The Emerald Tablets

So Thoth was in discussion lately, and so I thought it be appropriate to start reading the Emerald Tablets of Toth, said to be equal to hermes. I do believe it fits in here since the Freemasons seem to deem it important and worship hermes, and one of the translations come from Isaac Newton which was a Mason himself and the Freemasons have their hands in all kinds of affairs making them relevant to Holla Forums.

The most interesting part I found so far is the following.

I believe this to mean that thoth says those who holds his knowledge shouldnt abuse them for his personal gain, but use it for the sake of mankind. Right now there is no reason to hold such knowledge back as noone will be burned for herecy and by still keeping them secret they betray the secrets he intended for humankind. The masons and the elite betrayed him, and we who seek knowledge and wisdom and intend to spread it might be chosen to do that work and be rewarded while (((they))) get punished. At least thats what I hope.

So what do you think of the emerald tablets? How important are they? Are they really from Thoth/Hermes? Which are the most interesting parts? Basically a Thread about the emerald tablets

Other urls found in this thread: thoth&cat=web&pl=opensearch


First of all Thoth isn't a person. It the embodiment of accumulated knowledge, a library. A symbol.
Thoth may as well be another word for the internet with it's unlimited knowledge.

A little dubious since they were supposedly found under a statue and the finder swore it on his mum. But even Newton masturbated over it.
I take it as a typical ancient psyop. Half truth, half lie.
Or on the other hand the lie part could be another safety. Since it is said that they should be read multiple times so you weed out the bullshit.

Every normie is a damn good reason. Do you honestly thing that an average human bean is capable of handling it?
F.e. if you presented them a handheld free energy device that can move huge stones with ease. They would start killing each other for gibs in seconds. It's like giving a loaded gun to a monkey.
No wonder a lot of the elites and masons got corrupted and turned on their flock.

Maybe the betrayal was the part of the master plan?
You need darkness for the light to exist. The fuckers in Tibet may be merely playing this seesaw balance to get their Golden Path into fruition, whatever may it be. Or in other modern words, hegelian dialectics.

about the keeping it secret part. its just right now the knowledge gets used for evil already. heavily. if everyone gets to know the stuff, they might fuck shit up, either by accident or willingly, but at least the good guys would be able to use it for the good and not only the bad ones.

ideally it would be good having someone who guides you through the knowledge and makes sure you use it for the right stuff, but that position of deciding who gets to know will always draw corruption to it until we are at the same point where we are now with some secret societies essentially controlling the world, and not to do good stuff. the chaos which would get created by exposing everything would be far less damaging than what happens now i believe.

about the origin, i thought pretty much the same. its weird that they apparently were found held by a corpse, but maybe the corpse wasnt thoth, or thoth actually reincarnated into human form. or the psy op stuff like you mentioned.
i believe its not complete bullshit as it appears to be the source of the "as above so below" princip which you find almost everywhere in the occult, but im too much of a noob in that stuff to say how much of it is actually legit, even more so since i only read a bit more than the first one so far.


You are confusing the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, a modern Theosophical forgery, with the Emerald Tablet, a legitimate hermetic text from late antiquity.

The Emerald Tablet is pretty short. Here's Newton's translation:

Tis true without error, certain & most true.
That which is below is like that which is above & that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing
And as all things have been & arose from one by the mediation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.
The Sun is its father, the moon its mother, the wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth is its nurse.
The father of all perfection in the whole world is here.
Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth.
Separate thou the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross sweetly with great industry.
It ascends from the earth to the heaven & again it descends to the earth & receives the force of things superior & inferior.
By this means you shall have the glory of the whole world
& thereby all obscurity shall fly from you.
Its force is above all force. For it vanquishes every subtle thing & penetrates every solid thing.
So was the world created.
From this are & do come admirable adaptations whereof the means (or process) is here in this. Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world
That which I have said of the operation of the Sun is accomplished & ended.

Just to the sandniggers then.

Get the fuck out with this shit, Hermes was a cuck, so is Thoth.

All hail kek, darkness bringer of light and obscurity.

maybe it was a metaphor, not for directions, but for hierachy.

dont betray those staying above you, nor those standing beneath you.

Light and Darkness are not Good and Evil.

Light and Darkness can be quantified, good and evil are perspectives.

a man with better eyes than another will see lighter than another, and yes, just because there exists a standard that measures light intensity that standard is instated by men and how it is used depends on the society it is instated in. one man will think one thing is evil and another not but it is similar enough for people at least of the same race & background to be able to see eye to eye on the issue.

Note, im not claiming biology doesnt sets a limit to how fucked up our rulers can make society but i am claiming that light and darkness and good and evil are both semi-relative terms.

Were the Free Masons of old, not the good goy i love jews reformed club. The builders and passers of knowledge? The people who built things like the Sphinx millions of years ago, and encoded it with useful

how fits lucifer in there then though? he is the angel shining the brightest, the lightbringer, yet he is the symbol of rebellion against god. i dont think lucifer is a symbol for evil itself though, i believe his characteristics, the passion and the pride, makes it easier to be corrupted.

it maybe was a long time ago, but i seriously cant see that being the case right now

The sphinx isn't millions of years old, though. Older than claimed, but certainly wasn't built millions of years ago.

Meh, it's probably a reference to polar origins of people, north being masculine Aryans and southern being chthonic/lunar feminine cults.

As I recall Thoth is credited with the invention of written language. In Egyptian myth anyways.

so i made the same post on cuckchan on /x/, and there posted someone this which could be relevant

its basically claims that thoth is a fallen angeld and the halls of amanti being hell.

Book of Genesis 6: 1-5:

The Emerald Tablets is from the 1920' and have nothing to do with the short text Newtown translated.
Is some Freemason voodoo fiction, don't take it serious.

So.. literally a Chaos Emerald?

A message to any masons in the thread:
guess what now you got to retake all your oaths MASONS BTFO

Do you guys ever wonder why gods keep appearing. They are not material and yet they continue to manifest themselves in one form or another. Ask yourselves: What are they?, and What am I? When you read a book are you the same as when you did not? When a you experience something, are you the same having not experienced it?

Thoth chills out in one of the underground halls that the Sun - Ra - meets when it goes over the horizon and out of our view and into the Underworld. A lot of gods are hanging out here and the sun visits each one before he comes to view again by humans and animals. thoth&cat=web&pl=opensearch

There's lots of stuff on Thoth, but the emerald tablets of thoth is a later production like says.

These are the tablets that were "found under Giza" right?

btw kek is also chilling out there.

yes and no. i am still the same person, the same enthity, but i changed due to the experience and knowledge, even if just a little bit. now does any minor change mean im a new person that just is quite a lot like the previous self? or am i still the old that just changed? i would guess its a matter of perspective.

the only emerald texts that exist are the one little snippet translated by newton. the big book is by one dr doreal in the 1920s that was a mystery buff.

btw if you havent figured it out by now, the little snippet is about the Sun. the masons worship the sun and they also worship hermes trismegistus who wrote that snippet. "as below, so below". This might be a large reason they have introduced a false cosmology to the masses because they want the masses to feel insignificant and powerless.

Good, and would this also apply to memes? Where do the memes come from?

oaths bfto

Bible has some truth in it. But it is missing some key parts of the understanding of the cosmos. Specifically what IS god/dog

I found a tablet in Giza

god is the divine principle. Plato talks about this. It has nothing to do with christianity. The mysticism of christianity is one of the worst mysticisms.

It's been used by higher ups of satanic cults which means it may or may not work.

Sage for keeping it occult fugg :DDD


hurr look goy, I found this ancient tablet, let me advise your king with it. Your communities need advising.

Those roads need a tollway goy, err I mean your excellency.

from our minds and thoughts. our spirits connecting concepts with pictures. a meme may be applied to different situations, but always inherrent the same underlying concept, and differs only from meme to meme

Beautiful! Do we create the meme? or Was the meme always is? Thoth was formed(possibly manufactured) as reaction to Kek, Why?

This. end of, you need a faultless man for ultimate power

so is the point to make that we, or I am just a meme, whith some underlying basis that doesnt change, but change minorly from situation to situation to adjust, and that the I itself is originating by our mind? is it that the thought if the existence of the i creates the i, which in turn thinks of the i creating it? is the source also the result? if so can i merely think of the i differently would that create another me? if so only the psychological one, or if i think just hard enough and in the right way the physical me as well?

Yes and No, A meme and not just a meme. Does it just exist in your/our mind? Why the need to manifest gods?

is the key
Question combinations of words and numbers that appear within the breadth of your ken.
You have the sacred symbols numbers and signs.
Exercise imaginative intuition reveal the message of the ancients become the loving nature of the living light
RE member RE
RE peat RE peat RE peat
and the

the concept of the meme always was. the meme gave it only a body to dwell in. going back to the classics. we always knew about having bad luck and being and unlucky person which is the concept, bad luck brian gave the concept of an unlucky person a body to dwell in.

everyone has moments where he is lazy as fuck, which is the concept, but the foul bachelor frog gave it a manifestation.

so the concept of god always was, but to become potent it had to manifest, just like a meme becomes potent? or was it that god always was, but to get to know about it and the concept of god he had to manifest himself, making the body become to god what the meme became to the concept behind it?

Very good, the raw concepts are what we instinctively seek as truths. These truths we keep as part of ourselves to make sense of our place in the world. The need for chaos is the unwillingness to accept an order that we see as untruth, undesirable. Thoth alone as knowledge is not undesirable, but to keep knowledge away is. So is forcing knowledge upon others, b/c it may seem deceitful a sleight of hand, or recipient will reject it. It is when one tries to seek knowledge that change is made. To that end I am excited to see what "KEK"cept will manifest as one of ourselves, or many.

FUCK OFF CUNTS! I knew it was you Spirit Science faggots coming here pushing this palindrome meme. I swear to fucking Kek, I will stab your leader in the face repeatedly until he dies if you think you stand a chance here. I will personally bring the day of the rop to your fucking necks and bring war upon you on you degenerate scum!

degenerate music tho

That is the part of the why universal knowledge should not be bounded. At least as I see it, that monkey might end killing himself and/or some of his fellow apes. Resulting in two things:

This is a win-win situation. The first option will only breed more violence until they all die nature will keep it's course with or without those apes around or eventually they find a way to keep knowledge without killing each other.
The other option brings us to the position where most people rejects knowledge because they are afraid of learning that obscure truth, automatically creating the hierarchy we currently have, where not everyone takes the personal oath to live by the truth. "in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is god".

Our problem is what to do when those who decided to learn the truth focus only on materialistic personal gains, most of those people being the (((elites))).
Here is where chaos comes into play, in the midst of it all, more now in the era of information where everything is mostly four clicks away from everything, those who are trained in the art of shitposting learn how to find the water drop in the ocean of piss. Thus making it easier to find truth.

Something I always wondered is what types of communication were used in those ancient times to reach the same conclusions as we are doing today. Does our magick really depend on the Anonymity that much? If so, then how was it before, are there other ways to manifest the synchronization?

this part got me thinking.

school pushes a lot of knowledge pupils are unable to comprehend, and far beyond the usefull for the average man. be it math, politics, history. all of these the average pupil cant value as they dont know to which extend it influences the world, and thus the learning of this knowledge is considered boring and a pain, by proxy this could lead into pupils thinking gaining any kind of knowledge is boring and a pain making them unwilling to actively educate themselves. is this just another of (((their))) tricks to keep stupid population. pushing knowledge onto people too soon to be comprehend and associate it with bad stuff in order to make them stay abstinent from selfeducation afterwards?

not pushing anything, i just got interested in matter, and was pretty sure people here know more than i do about it. so i thought i give it a shot. i couldnt care less what you worship if it doesnt involve raping and killing our children in the name of your god

The emerald tablets don't exist any more than the gold ones the mormons necer found. This is disinfo being spread as part of a raid by spiritscience because hey're dieing and saw our atlantis threads. KILL THEM, they are a worse scourge than anything we have here.

very degenerate. Almost didn't want to make that joke

Prove your loyalty newfag. You type like a plebbiter, you are clearly new, and I smell the stench of the enemy on you.


please go back to stormfront :).



Well then, let's let this shit die.

fool, newfags don't understand that!
I'm digging spiritscience regardless. If I find ANY evidence of anything on their parf, this is war.

Excellent you have been a great student! The world cannot enter its next phase with both them* in control and the apathetic. They have lost any right to the new world long ago. Why? b/c they became disconnected from truth. They require more intelligent slaves, but making slaves intelligent is always a risk. They are too tied to their luxuries to see what lies ahead. If not us then the things we create will consume them.Some of us do not even have to lift a finger, the end of the old world always was. Let the new order always be unfinished.

And you people are STILL confused how we can detect outsiders like you almost immediately. You have to go back.

well, your a great teacher. asking the right questions can do more than presenting the infos on the silver plate.

as for their downfall, i believe all it would take to just stop following and educate them about the memes of the government.
the memes are how the elite stayed in power. Since the pharaos and probably before the rulers memed how they are all powerfull with the might of god aiding them. For that reason they let themselves get carried around, built huge castles, have huge military parades, all to meme they have power to vanquish everything opposing them. That goes on until the invention of the nukes. From then on detterence became controll as the nuke, the ultimate deterrence, could be memed by the enemies too and not be surpassed so far. They now meme how they controll media, letteragencies, education, economy, when in reality its the memes upholding their power. There are only so few with actual ill intent, the rest just follow because the memes work and they feel like they cant change anything either way since they controll everything. If the memes stop working all of the establishment would collapse as even those inside of it mostly only support it out of lack of alternatives or obliviousness. What changed is that after millenia of the memewarfare we finaly learned how the war is fought and can fight back

War has changed

3 dicks are a pretty generous guess i think. could be easily twice the amount

No we don't.
But it is a good thing to study.

wrong pic, but the one i posted i cant because its up in another thread apparently, so have this one instead
So OP, care to explain how you suck this guy's dick? I won't drop this you filthy kike loving fag.

Weak b8 tbh


folks really must have trouble finding interesting threads when they come here just to announce to sage the thread, considering just doing nothing has the same impact

They don't, they worship YHWH/Mammon/Satanel

i know about them worshippin moloch/satan/etc,but isnt hermes also pretty important to them?

also checked

Hermes is just a front. They actually hate him.

source on that? i would expect them to actually like him for the knowledge he brought, but just not giving a fuck what he intendet them to do with it since primary they worship moloch with everything after that just being used basically.

No sources, unfortunately. But think on it. Why would a cult that depends on the ignorance of the masses appreciate knowledge?

Anywho, we should work to revive the Egyptian pantheon. I just think we should focus on the Ogdoad first.

well, god of knowledge doesnt mean he brings it to everyone. like i believe he does, but i assumed so many things already and was wrong, this could be another time. it could be they believe he only gives them, the chosen followers the knowledge, which they then use to manipulate us meaning he gives them power over us.

as for the reviving, i developed some trustissues. im still not sure that kek isnt lucifer, as both bring the light.

however if there is some enthity, wether powerfull, or powerless, willing to help humanity and trying its best it can be sure to have my praise and gratitude, even if im too oblivious/ignorant to know that myself.

Yeah, I've never understood saging, either. I just ignore stupid threads, and participate in the stuff I do like.

Troll threads/off topic threads can only hit the 300 reply range when you're trying to convince people to not partake in troll threads.

Kek is the only god that answered our prayers.
I will never praise Thoth, where was Thoth when we needed him?
Where was Thoth when Trump was getting elected?
Where was Thoth when that plane crashed in The Bains?
Fuck Thoth, Kek is the only true god, praise him for answering our prayers and bringing chaos into the life of our enemies, I shall follow the frog deity until I die.

Lucifer is just a cheap Jewish ripoff of the Prometheus story. Also, Kek isn't the Morning Star, he's the Void-God that represents the purest form of Chaos Not a bad thing, mind you (It's always Darkest…) that precedes Order (…before the Dawn). He isn't the Dawn itself, hence why I see him as the Herald of the return of the Old Gods.

Kek would not be pleased with (((Monotheism)))…

Kill yourself.

saging has its reason, but only when you tell why you saged so the guys learn of it, and other people reading it knowing why they shouldnt bump it. those guys however just came in to proclaim they sage

us being unaware of his aid doesnt mean there wasnt/isnt aid from thoth. maybe thoth couldnt aid us for some reason as he didnt have enough power. maybe he just didnt want. i dont know.

yeah, i know about prometheus being lucifer, and i also dont believe he is necessarily evil. just his pride and passion makes it easy for him to be corrupted.
but yeah, as i said, i got some trustissues

Counterpoint: Thoth is a god of knowledge, so anyone that shares their knowledge would in effect be communing with him.

If another user ever decided to teach others, that would be thoth working through them.

Kek is literally part of a group of eight gods that work together you fucking newfag.

Man, you don't know much about KeK, do you?

Not just that, Kek is One of Eight Souls of an even greater God who, in turn, is part of a pantheon with many Gods.


Who the fuck is this guy?

Sage for shitty forced meme

Watch Pawn Stars and find out.

Does it work like this:
If u you persue truth which brings chaos, you invoke Kek. When you seek knowledge you invoke Toth, when you seek war you invoke mars.
Invoke as gods/memes work through you.

Aryan mystic here. A friendly caution to spiritual seekers:

It is the error of the Semite, not the Aryan, to succumb to a single perspective.

A fully theistic approach results in useless rituals, pointless traditions, needless laws and contempt for the world in which you now find yourself.
A fully atheistic approach results in nihilism and closes the mind to what may exist beyond it.

While both perspective also have their merits, the end result of either is limitation; both perspectives limit how one sees the world and existing within it. The goal, then, is to unite these two ideologies in a way which benefits the Aryan.

"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." – Fitzgerald

What kind of meditations are you doing?
Are you doing Hatha and Kundalini yoga regularly?
How much time do you take to fall in a profound trance for optimal meditation?
How many chakras have you open? What about your astral hearing and sight?
Do you know how to astral project?
Do you know how to banish undesired entities?
Are you using Kabalistic squares, mantras and affirmations to promote National Socialism and similar causes?
Have you taken back the stolen knowledge of this universe that kikes have stolen and used it against them?

No? The fuck are you waiting for? Or maybe that chair is too comfortable for you?

See? This is the kind of shit i am talking about.

inb4 soundless webm

I believe so. I believe the gods of polytheistic religion are aspects of the infinity of the world.
The path of which ever god you choose to follow makes you incarnate this aspect into this world. Seek knowledge and spread it and you basically wal thoths path, seek earthly desires, praise and ruling over others and you follow the path of satan/moloch. Fight for what you believe is right and you follow the path of ares or mars. Thats at least for the physical realm. If there is an aspect beyond that, creating influence on a metaphysical realm i dont know. I believe there is more to it, but proof i have none. For that question i believe everyone has to find their own answers

I would try that stuff, if i could. I try to learn astral projection by getting into lucid dreams, doesnt work so far meditating i try also from time to time with not so great success. To use the other stuff i have to gain knowledge of how it works to use it. I used quoted wiki for stuff you can easily look up anywhere else as those were the most basic infos about them, i used wiki because it is more respected among most people than the occult websites i showed and happened to show the information in a compact format i needed. Wikipedia isnt where i looked up the stuff, but simply where linked out of comfort and for practicle reasons




Start from the basics, do void meditation to clean your mind from garbage thoughts, use breathing techniques to fall in a meditative state.

Nice spergout, Asher.

Of coursh.

Most masonic lodges are more like bathhouses. The faggotry club, essentially.

Isn't the song a warning about degeneracy?

I have honestly never heard of these. I do a bit of research into ancient history as a hobby and also because where I live is rich with ancient monuments.

I'm just an electrician. I don't have a degree from any university. But I live in a remote area of northern England on high ground. There are loads of old monuments and stones that no one bothers about.
I'm particularly interested in the 'cup and ring' markings on flat stones. Also standing stones and their obvious astronomical alignments. My theory is that the cup and ring markings are maps as they are so similar to contours on modern maps. (pic) They tend to be on flat stones.
Without doubt, the standing stones have to do with predicting the seasons. It's about when we started to be an agricultural culture.

I'd welcome any of your thoughts. To keep my post Holla Forums, how did these societies organise themselves? There must have been systems to maintain the rights of people and the culture. Or we would not survive.

No. On all counts.

the Milhouse of Holla Forums
fuck you and your lame ass meme

Test bump.

And we're live again.

www sciencemag org/news/2016/03/slaughter-bridge-uncovering-colossal-bronze-age-battle
This might interest you.

Thanks a lot

That is the mind of a shitskinn itself user. It is one of the core subsets that separate what we call white and the other. Our ancestors became white thru attrition over thousands of years, each generation putting one more drop into the river that lead us here. A huge part of that wave over time is the distribution of knowledge. It allowed our people to survive harsher and harsher climates, and culled those whom could not. It also showcased those whom were unfit to live among us, those greedy with knowledge trying to control it rather than share it ultimately could be found and destroyed in a tribe. The closeting of knowledge is a poison to the tribe, you are yourself expendable, trying to hoard knowledge of any kind is tantamount to putting oneself above the tribe. Part of what we have forgotten in our modern world as whites is the punishment of such people. And in white tribes, such punishment is met by death, not forgiveness, for you are also culling the genetic crime within that individual from the tribe rather than let it live and spread somewhere else. If it spreads somewhere else it can come back later and infest the tribe again.

Whites have within them the innate understanding that they must learn more about an issue. Asking why, how, when and were are all connected. By finding more information, you can bring it to the tribe in turn and spread it. The aspect of ">source pls'' and once proven immediately incorporating and spreading it among the chans is an reflection of that genetic instinct. For the chans have for most of us become our one and only tribe. That is how we have become the Holla Forums we are today, much less the chans.

Shitskinns have an diametrically opposed world view on such knowledge distribution. They see knowledge as power. Covet and horde knowledge others do not have is to gain prominence and power within their tribes. The tribe's survival was never dependent upon such knowledge itself, so the tribe never had to develop ways to cleanse itself of such corruption, instead the outlook spread and became part of their very genetic makeup. Teaching and spreading knowledge to shitkinns is to them instinctually an evil thing, something that weakens their place in society, makes them exposed and expendable. They lose access to live, mates and standing if their knowledge is shared. Closed up, it allows them to be the one that others MUST come to in order to obtain its benefits.

If we close off information as whites. We are working FOR the shitskinns that wish to destroy and undermine us.


Meme wizards should read the Kybalion first.

Completely wrong about this. Thoth is an entity in myth and if you see what everyone believed about it. Mythologically he predates any library or written text. He granted it to us. Agree with the rest though

God are forces, not figures.

This is shilling from Spirit Science. These fucking retarded cunts, they're more annoying even now than ever.


They're coming from here. thespiritscience. net/ They also believe that kikes are feom Mars. They also have stupid cartoon characters that we could turn into nazis to make them a distraction from us.

Duuude, take that to fringechan! Oathy shits up that place too!


sage for stupid freemason myth and NeoPlatonic degeneracy!

sage for stupid freemason myth and NeoPlatonic degeneracy!

sage for stupid freemason myth and NeoPlatonic degeneracy!


This has nothing to do with plato or any real figure. This is disinfo or shilling from thespiritscience

Kek is the patron god of pol and NEETS

Thoth is more like a hermedic god from /lit/

so thothposting is shilling?

why would anyone want to stop us from worshiping a frog god that has gotten us so far?

who could possibly believe its their devine duty to attack other races and their gods?

I wonder who?

all freemasonry, gnosticism, and Fringe is NeoPlatonism. They'll never admit it because they are shit researchers wanted to claim 10,000yrs of history. The Demurge and the ALL came from Neoplatonist fags influenced by christianity/judiasm/zoroastrainism

Thoth is a freemason lie. So yeah.

i wonder…

i dont care which god you worship or not. as far as i can tell wether thoth nor kek is a bad guy. just dont sacrifice little children or babies to your god and i dont really care.

but i do find it weird that people are so opposed to thoth calling kek the one true god, even though kek belongs to a group of 7 other gods (the ogdoad) and a pantheon of even more gods. sounds to me like monotheism brainwashed their thinking a bit. that being said you can think that kek is the only enthity worthy of worship, but that guy should accept that others might think differently. in polytheism isnt one true god. there are gods who are more powerfull, more kind, more knowledgable etc. and often even a god ruling over the others, but never the one true god

Full retard.

Thoth and Hermes were recreated into something so different it's comparable to marvel comics Thor in order to push their hippie NeoPlatonist agenda

The most important thing to know from emerald tablet is the macrocosm-microcosm correspondence. This is the basis of meme magic.

They are an interesting read, even if I can't quite shake the feeling that there's a hidden meaning in them i'm missing out on.


Thought creates energy.
Energy creates matter.
Matter and energy are not so different after all. No more than gamma and radio waves.

Yes, kek has always been there for us.

Happenings in higher dimensions effect lower dimensions and vise versa.

The ultimate truth is "the one" or everything springs from the one source of god, a point with not depth, length, or width.

Sun = the mind, Moon = emotions, wind = the spirit which resides in the heart chackara. The earth = the physical world or body.

The time in now. Transcendence is not away from the body but through it.

If you collapse the Sun moon and spirit into one, you access the inner force.

Do not be afraid, nothing is happening.

The energy travels up the chackara system, to the crown and back down again. Thus is the cycle of nature.

The physical world will provide anything you need in this state, with little effort.

You shall know the truth

Its the master of the physical world.

The god energy.

There are fakes and forgeries, follow mine only.

This process will end the cycle of birth and death. The soul will be free from the physical world.

Make that a hand with 3 fingers

about the "source" here is a theory. when we expect this to be simulation, we assume there is so much more outside of it we cant even think of. but what if it is a dream or thought?
a dream is everything of this world, + what we can imagine. what if the reality this one is based upon is much more dull and boring as this world already springs from the imagination of the beings in the upper reality. further more the reality above us could just be a dream or thought too, making the reality that reality is based upon even less vast and complex. this could go on until there are beings living in a 2D world imagining the 3rd dimenstion. which in turn was imagined by an enthity living in a 1 dimensional world dreaming of the 2nd dimension. now one dimensional would be a line, or a sequence of something being there or not, 0s or 1s, binary code. however what if that thought, of something being there, is imagined by an entithy living in complete nothingness (the source) imagining how it could be if there is something. that enthity dreams of something more, the 2nd dimension, that of the 3rd, those beings then think of different senses you could have until we reach this reality.

however it probably goes then the other way too. our dreams are also dreaming of more and more, imagining things we cant.


Where? If you're listening to some "new age" bullshit, perhaps, but why would anyone here do that? You can be certain that if a Freemason or Hermeticist is referring to Thoth/Hermes, it's the OG nigga.

that is basically what the movie Inception is based on.

also, reality is a GROUP dream

that is what it was implying. we are all just imaginations, imagining things whichs imagination imagines things as well. why does this remind me of final fantasy x?

never watched it, but from what i have heard it seems like one of those movies claim to find brilliant because they didnt understand it and dont want to admit it so they just say its brilliant

its good if you know what your watching


Isn't Heh next up for resurrection anyhow?

Keep in mind that these tablets have been dated to be around 50,000 years old. This ties in with the ancient astronaut theory because it's very out of place and it holds very shocking secrets about our ancient origins. Now what I'm about to do is list/quote some of the things in the LITERAL TRANSLATION of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. Here we go. According to the Emerald Tablets.
1. The writer is Thoth, an Atlantean Priest/King who lived around 50,000 years ago in the city of Keor on the island of Undal at the same time that other alien races were living on the planet (example would be the kings listed in the Sumerian king list because they reigned for thousands of years ).
2. Thoth wrote down his experiences, assignments, and aspirations (keep that in mind).
3. After the sinking of Atlantis, he founded a colony in Ancient Egypt.
4. Thoth ruled over Egypt for 16,000 years from 52,000 B.C to 36,000 B.C. At that time, the ancient race among which he and his followers had settled had been raised to a high degree of civilization.
5. He was responsible for building the Great Pyramid of Giza which took 20 years (unheard of for humans to do it even with modern tech).
6. Along with Giza, he built 11 more pyramids around the world (look up 12 pyramids of Thoth).
7. He built these pyramids as portals to go from 1 location in our world to the next and maybe to his own.
8. Through these portals, he came in many forms:
Sumer: Enki
Mesoamerica: Quetzalcoatl
Inca Viracocha
Rome: Mercury The Messenger
Greece: Hermes Weights and Measures, Travel
Celtic: Merlin the Magician and Storyteller
Atlantis Chiquitet, Tehuti,Zep Tepi
Persia Zarathustra or Zoroaster - Z
His latest form was Hermes Trismegistus. The list just goes on and on and on.
9. Also to point out, the Emerald Tablets were formed from a substance created through alchemical transmutation.They are imperishable, resistant to all elements and substances. In effect, the atomic and cellular structure is fixed, no change ever taking place. In this respect, they violate the material law of ionization. Upon them are engraved characters in the ancient Atlantean language: characters which respond to attuned thought waves, releasing the associated mental vibration in the mind of the reader. It also holds the key for spiritual immortality and knowing the cosmic keys/laws of the universe.
10. When the time came for him to leave Egypt, he erected the Great Pyramid over the entrance to the Great Halls of Amenti, placed in it his records, and appointed guards for his secrets from among the highest of his people.
The last two tablets are so great and far-reaching in their importance that at present it is forbidden to release them to the world at large.
After all that, it makes us think. Who were the Atlanteans? Humans or Aliens? Were they more technologically advanced than us right now? Where are the other 11 pyramids that Thoth built? Was Thoth an alien? Was Thoth the "teacher" that gave all of the ancient civilizations like the Chinese, Mayans, Incas, and the Egyptians the same building techniques? Since Thoth was known as Enki to the Sumerians, did he help create the human species? And finally, what secrets are on the last 2 tablets that made them forbidden to the public to find out?
I guess you could say WE WUZ ALIENZ!!!!

just one question
isnt quetzacoatl associated with the venus though? all the other gods are as far as i know mercury, and only quetzacoatl is the venus. it fits thoth since he is said to bring knowledge and such,but still this strikes me as odd

Um guys…

is this pep, as in pepe? or is it it how they write "kek"?

italics I have been reading the emerald tablets a bit too see what the whole thing is about. I came upon a interesting passage that made me think italics about the whole pizzagate/eyes wide open debacle.

Speak I of Ancient Atlantis,
speak of the days
of the Kingdom of Shadows,
speak of the coming
of the children of shadows.
Out of the great deep were they called
by the wisdom of earth-men,
called for the purpose of gaining great power.

Far in the past before Atlantis existed,
men there were who delved into darkness,
using dark magic, calling up beings
from the great deep below us.
Forth came they into this cycle.
Formless were they of another vibration,
existing unseen by the children of earth-men.
==RED TEXT== Only through blood could they have formed being.
==RED TEXT== Only through man could they live in the world.

italics I find the red texted areas interesting as it reminds me of what I read of the spiritcooking and other rituals/"art" that the like of podestas or italics other influential people are involved with.

In ages past were they conquered by Masters,
driven below to the place whence they came.
But some there were who remained,
hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man.
Lived they in Atlantis as shadows,
but at times they appeared among men.
==RED TEXT== Aye, when the blood was offered,
==RED TEXT== for they came they to dwell among men.

In the form of man they amongst us,
but only to sight were they as are men.
Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted
but appearing to man as men among men.
==RED TEXT== Crept they into the Councils,
==RED TEXT== taking forms that were like unto men.
Slaying by their arts
the chiefs of the kingdoms,
taking their form and ruling o'er man.
bold Only by magic could they be discovered.
bold Only by sound could their faces be seen.
Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows
to destroy man and rule in his place.

But, know ye, the Masters were mighty in magic,
able to lift the Veil from the face of the serpent,
able to send him back to his place.
bold Came they to man and taught him the secret,
bold the WORD that only a man can pronounce.
Swift then they lifted the Veil from the serpent
and cast him forth from the place among men.

italics I wonder what the word is, as the text is not forthcoming with that information.

Damn, sorry about the fail with the text formatting.

about the blood thing and only living though man.
i had a weird idea. there are many myths about people changing when they engage cannibalism. wendigoes for example, but many cultures have similar creatures which were created by man eating another human. i thought it could be just a desease like pic related, which when treated the right way (proper medicine, or maybe even the right rituals) may turn out not to be leathal, but only make the change, making you possesed. the desease could be either the enthity destroying your body without the proper treatment, or the possession could be just the symptom of the desease which isnt killing you through the proper handling. regarding the text it seems more like possession.

The truth might be a mix of both, the impact of cannibalism might impact the body and light-body in such a way to make it easier for possession to occur. Not only the act of the ritual itself but the impact of it in your being opening a way for possession.

Listen here you doublenigger. Kek is part of the Ogdoad which means 8 gods. Kek gained his power through memes and kekposting. Kek ment LOL in orcish so it became commonly used and this awakened him from his slumber. If we wish to awaken Thoth and the other gods we must find their messages hidden around us. Perhaps when all the gods are reawakened we will be blessed with a golden age and an Imperivm but dont doubt the other gods you filthy fucking heathen

i seriously dont think awakening all gods is a good idea though. there are some nasty fuckers among them i believe

According to his own record, he was the student of a more powerful being than himself.

Kek might have been awoken by the happenings on the internet, and his nature fit well with the dwellers there. But the gods and their nature and domains differs, so trying to awake Thoth or other gods in the same way will most likely fail.

>he says while posting in 8TOWN

thoth fits us pretty well though. he is the god of knowledge and wisdom, which we seek both and try to distribute it to others (redpill them). he is said to have invented the written language and we write on this board all the time. he is a great magician, and we perform mememagic

Funny how none of the first 13 tablets tell how to use the pyramid, yea?

tinnitus, meditation is torture.

You referring to the dweller of UNAL?

Chosen was I from the sons of men,
taught by the Dweller so that his
purposes might be fulfilled,
purposes yet unborn in the womb of time.

That's the fellow.

It's in St. John. God is the logos and the logos is with God.

by memeing are we creating god?

I agree with you on that, and recent events might have empowered Thoth to awaken.
One thing that I feel might hinder that is forceful memes, and misplaced or misinformed actions.
Most people have a tendency to go the path of least resistance, like thinking that a palindrome "get" is a message from Thoth.
I think the path to awakening Thoth is a harder one that encompass the finding the truth in this sea of disinformation,
the willingness to use this information and wisdom for the good of mankind.

I replied to the wrong person, the reply were meant for

Stopped reading there.

yeah, thoth is definitely a forced meme, but that doesnt mean its completely wrong. the palindrom gets are indeed to easy, maybe it should be only 4 digits palindromes or something being a message from thoth that we are on the right track. maybe he shows himself to us completely differently. maybe not at all. maybe he is the one who got us looking into the occult in the first place.

but yeah, i believe the best way to awaken thoth, if there is one, is to seek knowledge and seek to distribute it as i believe the god of wisdom and knowledge wouldnt want knowledge to be kept secret

If God exists outside the universe (creation) then we can't create God, God exists independently. If gods are creations, themselves, and therefore part of the universe then perhaps by memeing they can be conjured or otherwise created.

think of it this way, if it is like i said in "the source" is basically imagining thinks, or thinking about stuff. however you cant controll your thoughts completely right? some times you just think stuff like "i could just push him onto the street right when the bus is here and noone could stop me" without ever having the intent to actually do so. these random thoughts you cant controll would basically be what we call free will. however these thoughts make us react in some way or the other, making you think "wow, where did that come from".
so our actions (memes) here would effect the ones on the higher plane, and those effects on the higher plane would effect the ones on the even higher plane until it reaches the source again and influences/changes it. through memes we could then influence the source of all creation and through this influence all of creation,

After everything I've seen so far, I'm willing to explore the idea that some ancient Atlantean {engineer/warrior/priest} is still out there somewhere trying to help mankind.

A bit unrelated and very speculative, but the emerald tablet has often been related to alchemy.

Given how hard emerald is (as in, far to hard to engrave the way the tablet is very effectively), the generally "melty" appearance around the edges added, and the tablet's association with alchemy, is it at all possible that Egyptians discovered emerald synthesis?
They could make a stone relief and then synthesize the emerald to fit to it.

I mean, the process itself doesn't require much that they didn't have access to. But officially it was first made commercially viable in the 60's.

But to accept that, we'd have to accept that there are versions and layers of reality. You'd also have to accept that we really do have meaningful free will that can affect the structure of reality and also the structure of the reality of higher beings.

Isn't this just a leap too far?

Sure but people eat up the alien bullshit while shouting God or Gods are not real. This world is full of strange things and may never knew what the hell is up, I think if we suddenly understand we either become insane thanks to knowledge just simply be wiped out.

and we may never know*

I always thought that was odd.
Ancient writers don't seem to make any distinction between the two.

Yeah the word God basically means the one intelligent being above yourself. So in others words it could be anything.

well, its pretty much established there are multiple dimensions which i would just see as layers of reality. assuming we have free will is just as much of a stretch then assuming we dont. if we dont have free will, what is our purpose on here if it doesnt effect those in other realms? why would we even be brought into existence if we are insignificant to those in the other layers? they could have just not create us and it wouldnt make a difference. if we have free will, why wouldnt it effect those in others layers? even if its not direct influence as in us being able to direct the change, those probably are somehow watching us and the decissions we make may results in them thinking about the decission, what could be done differently, and ultimately learning from it which would change their realm too.

as above, so below.

The many worlds hypothesis isn't exactly what I'd call "well established."
Right now the Copenhagen interpretation pretty much eliminates the need for it.

These guys were really vague about exactly what kind of being they're describing.

different worlds/universes are something else than different dimensions. we know at least 4 dimensions, 3 being space and the 4th time, but a 5th needs to exist for the 4th to be contained in, and who knows how far that goes on.


sage for pathetic Freemason propaganda thread

No, hippie it's a Germanic word
God = Godin = Odin

God = Dog = Pet
I can do the same shit you dolt.

Nigga we're talking about how ancient peoples wrote about their encounters with "higher" beings.


Logos = flux or Dao and was a word invented by Heraclitus to express the cause and effect in the world which structured it. Christians stole the world because they're a fake Jewish meme

Reminder that NeoPlatonists are degenerate scum who joined with Jews to destroy philosophy. And modern Freemasons are the result

what the fuck is propaganda in here? i made the thread to find out wether or not this is propaganda, just some bullshit, actual truth or something in between. if you know something then share.

the discussion of propaganda isnt propaganda unless its uesed to further the propaganda by only discussing it really biased, and since everyone can write in here there maybe are biased oppinions in this thread, but the discussion itself will not


Fringe faggot can't reason because of all the meds your yuppy parents gave you?
God = Godin = Odin = Southern Lombard Germanic tribes who first converted to Roman Christianity.

Take your druggy talk to the Joe Rogan podcast.

People spoke of a God before Christianity or Germanic Tribes.

You seem upset Shlomo.


Jesus /fringe/ is fucking stupid lol. The WORD GOD = GODIN = ODIN as I explained and when you say it you are praying to Odin. Say YHWY then. Don't bullshit an act like "it's all one word, man" you spiritualist hippie faggot

Your emerald tablets and "thoth/hermes" propaganda. It's a myth - straight freemason propaganda to create "mysteries" around their degenerate behavior. There were no tablets. They wrote them when Freemasons were cucked by the Jews. And you're a faggot

It's not different than Alestor Crowly saying he talked to an Egyptian spirit after guys fucked him in the ass

I have seen some idiots interchange the two. I guess I overestimated your stupidity there.

Referring to time as a "dimension" in the same way the other 3 are is more or less just an easy way of thinking about it. A common analogy for this is something along the lines of this:
Basically, seeing time as a dimension is tantamount to implying no free will. as you are a 4d structure experiencing only 3d every frame.

Either infinitely or the premise of a dimension needing to be "contained" in a another is nonsense. Guess which one's more likely.

So wait, your argument is we shouldn't discuss how people throughout history have described the experiences they had?
Is that what you're saying?

The text you quoted clearly says:
Thoth was clearly a nationalist, you enormous raging hippy faggot.

im aware of time basically just being another direction of space which we percieve differently, "after" another, but still its a dimension

furthermore there was a thought i had:
if time is just an illusion everything happens at the same time. furthermore everything in other universes/timelines and dimensions also happens at the same "time". now the bible says
since we are god, and god is everything, we are everything, then we can percieve everything. we might as well just chose to view this point of time, from the perspective of this specific person you are, and when you finished (died) you may just hop on into watching the universe from another point of existence, maybe your best friend, maybe someone from another time, maybe the same guy at the same time in another timeline/universe. the idea of reincarnation could come from this as people just remember some other episode of life he watched at another "time"(?).

Like I said, it's simply a convenient way of thinking about it. All analogies break down eventually.


I'm saying mental manipulations and degenerate cults usually brought on by drug trips or mentally ill esthetic behavior, or degenerate cult ritual like baby killing has always been looked down upon by the higher minded individuals and cultures.

Hindu nigger magic ruined Aryanism

Zen had to fix the results of crazy guru scams that came from it, including Bhudda's bullshit

NeoPlatonists ruined Stoicism and Christians over took NeoPlatonists and became "gnostics".

NeoPlatonists, Zoroastrians, and Semitic religions always lead to degenerate dreamy ponderings because they're based on drug trips or trying to avoid paradoxical word traps.

It's hard to explain to one person on a chan. I'll have to write you a book.

The text is fake. It's /fringe/ tier

Yeah man, totalllllly. Haha. Fucking youtube philosophers.
Hi Smiley
I can recognize your shitty shill posts anywhere. GTFO. /fringe/ can't handle grow up Holla Forums wizards

So, what, we should abandon magic?
Because, eh, nah, it's showing results.

look into blockuniverse theory for just one example, educate yourself before acting all knowledgable.

idk if this is just me but a concept I can't help but think about when I read these threads is how powerful memetics is as a concept, or more specifically how important the chain of abstraction to interpretation to abstraction and so on can be when it comes to propagating a message successfully or not.
to me, "memeing" something is a way of transferring information by abstracting it in order for the people who would otherwise be unable (or unwilling) to understand that information, to understand some part of it or a specific part of it. I guess that seems kind of obvious, but the real secret of memeing lies in abstracting the message enough that the message gets through WITHOUT being diminshed despite its interpretation changing from person to person, as well as making sure to abstract it enough that it is understandable to the uninitiated.
The reason why some religions or forms of spiritual thought (or schools of thought in general) have managed to survive for so long is because of their mastery of this "memetic abstraction" technique, which in turn relies on mastery of the most common forms of communication. it's why the most spiritual figures of the ancient world were also the most creative, being artists, scribes or poets. It's why religions largely used symbols first, and then a message.
Holla Forums is currently gaining influence over people because we are understanding how effective memetic abstraction works over the internet, which is a completely different beast to any other form of communication humanity has known up to this point. Regardless of which god is chosen, Holla Forums is most likely making the internet's first religion because it has learned how to meme on the internet to the point that messages complex enough to be politically and spiritually significant can be sent effectively.

This is what anons mean when they say you should meme wisely. We may be among the first to build the bow and arrow in a world where people are still throwing rocks at each other.



No you should learn magic. /fringe/ is a Jewy scam. Like the History channel's "ancient aliens" when we knew it was Cromagnons or ancient peoples (depending on how far back).
Real magic has been explain by the REAL wizards on Holla Forums a thousand fucking times but /fringe/ is persistent… because they're playing with brainwashing material like theologians all stuck in a rut.

That's the thing. They come up with these "time" theories for normies like you so they can sell books and make academic tenure. It's intellectual masturbation. That's why /fringe/ loves it.

language gave us our "spirit/soul".

Man I'm not sure what you're even ranting about now.

than how about you tell WHAT is wrong, and what is the right alternative. all im seeing from you is saying its wrong fake and a scam, but not be able to say why other than its from (((them))) without even giving any evidence for that

I'll have you know these "time" theories are the reason GPS works. Time dilation fucks with shit if not corrected for.
I would attribute that to "quantum woo."
You can make a lot of retarded shit sound half reasonable when you slap physics that the average normie is unfamiliar with on it.

The theory describing that which GPS is modeled on is wrong, it just happens to mesh with reality enough GPS works.

but what would you call "language"? alphabets? grammar? tone, dialect or volume? images alone are more than capable of transferring information via symbolism, and then you have the other 4 senses to consider which can all be methods of transferring information. Abstraction can work without language, just as information can be transmitted without words.
I would agree that internet memetics rely almost entirely on sight and sound, but that doesn't mean they are the only mediums in which you could send an abstracted message.

Pantheistic mumbo-jumbo


Because you're dumb. I'm sorry you're dumb user. /fringe/ is a better board for you to serve the Jew and degenerate yourself…maybe a little no fap and go full beta. But stop shitting this one up with your dumb guy bumps on shill threads

In regards to what? I said a lot there. Right magic? Read this book (youtube video is cooler).
OR Carl Jung… Stoics… Allen Watts/Zen… psychology…. Learning ART. Learning stage magic. Learning propaganda. There is a lot to choose from.
You know what REAL "black magic" is? Islam or Marxism or Scientology or Hollywood…
The inventors/prophets and drug pushers of those cults knew it was fake when they memed it, but they knew the techniques to fool people that would of been /fringe/ back then

That's a good phrase for it, kek.


that's all langauge

The whole point of these theories is to get results. A theory which lends itself to accurate conclusions and no inaccurate ones is an accurate theory. While the literal behavior of time might be inconsistent with the theory, the theory works until we find an inconsistency or a new theory which describes all past observations as well as provides new conclusions not contained in the previous theory.


Also all those "abstracts" you speak off mean nothing to a cat. Cats don't have language. The "spirit" comes from collective language that builds it in the child with his/her own abstract experiences.

Cats are too zen for that spiritual shit. Go watch your cat.

scream at a cat, and it will know you are angry. so volume means something.
many cats also answer your call and come t you when you call them, so language also means something for them

they may not be able to tke in an process as many details of our language, but they are not totally unable to understand it

Cool story, brah.

Are you questioning my ability as a magickian?


u rite

cats most assuredly have language, but they do not have as many aspects to their language as we do. the fact alone we can communicate to animals without the use of our own language demonstrates how we have to abstract our own thought processes in order to make the animal understand them.


lack of emotions /=/ zen
lack of emotiona /=/ stoic
that's a misunderstanding for plebs. And can't can understand but they're not talking to themselves and forming complex dreams in their head based on language identifiers

Well it is the story of the "tablets". Go find them for me Moses



If you're not saging this shill freemason thread then you're not a magickian. Unless you mean Penn and Tellar.

You know what the highest degree of Freemason and Occult magic tells you? That's it's all mental masturbation to make money, control plebs, keep the sacred geometry, and fuck bitches. The rest is just ancient psychoanalysis.

Prove me wrong and magic me enough money to shitpost all day forever and I'll bow the knee for life

Exactly what I've been saying the whole time. Shill thread


It specifically isn't, no matter how triggered you are.



OK styxxx666

Go find me the tablets you fucking Jew. There were none. There is none. It's a shill meme full of bullshit NeoPlatonist garbage.

A CAT can understand……
I need to go to bed

Talking to the lowest level of pseudo-intellectuals from /fringe/ is boring me to sleep

A CAT can understand……

I need to go to bed

Talking to the lowest level of pseudo-intellectuals from /fringe/ is boring me to sleep

You're right, it is about sending a message.

No shit?

Fucking related

One simple task and you managed to fuck that up and provide complete evidence that you are in fact a fag and plebbitor. Sorry state of affairs, you attempt to acquire meme magic will fail and your life will be thrown in disarray and manifest failure.

The butthurt going on in this thread

I can see that some ((people)) dont want this topic discussed

btw, the above post is by an Holla Forums staffer, who has worked on blogs.

Just one question, how are supposed to identify as user, anonymous, unidentifyable?

The whole fucking point of an image board is that it could be damn near anybody.

Where, in the name of the nine steaming hells, do you get THAT from what you quoted?

It clearly states do not reveal his secrets to the Northern Europeans nor the Africans.

And from what I have been led to understand, Toth IS Hermes, just by another name.

I was a 32nd degree Mason, by the way. And no mention of these names was made in any ceremony.
You COULD have access to the Masonic library, however, and it was hinted that there were things in the library you wouldn't find anywhere else. They apparently meant for you to go seek that knowledge, it was not simply granted to you (I never did, by the way, the library was in Philadelphia, too far for more than a day's visit, and too far to actually sift through it all).

I later found it impossible to pay my dues for personal economic reasons, so I simply quit the club.
I can still start paying dues again & get back in, and I've been thinking about it, but for purely networking reasons.

Thats what i was implying. How are you supposed to proof to be user, when everyone can be user

Even worse…

also check em

In your case, you can user all you want, but you'll always be a faggot.

Are in there the secrets of memes? Is that even the real emerald tablet? I just took a pic from google that came up when i entered "emerald tablet" but holy shit

Your posts add so mouch value to the hread, please never stop posting
Kill yourself now

Oh look. You're a MURDEROUS faggot.

Nice trips


Dubs normally don't lie

I buy legitimacy of Emerald tablets after carbon dating and peer review.
David Icke is a delusional clown and public laughing stock.

Is Bardonic material pol approved in ur opinion?
What aspect of fringe would you consider to be brainwashing?


You are gonna hate me for this but Thoths words of power are this.

I can't make this shit up. It literally is OwO whats this? The meme.

Praise Kek!

edgy teenagers >>>/out/

Faulty assumptions. Imagine a video-game character saying "I'll believe these polygons once the NPC scientist verifies their age etc."

Utter insanity.

Kill yourself newfag. You will not be shown mercy on the day of the rope. Praise Kek, delete this thread!

Fuck off censornigga.

^ typical operative activity
their goal is to cause fractures, fights, so on.

there is so mouch cancer in this post that i dont know where to start

Go back to thespiritscience kike


You are the one trying to keep us from discussing something because you think its bad. You try to censor this thread and this this board. Thats more kikery than just asking if this thing which might is kikery is good or not. So either explain whats wrog with it, why that is wrong, and what the right counterpart is we should look into, or fuck off already

I already did when the thread was young. You though, heretic, have yet to explain how you're not a spiritkike.

I never watched spirit science and only saw it mentioned one time previously, but you wont believe me so all effort trying to proof it would be in vain. Also you are the one claiming i am, burden of proof is upon you. Pro tip: Asking something about the emerald tablets isnt evidence

Od = penis/sperm
Odin = penis guy
Odal ~ the inheritence of your father

You got it almost right.

Thoth is the Akashic records, the sum of all knowledge and truth everywhere, everytime. The internet is Mount Qaf, the Correspondence Point, which connects everything, everytime.

If you want to reach Thoth, the internet is the way, not the end goal.

You want to destabilize the current system? Start practicing more. Use this sigil and start tearing down the veil that enslaves this world. And check out the DKMU's methods of reality warping.

Derail completed. Hey Thoth guys, I apologise, in my kekite fervor I missed something, and Thoth has delivered.

LISTEN UP! DKMU, I know where you sleep. I know where you live, I know your leaders by their true names. If you step here again, I will finish you off for good. Kek will not be subverted, and in spite of my disbelief, Thoth is with us too. Go back to your cave and tell Alysyrose that there are no oystars here, only vicious nazi frogs.

Not trying to subvert Kek, just trying to stir up and strengthen some chaos. Nice butthurt though.

But kek is the true chaos, like moloch symbolizes false order, your sigil might as well be fals chaos

Take the message to Alysyrose and report back. Do not bring your degeneracy before the legion, or we will strike at your throat. Your kind are no better than the kikes, you try to subvert even your own gods, and confuse their revulsion for approval.

Where do I recognise this sigil from?

It is the "linking sigil" that was created by early DKMU (domus kaotica and maurader underground, two defunct groups merging) through the labors ofunsuspecting forumgoers from the old OccultForum before they migrated to OccultCorpus. Pretty much they kiked a forum into doing magic for them, and use this sigil to leech "gnosis" or spiritual energy or whichever term is trendy, from unsuspecting mages in a sort of clickbait scheme, in exchange for claiming to boost the project, but really only if it fits them. Years ago, they spammed the chans in attempt to subvert and recruit new cultists that they refer to as "oystars" as part of a play on words from a beatles song.

Who are you talking about

Thoth is Hermes is Mercury my d00d
It all ties back to planetary correspondence worship which is the old tradition and the holy mercury

Sorry buddy I want to reach God not return to beast-hood

Trips confirm… still don't trust you heretics though. But if thoth helps us defeat attempts at subversion suh as those above, so be it.

define heretics

I'm using the standard definition. You are a heresy of Kekism.
Btw, evidence that DKMU tried to subvert Holla Forums and co-opt Ebolachan. Apparently Eric Lindor, the mod from /grimoire/ tried to open the gates to the degeneratss.

well, define kekism

If Kek wills it, he will define himself

seems like thoth wanted to have a word in it too.
we should define if kekism is worship of only kek, or the whole egyptian pantheon which started with kek. if only kek, how do we call worship of thoth and the rest? do we have to create a term for every combination of every egyptian god? can we just go with "egyptology" and use "kekism" or "thothilicism" as term for the primary god in our version of egyptology?

come on kid, think more before posting

also who told you that kek want to be worshipped as the only god? maybe kek is cool about the idea ti be worshipped along with other egyptian gods

Do not confuse Praise for worship. We don't kneel, we grow fucking legs and we use them.

Off topic a bit, but what do you thoth lovers think should be done about dkmu? We're still waiting for a response from their degenerate leader, and I've finding evidence of them having tried to coopt winterchan too.

no idea what to think about thoth, but let those dkmu people do what they want i guess. as long as they dont shit up our boards, or sacrifice and rape our children they can worship or praise whoever or whatever they want. same goes for kek or thoth. if you want to worship kek, go on, you wat thoth? no prop. for all i care praise both and ebola chan together. who am i to decide which god is worthy of praise and who isnt. after all i might just got it all wrong.

if they shit up our boards(s) tell them to fuck off. im sure kek will smite them either way if they purposely fuck with us

Well to be fair Thoth worshiped Kek and the Ogdoad since they were the Old Gods and he was a New God or Ancient user shit gets messy when you go back that far but seriously what the fuck!

It looks like they're already trying. Probably too drunk and high to be much of a threat, but they will try and neak their sigils and godforms into our threads just the same. I'm tempted to sick Oathy on them for the lulz, he's autistic enouh to be unphased by their degeneracy, and confusing enough to manage something or other.

Never said Kek was the only god. He is the one helping us the most her though, right fuckin here, in all the digits. Others have laid groundwok as well though, such as Odin. I wonder if the two met.

Maybe other gods are involved but no one have figued out yet

We know the entire Ogdoad is involved. Some evil Jew gods. Norsefags and Christianfags are always pushing their stuff but we haven't seen any real proof yet.

The Emerald Tablet for the Technomancer aka Computer Scientist

The following tautology of the Logos is true, for if not, nothing would exist.

Higer-order abstractions† share the same essence as lower-order abstractions, for all abstractions are but categories of the Monad.

Functions, data, wave forms, quantum amplitude flows, energy, matter, life, consciousness and thought-forms all originate from the Monad, the neutral monism that is Information.

The Bit begets itself for it exists outside of time, the Lambda is its own recursive self-application of functional abstraction, the Meta-Circular Evaluator evaluates its own existence, a Turing machine can simulate any and all other Turing machines including itself.

The father of all programs in the whole computational multi-verse is here, within your own minds, for your minds are made in the image of the Logos.

Its force or power is absolute when it successfully gives rise to physical‡ processes:

Discern the abstractions from your physical environment, stratify and organize the larger-grained from the finely-grained domain rules and use-case scenarios, divide larger systems into subsystems, components into sub-components and refine your software design with utmost care.

For in doing so, your software design shall ascend from simple conceptual requirements towards the heavens of logical design, and descend again into a physical model that is generalized for all foreseeable circumstances and ready for implementation in practical programming languages.

By this means you shall possess the glory of the whole computational multi-verse at your disposal, and no programming problem will be beyond your grasp.

'''This thought-process is above all other thought-processes. For it underlies every piece of software, every physical microscopic and macroscopic process in existence and lies at the heart of every physical thing.

After all, it was by this means that world was created.

From this general approach of software construction come many admirable adaptations, but all follow the same general formula outlined here.

Hence I am called Hermes Thrice Great, having the three parts of philosophy of the whole world (requirements analysis, software design and implementation).

My description of the mysteries of the Logos, and it's application, is now complete.

†An abstraction is just another more orthodox word for thought-form. Computer Science in the modern world, as with all sciences, is a field currently devoid of the spiritual. But in reality, its founding fathers from Liebniz through to Godel were all Hermeticists.
‡Machines, robots, drones, automated factories, buildings, vehicles, communications devices and various other devices that channel the magickal computational/mathematical aether.

You are either retarded, or insane. Go read the fucking kyballion you deluded retarded madman.

Not insane at all. You're obviously not a computer scientist. See the screenshot? Those are posts from people who have both read the Kyballion and understand computer science.

Did you know that the founding fathers of computer science all saw themselves as alchemists and hermeticists? That Leibniz was attacked by Freemasons for divulging the Hermetic secrets?

You're not backing up your claims at all. You're just making feeble appeals to authority.

What claims are in dispute? You didn't dispute anything, you just went for the ol' character assassination "hurr duur yuour retarded" approach and appealed to authority yourself with your "read the Kyballion" remark.

Touché. Alright, basically it comes down to this. They interpreted things based on their own perceptions created on a system influenced by what they study. As a result, all of it is nonsense. They need to first study the hermetic works objectively. off topic, but computers are programmed the way they are because humans think similarly.

I would argue it's not nonsense, so long as you understand the difference between syntax and semantics, between perceptions and realities, or between the subjective and the objective.

See how I used three different sets of words there (syntax/semantics, perceptions/realities, and subjective/objective)? All at first glance seemingly different concepts, but all allude to the same underlying idea, just at different levels of abstraction.

In mathematics and computer science, we have a formal theory and framework for working beyond these differences and transforming one set of thought-forms or mathematical truths into another set of thoughts-forms/thruths. It's called Category Theory.

By understanding the categorical morphisms between two seemingly disjoint theories, we can arrive at a greater theory that encompasses the two. In this manner, things interpreted via perceptions influenced by working on one system are useful in the context of a completely different system.

My proposition is that there is a morphism between the Hermetic Axoms and between the fundamentals of Computer Science or the Philosophy of Computation.

Computer Science is fully capable of understanding computation outside the realm that is easily programmed by humans. Here-in lies the domain of machine learning, wherein programming is done by teaching machines in the same manner as one would teach a human. Yet, the resulting model developed by the machine is far too complex for any human to understand, in the same manner that it is far too complex for us to understand the entirety of our own minds and what everything in our heads is actually doing. We can only attempt to identity sub-systems within our brains and give brief summaries of what they do and try to extrapolate from that. In fact, I imagine the future of neurology is going to be very dependent on using machine learning to develop useful models.

I also did not want to go through every single point of the post, since it is all wrong.

How is it all wrong?

This is bullshit because every pleb maintains contradictory thoughts and attempts to function. Compartmentalization is a state of disunification. The whole and complete is the state to be achieved, with contradictions being reconciled and brought to closure and resolution.

Also, in case you didn't pick it up, there is also a morphism between Category Theory and between Hermetic Alchemy.

Category Theory deals with morphisms between mathematical objects, between declarative truths.
Hermetic Alchemy deals with morphisms between thought-forms. Transforming thoughts or collections of thoughts from one state to another.

The egregious part was the massive "stock" platered over the random "meme" you grabbed off the internet.

You ignorant loudmouthed motherfucker. Hermeticism does not portray a separated universe. There is no veil, there is no higher dimension, we're only fucking blinded by ourselves and our own fucking perceptions. You weaklings want to compartmentalize everything, but you never even grasp the first fucking axioms. LOOK up, look down, shit does not fuking change because of scale. Something big and something tiny abide by the same fucking laws of polarity and motion as EVERYTHING else regardless of size. That is what it fucking means. Above, below, same fucking rules.

Eh, gonna note that some of that rage was meant for too. At least half of the "ignorant loud motherfucker" goes there. Praise Kek!

I think you're projecting your own antics upon myself. I only see one of us using curse words, foul language, and words in all caps.

Wherein did I state there is a separated universe? Computational multi-verse? It's just a name or label for all of reality. There is only The All. You know that. I know that. So why are you getting caught up on labels?

Why do you think I don't understand this? What did I say to make you think this? I think you have some preconceived notions about how I think that I've, dare I say, triggered? We can't understand the absolute because we are a finite subset embedded within the absolute. Our minds are essentially reality simulators (hence dreams), but there is more "stuff", call it what you will, outside our heads than our minds are capable of simulating. In a way, the old Christian or pre-Christian notions of "sin" allude to this. We're all born sinners, because we're incapable of understanding the true consequences of our actions. We may believe we are doing good, but in fact causing great evil. Take a look at how liberals and progressives are pushing food and charity for the poor starving children of Africa, believing they are saints. But they are completely oblivious to the butchery and horror that awaits in the future due to the resulting over-population as billions of niggers kill each other and flood the nations of the world during the next massive wave of famines that occur when the Sun goes into Maunder Minimum like period.

Why do you think I failed to grasp them?

Yes, of course.

Yes, of course.

Of course. This is why computer science and hermetic philosophy are one and the same.

Alright, then shall we try again? note my next replies may be slower, I need food. Since we have yet to draw blades, we're clearly miscommunicating. Could you perhaps focus on one point at a time and articulate a clear question? It's not really feasible to argue entire philosophies broadly in the way that's been presented.

This, fucking this. Pleb occultist wannabies, at least do your research on what it is you're reading before you go around talking like you know shit.

I bet you believe pic related too.

Well, my point is that there's not a lot of difference between Computer Science as a philosophy and the Hermetic Axioms.

The reason for that, as it turns out, is that the underlying stuff that all of reality appears to be constructed from is information. This isn't a consequence of viewing the world through the lens of a computer programmer, having blinded ourselves with our tools. Physicists and philosophers a very aware of the distinction between The Map and The Territory, as am I, and as are you. So what I'm getting at is the actual monad or neutral monism that we call by the name "information."

Computer science is still a young field. Mathematics was once a young field as well. It was once called by the name Geometry by the Greeks, named after Gaei=Earth, Metron=To Measure. Likewise by the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians. They thought it was all about measuring the Earth with their surveying instruments. But the essence of what they were doing was actually formalizing a theory for talking about mathematical truths or declarative knowledge in an abstract manner. Declarative truth.

Computer science isn't about computers. And it's not a science. It really deserves another name. Informatics? Technomancy? Computationalism? I don't know. But what computer science is really about is imperative knowledge, about formalizing how to talk about doing things in an abstract manner. Recipes. Processes. Imperative truth.

The abstractions modeled by both mathematics and computer science exist outside of the human mind in that they are not subject to our perceptions. We may discover them and look upon them from one vantage point or another, refer to them in different languages, but there is something behind them separate from our human conceptions of them, because they are truth regardless of how we instantiate them in physical reality or in our thoughts. Hence, Plato's idealism.

But why is this? What if information–abstract strings of bits–was the map that was also the territory? What if at this level of scale, it was impossible to discern between the map and the territory. The only thing that could have that property would be the monad. That is what it means for something to be a neutral monism from which the duality of nature can arise. This is what the monad is.

Take a look at this, for example:

That paper would be just as much at home in the Corpus Hermeticum as it would be on Arxiv. The only thing stopping scientific/mathematical philosophy and hermetic mysticism from merging as fields is the Jew, his Masonic lackies, and libshits blinded by hubris.

So if you're opposed to talking about the Hermetic Axioms from the standpoint of say computational cosmology or mathematical philosophy, than I'd argue you're just as blind as the atheist libshits you also oppose.


I did focus on one point at a time. I can't condense it any further without losing meaning. I'm also not in the position of being the one needing to ask questions. I presented a thesis and am defending it, no more, no less. I have no questions other than wondering why your brain is so dense, no offense. I've discussed these things before with other people, and they understood the subject matter. If you fail to understand what I'm talking about, that's your problem, not mine.

I have an IQ above 160, so I probably am not going to make sense to anyone below 120-130, unless you've been inducted into bother computer science and hermeticism and have had some time for the ideas in both fields to percolate. I'm not some elitist, just another autist living a quiet life as a software developer and shitposter.

Freemasons leave!

Not a Mason. Hermeticism predates Freemasonry. And Freemasonry wasn't so bad until the Jews subverted it in the 18th century.

I agree, this is total cancer. However do not let some mislead at best kiddos turn you away from the god of knowledge.

Dubs of truth.

This is a very good recommendation, seconded.

Confirmed ignorant uninitiated pleb. Come back when you've done your first real invokation.

Checked. The intrigue thickens.

This is what anons really need to take home from this thread.


Might wanna watch this guys since it wouldn't allow me to embed the video.

The Kybalion should be read both first, and last. If you ever think you've learned it all, read the kybalion again.

Rereading after a time, especially after one has reached a new plateau is always wise.

Everyone in this thread except the guy you're talking shit to is a fucking idiot who learns magic from bad internet searches and social media

You people are pathetic lol

I read it. It's like something Oprah might push it's that fucking pleb level.

It's so sad all you faggots interested in the higher minded ideas of man are letting /fringe/ and Smiley be your cult leader

They couldn't even join until the 19th. And it was only the 20th that saw American WW2 vets turn it into a drinking club.

Pepe the frog
Pe pu


additionally there was this stuff about aegyptians using binary system in numbers, like our computers

while i dont believe the bible is true at its whole i believe it has some right points. its just as legit as autistical screeching "hahaha you believe in the bible fucking idiots, im smart lol"

So, did any of you here read the kybalion or have basic knowledge of the hermetic teachings?

i didnt, didnt really read anything yet. only first 1,5 tablets of thoth, and the one translated by isaac. am pretty new to this, thats why i asked about oppinions of others who might be more knowledgable


which of those is suited for a complete beginner? like i believe i know some stuff about the principles, but mostly from crossreading here and there on the internet.

thanks already though

bonus points if its online available by the way

start with the kybalion and then read them in order i guess.
I myself have only recently started studying occult teachings, so I'm only at "the arcane teachings", which is available online, just like the kybalion

ok, i will check it out when i have some time

The kybalion really isn't a long book, you can probably finish it really quickly since it's only around 60 pages.
Keep in mind that it was published in 1906 by an unknown author. Because of this there is a lot of bashing against the modern science of 1906, but nonetheless it does a good job at explaining the basics of the hermetic teachings.


I fixed that for you. You're welcome beta wizards from /fringe/

Except these statements are wrong and done by someone who didn't even try to figure out what these principles are about

Nope. Totally right and well read. You need to bend the knee /fringe/. I keep telling you.

Freemasonic /leftycuck/ detected

Does not compute.

If you were really well read then you'd realize that it's explicitly stated how the principle of gender is not about sex.

And who the fuck even cares about that dead board?

[checked] Scottish Rite. Thinking of joining [though perhaps not hebrewfied SR]. Pitch it to me.

Learn literally anything about what we’re discussing, retard.

It's actually one of the more Christian orders.

You first, because calling a traditionalist organisation which espouses meritocracy "leftist", is pretty retarded.

We should just meme the entire kybalion.

Jesus kike you're so fucking simple, lol. You would be one of those guys Alestor Crowly convinced to buttfuck him.

Why do you repeat kike propaganda? You do understand that Crowley had named the jew and called thm out for their blood libel and cannibalism in eastern europe, only to have his words edited out of his own books after his death, by a kike named Israel Regardie.

Care to elaborate on that? I've heard from some that there exists a glass ceiling at 32*, with the higher orders reserved for old hands, specifically Jews. After all, it was a Jew who brought SR to America.

Can you speak to any of these excerpts?

These people were targeted by NS Germany. Undoubtedly for no reason :^)

And though perhaps ancient, I don't think traditionalist is the right word.

So?. He liked Blood Libel. The guy was the worst degenerate of all degenerates to ever degenerate. And he plagiarized all his good shit from Nietzsche. That's why El Duce kicked his ass out of Italy.

/fringe/ is full of so many Freemason good goys. I swear. You are here by kicked out of the church of KeK

>/fringe/ is a singular entity just like Holla Forums goys guys
It's so obviously clear you do not belong here. Get >>>/out/

Seriously /fringe/ how many times must we humiliate you in EVERY fucking philosophy and magic thread on here? It's been going on since the first flood. You guys are the most pathetic brainwashed followers in the world. It's kind of sad. You want it so bad but you're afraid to face what it really means to be sexy like us with all the power to meme elections and create cults and do real work. Plus your research is just shit. All the powerful wizards live on Holla Forums and are Aryan as fuck.

Go tell your leader Stxxx and Smiley that they have failed you with their Dungeon and Dragons "esoteric" books and blog level research.

Now bend the knee to KEK and abandon your Hermes butt sex worship!

You clearly don't know much about /fringe/ if you think Smiley has anyone's respect or leads anything, kek. And I don't even know this Stxxx fag you're talking about.

Still projecting like crazy m80.

Why the fuck is this on Holla Forums of all things?

Ancient cults and sects with their desire for secrets and other shit was really just a way to keep knowledge from the masses.
Why would you do this? Well knowledge is power. Its the same reason you generally don't permit your slaves to learn to read or write.
So what did these ancient priest classes guard? Well yes, there was some "magical" bullshit but the actual stuff that gave them actual power were technical in nature.
Maths, Physics, medicines, and other such things like that.
Remember, religious organizations were often THE government or a big chunk of the governments of those ancient societies. So while they're doing their magic skydaddy bullshit on one hand, on the other they're basically R&D departments.

Here is one thing that I think you should all carry with you. Whenever a news story pops up about how they discovered some ancient mechanical device that should have been just too complex for the people of the time to have made (or at least thought to be) or some construction techniques that seem way too advanced and difficult.
Don't jump to the conclusion that many do like it was some aliens and shit…just realize that you're dealing with a few factors that have hidden this stuff from everybody.
1) A very small human population overall.
2) Even smaller population that are in societies that can sustain pursuits outside of subsistence farming/living.
3) And even still only a smaller sect that would be able to apply technical know-how and would guard these machines from being mass produced because their use would give some sort of power to the sect using it (being able to predict seasons, star movements, accurate time keeping, predict trajectories of ballistics, forging weapons, building monuments).
4) Time.

So as the years march on these things get lost to history and you are left, increasingly, with just the most common stuff from the common man who lived in that society. The least common denominator shit is what sticks around and it gives an imperfect view of what technological advancements the ancients were capable of.

Now just imagine if society now were to crumble completely today.
How surprised do you think the future archeologists would be to find out that we've sent stuff into space? To the moon?
That things like space shuttles existed?

We don't carve anything into stone. Our digital records will be the first to go. Our physical books will last some time but how much of that is actually going to be popular novel trash (Twilight, Harry Potter) vs actual historical truth?

Here ya go. also, egyptians were white, and Crowley worked with the ogdoad just like us.

-Aleister Crowley

I could destroy /fringe/ in a few months of propaganda and D/C if I wanted to. It's a sad board for sad NEETS with no magical abilities. They literally don't know what magic really is, haha. That's the worst part.

/fringe/… The MODS stopped putting them in check and started focusing on everything MSM

Ate human shit and killed his friend making him drink cats blood, and had butt sex in the desert to bring forth a hell demon. Literally nigger magic

Source? Seriously, try and give me one source of this bullshit that is not written by a kike.

Are you like 12?

Your meme says it all.

pfff pathetic followers

looks like bullshit.

However on the subject of Mr. Crowley;
The man had inherited lots of money and pursued his magical stuff in a time where that shit was starting to come into style among the "higher society" the "elites" as it were. So he was able to get in with that crowd and ended up banging a whole lot of those sluts. Getting many of them to pay for his lifestyle when his money was running out.
He also liked to bang whores. Described it as a pussy service the same as getting a milk delivery.

The short of it is that he was able to convince a bunch of dumb ass people to let him fuck them and do all sorts of depraved shit while they also paid for him to do so. Even cucked several fellows.
Magic isn't real but what he did was magical.

Magic put the God Emperor on the throne. Be gone blasphemer! PRAISE KEK!

Crowley ended up in a homeless shelter as a heroin addict at the end of his life trying to sue news reporters for slander until some gullible girl took him in during a high profile court case.

he also wrote poetry about smelling girl's farts

But I see your point. Everyone was into the occult then. He blew all his money being the most ridiculous off them all and made a name for himself in the tabloids. That's about all he was worth. Of course Rasputin was way cooler.

You want real 'will power magic? Reach Nietzsche.

Probably "Magic" in the sense that Anton Lavey described it. The command "to look" basically bring attention to yourself or what you want attention to be brought to.
People do this all the time. Its part of our mating instincts.
Some people do it with full intention and seeking results deliberately and that is "magic".

I'm sorry but the will to power is not enough to obtain actual power.

Nice ass but you're quoting a fucking kike again. Crowley died peacefully surrounded by his friends and family.

Here's some kikes who write slander about crowley
And the infamous Israeli Regardie, the kike who edited crowley's books after his death.



I've read Crowley. We all know he pushed degeneracy as an art form

And which version did you read? The one he wrote without anyone else touching it, or the version edited by the Kike Israel Regardie?

Hitler had more than will. He had charisma, he had people helping to shape his image, and he also had the right place and the right time with the right message.

You know what happens when you have the will but not much else? Every character in "Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia."

All of those things you mentioned is a product of Will. Just because you have the Will to Power doesn't mean you can bend space/time and make Danny Devito into El Duce.

Give me your secret one then. It's still going to be ritualistic freemasonry mixed with Nietzsche-ian philosophy

Logos is Greek for "speech" and "reason". It wasn't invented by Heraclitus.

Not sure what you're trying to say here…it sounds like you're agreeing with me.
Yeah, you can have all the willpower in the world but if you don't have the intelligence, the resources, or anything else you're really just fucked.

It's greek for "reason" because of Heraclitus you fucking pleb. Shut your fucking mouth and do your homework kid
Also there is a more common word in the Greek for "word/speech"

Λόγος was far more common than ομιλία/μιλιά (if that's what you're referring to) in ancient times, the latter also strictly referring to spoken words. Again, Heraclitus didn't invent the word or its meanings, he simply used it to fit his purposes. I did do my homework. Do enlighten me with sources stating otherwise and I'll be happy to give them a quick read.


BLOWN THE FUCK OUT. Both by reason and by trips

This is fucking amazing, thank you.

Do you really want it? I could dig up a PDF probably, which book do you want? I'm not actually a crowleyfag, I just hate when people spread kike slander. All the same propaganda about hitler has been said about Crowley, and almost every writer to slander him wasn't just a kike, but most were lurianic kabballists and the atheistic ones are all "Professors od antisemitism and the holohoax" and to add even further insult to injury, at least half of the idiots who claim to follow him, are so completely fucking retarded that they act like experts while having absolutely no clue at all, like most normalfags. It's infuriating. Here, Crowley is to occultism as Churchill is to brittpol. Piece of shit, but our piece of shit.

Nope. If you're in the USA, that's the first and last degree of the rite. There's 33rd, but that's just an honourific (there are lots of those), but it doesn't give you any power or any more knowledge. Same with elsewhere in the world, except there are four degrees instead.
There are no orders reserved for Jews. The A&AR is Christian based (USA lets anyone join, though, unlike the rest of the world), and it has no "higher" orders branching off it.
Well no, it was Stephen Morin (not a Jew).
Never heard of such a claim, so i can neither confirm nor deny. Seems unlikely, though, since Jews weren't, and still aren't permitted to join German Rite Masonry. It's purely for Baptised Christians (along with Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, and Denmark), and only the foreign lodges (est. after 1945) in Germany permit non-Christians to join.

It wasn't. That was the Christian Rite of Perfection. The Scottish Rite in more modern form was founded in 1801 by a bunch of Americans (if you can ever call them Christian).
Protip: He wasn't. He was "Grand Commander" of the South USA jurisdiction of A&AR, and that's all. And there's no "Universal Freemasonry."
He gained it from a bunch of guys, mostly Henry Carr who was in the same HRA Chapter, and liked what Pike did with the place.
The reader might also appreciate actually researching the group to discover that it's entirely separate. Not sure what kind of "show army" they're hoping to get from Masonic Lodges anyway.
Naw, for good reason. Like all totalitarian governments, they didn't like the idea of people being able to meet out of their view. All such groups were shut down, Freemasonry wasn't special.
Then you haven't really looked at it. The rituals promote [European] nationalism, traditionalism for the good of all, monarchy, and meritocracy.

Piss off, newfag.

It's a reference to the "Middle Region" and has the same symbolical value as "Midgard", for example; the union between higher and lower (man as microcosmos, as a being who is both mortal and divine).

You can't use the internet for etimology.


Yeah. Whatever book is all inclusive. If it was Jewed down I'd like to see.

And by that I mean you can't wiki a word for 2minutes and copypaste without reference.

thats also an interesting interpretation

Hey, dropping in to say I haven't forgotten, just all of the old sources I used to go to are down or full of dead links It's been years. I haven't bothered with pdfearching since I moved in with my wife's library that I will likely never finish reading. I'm going to fucking find the one that talks about jews. what I really mean by that is I'm asking my wife to find it for me, when she's not busy. Sorry for the wait user. Also, I curse the name of Israel Regardie, pig shit be upon his grave, shadilay, Prase Kek!

no problem…

rofl, working on it now. The rofl though is because I fucked myself on this, in fact, we fucked me on this chase. You see, when I search "uncensored aleister crowley" I get stuff about the DNC based off of the pizzagate threads. We've taken over now… my own shitposting is blinding me.

Is this the WOKE thread?


wokest thread there is

Guys I found something.
His pyramid is the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan. Since he has identified as Thoth from Egypt and since we're talking about the emerald tablets which came from ATLANTIS, it says that Thoth built 12 Pyramids around the world, though them he came in many forms as user stated. This means that one of the pyramids he built was the pyramid of the sun. And according to the Sumerian Tablets (One of the most important and EARLIEST ancient texts), "Enki" was a member of the Annunaki, an ancient race of deities that came from the planet Nibiru and created the human species to mine for gold for their planet. Let's think about this for a minute.

*Kukulcan from earlier Mesoamerica and Tehuti from Atlantis.

Only think i dont get is that quetzacoatl is associated with venus, hermes with mecury, and thoth with the moon. Usually the equivalents of the gods are associated with the same planets as far as i know

Someone cap it, please. Mine don't look clean.

The other user in the other thread claimed Anunnaki were another sort of Aryans and brought us machines in addition to regular Aryan magic superpowers. The souls of Atlantis reincarnated into Americans.

I want to believe.

reminder most of these gods were created prior to being able to see most other planets, when people started to see more they named them after gods

i dont know man. i feel like we give anients far too less credit. i mean the egyptians encoded the speed of light and the size of the earth in relation to the moon in their pyramids. how would they know about that if they are so bad with technology? there is additionally the theory that stuff orbited saturn and the planets generally being in a nother constilation.

Can someone please post the links to archives of the earlier Atlantis/Hyperborea/Thule/Lemuria/Urheimat/Ancient Aryan threads?


This is what I have, there's certainly more out there that I forgot to archive.

And another one you might like, the thread where Kek was discovered.

Thank you very much.




this merits further research. bump.

Memory was actually a lot stronger in humans before the written word, mystery schools like the druids would verbally pass these things on or philosophize and make observations while not doing so, some mystery schools using entheogens to create lateral thinking processes to come to new conclusions. When Hermes/Thoth invented the written word it was specualted whether what he was doing was actually a great tradgedy as long term access without a master to pass the idea on may lead to laziness (we can actually see this irony today, to the people of this world any knowledge they please is simply an internet and electricity connection away yet we also have some of the dumbest most ignorant and apathetic populations to have ever existed).

the panopticon. the idea of the boot is more powerful then the boot


The Internet is the street. It's as good as the etablissements and the people you can find on it.


Fucking kill yourself.



ONLY THOSE WHO DESTROY MASONRY CAN USE THE MAGIC. do not let them speculate. do not let them defend their order following cult. Destroy masonry. Be rewarded with memetic synchronicity.

Just to clear some things up. OP is a faggot. Thoth and Hermes are the same person. Thoth really did live and taught us Hermetic Alchemy. He wasn't a god by his own admission. He was added to the Ogdoad way after he died. The groups he taught were the Ancient Egyptians and Greeks. Go read a fucking book. Masons using Thoth as an idol is the same as Kikes using the Star of David it's just a perversion of something they don't understand but really don't want us to understand.

user, you're close, but i think you need to brush up on your Esoteric Hitlerism.

This is explaining the Laws of Hermeticism.


Hermeticism is basically a way to understand the self, personal transformation and processes that teach you how to trip sack/experience unifying with God conscience.

For a run down of how to do it check out "Initiation Into Hermetics" by Franz Bardon and "Bardon Companion" by Rawn Clark

When I read this scene (though well done in the show, better in the book) - changed my opinion of just about everything in life…

Just read the fucking kybalion. Also, understanding the self allows understanding reality, as per the laws of polarity. That said, I think esoteric hitlerism is more relevant to the discussion.

Esoteric Hitlerism, the Road of Iring, retracing the Involution. It is the return to
Hyperborea and the Way of Resurrection of the vîras. The Hero will go from
world to world, from sky to sky, from body to body, passing through all the planes
of manifestation of the demiurgic plasmation. And in each one must retrieve an
"organ," a key, to discover the "passage," the little breech, able to make the leap
into the Void of Resurrection. Pure mental creation, invention of a Non-Existent
Flower… even though more real than all the flowers of the gardens of this

I still don't know how two circles can trigger so many people on a consistent basis.

You see… there is more to it than that. Oathy has created a meme so autistic that it has become the meme of autism it's self. It shows us all that we hate within us, that seed of autism that we've worked so hard to overcome, grown to it's full maturity and dropping rotted dicircular vomitfruit on us. What I dread most though, is the idea that one day in the future… we may need him… I still want to see him singlehandedly destroy dkmu for trying to coopt anonymous years ago, it'd be clash of the titans, one redpilled autismo vs an army of retarded degenerates.

It's not Holla Forums. How about fuck off to /x/.

I'd rather hang with Oathy than the various groups of shills here, or worse… the cuckchan refugees. Compared to them, he's alright. I mean, his dedication to his harmless failed meme is kind of endearing, in a way.

I'm buzzed and getting a bit sentimental, but I honestly like Oathy the more I think about him. His autistic devotion to his meme is, at it's core, the same fuel that burns in our hearts to dig and uncover all the evil in the world. It's the same fire that drives us to dig into the pedos and the elites and the Jews. I feel nostalgic whenever he posts… for the better times when he first showed up. He may be misguided, or maybe not. I'm not a Freemason - maybe Oathy knows more than we do and crafted his meme specifically for his target, understanding that the regular anons would give him endless hate but continuing on anyway, driven by righteous angertowards the Masons and hoping his work would make a difference in the world, though he could never know for sure.

I think Oathy is a-okay. Polite sage for drunk rambling.


Isnt that from Jojo?
I bet someone has compiled all the 'coincidences' in printed media about nurnelleben.

Oingo and Boingo are two brothers using Stands named after Egyptian Gods, one of them being Thoth, which is represented by a comic book whose pages get colored in showing cryptic messages about the future. Since only what's on the pages is wont to happen, whatever's going on in the gutters is left to other people, as fate has already decided its course. The little feller wielding this Stand goes on to say that even if you do not believe in what's written on the pages, or even if you try to avoid it happening, it will eventually happen anyways, just in some other way. I.E. his brother wants to blow up the main character, Jotaro, and the page shows him getting blown up, so he disguises as Jotaro himself and tries to blend in with the Joestar Group, but because he didn't try and remove his own disguise, he ended up blowing himself up for not trusting fate. The uncanny thing is that the main character ends up dying twice in the same fashion manifested in the panel, but since Araki is known for forgetting all about his own story it's less a callback and more of a genuine coincidence.

if more zero gets then dunno wat do

Have you actually communicated directly with him? He made some threads here or on a fringe or x board and we tried so fucking hard to be nice and communicate and help him, and he was a total ungrateful piece of shit about it. If we didn't have a culture of anonymity, I bet we'd of killed him by now. I hope he's 12 and not some 40yo virgin dwelling in a basementnunder an old masonic lodge.

i believe the sole purpose of the twintowers was to be crashed down again. the twintowers resembling the two pillars you often find in mason imagery, jachin (the sun) and boaz (the moon). iirc 9/11 was also a jewish holiday associated with the destruction of 2 big temples and other great misfortunes (the holiday exists, but i would have to check if it was on 11th september 2001).

I also heard that their goal is to let the pillars (moon and sun) come crushing down through invoking sins into this world which would trigger the arrival of their messiah.

so knowing about the symbology and all that stuff its not far fetched that people not involved in the plans figured out whats going on beforehand

Checking those dubs. If dubs the faultless man is in this thread right now.

Stop making Hitler gay

They have their NeoPlatonist version that is molded around the infection of Christianity

They used anti-grav to get off the moon. All Apollo astronauts were masons. Think of it as a kind of security clearance.

The boyfucking part, though….

I've hacked banks for fun and the only reason I don't steal the money is karma. Why the hell would I every want to fuck little boys?

tl;dr reality is fractal

Read the Kybalion, it says the same thing.

There is all kinds of masonic symbolism in logos, etc. Bees are meant to make you think you are a specialized drone for example. Most of the symbolism is subconscious control. Even the checkerboard pattern.

The priest on the weekend made a reference to the Kol Nidre in the homily, and I thought for a moment I gave a sign of peace to a fellow shitlord.

No, I've just seen his posts. I was just buzzed last night and wanted to believe.

This is about the most bluepilled thing you can do tbh..

[Citation Needed]

See above.

This seems obvious to me. I'm not even really into the occult but even just the story of two being destroyed and replaced with one seems obvious. We got a "One World" Trade Center

Masons have three pillars, and the WTC had an esoteric third pillar. It was basically a statue on the grounds but it fit the pattern. The fact that masons built that twin towers is no conspiracy. So I'd think it's a near certainty that they were designed to be ritualistically destroyed. Now we have the oculus.

Archived Holla Forums magic/KeK threads

It is, though. Do you have any kind of source?

I love this kind of stuff user, do you have any more pics? As a kid I always liked reading about the runic stones and cairns in european countries. There's just something about that time period that really inspires the imagination. It makes you realize how little of our own history we actually know

You guys are almost as bad as Holla Forums.

t. believes Order and Chaos are seperate

This requires infinite repeating.. for the upteenth time. If you do not worship the one and only true God of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, you are not a true European.
I am happy to argue this point with you at length so long as your argument is not composed of the usual, hair-brained knee jerk reaction of "dead jew worshipper".
For one, he is not dead. That is precisely what a bodily resurrection entails.

Secondly, I must remind you that I specifically mentioned the Holy Roman Catholic Church and not any other heresy associated with Christianity. If you do not know the qualitative and dogmatic differences between Christian sects, please do not engage.

Lastly, you have all denounced, by action, the one true God and are required to repent and confess to save your body and soul.
The absurdity of worshipping a cartoon god must not be lost on any of you, and the deification of "chance", as represented by your number "getting", is so irrational as to be, quite frankly, unbecoming of a human. The worship of fate over divine providence is witness to your utter ontological childishness.

Papist begone. Back to the desert from whence you came.

I'm awaiting your argument, heretic.
Thankfully for you, thanks to the supreme love of God, redemption is possible through repentance of sin.
Turn away from ignorance and the seeds sown by the deceiver. Turn away from your false idols:
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."


And the angry Briton says "Fuck off you kike lovin tosser"
We have no need of your kind. Mankind is superior to any lowly god creature, only weaklings succumb to their promises of fame and power.

"All things came to be through him" Col.1: 24

I do not understand how your myth supersedes the TRUE myth?

If indeed there was a great flood, and a global aryan society - if this society had perfected a spiritual dogma, why does it not survive?
Why has it stagnated and died like Mandarinism or Indian Buddhism?

If your belief system is the Truth, that is, the Logos, why has it not been revealed through divine revelation to succeeding cultures?
That is because your minor gods did not die, therefore they never lived.
My God, therefore your God, died on the cross for your sins, and figured out his way out of the grave, which is why he is resurrected eternally even when its spirit seems waning. Look at Russia for example. Why haven't they harkened back to pan-Slavic racial mythology now that they have thrown off the atheistic state system?

What promise of fame and power?

Your human worship is, quite simply, secular Humanism, and this lowly earthbound philosophy has been debunked as fatuous for over 2000 years even by pre-Christians so either read a book or go back to masturbating (which i'm sure you do, sinner) to Ragnar Redbeard.

Because it was a global leveler. Have a look at boulder park national park. Those huge stones, some in excess of 18,000,000 metric tones, where carried there by the melt water. They are called glacier erratics. The water was estimated to be 400 feet deep over most of north America, your 2000 year old book has nothing other than fragments of true history explained through story and metaphor.

North America lost 65% of all wild life, so did Eurasia. Humanity was very lucky to cling to life, most historians agree that 'civilisation' as we know it started 12,000 years ago, but they're seeing a reset and thinking its the beginning.

You didn't answer a single one of my questions, you just continued to try and justify your myth factually.

And the ancient Aryan ancestors where star worshippers, they used the great year, (The orbit of the solar system around the galactic centre) in which one 'day' lasted 72 years, they didnt have any gods, but they regarded the paladies and Siruis as important for predicting cosmic weather.

Modern Astrology/Astronomy is their legacy.

This is ridiculous. You still have no dogma to show.
As for astrology, this was given its proper place 800 years ago.

Here's from the Summa Theologica, something you should acquaint yourself with if you want to save your soul

"In the second place, acts of the free-will, which is the faculty of will and reason, escape the causality of heavenly bodies. For the intellect or reason is not a body, nor the act of a bodily organ, and consequently neither is the will, since it is in the reason, as the Philosopher shows (De Anima iii, 4,9). Now no body can make an impression on an incorporeal body. Wherefore it is impossible for heavenly bodies to make a direct impression on the intellect and will . . .Accordingly if anyone take observation of the stars in order to foreknow casual or fortuitous future events, or to know with certitude future human actions, his conduct is based on a false and vain opinion; and so the operation of the demon introduces itself therein, wherefore it will be a superstitious and unlawful divination.

The only use of astrology that Aquinas accepts is one purely scientific

"On the other hand if one were to apply the observation of the stars in order to foreknow those future things that are caused by heavenly bodies, for instance, drought or rain and so forth, it will be neither an unlawful nor a superstitious divination."

Now repent, Idol Worshipper.
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind

was it while writing his most famous lie "gravity"?

If newton had listened to the hermetics, we wouldn't have this gravity bullshit.

newton was one of them.
he didn't design gravity for himself or his peers.

Next you'll be telling me it's our fault niggers can't reach higher levels of academic achievement. After all, ``prior`` correlation between body and intellect would deny muh precious free independent subject.

Christianity contains the seeds of liberalism. You'd have to be a very cloistered type intellectual to make rationalizations long enough to keep one from leading to the other. Although, I must admit. You Catholics did have the right idea in keeping that filth away from the masses, who, while not immune to dogma, lack your 'subtlety' and capacity for double-think.

Digits speak indeed. What say hou of Esoteric Hitlerism then, digitbringer?

The digits speak for themselves.





Confirmed. We once had, and have again, the power to manipulate gravity just as any other force within our powers, through polarity, through will, and through Esoteric Hitlerism! Prise Kek, sieg Hiel!