Clinton Global Initiative is CLOSING!



Raw info, will try to find more details.

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Wow. Huge.

Wait……these are the clintons we're talking about. They're just going to create something different.

Daily Caller:
Heads Are Finally Beginning To Roll At The Clinton Foundation

CF is the parent of CGI.
The discontinuation of the Clinton Global Initiative was apparently planned since Sept. 20th, 2016. So it's not breaking news, sorry for false title lads.

They have no more influence to peddle m8, the Clintons are kill.


So whats this mean?

Highly Doubtful
Extremely Likely

What say you, Lord Kek?

I was kinda hoping they'd double down and get raided by the 2017 Feds

Nah man they sent Qatar like $2 million when it was apparent as fuck that Trump was going to win. IIRC it was in September or early October. That was payment for safe passage.

Qatar is one of two countries in the world that doesnt have an extradition agreement with the US that has 1) a reasonable standard of living and 2) doesnt have a population that would string them up

They better buy bunker then.


If they close down they can destroy every one of their records before an injunction can be filed. So there is nothing to obtain when trump brings the law to bear against her.

Likely a whole lot of that kinda shit is happening right now across the political and business landscape as people worry what the fallout is likely to be when the first domino falls. They are all interconnected so if they can eliminate their own paperwork trail they give their lawyers a chance to jew the court up instead of iron solid proof of record sinking them thru their own revelations. Anyone whom is connected to them can only 'say' shit but the prosecutors will have nothing that they can point to directly as proof.

thought it was 2 billion


wew. no everyone just needs to dig hard for how she's embezzling all the money

The CGI is closing, oh goodness why? There's still so many charitable causes around the world for them to spend time on. Remember, the CGI does lots of important work!

Ends in one so the first option I guess?

241=> Two for one. Bill and Hillary are liquidating the assets and transferring them to Chelsea.

Fucking PROOF it was never about doing any good and simply about stealing money and avoiding taxes. Disgusting.

no survivors.

prison toilet wine

Clinton and the kikes are covering their tracks

As much as this is a great victory in terms of optics, it makes me nervous. We're going to have to keep an eye on the principal players, because you can bet they're going to go underground and try to fly below the radar.

What a coincidence that people stop donating to this completely philanthropic organization as soon as its founders lose their political clout.

checked and kek'd

coughing fit

pants of shit

every time she tells a lie