearly than I ever did before.

If you want to redpill everyone you know all you need them to do is to start cutting the cord.

How do you convince old people to get rid of television?

You don't. They will die and as the TV generation dies off, TV will go the way of newspapers.

I've got one, but it will go for days without being turned on. I might watch Twilight Zone or something on Netflix once a week, or play some SNES. (Speaking of, fuck having a modern video game console too.)

It's my wife who can't do without the shit, and it really bothers me. It definitely affects her behavior and responses to things.

Judging by the last 50 years, incredibly effective. The internet was the silver bullet that killed it though.

TV is just one aspect, and at least you can "correct" the TV since it's often a group activity.

IMO the internet has made the problem less widepsread, but much more effective on those who are ensnared.

i cant watch TV anymore at all. It just angers me.

i dont watch tv and the other day i saw some ad on youtube that really shilled the "useless wannabe-handyman suburban white dad" meme HARD. i was floored by how much they're shilling it. if people are eating that shit up uncritically, then yes i'd say its fairly effective at brainwashing.

Does anime count? I watch a lot of that

Interesting insight of how effective they've been:

I'd say a large part of the problem of television isn't the shows themselves, but the ritual of waiting for a program and not being in control of what is on screen.

Learning centers of brain turn on overdrive when watching a screen
It's why the government has finds allocated to "Educational Games"


Just look at gay rights. We went from the vast majority of the nation being vehemently anti-gay and like 0% favorability toward gay marriage, and within like 5-8 years, that completely flipped and anyone that didn't love faggots and fag marriage was now a horrible extremist.

What happened? Will and Grace shilled the idea that fags are no different than straight people.

Don't know how you can these days. Used to watch the stuff a lot, now it's 90% fanservice and rehashing said service but with different casts (same shit happens on pixiv).

How come, user? I agree that you're a waste if you sit around all day playing, but there still good non-pozzed games

Good to know piracy makes me smart then!

I'm okay with that I'm down from like 20 shows a season to 10, the last 3 years have been pretty bad I will admit.

The cable company's logo is literally an eye being hypnotized. Very tongue-in-cheek wouldn't you say? Even they know what they're really doing to people.

It's what created the modern world view you stupid Millennial fuck. How young and sheltered are you that you don't know that?

Fashy sitcoms when?

People blame only the millennials, but every generation had a similar spike.
interracial marriage wasn't quite so steep, probably because the media didn't hammer it in quite so heavily until recently.

This, almost no millennials watch TV.

People under 60 don't watch television, but they watch Netflix and Amazon and Hulu on their computers like junkies consuming crack. Especially girls. My youngest sister and the younger sisters of my friends will seriously lock themselves in their room from the second they get home from school and just watch Netflix if they don't have work.


Tv is literally someone training viewers how to think. It's blatant conditioning.

Atleast here you can discuss why your opinion is shit. On tv it's stuck with retaining an image to increase its selling ability.

It's a brain focused on profit. Here the brain is focused on truth.

Millenials were raised by the worst era of television.
Also note, we're now breaking that conditioning.

T. Millenial.

They watch tons of degenerate TV shows (HBO, Showtime, etc.), they just don't do it on their TV's

Millennials are no in their 30s. People in their 30s were raised on a diet of TV.

Jesus Kike, this is what happens when Holla Forums attracts younger kids who are too scared to meet people or go outside and talk to everyone. It's like all of you live on social media platforms

Netflix, movies, etc. counts as "television."

Millenials grew up in the culture engineered from TV in which anyone who didn't support gays was an evil bigoted racist etc. Even if you don't watch TV the effects ripple outward and you can still get contaminated.

Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest gen z being the most redpilled gen yet.

Oh man, it's everywhere. It's so bad that Nickelodean hired a film maker who's sole film was a porn movie called "The Cuckold" that went exactly like you would expect with that name… in order to make a show called 'Bella and the Bull' about a blond cheerleader in high school and her black boyfriend. I wish I was joking.
I dunno. I cut the cord over a decade ago 'cause I've always hated how TV hypnotizes me. If it's on a room I just have trouble looking away from it, it's unbelievably distracting for me. But when I do catch it… yeah… it's everywhere.

This, Netflix is 100% pozzed

Well I thought I was Gen Y but that's apparently not a thing anymore so I guess I'm a Millenial and I have a pretty libertarian view on the issue despite watching almost no western TV. I know that's not quite the mainstream but probably enough to get me thrown in the bog here.

That was my thinking as well.

I would agree TV is hardly the only way to control people


if you wonder if this shit is effective just realize that the subliminal part of TV has been going on since the 1960s. The world of TV is (((hollywood))) on the small screen. Just think of what you know of the NSDAP and what the ordinary citizen thinks and begin to understand how the (((cult of the victim))) and it's oppression olympics make the fine art of scapegoating what it is.

They've also had the SMALLEST increase.

Who had the LARGEST increase?

I'd like to see new data on the approval of miscegenation.

Teach them how to stream unpozzed shit or some other hobby. You can also go the full step and teach them how into internet and they can spend their time at certain forums that caters to their interests like gardening for your grandmother or guns for your grandfather or potential new interests instead of wasting away at the idiotbox.

I read they recorded an increase in church participation. Furthermore, grunge look is back and is quickly replacing faggot hipsters

What the elites are trying to push is present in damn near anything you can consume from a large corporation. I'm not really even a proper pollack, but after years of listening to you guys like a fly on the wall I can see the brainwashing everywhere. You will find it in radio, television, music, commercials, you will even find some of the independant youtube content creators parroting things from the MSM and their owners. If you sit in front of television, eventually they will get you to come around to their way of thinking because they will feed you only the truths and narratives they want you to hear. Even I catch myself falling into their lies until I remember parts of the story that they don't include. Sargon did a video on it, though he came along about a year too late in the game to be useful.
He talks about all of the lying by omission that is done by the media, he talks about them editing footage to fit what they want you to hear. He isn't completely there in that he believes it might not be malevolent and thinks these pundits aren't lying knowingly, but it gives a good overview of the important part. Don't consume any television media, not even Fox. They are all lying to you constantly to manipulate you.

And the gay marriage shit.
It's decreased massively.

Social conditioning needs to be a compulsory subject at school. Conditioning is the worst thing people can do. We need people to develop a conditioning sense.

People do not think when they are watching the Boob Tube. Shekel Man knows this and use their human impulses to market to them and sell them useless things. Shekel Man also makes them feel worthless especially the women.

Also Shekel Man knows that LGBT has more spending money than a Aryan Saving for a family so they try to turn as many people queer as possible. Fags don't have to have kids and have a lot more disposable income which Shekel Man loves!

TV is evil. People should be forced to read and do Mathematics not watch Television i.e The Boob Tube.

I work in a cable broadcast facility who's content reaches millions (we care for the network and broadcast equipment). A bunch of brainwashed cucks I work with, the lot of them. There are only a couple who actually half way redpilled, but even still are for the most part cucked from all of what the talimudvision has implanted into their psyche. I fucking hate TV and hate working here, but the money is too good to leave. I cancelled our cable service at home over 3 years ago and have no desire to reinstate.

Yes, the TV is a powerful form of social conditioning/programming. Just as radio and news rags have been in the past (Radio Free Europe, etc). Any type of corporate controlled media should be regarded as a tool of mind manipulation.

Watching TV for hours correlates with laziness. When you can't be bothered to do anything, you plop down before the zombie-box and start looking into it.
When you are too lazy to do anything, you are too lazy to think properly. When you are too lazy to think, you become suggestible.

I quit watching talmudvision around 2008, but even then, I was only watching science fiction and suspense/action shows, not the goddamn news.

My TV is caked with dust under a desk in my office. I only keep it on the off chance I decide I want to play light gun games, and need a CRT television to do it. I have no incentive to buy an LCD television.

Haven't had cable since 2002, or a TV.

About the same time high speed internet became a thing.

Almost any other hobby is better than talmudvision at this point. Woodworking. Metalsmithing. Cleaning your goddamn room you fucking lazy fuck. Looking for a white wife. Reading the ENDLESS pile of books Holla Forums suggests. Life drawing. Classical music. Learning how to repair and maintain machinery, ie: cars. Gardening.

user, there's a reason it's called programming.


Wrong fucking thread, but I guess… I mean on the topic of racemixing.
Haven't owned a TV in 6 years, and I don't watch jack shit in terms of popular shows.

I don't pay for cable. I do have some TV shows saved on a 3TB HDD. Mostly older stuff and science fiction - Twilight Zone, Stargate, Star Treks, Galactica. For whatever reason, I've always been big on cop shows and medical shows, so I got the Law & Orders, ER, and so on. Mostly, with the older shows, I just hit shuffle and let it play while I fall asleep at night. I have a few shows I follow. I may or may not watch the episodes as they come out, or maybe just let a whole season build up and watch it when I have nothing else going on.

This is my theory, all this shit we hate about modern life started around the time the television became a common household item, 50's/60's. In the last 10/15 years has internet is taking over and smashed tv's influence, rip (((television))) gg no re

Simply having color TV (for some reason color is important) is so effective at imposing lethargy and lowering reproductive rates that the CIA had made it their business to ensure that every 3rd world Communist shithole had stuff to watch.

Man I disconnected the aerial a few years ago and haven't looked back, occasional viewing of torrented shows / anime / netflix but am hyper aware of any subversive programming which I think helps counter it, its the normies that have a sponge instead of a brain that lap that shit up and integrate it without a second thought.

Most recent example being the big cocked black dude meme where in Westworld they had a inconsequential scene of a black dude robot with a big flaccid cock just standing around naked.

Why do you think television was invented in the first place? To entertain you? hahaha No.

It's probably the most harmful invention of the 20th century. More so than the atom bomb.

It literally changes the state of your mind. You're in a trance from it, barely above unconcious.

As for what's on the motherfucker today… Not really sure but when I've in the presence of one, the commercials were HEAVY on race mixing and faggotry.

Effective enough to get us into the situation we are today. Mass media is one of the most, if not the most powerful ways to control a populace. Goebbels recognized this.

I watch like 2 shows a season now

it's gotten pretty bad but its still better than 0

Relevant blogpost:

It creates a false sense of how reality and how you should experience certain type of things and your behaviour in certain situations. The thing is, we're still very much in a monkey-see-monkey-do kind of state and here is when the tv-brainwashing comes in as we see actors stage fake situations, written by and manipulated by writers and played out by actors who lie for money to do these kind of situations, which has controlled outcomes.

Take for example the protestors from the left. Who has nothing in types of arguments but still are there to shout and disrupt meetings and whatever. Look into their eyes, completely gone at the moment, filled with adrenaline and whatnot. They've been condition to behave this way, they think that's how they should behave and that is how to be heroes, because that's what they see the "freedom fighters" do on the tv.

The internet is no better. Sure it works towards our favour with the lack of ability to censor us and only have one certain point of view coming out to the masses. But looking around, it's leading people to become extremely pozzed to the point of no return aswell. Shit like tinder and agendas where behaving like degenerates is encouraged and deemed cool is common like hell all over the internet, especially on normie-sites like facebook, instagram and twatter.

Old people are beyond saving imo. Focus on youth instead, they don't have a lifetime of indoctrination behind them.

I think Friends was a very powerful catalyst in all of this too. Completely made by jews and it's actually extrememy degenerate if you look at the storylines. Not to mention the cultural impact it had for 10 years.

I watched Game of Normies but stopped after I got something spoiled. Also animu. Not directly on TV, but it's the same thing I guess.

pretty effective, not only does it make them progs but it just makes them flat out fucking retarded


My father is close to 70. He is aware of partisan bias in hosts, but he RAGES should you ever sugges that the network itself is lying and manipulating.

Somewhere down the road of patriotism, he's started trusting authority blindly.

critically underrated post

You better rope that shit in Holla Forumsack and do it fast. Your wife's media consumption will drive you apart. Speaking from experience.

It may already be too late. Could be that it was always too late, joke unintended.

It's how fags got so normalized and idolized to normies. There are so few gays, most people don't even know one person who is gay but they've watched all those fruity, emotionally deep and loving and caring portrayals of gays in movies and television. It's so bad that nowadays even supposed right wingers are proudly proclaiming how tolerant of gays they are and so on. They tried this with niggers too but it didn't work as well because there are more niggers so more people still dislike them behind closed doors because they have first hand experience. Not so much with gays. The vast majority of normies who support gay rights have no idea just how fucking insane and degenerate most gays are. There are purely operating on a fictional image that was taught to them by TV and movies.

Media brainwashing works best on things you don't know anything real about and have no direct contact with because you get overwhelmed by faulty information and have no point of reference whatsoever.


Not JUST a cheerleader, she's supposed to be the best PLAYER on the team, so she's assumed to be stronger than all the guys.

Fitness should be on everyone's list. Great post btw.

I think a study can be made that could correlate that rise in "transgenderism" with brainwashing. Quacks will say it's on the rise now because it was historically repressed.

But you could do surveys on different generations. By asking questions like, "As a child or teenager did you feel that you were a different gender than you were born as?". Then break down the results by age group. I think transgenderism is autistic people being brainwashed into believing that they're another gender.Just look at Chris-chan. That sperg never held back on anything that was going through his head then suddenly when transgenderism gets pushed heavily he claims that he's a girl.

At this point I call this shit out. Tell my mother that they specifically chose the best guy for an interview and probably the only educated one there. Also pointed out how everyone else is an arab mudshit with no education, language knowledge or job knowledge.

Call out my mother on this shit. She gets mad and continues to watch this garbage fanatically.

It's that bad. TLC may be the worst channel, but the basic movie channels are generally being pozzed.
Old spice commercials popped up here too. And this is eastern europe. I can tell you outright nobody here wants to watch half naked niggers flexing every commercial break.
Just gradually creeping in. In every aspect of television.
And let's not even go into half the shitter news channels, comedians and etc commenting on every single trump twitter post, that they disliked in some way.
Even the few better things, like discovery took massive blows over the years. Documentary shows went down the gutter.

Television is shit.

Yes, that along with positive attention and the falls feeling of "having another life, a better life" due to the propaganda and obvious experience of men seeing women being taken care of better and getting more things out of life with little to no effort in this day and age i would assume it is why.

Memetic Hygiene Hypothesis. Normalfags have no memetic immune system because they are never exposed to the information that will "redpill" them into seeing the fnords. Their minds have been engineered in the same way that laboratory rats are engineered for microbial pathogenesis experiments: (1) suppress the immune system of the laboratory specimen to create an environment where an artificial culture can be implanted without rejection; (2) annihilate the existing culture (bacterial/memetic) with antibiotics/antimemetics ("antisemitism!" "racism!" "sexism!" "xenophobia!" "lideraly hidler!"); (3) implant a manufactured culture to put the laboratory specimen in a gnotobiotic/gnotomemetic state.

This is how you make a generation of mockingbirds who are so easily herded by the wolves.

The conditioning is breaking thanks to the internet (and our shitposting is a huge part of it), but care must be taken to watch out for centralized entities such as Google, Faceberg, and existing media empires gone digital (e.g., CNN, even Fox News) that desire to tamper with the memetic environment to wrest control over connected minds again.

Why was this anchored?



I stopped watching actual tv about 10 years ago. I used to watch a lot of anime, now I watch maybe 1 or 2 shows per year.
Basically I only watch movies when friends invite me to the cinema.

Millennials had the fastest increase and the highest level of support on the issue.

Unpopular but rational opinion incoming:
People who watch anime over here are lemmings that simply have been brainwashed by us and not them, they see that all we do is right, but there are some abnormalities, say anime reaction pictures, their brain perceives this as "good guy post anime, anime good". They'll believe everything they're told on fullpol and that anime is somehow different damagewise from western tv series. You have to rationalise everything without listening to the big brother.
anime as an entertainment:
procrastination (waste of your time and damage on your brain), slow story development (waste of your time and damage on your brain), a bunch of cliches (if you've seen 10 diverse titles you've seen them all). Just like western tv or vidya it's just a timewaster stealing time from things that are more important and wiring your brain in a low activity state. It's also extremely addicting which is the reason most people continue to watch it but can't explain why, if you dump anime entirely for a brief period of time you'll realize that you don't want to go back, it's your brains that wanted to watch anime just because it's your daily dose.
The entire storylines are either overly simplistic or overly simplistic and pretentious, the second category is really good at tricking you that it's smart, but does the "smart" anime make you think or teach you something good? That's right.
gateway to the most degenerate thing out there: hentai, the rabbit hole is deep and it's incredibly tough to get out from
sexual degeneracy, moreso than in western shows, you have pedophilia, homosexuality, cuckolding, polygamy, oversexualization, male femininity EVERYWHERE, yes, not only moeshit, but everywhere.
Juvenility is pushed everywhere, it constantly tells you to not grow up in the subtlest ways.
(positives): No racemixing and traditional family values for the most part, the positives end here.
This is PRECISELY the topic of this thread, and shills are people who trick you, not those that disagree with you on stuff, this is a topic worth discussing. The D&C would start if you start discussing select anime titles, and you would be responsible for it since I warned you.
Remember folks, fiction is bad in ANY form
Read the part about lemmings again, and again, and for the third time to realize that you can't blindly trust ANYTHING that's posted over here or even the narratives that are pushed here. Pretty much everything posted here is truth, which is the bad part, it blinds you, your brain starts trusting everything reasonable that's posted here unless other anons are criticizing the said thing. If (((they))) take full control over us and control the narrative over here lots of users would be digesting it the same way they do now.
And in the end, you can continue to watch your cartoons, but know that you would dump them eventually. And also consider deleting your anime reaction pic folder, if you can't stop watching anime you can still stop pushing the "anime good" narrative if you agree with me.

That's a good way of thinking from the perspective of *entertainment is a waste of time by default and you should chase higher goals*.
That said many people will not drop entertainment, not everyone will reach a higher goal, even if something as simple as building a house.
The people who will continue to consume comics, animations and etc are faced with the western and eastern options. And the one that lacks huge amounts of propaganda shoved into your face is usually the eastern one.
Granted you could find some saved western series, but at this point it's a feat to do so.

For the people who will continue to consume entertainment the choice seems very obvious. And there are tons of them.

I might've gave a wrong impression, but most of the stuff I do is entertainment, I'm sadly not actually leaving the internet and doing things, there's just so much things to do on the internet in terms of entertainment that I just don't understand how anyone can just sit and watch fiction, when I try to do it the only thing on my mind is "why is this so slow" and "I should close this to read/watch things that are way more entertaining".
Investing yourself in fictional worlds is such a normie thing, in a sense that when you swallow the pill and see the truth that there's a huge fictional world in front of you, except that it's not fictional at all which makes normie entertainment obsolete to me.

Those are also a complete waste of time.

Same goes for the people you mock.
Why read all this "serious shit" when they can sit down, indulge in a fantasy world with power fantasies, pretty people doing awesome things and bright colors. Add in that they are blind to the subversion (and thus susceptible). It's easy access to dopamine.
They are mind of toddlers. Thinking TV is just innocent waste of time - except when they "learn" something from it, or can look and laugh at the downside of society - which is always white people. Hoarders, cheapskates and other people they think they are above.
It's quite funny when you think about it. There are millions upon millions people spending 8 hours or more infront of the TV in a stretch claiming to be a better person then the people they watch. The idea that what they are watching may be fake (hurr, why would TLC put out non-true shit) is impossible. It's not there, simply not there.

Said the overweight family member after binging McDonalds and watching TV for 12 hours straight

Not completely, it helps you remember you crazy they are and can even be used to red pill people.

But they are real and not fictional, which makes it more epic than "fictional character saved fictional world"
It's probably bad for my brain, but it's a better entertainment than anything fictional for me, just the fact that these people are paid to say this and there are real people who believe them makes my ego happy.

This opened my eyes on redpilling normies
This is actually a point that's not brought up very often, we can use the jewish tactics for ourselves. They show the lowest standards in the box to make people feel good and confident about themselves.We can start the measures at twitter with pics like "N out of M democrats own guns (M amount of happy people pictured), it's not just rednecks" or "N% of people do X, do you still want to keep on doing Y?" People need to get a touch with reality

And I obviously meant the opposite. Cuckchaners are independent thinkers waiting to be shown the way. Also witnessed the timestamp

Before the positive potrayal of gays in the media, they actually pulled a holohoax by constantly showing gays as oppressed victims.

How much did gay bashing ever actually happen? I get the sense that it was like hangings - happened, but rarely. Movies make you think 6 million faggots lie in unmarked mass graves across the states.

I knew a woman who was so brainwashed by TV she seemed to think watching a documentary was equivalent to reading and doing research. All she does is watch TV I would say she is a TV addict, she is the laziest person I have ever met. In terms of politics she says the political world of Star Trek federation is her preferred political model. I'm not sure if she realizes its a political system in an imaginary world based on world wide totalitarian communism somehow magically becoming successful and space faring.
I think of her a child rather than an adult, a child with very little attention span, rambling thought process (bordering on schizophrenic) very poor logic and reasoning, deceptive and dishonest. Her entire life is based around attempting to pretend she isn't a waste of life doing nothing but watch TV. She pretends to be clever when I'm sure hasn't read a book in 30 years. She of course has a large collection of books to create the impression she reads, but have never seen on in her hand. If you attempt to argue with her about anything she has seen on TV its like seeing pure zogbot programming come right out of her mouth. She is about as far gone as they get. Ironically her sedentary lifestyle has caused her health problems and her TV addiction will kill her in a few years. A mind destroy and a life wasted from TV.

50% of gay bashings are actually gay domestic violence concealed as 'hate crimes' from unknown passers by in the street. Unknown passers who somehow are absolutely certain a stranger is 1) gay and 2) need to be beaten senseless right here right now. Dykes were just as bad as fags.

It's important to distinguish between aggregate and individual groups when looking at propaganda. To you as an individual, propaganda may have little effect, but over a large population the television can be very effective. It can take an issue that was 60/40 one way and get it to be 49/51 the other way. It can inject faux-memes into the population (Holocaust, SSRIs aren't dangerous, refugees are just like us, etc). The internet was starting to break the establishments hold on the general population which is why they've worked overtime at jewtube and plebbit to shut down dissent.

Way more than 50% of gay violence is domestic abuse. There is almost no violence directed from heterosexual males towards homosexual males due to their orientation, but the way data is manipulated is that the (((researchers))) can take a small sample size of victims of violent attacks, determine if one party is a homosexual and assume that sexual orientation was the cause, then extrapolate the data out to the general public. Repeat this method until the numbers fit the desired narrative.

Stopped right there you clearly have no idea what you are talking about and are just here to shitpost

And you clearly have no idea on the impact of certain things you see on your brain
Cuckolding is not neccessarily the actual act, they can send the "cuckold good" signals to your brain without the dictionary definition taking place on the screen.

Neil Postman wrote a book called, "Amusing Ourselves To Death". Go read it.

Aside from the critique of our TV culture here in America, that book will also illustrate the power and importance of the written word and typography in general.