There are just too many talented people attached to this film for it not be God tier. I'm hyped as hell

There are just too many talented people attached to this film for it not be God tier. I'm hyped as hell.

t. Breddit

I'm sorry, I don't see any talented people on this list. Are you sure you posted the right image?


Look who's behind the camera, its the king of cinematography, Roger Deakins. Villeneuve is very good too and has a very good track record. Score is set to be excellent too. So the people who are really important to the film are all very skilled and competetent, so even if the actors are average these kinosaurs will bring out god tier performances and make it kinocore.

im so hyped aswell I hope its as good as the new IT was!

It's a shame the material doesn't allow and even so warns against a sequel
Also Villeneuve has a horrible record with his writers/scriptboards
You have world class ingredients, but the recipe lacks consistency and the chef has no sense of domestic taste

Someone should just put Harrison Ford down.
That senile fuck is hell bent on destroying any good movie he's been lucky to star in.

He pushed for Indy 4, hates SW but jumped on TFA trainwreck, now Blade Runner, next is I guess Witness 2020.
Also I blame him for that shitty Ender's Game adaptation.

He's a jew, what do you expect

Runtime is apparently 2 HRS 43 MIN

The very idea of a sequel is inherently shit fam. Especially since Ridleydidley Scott has decided that Deckard is definitely a replicant in his adaptation.

I wonder if he'll even do a sequel to Air Force One, as completely unnecessary as that is.


I want regarding henry 2 where he gets shot again going to the store for gum.

Alien Covenant had a lot of great actors in it, even ones I'd never seen before. In fact I'd say that the actors all did fantastic jobs with what they were given.

But it was directed by Ridley Scott, so it was boring, badly paced and absolute trash compared to the original. Only thing going for it was that it was pretty, and had a good trailer. Same as every movie he's done since (and including) Prometheus.

Don't get your hopes up fam.

Its good thing Ridley Scott isn't directing this film then.

AFO sucked. Best Die Hard on a plane movie (excluding DH2 if that even counts) is Executive Decision.

Fuck, when did that happen? Or was that always the case? I was under the impression it was Ridley Scott again so I've been avoiding everything about this.

In general I don't want a sequel, but that's definitely made me rethink seeing it in cinema.

Villenueve is a hack like Scott

I watched the first one for the first time last year. It was incredibly boring. I don't know why oldfags went on about it being good. Is it just reddit autism or am I missing something?

if you don't know story and setting well it might feel boring especially director's cut where there is no narrating.

Original is one of my favorite movies of all time, but I've read the book.
I agree you shouldn't read the book to make movie good but it is what it is.

My issue with it was less that it was boring and more that everyone's performance was utter shit apart from Rutger Hauer's.