Katelyn Nichole Davis


An adult male got on Live.me early in December and made the acquaintance of a neglected, abused, and emotionally vulnerable 12-year-old girl, and quickly set about becoming her online "boyfriend."

Their relationship soon graduated to private Skype calls. A couple of these calls were described by the 12-year-old girl in subsequent live streams – one involving the adult male masturbating on camera, yelling "I wanna fuck that pussy!" to some porn he was watching, and another featuring the 12-year-old dancing and twerking around her room for his enjoyment. And probably a bunch of other things that she didn't describe.

There was talk of them meeting in person, either in Georgia or Massachusetts, but nothing came of it. Eventually – maybe when the adult male realized that a physical relationship with this particular 12-year-old girl was unlikely to take place – he gave her a story about his sister having been raped, and how he had murdered the guy who did it. He even sent the girl what he claimed were pictures of the dead rapist.

The girl was scared by this, but not scared off – She was so desperate for love and acceptance from anyone at all that she continued to think of the adult male as her boyfriend, and referred to him as such in her penultimate broadcast. That same day, he apparently broke up with her for good – and did so in such a way as to make the girl march outside and hang herself from a tree; broadcasting it on the same streaming app they'd originally used. She made many apologies before her act, but a key one was that she was sorry she wasn't good enough for this guy.

TL;DR: An adult male from Massachusetts had a sexually explicit online relationship with a deeply damaged 12-year-old girl in rural Georgia, who subsequently committed suicide when he broke up with her. He can argue all day that he wasn't personally responsible for her suicide, but that doesn't change the fact that he's a child predator who should be exposed as such and prosecuted for the "relationship" alone.

Other urls found in this thread:


MEGA archive: mega.nz/#F!QVNDBSKY!n3tldPxylShI6aiaAuehNw!xZsEzTjS

Archive of old streams: youtube.com/user/wackeyboi/videos youtube.com/channel/UCKFOU3aAipNHuo5ExMnRmlA/videos

Suicide chat log: i.imgur.com/CorMsQT.png

Live.me chat logs: my.mixtape.moe/kvzydv.zip

Lukecallahan720 YT damage control: i.imgur.com/3IZPDxi.png

This isn't a Holla Forums story. This is Holla Forums maybe. Old immoral Holla Forums. Stop trying to make this poor white girl a meme, pick on somebody else.

you're confused. reread the post.

Details on the guy are what?

Is that really the case with this? The poor kid is one more victim of modern times, these threads haven't given any indication of making fun of her outside a few sick fuck pedos and edgelords. It's a genuinely sad tale.

Where the fuck were the parents?

I dont care if you think this guy was any sort of responsible. If the parents actually gave a shit about the girl they would have got involved much earlier.

If they gave a shit about her she wouldnt need to find attention online. Fucking degenates should be castrated or better yet hung themselves.

I think you got it wrong fam. I've read through a lot of these these threads and from what I take from it is:

Nobody is trying to meme her. If anything, the concensus seems to be galvinizing le personal army to go after those who wronged her from beyond the grave.

More white people die from suicide than being murdered by niggers. White nationalists really should talk about suicide prevention more often

Except for those who should kill themselves or who qualify for euthanasia.

her mom is a drug dealer

That's straight degeneracy. Those damn pedo's can't even into soft flirt, and switch to the sexual shit right from the beginning.

A large chunk of white suicide is a result of Jewish run pharmaceutical companies incentivising doctors to give out ""anti depressants"" and opioids which leads to addiction, chemical imbalances and therefore suicides.

There's a wave of opioid addiction in rural white America, it's not an accident it's being purposefully implemented.

Is Weiner's sexaholic rehab clinic in MA by any chance?

A good prtion of those are lefties. They cant be redeemed.

Who is this "luke" nigger you posted, the guy who flirted with her online?

It's rural America that's suffering the most, although some might be lefties a lot are drugged up children. Any white child or right winger who commits suicide is a tragedy that we need to address.

Y do they take drugs



Jewish pharmaceutical companies incentivises giving drugs to children who act normally. Seriously a kid who's a little unruly or rude or shy ends up being wrongly diagnosed with some bullshit illness and given a prescription to drugs they don't need.





Truth about opioids in white America

It's as bad as when bush brought crack to the ghettos

Does the pharacy force feed the pill or do the parents not think for themselves and choose to give them?

Can pass the blame all you want at the end of the day if your a stupid degenerate, youand anyobe aroubd you suffers.

Redouble your efforts to educate people on the effects of good parenting. Drop redpills on drugs and whos behind the curtain.

Remeber this. Always remeber this.

A educated consumer is a company's worst enemy.

But remember, when we are talking about niggers it's always their fault but if it's white rural America then they were tricked.
Too bad some are tricked easier than others. :^)

how is this Holla Forums related?

because it's politics

Please tell me the ballad of chicken strangler.

a girl commiting suicide is somehow politics?

just go post in threads you are interested in instead of shitting this one up with your garbage posting


This whole thing smells like a psy-op to pass more Internet legislation.

In Canada it's illegal to even communicate with minors online. I wouldn't put it past (((them))) to try that here.

How on earth is that enforced? that's such an insane rule too..

If you enforce the laws, the criminals win.

If I take away your prescription would you die?


I'd guess they generally ignore it but when they find a pedo all they need is a chat log and they have a conviction.

Tbf, the opioids were given to them by doctors which they sought out from the breakdown of their bodies from manual labor. It's not like the niggers were tricked into smoking crack by telling them it would help them study in school.

Any questions, faggot?

The first rule of subversion is to make sure the propaganda is tailored to the group of people you want to control.

Are you blaming the jews that we don't have a socialist welfare state that stuffs these families with money or are you blaming them that the police and social services have not developed otherworldly senses that help them detect unreported domestic abuse?

Why didn't you save her Holla Forums?

I would be suicidal too.

her stepdad tried to rape her

There is no real confirmation or concrete information of who was raping who and where.

Even her own fucking blog is a mess.

Listen and believe shitlord.

Are you denying that Semites and race traitors have reduced our countries to the point where dysgenics and the destruction of social cohesion have rendered large portions of the population into broken, failed humans?
It's not about creating a welfare system to intervene, what is necessary is the termination of the systems which exist today which make welfare necessary. Give the volk the opportunity to live fashy lives instead of pumping them full of chemicals and propaganda from birth (and even long before conception when considering multi-generational epigenetics as well as the net result of dysgenics) while forcing them to live in a social and economic order designed for dehumanization rather than allowing citizens healthy lifestyles.

And for domestic abuse specifically, we must return to community involvement in the justice system. Filth like the stepdad and the other guy in this case do not deserve any sort of legal protection against being harassed or killed by the volk.



so nigger groomed her online?

Fucking holy SHIT…

Okay, let's kill him.

As far as i understand it, her stepdad who supposedly abused her actually dumped her mother and some time earlier.
That at least according to a gofundme the mother started days before the suicide where the mother begged for money to pay for bills since she couldn't pay electricity for much longer.

How about you focus your energy on things that matters, like not letting kikery run amok and cause this shit in a first place.

This thing screams hoax to me

Source that she liked Trump? I haven't seen that yet

Hang the filthy pedos


It was taken down shortly after the suicide so i don't know.

He can't keep getting away with it!

We're coming for you pedo.

You better start checking under your bed in case you find some pedos there, too.

More like: little girl traumatized by sexual assault and rape pours her heart out to someone online, said someone instead of helping her escape that abuse and find real help sees her as easy prey and proceeds to undoubtedly alternate between letting this poor girl unburden her grief and pressuring her for nudes while dangling the carrot of being a protective male figure, something she was deprived of in this life.

You better install 4 more deadbolts on your front door and keep a sawn-off shotgun under your pillow, because when we find you we're not going to just kill you, pedo. We're going to sacrifice you to kek.

So if a man breaks a woman's heart, he deserves to die?
kill yourself.

Lets…not joke about this

There's a fine line between LARPing and pure cringe.

Is there a link to a news story or something regarding this? I need something I can use to scare my daughter out of talking with boys online. Don't worry, I'll edit out the naughty bits. I monitor all her internet traffic and caught her talking to some "boy" from "Florida" and took her internet away for her next 3 lifetimes.

she would have been shit in any time period, though she might have survived as a whore for a while longer


they don't shut off electricity for welfare queens in the winter, if at all, bitch should have had more forethought then a nigger. Her whole genepool probably needs wiped out.

this is copypasta tire shit right here, m8ty.

There is a 12 year old dead, with spectacular suicide show. The cops have every incentive to lock someone up and yet nothing? ??

What are the odds we have garden variate proto-cock caruncle rider that was playing with fire, got mentally burned and tried to take everyone down with them around her?

How many suicides like this happens yearly? Fucking loads, and this one was different because it was filmed.
So unless every fucking preteen who offs themselves because reasons is molested snowflake, you have a flaw in your argument.

if you can't laugh at suicide, kill yourself

Fuck off back to Holla Forums edgelord

Pedos detected. Are you really arguing for legalizing pedos "dating" children online? Are you some kind of kike?

The fact alone that she was 12 when this "man" manipulated her is reason enough to slaughter him on the spot.

As I mentioned, a quick slaughter isn't in the cards for pedos like you. Did you know that a study of the acupuncture "meridians" system can greatly enhance the agony of torture techniques? It's true! You would be amazed the type of pain that can be created by stimulating certain nerves directly. In fact, by inserting a needle into the right place in the spinal cord, one can be made to feel as if their genitalia are being dipped in corrosive acid.

What's really interesting to me is that we've also found a way to prevent the "spirit body" of an individual from being able to immediately resume reincarnation along the wheel of Samsara. So what's going to be done is that you pedos will of course not simply be tortured to death, but when expiration of the body seems imminent, you will be imprisoned in a special coffin-like cell (think the pods in The Matrix) that is cocooned with a special electromagnetic cage / field. This will trap your astral body within the field, a prison of the soul if you wish.


Forgot to attach the pic.

Of course the luckiest of you will just be slaughtered by death squad anons possessed by blind rage, at the time of extraction. It's not ideal but who can blame them.

it's either a nigger that will make her kill herself, or someone like you that can save her

if true, did the guy know she was 12? Because she didn't look it

Jesus fuck i hope you are trolling cause other vice it must be worst case of "head up the ass" world has seen.

Filth filtered.

She didn't look 12 because she was forced to grow up too soon by being sexually molested by an adult. She was deprived of her childhood. That is why her eyes look like the eyes of a grown woman who has "seen some shit".

When young girls are molested by adults, and demonically deprived of a protective father figure, they begin trying to attract male attention by offering their looks (body), because that is the only way they've ever received any male attention. This is the classic "girl with daddy issues" syndrome.

That is why this child wears whorish makeup and flaunted her body on the Internet to pedophiles.

Yes, you should begin praying.

Avenging the death of our platonic waifu?

Count me in.

Possible, but having a single mom will do that too. My point is there is no need to assume some dude she camwhored for knew she was a kid. I thought the toddler in the background was her kid.

Not white enough

Have you ever talked to a kid? Their age is almost the first thing you get out of them. Also, "I wanna fuck that pussy!" usually doesn't work on legal-age women with a bit of sophistication. That's pure pedo shit there.

He knew very well what he was doing, even if he thought she was 14. No way does she pass for 15 or older with that voice and (nearly) flat chest.

Waste of dubs, in my opinion.

muslims are going to prey on girls more and encourage them to suicide.

young people are constantly told not to be raciss so they have no idea that these people are dirty and dangerous.

How do you go about educating them?

Because two shitskins were involved in the death of a white child.

She repeatedly told her stream viewers she was 13.
keep cucking for sandnigger dick


For a board that can't reign in a pedophile ring with pages of wikileak documents on sure is fucking fired al up when dealing with garden variety daddy issue grill.

pics related from her (now deleted) instagram

link to instagram?

Learn to read, stupid nigger.

there should be an old link? it should be archived? or you're lying.

i've never talked to camwhores, but girls of all ages are pretty fucking dumb. Didn't know her chest was flat because I only watched safe videos but that also doesn't mean shit. I've known girls up to 25 with mosquito bites.

now this is much more pertinent then all the claims she made.


She said "tbh unashamed of being kin to him" why the hell does she support him then say she is ashamed to be related to him? And I really doubt they are related at all

Just when I was feeling sorry for her…

Spic / nigger / mulatto boyfriend.

They have a good sense for spotting damaged whities though.

All the paki rape gangs in the UK target girls from broken homes.

kys you ovenworthy degenerate

She was so desperate for acceptance that she acquiesced to that MSM parroting libtard. Remember she was a troubled 12yo girl who wanted a normal life, not a gun toting Holla Forumslack on a crusade for kek.

keep cucking out, faggot

Selection bias is at work here.

They target all the ones who look like they might be damaged, but only the really damaged ones respond to them.

thanks m8

TRS the post, did you (((forget))) about pizzagate already moishe?

did the nigger got convicted?

People on pol have been advocating for normal White living eschew of jewing.


Fuck off Muhammed.


Can't tell if you're fucking with us or not, but I have thought of this same concept. Holding a spirit in an electromagnetic field seems a little tricky. It may be easier, and better of an example, to keep the host body alive for as long as possible. At least then you have proof their reincarnation has been averted. Seeing a rotten and withered skeleton writhing in agony for decades would be a good deterrent as well.

S-stop user, turn back before its too late.

Translation: "Oy vey! This is very problematic when you do this to our children, and we should amass a personal army to destroy the filthy goyim who took away our very young jewish princess before should be birth a brood of new kikelets."

Not politics

This is some Amanda Todd normie tier retardation, OP

What a fucking kike. How about a national socialist state that gives them appropriately paid jobs?

This fucking degenerate could have had a perfect loli wife that would have loved him forever and their marriage would have lasted until death do them apart and he just fucked it all up. He's ruining lolis for everyone.

And just like her (Amanda) she'll eventually be forgotten and substituted by another poverty ridden tween with mommy and daddy issues.

they dead

Sounds more like an argument for child marriage, tbh fam.

can none of you faggots fucking read

What makes you think that happened right away? It just says that it happened, not when. This seems like an ongoing relationship.

She doesn't look 12 because our environment is overflowing with xenoestrogens, turning boys into fags and making girls go through puberty earlier and earlier.

I don't think you have ever had sex before. Your brain shuts down and you literally think with your dick, while her brain also shuts down and she thinks with her pussy. People say and do weird shit when they are fucking.


This is what the creepy pedo shills here mean when they talk about grooming and "red pilling" women when they are young.

Gas all pedos and weeaboos

Sure thing Rabbi Goonbergstein. More like: dead kikess on a rope.

they mean keeping them and preventing them from getting in the hands of niggers like the one from the story

Suicide saves them from the rope.

You are just a virgin who watches too many cartoons for kids and fantasizes about "protecting" young girls just like in your gay little animus. I bet you masturbate your microdick to fantasies of cuddling with her you cringy autist.

Thing is you are too beta and timid to do anything so those abused vulnerable kids get victimised by alphas and douchebags.

Regardless both of those predator types are bad and deserve the oven

if you let your enemies kill your friends, you win

People who want to rape or groom kids must be killed.

This girl would probably not even lay an eye on a beta defender here, no matter how vulnerable she was.


I am not interested in tucking kids you sick fuck

I'm a girl too everyone.

Christ, how did I post on the wrong channel that badly.


I love how Holla Forums has become cause oriented SJWs.


go back to Holla Forums.

Uh huh, of course not user, I totally believe you.

tfw have 16 yo loli GF tulpa


Just finished watching all the vids from the mega archive. She was into nigger culture and was a coalburner. Nothing of value was lost at all. This isn't the loli we were promised by Trumpu-san.

(I live in an area full of Amish)


We all know that feel bro.

Trust me, you do not want. They don't shave or bathe properly. But 17 or 18 year olds will get with a guy in their 40s. It's weird.

Castrate the fucker

ctrl+f dox
0 results


my suicide prevention was discovering nationalism and that we can achieve greater things than democracy (mob rule) and authoritarianism (submission to whoever is the trickiest liar)
I found that by living for children and everyone related to me, not just one degree removed but dozens, I can do much more. I feel like shit most of the time but that is irrelevant.

OP if you don't have dox, this is irrelevant.
Do you expect us to shed a tear?
YEAH IT IS FUCKING TRAGIC, have you seen the news for the last two years or so?

That doesn't sound odd to me. Women evolved to be attracted to men older than them, while men evolved to be attracted to women younger than them. This is because men who are older are clearly fit to survive the environment, and women who are young are still fertile and have the highest chances of producing viable offspring.

polite sage

This is the edgiest shit I've read on here in a while.